Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 11


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Butterflies were in my stomach as Coach Jones called our first practice to order.

"Welcome to State, Ladies. The first order of business today is to introduce you to your new coaches. I'm pleased to announce Michelle Tigrson will be joining our program as a full time assistant and will also serve as a dorm counselor. If you have any problems, her door is always open. Michelle was a two-time All Conference selection for the Tigers and spent this past season as a graduate assistant for her alma mater. This past summer she served as an assistant for the USA Junior European team. I believe Nancy already knows Coach Tigrson—don't you Nancy?"

Nancy had a surprised, but somewhat distressed look, and replied, "Yes."

Nancy made no bones about it as she nudged me, "I hate this fucking bitch! Maybe I should just walk out of here right now! Classes haven't started yet and I can go to Stanford!"

I said, "No! You go—I go... Let's talk with Jamie or Angie after practice."

Nancy replied, "NO! I'm leaving!"

I grabbed Nancy's arm, "Just let me handle it... If you go, I go." I remembered what Mickey told Coach Lewis at the Sugar Bowl when he wanted to take Tom out of the game.

Coach Jones continued while I was trying to calm Nancy down, "Ladies, my next assistant coach needs no introduction as she gave her heart and soul to this program for four years and through hard work and dedication, she became State's All Time leading scorer, a three-time All Conference selection and last season an All American. She was the captain of State's first ever 'Sweet Sixteen' team. This summer she served as the coach for State's summer league program and she also was instrumental in the Dragon's State Championship run this past season as she, along with this year's captain and All Conference point guard from last year's Sweet Sixteen team. Angie served as voluntary coaches for Coach Terry Stafford during the Final Four of the State Tournament. Jamie would you like to say anything to our team?"

Jamie took the floor, "This freshman class has the potential to be the best ever to walk through these doors. I'm here as your coach to push you to the limits, to work your sweet asses off, to help you become the best you can be on the court, in the classroom and in life. My dorm room is always open to any of you should you have any problems especially those problems that may affect your performance on the court. Remember, I've walked in your shoes. Our goal this season will not be to win the conference, but to make the Final Four!"

Coach Jones took the floor once again, "One last thing before we begin our road to the Final Four, many of you know Jamie personally, but she will be addressed as 'Coach Thomas' on this court, in the locker room or when she is giving you advise as your mentor. Does everyone understand?"

Coach was looking me straight in the eyes as I nodded my head 'yes' as I continued to try and calm Nancy down. Coach Jones had no idea what was going on in Nancy's mind.

Angie asked Coach, "Let me say something to my teammates before we begin practice.

Angie continued, "This summer I was pleased with the way Sue developed into a college player, and from what I've heard, Nancy did the same thing, but those two highly touted freshman aren't the only two of this class we're depending on—Donna, be prepared to work your sweet ass off because YOU are my project! And, Cathy, you'll be expected to pick up the slack when needed so there will be times this season, there could be four freshman joining me on the floor, so everyone needs to work hard every practice. Don't just give 100 percent, but strive to give 125 percent in practice every day. Forget your boyfriends, classes and any problems. Let it all hang out when you're on the court! This court, this game, is your sanctuary! Now let's get busy and join together in State's traditional huddle."

I looked Aggie straight in the eyes, "Teammate, we have a problem... a serious problem, apparently Nancy has some past problems with Coach Tigrson, and if Coach Tigrson isn't willing to work those problems out, whatever they may be, Nancy will transfer to Stanford. If she goes, I go..."

Coach Jones was stunned. Jamie and Angie, likewise, as Coach Tigrson immediately said, "Nancy, what happened in Europe will not affect your play at State. It's in the past. We're together for a common goal to make the Final Four, and I'll help you become the best you can be—just give me a chance is all I'm asking."

Nancy replied, "I don't believe you! I'm leaving," as she got up and headed toward the locker room.

I grabbed Nancy's arm, "NO! You can't go! I have nowhere else to go! I never applied anywhere else! Only University will give me a chance!"

Angie and Jamie grabbed Nancy, "Let's talk! You, Sue and us, no one else."

Nancy said, "No, I can't stay here," as she pulled away and headed toward the locker room.

Coach yelled out, "Everyone calm down, you all start warming up. Nancy, Sue, Angie, and Jamie see me in my office. Tigrson take control of the team."

