Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 11


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The auditorium erupted in cats calls and whistles as Professor Wilburn continued laughing, "Before Tom left the podium I had four tickets to State's opening game of the season and now Tom is not only one of my all-time favorite student athletes, but captain of the team, right Mr. Gibby?"

I had to smile as I realized this was the exact class and auditorium where Tom met Angie. I quickly shook the cobwebs out of my head. Why was I even thinking about Tom? We weren't together anymore.

Sammy grinned, "Mr. Teacher, all them there babes sitting next to me is roundballers, don't know if they can play any ball, but in a beauty contest bet State would be a Final Four!

Sammy was now on a roll, "Y'all want to meet them there babes?"

The class whistled and whooped and Professor Wilburn just sighed, "OK, then will you please take your seat Mr. Gibby so we can continue class?"

Sammy yelled, "Stand up Luke." Billy was laughing as he stood up as Sammy said, "Everyone this is Luke. He's a QB and Luke gotta be redshirted this here year, not because he ain't any good, but because Coach don't want to waste a year because BW, he's our quarterback this year, will most like'n to go into the bigs after next year. So Luke will be our QB for three years when we win another National Championship!

The class cheered and clapped at Sammy's remark!

Sammy continued, "That there babe next to Luke is his girlfriend, Donna. She's a roundballer and next to her is Cathy, she's another roundballer, and next to her is her feller, Jimmy. I don't know what's he plays, as Sammy yelled, "What's you play Jimmy?"

Jimmy was laughing, "I'm a wrestler, Sammy."

Sammy sighed, "Next, we have the two babes that caused all the trouble, both of them are roundballers, Nancy Lou and Susie Q and I don't know who that might be sitting in my seat."

Wendy was laughing, "I'm Wendy, and I'm a basketball player too. Sue was saving this seat for me before you stumbled in here and flopped your butt down in it!"

The class cheered, whistled, and clapped at Wendy's remark to Sammy!

Sammy grinned, "Another babe that plays roundball, what'd I tell you Mr. Teacher—some real babes! Huh?"

Professor Wilburn smiled, "Now Mr. Gibby, will you please take your seat so I can continue with class?"

Sammy started to leave the podium when he suddenly stopped, "Mr. Teacher, I really feel bad about causing trouble in this here class, so I was wondering if I gave you my four player tickets for this here season would we like maybe call it even? You know no hard feelings?"

Professor Wilburn replied, "Son, I can't take your season tickets. I do have a couple faculty tickets for most games, but not enough for all my family to go, but son there's no hard feelings.

Professor Wilburn continued, "What about your family, son? Won't they be proud to see their boy play for State? Very few true freshmen ever get the opportunity to play for Coach Lewis."

Sammy stuttered, "Mr. Teacher, ain't no one has ever called me 'son' before. You see, Mr. Teacher, I was left on the door steps of an orphanage when I was a baby. I ain't never had a mommy's arms to hold me when I cried, ain't never been any mommy's kisses or daddy's smiles, you see Mr. Teacher, I ain't nobody's child."

The auditorium was dead silent as Sammy continued, "Mr. Teacher, when I was just a kid, people would come to the orphanage from all around and take children home to be their own. I was always cleaned up, standing proud in my little suit, with my hair combed hoping, waiting when someone would take me to be their own, but they always seemed to pass me by and leave me all alone. I know they liked me, but when they were told, 'I would be a challenge, I was like kinda of mentally, developmentally delayed,' well, I was always left behind. As time went on and I grew older, I finally realized I was like an ol' mangy coyote just running wild, nobody wanted me, I was... and never would be... 'Anybody's child.'"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to Sammy describing his childhood in the orphanage, realizing how 'lucky' I was to have a Mom and Dad that loved me so much even though we were poor, I was blessed by the love of my parents. In a different sort of way, Sammy and I were much alike, without athletics neither of us would be attending State.

My mind was spinning like a top, realizing I wouldn't be sitting in this seat if it hadn't been for Tom pushing Coach Jones, threatening to get him fired if he didn't give me a tryout. State would have never known I existed without Tom. I shook the cobwebs out of my head once again, why were memories of Tom still haunting me?

I listened as Sammy continued, "When I got into high school on Friday nights under the stadium lights, I was 'somebody' for the first time in my life, but come Saturday when I was back in the orphanage, I was nobody's child again.