Once inside his office, Coach said, "Nancy, I don't want you to leave because of Coach Tigrson. Absolutely nowhere in America will you have a better chance to win a National Championship than here at State with Sue, Angie, and the rest of this freshman class. I'll make you this promise, any problems you have—come directly to me."

Angie said, "Nancy, I'm the captain of this team, and if she tries to fuck you around in any way, let me know immediately. Trust me, you and Sue are more important to this program than Miss Tigrson—right Jamie, Coach?"

Jamie replied, "Yes! Coach did you check her out before you hired her?"

Coach replied, "Yes, she came highly recommended. Nancy, you and Sue just take this afternoon off, and we'll practice tomorrow. Jamie, maybe we should cancel today's practice."

Nancy was calming down, "No, don't cancel practice because of me. Just give me a few minutes to regroup and I'll be OK."

Angie said, "Coach, you and Jamie leave us alone, and as soon as Nancy has calmed down we'll join everyone on the floor."

Jamie and Coach left Coach Jones' office as Angie asked, "OK Nancy, what the fuck went on in Europe?"

Nancy replied, "She got upset because of Coach and me..."

Angie interrupted, "So this shit between you and Tigrson is over a fucking guy?"

Nancy nodded her head 'yes' as she said, "He was one of our coaches along with Tigrson. Both were graduate assistants last year with the Tigers and I didn't know it at the time, but apparently they were having an affair and he cut it off with Tigrson after we were in Europe maybe six weeks..."

Angie interrupted again, "So this guy then started fucking around with you and she got pissed—right?"

Nancy replied, "Yes. She threatened me, threatened to destroy me, called me a 'whore and a slut' and told me 'she'd ruin my basketball career, make damn sure I never played college basketball or USA Juniors again!'"

Nancy continued, "I don't trust her! She'll try and backstab me here at State!"

I now knew the guy whose cock was like a Campbell Soup can and longer than the biggest hot dog Nancy had ever seen.

Angie replied, "Don't worry about it, you've got me, Jamie, and Coach to make sure nothing happens. Now, let's hit the court and show the bitch she can't bother you!"

Nancy replied, "I'll try."

I said, "No Nancy, not try—you will!" I remembered what Tom always said to me when I questioned if I could accomplish something that seemed too difficult. Why did memories of Tom continue popping up in my mind?

Nancy and I joined the team on the court and after a short warmup, practice began.

Nancy and I were teamed with Angie along with Amy and Cindy. Nancy and I were ripping the nets at will, making seven straight baskets each as Coach Tigrson yelled at the defense, "Get tough, pressure those two, get in their face, shove shit down their throats! Run it again!"

We broke down the court again and as I pulled up and let fly a twenty- footer. The ball went in and out, my first missed shot after hitting seven straight baskets. Coach Thomas blew her whistle and yelled, "Time out! SUE GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS! Forget about your problems off this court! Concentrate on the fucking basket! Run it again!"

We continued to run our offense all practice long. Every time we failed to make a basket, we re-ran the same offensive set. It was brutal!

Practice finally ended. Now it was time for conditioning! We ran lines until we all were about to drop! Angie was pushing us to run faster harder, as she yelled, "Pretend you're begging for your boyfriend's hard cock—faster, harder." I'd never experienced anything like this! The 'honeymoon' was over for the freshman recruits! Welcome to State!

We finally retired to the 'safe haven' of our locker room, exhausted as we took off our sweat-soaked uniforms and showered. Coach Tigrson approached Nancy and I as we finished dressing, "Forget Europe Nancy. Not bad for a first practice, but both of you have lots of work to do before the season starts and I'm here to push you both to the limits—to be the best you can be, just give me a chance."

I looked at Nancy, "Damn, didn't we only miss two shots each?"

Nancy laughed, "I think so I was so damn tired I just wanted this to end!"

We left the field house and as Donna, Cathy, Nancy, and I walked toward the dorm we heard the coaches yelling from the practice field at the guys, "Get the lead out, you motherfuckers are shit. Fuck, you can't beat anybody."

Donna said, "Billy is so glad this is almost over! Tonight they're having some sort of initiation for the freshman who survived pre-season practice. Billy told me fifteen freshman quit the team during pre-season practices. Most of them slipped out of the dorm in the middle of the night!"

Donna continued, "Just think, our practice was only one afternoon. These guys have been doing this shit all day long for eleven days now!"

Cathy laughed, "Damn, I'm so fucking tired I don't think I could get an orgasm, even if Jimmy ate me out!"

We were all laughing as we entered the dining hall for dinner.

Jamie and Angie approached us, Jamie grinned at Nancy and me, "Y'all did great today, but we've got to keep it up! I intend to push you both so hard you'll hate 'Coach Thomas,' but when it's all over, you'll love me! You both can be the best to ever walk through these doors!"

Jamie looked Nancy in the eyes, "Forget Europe, you're part of us and nobody, absolutely nobody, is going to fuck with you. Coach will fire her ass in a heartbeat if she tries anything. She'll be the one that is destroyed, not you—she'll never coach again."

Angie smiled, "Donna, I'm proud of you, but this was just the beginning, before our first game you'll be the second best defensive player on this team!"

Angie looked at Cathy, "Keep up the hard work! We're depending on you to pick up the slack on both sides of the court! You and Donna will play a big part in our drive toward the Final Four!"

Angie continued, "Now tonight we'll have our first sorority meeting remember what I told y'all yesterday. Don't let them get under your skin. Throw it right back in their face!"

Donna asked, "Will everyone be called on tonight?"

Angie replied, "No, they'll pick names out of bowl and then questions out of another bowl, but the chairperson can do what she wants when it comes to the questions. They'll probably only call one or two a night—depends on how personal they get."

Jamie giggled, "Y'all listen to Angie, when they tried to embarrass and harass her, she fired right back at them! They didn't know what to do and it was riot!"

I chuckled, "What'd you do Angie?"

Angie was laughing, "Well they ask me how it felt to suck a dick for the first time, so I told'm how to do it! When I got to the part where he is about to cum, I really laid it on thick... I told'm, 'you better swallow as fast as you can or his cum will drown you.' After I finished I asked them, 'Y'all ever sucked a dick before'? The place went wild!!"

Donna gasped, "Oh my God, they ask questions like that?"

Jamie laughed, "Yes and a lot more!"

We all dressed casually, most of us in sweat shirts and gym shorts, and entered the lounge after dinner for our first sorority meeting. All the freshman athletes sat together in a group, and as we were taking our seats a knockout gorgeous blonde, dressed in a pair of black slacks and loose fitting white blouse, approached us, "Hi Donna, you remember me? I'm Misti. I met you during the recruiting weekend."

Donna replied, "Yes. You were the soccer and track recruit—weren't you?"

Misti replied, "Yes. Are y'all nervous about this initiation? I've heard it can get really rough and I'm scared."

Donna replied, "Yes, I'm nervous, I really don't want to be here!"

Misti asked, "Is it okay if I sit with y'all?"

We all replied, "Sure, no problem!"

Donna said, "Let me introduce you to everyone. We're all basketball players, Sue, Nancy, and Cathy."

Misti laughed, "I remember Sue from recruiting weekend when that graduate assistant coach failed to introduce her and Coach Jones took over and introduced her as 'the next Jamie Thomas.'

"Sue, my brother Bobby is a teammate of your boyfriend, Tom Sanders."

I replied, "Misti, we're not together anymore. We broke up about two weeks ago."

Misti replied, "Oh, I'm sorry. My brother told me 'you and Tom were going to get engaged at the end of the summer.' I didn't know."

I didn't answer Misti, as Shannon, a softball player and chairperson, called the meeting to order.

"Welcome Ladies! Tonight we begin the task of initiating you fine young Ladies into the best sorority on campus, the 'Ladies Athletic Sorority.' You'll be asked either one or two questions and each of you will be required to answer truthfully. The Committee, upper class sorority members, along with honorary members present, will judge your answers truthful or not. If truthful, you'll be admitted into our sorority. If untruthful, you'll face the consequences of lying to the Committee. The consequences will be severe! They can range from the Committee watching you give a blow job, a hand job, having sex with your boyfriend, and if you don't have a boyfriend using a toy or having a member use a toy maybe even getting 'gang banged' if the lie is determined to be insult to this Committee, to our sorority, but that's only happened once about six years ago. So be truthful with your answers!"

Misti whispered to Donna, "Oh my fucking God!"

Shannon grinned as she reached into the bowl and pulled out the first name and shouted, "Misti."

Misti looked stunned and white as a ghost and she didn't move.

Shannon shouted again, "Misti, you're first up!"

Misti slowly got up and approached the committee. Shannon said, "Misti introduce yourself to the committee."