"Even though I was a great player on Friday nights, none of the cheerleaders or other girls never gave me a smile or a 'good luck' hug. I never got to go to a Homecoming dance, or to our Prom, not even to our football banquet. I was never invited to spend a weekend with the other guys on the team, sometimes it got so lonely in the orphanage, I wish I could have died," as Sammy wiped tears from his eyes.

"I ain't never had anyone that believed in me, make'n me feel like I belonged, you know like I was somebody, until last year when I comed to State for one of them there recruit visits and met Tom Sanders. Tom took me under his wing make'n me feel like I was somebody. You see Mr. Teacher, Tom Sanders and me well... we're kinda alike. Tom was shunned by all the other kids too, becausin he was Native and Italian. They poked and made fun of him calling him a half breed, but Tommaso Diablo Sanders fought back. Tom never gave up and lived up to his Native name of a 'warrior and chief' and that's what it is I'm gonna do too! I told them there coaches right then and there I'd be coming to plays for them before I left that there day.

"You see Mr. Teacher, Tom Sanders is like the daddy or big brother I ain't never had, State's football dorm is the home I ain't never had, and my teammates is the family I ain't never had, and now, just like all the other kids, there's a home for me."

We were all in tears as Sammy continued, "That's why it's important to me to do what's right and give you my season tickets. So please let's make it even and you take my tickets."

Professor Wilburn, with a lump in his throat, said, "Son, I'll be honored to take your tickets and wear your jersey every game and on Parents Day, my family and I will stand tall and proud beside your side as you are introduced to the crowd.

Professor Wilburn wiped his eyes as he announced, "Class is dismissed!"

I doubt there was a dry eye in the auditorium. As Sammy returned to his seat to pick up his things, I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I gave Sammy a big hug, a peck on the cheek, and whispered 'Good luck this season,' in his ear.

Sammy smiled, "Thanks Susie Q, you is one special girl, just like Tom told me last night," as he left the auditorium.

I went to Biology with Donna and Nancy, and after Biology while walking to my next class, my mind drifted back to when Ma told me, 'Tom's Dad and I had some real heated discussions when we were picking a name for Tom. I wanted Italian so we both agreed on 'Tommaso,' after my Dad. Tom's Dad, Taza, wanted 'Geronimo,' but after a few rowdy sessions in the bedroom, I won out! We ended up agreeing on 'Diablo,' which meant, 'warrior and chief' in Apache.' I shook my head, 'why' was I even thinking about Tom and his Italian and Native names. What difference did it make as I entered the History building.

I finished the morning with U.S. History, returned to my dorm room, and went to the dining hall for lunch at 1:00 PM. Angie was sitting alone, so I sat down beside her, "Bet you'll never guess what happened in Professor Wilburn's class this morning?"

Angie replied, "I've already heard about it. News travel fast among our athletic sorority and fraternity. Sure sounded pretty emotional about 'Gibby,' but Billy and Tom-boy had already told me about 'Gibby' and his past, living in the orphanage all his life."

Angie smiled, "God, it brought back memories of when I met Tom-boy, and he approached Wilburn. I was so embarrassed, but I gave him a note with my phone number when he returned to his seat. Did I ever tell you I ditched my old flame from high school and Tom-boy and I had our first date that night?"

I laughed, "Yes."

Angie sighed, "We fucked a week later! Damn, the biggest mistake I've ever made was ditching Tom-boy for John after we'd been together for four and a half months! I was just a dumbass freshman, chasing a cock and didn't realize what I had until he was gone. Like I told you back in December, 'I still regret breaking it off with Tom-boy,' and if we hadn't become close friends, like a brother and sister, mentors to each other, honey, I'd be all over him again. I still can't believe when John ditched me for a shot at Jenny, I didn't run back into Tom-boy's arms, if I had honey, trust me, you'd never have got the chance." Angie paused as she wiped her eyes.

"By the way, have you talked with Tom-boy yet?"

I replied, "Not yet."

Angie smiled, "He'll be calling either tonight after practice or tomorrow. A little bird told me, 'he has your class schedule.' You just remember how I fucked up and how I feel now and what was it that University cheerleader told you, 'Don't make the same mistake I made.' I'm telling you the same thing.

"Remember, you've got an assignment in our sorority meeting tonight!"

I laughed, "I know!"

Angie left the table, "Catch you at practice!"

I returned to my dorm room and the phone rang, I answered, "Sue and Nancy's place."

A familiar voice replied, "So, how is your first official day at State going?"

I hastily snapped at Tom, "OK, I guess."

Tom replied, "I heard from Jamie and Angie you did great in practice yesterday, really ripped those nets."

I sarcastically replied, "I guess."

Tom asked, "After practice tonight, you want to go out to dinner? Just the two of us so we can talk and get things worked out."

I hastily replied, "No, I have a sorority meeting. I'll just eat in the dining hall."

Tom replied, "OK. How about Saturday night after I get out of practice and film study?"

I replied, "I... I already have plans."

Tom continued, "Already got a hot date, huh?"

I said, "No. I'm going home to see Mom and Dad and ride Dusty. Tom, I've got to go," as I hung up the phone.

Nancy walked in our room as I was hanging up abruptly with Tom, "Who called?"

I replied, "Tom. He wanted to go out tonight or Saturday night, I turned him down. I made up the excuse I was going home this weekend."

Nancy sighed, "You knew he was going to be calling sooner or later. Why don't you just tell him, 'It's over and done, finished,' and you've moved on and already have asked John to Homecoming?"

I didn't answer Nancy and said, "We've got a rough practice this afternoon, so let's get focused, OK?"

Nancy smiled, "OK, but sooner or later, you'll have to come face to face with Tom, and then what are you going to do?"

I didn't answer Nancy again as I gathered my things, put them in my gym bag and walked out of our dorm room.

Practice was brutal again—it was two-and-a-half hours of hell on earth! 'Coach Thomas' continued to ride Nancy and me, like we couldn't do anything right! Coach Thomas yelled, "Run the damn set again! We'll be here all night if we have to!"

Angie kept pushing us to the limits, "We'll never make the Final Four playing like this! Come on Sue, you and Nancy get your heads out of your asses!"

Coach Tigrson continued to ride Donna and Cathy like Coach Thomas and Angie were doing Nancy and me, "Come on... both of you get the lead out, run it again! We'll run that set until its perfect, now run it again!"

Coach Jones called us together just before our conditioning segment of practice, "Ladies, I see we're beginning to make some progress, but we're a long way from becoming a Final Four team. Sue and Nancy, I want both of you to report thirty minutes early tomorrow for practice as Coach Thomas and Coach Tigrson will be working with you both on some new offensive sets we've been discussing as a staff.

"Angie, I want Donna, Cathy, and Wendy to report early too. You take control of those three, and fine tune their techniques.

"Coach Thomas and Coach Tigrson take over the team's conditioning. If we aren't in condition, we can't compete with the likes of the Bears, Irish, or Huskies."

Coach Thomas and Coach Tigrson had us run lines until we were about to collapse from exhaustion.

Practice finally came to an end, and as we sat exhausted in front of our lockers, Jamie approached Nancy and me, "Y'all are doing great, just keep working your sweet asses off! Bet y'all are hating 'Coach Thomas' about now, huh?"

I slowly raised my head as I said, "Right now, I hate the fucking bitch!"

Jamie laughed, "Guess 'Coach Thomas' is doing her job! Now both of you get showered and dressed. We've got our sorority meeting tonight and I want to hear all about Tom ramming his cock up your ass!"

Nancy finally laughed, "I do too, Coach Thomas!"

Shannon called our second sorority meeting to order and announced, "First up tonight is Susanna or Sue. Please come forward and introduce yourself to the Committee."

I laughed as I approached the committee in my cut off 'Daisy Dukes,' State basketball T-shirt and sandals.

I replied, "Hi everyone, I'm Sue, I graduated from Dragon High, along with Cathy and Donna.

"I was Salutatorian with a 3.85 G.P.A., Student Council President, Class Vice President, State and National Honor Society, Senior Prom Queen, Basketball Queen, and Homecoming Queen Finalist.

"In athletics, I played basketball since the seventh grade and was All District my Junior and senior years.

"My senior year, I was captain of our undefeated State Championship team, District MVP, First team All State, First Team Area 2, Area 2 MVP, State Tournament MVP, and State Tournament First Team selection. I finished second in the State in scoring behind my roommate and was selected as one of the top three recruits in the State!" I turned and smiled at Nancy as she gave me a 'thumbs up!'

"I love barrel racing and horseback riding. I raised my horse, Dusty, on a bottle when he was a colt and together we set the arena record for barrel racing. I was Round-Up Queen the summer before my senior year. I declined an offer by the Round-Up Club to represent Dragon in the State Rodeo Tournament—seems like I was pre-occupied that summer with some State football player!