Misti responded, "I'm Misti from Hickman. In high school I was a cheerleader, tennis player, captain of the soccer team, and girl's track squad. I was a Homecoming Football Queen attendant, Soccer, Tennis, Track, and Annual Queen.

"I won the State Championship in the 60 and 200 meters. I was selected All State in soccer and track and All Conference in tennis. I was a quarter finalist in singles on the tennis court.

"I was Valedictorian with a 4.0 G.P.A., State and National Honor Societies all four years, and I made perfect scores on my ACT and SAT college entrance exams. I plan to major in Pre-Med. I'm attending State on soccer and track scholarships with an academic scholarship to provide for personal living expenses."

Nancy nudged me, "What a catch for some lucky guy, huh? Knockout gorgeous, smart, athletic, great figure, and I'll bet you 100-1 she's still got her cherry!"

Lorine a committee member said, "Misti tell us about your parents."

Misti replied, "Dad is an Independent Insurance agent and owns his own agency, while Mom is a Real Estate broker and owns her own firm. Both my parents graduated from State with MBA's, Masters in Business Administration."

Shannon said, "Thanks. Now let's get down to business," as she pulled out the first question for Misti, 'When did you give your boyfriend his first blow job?'

Donna whispered, "Oh shit, Sue, I don't want to be here!"

Cathy said, "Relax, Donna!"

Misti replied, "I've never given a blow job."

Shannon questioned, "OK, then tell us about the first time you jacked him off."

Misti replied, "I've never jacked a guy off, in fact I've never even French kissed a guy!"

The room was silent as I remembered the first time I ever French kissed a guy—it was Tom the night before our first date the summer before my senior year in high school.

Lorine looked puzzled, "Misti, do you expect this committee to believe a knockout like you, has never French kissed a guy?"

Misti's voice was trembling as she spoke with tears in her eyes, "I haven't! All the guys in Hickman were afraid to take me out, so I've never really had a boyfriend, someone I could get intimate with, and French kiss and be a girl with... You know what I mean?"

I felt sorry for Misti as I remembered how it was before I met Tom. Never having a real boyfriend always having to settle for 'left overs, second best' just to go to the prom.

Shannon asked, "Misti, why would guys be afraid to take you out—this makes no sense at all!"

Misti replied, "I have a big brother, Bobby and he threatened to kick anyone's ass who messed with me. Y'all may know him, Bobby Cravitz, he's a senior three-year letterman and All Conference offensive tackle for State."

Shannon said, "Okay. Let me ask you an alternative question, "Have you ever played with your clit? If so, when?"

Misti sighed, "Yes, one time. The night of State's recruiting weekend."

Shannon said, "OK, now we're getting somewhere! Tell us about it!"

Misti mumbled, "All right. I saw this guy, a football player, my brother introduced me to him, a real stud and when I got back to the dorm room after the basketball game, I couldn't keep my mind off him and I started to get wet just thinking about him, so for the first time in my life I started gently rubbing my clitoris, slowly at first in small tiny circles. I was fantasizing about this guy while I rubbed my clit side to side, up and down. I felt my clit swelling and throbbing as I rubbed it faster and faster, I was twisting and squirming my hips, I felt this tingling fluttering sensation I never had felt before building up with intensity in my stomach, I was dripping wet and then like a big sneeze building, you know ahh... aaahhhh... and then a sudden chhooooo... followed by an amazing intense throbbing in my clit, lasting just few seconds as the intense sensation slowly vanished.

"I just relaxed all over and fell to sleep with a smile on my face."

Shannon questioned, "OK Misti, I believe you are telling the truth. But, I have to ask, who was this guy that prompted you to 'get yourself off' for the first time? Do you plan on seeking him out during the school year for a taste of the real thing—his hard cock?"

Misti looking embarrassed replied, "It was Tom Sanders. Tom has a girlfriend, in fact, they were close to being engaged this summer, but they ran into some hard times, but I suspect they'll get back together. I only can hope, during this year I can find a boyfriend that I can be intimate with and a have a true relationship built on love, trust, and devotion."

Shannon smiled, "Okay let's vote, should Misti be voted in to the Sorority?"

The committee and the members of the Ladies Athletic Sorority voted, "YES!"

Shannon then addressed Misti, "You have been voted into the Sorority, but as chairperson I'm attaching a condition, you will be required to ring this bell at our meetings when some lucky guy picks your cherry and tell us all the details! Agreed?"