"I'm attending State on a full basketball scholarship and I also have an academic scholarship which provides for personal living expenses.

"I'm undecided about my major. I had planned on going to Law school after graduation, but I'm not so sure if I want to pursue Law school now."

Shannon replied, "Whew, quite a resume Sue! Just curious, why did you choose State? I'm sure you have many other scholarship offers."

I replied, "Not really. My boyfriend arranged a try out for me with Coach Jones and I was given a scholarship by State after my try out."

Lorine questioned, "That really seems hard to believe, you just came out of nowhere with those type of credentials?"

I answered, "Dragon is a small school system and community located between two larger communities, Baytown and Henderson. Baytown and Henderson's school Districts are approximately two, maybe three times larger than Dragon and before this past season no Lady Dragon had ever been given a scholarship to an NCAA school. Dragon didn't have game tapes and the only way to get a scholarship and a chance to play college basketball was through a try out or the coaches see you play in the State Tournament's Final Four. Dragon had never been past the Bi-District in the State tournament. I was lucky and it opened the door for Cathy and Donna to join me at State."

Jamie interrupted, "Lucky my ass! The show you put on in Friday's practice and Saturday's scrimmage was unbelievable! You had the entire coaching staff scratching their heads wondering 'where did she come from' right Angie? What'd she make something like fifty points?"

Angie laughed, "She made nine straight baskets, so Coach put me guarding her and what the hell did she do? Made either three or four more shots with me guarding her, trying to shove the ball down her throat! But we all had to teach her a few things, didn't we Jamie?"

Jamie laughed, "Yes she was oblivious to the 'finer things' in life!"

Shannon laughed, "OK, both of you have my curiosity up, what did y'all teach her?"

Angie giggled, "Oh just about teasing the fraternity brotherhood with some glimpses of boobs, maybe a beaver shot or two, you know, flashing the Frat Rats!

"We gave her some pointers on how to fuck her boyfriend, you know—Cowgirl, Reverse Cowgirl, the tight squeeze, wrapping those sexy legs of hers around a guy's ass while locking her ankles... kinda of a leg lock and a little bit of how to pussy grip a cock and a few more sexy techniques!

"A coed from Central named Sally had taught her the basics, but after me and Jamie got through tutoring her, Sue became a fucking machine before she graduated from high school! Just ask her ol' boyfriend, Tom-boy!"

The lounge erupted in a series of howls and cat calls as I hid my face in my hands.

Shannon laughed, "OK, Sue just curious, are you Italian and what—about 5'9"?"

I replied, "Yes, I'm Italian and 5'10"."

Shannon smiled, "I can definitely see why any guy would want to stick his cock in you with those sexy legs, very, very nice rack and don't take this the wrong way, but you do have one sweet ass! Enlighten the Committee about your anal sexual experiences!"

Lorine added, "I want to know everything, who, when, where, and why you wanted a cock in your ass to what if felt like when he unloaded in your ass!"

I sighed, "OK, but don't expect me to 'moon' y'all like Cathy flashing her 36Cs around!"

The lounge erupted in laughter and cat calls as everyone cheered and clapped.

"I've only been fucked in the ass twice, the first time was in New Orleans the night after our tit show on Bourbon Street.

"Tom and I had went out for dinner with his parents, and after dinner I served up some 'room service' in my Monteleone hotel room.

"I'd told Tom earlier, 'tonight I was going to give him his Christmas present,' and once inside my room I asked Tom, 'Ready for your Christmas present?'

"Tom replied, 'What do you have for me babe?'

"I grinned, 'How about a piece of ass!'

"Tom looked startled as he replied, 'Seriously, a piece of your sweet ass?'

"I smiled as I replied, 'Yep, after you doggie me!'

"Tom sighed, 'Oh fuck yes! I've wanted a piece of your sweet ass ever since we did a doggie that first time, but was kinda of afraid—well, you know push the issue.'

"I grinned at Tom, 'Well tonight babe—it's your Christmas present! Just be easy with me—don't hurt me like John did Debbie.'"

Shannon interrupted me, "So Tom hadn't pushed you for a piece of ass?"

I laughed, "No, but Debbie, my 'Best Friend Forever,' had been pushing me to get fucked in the ass since John fucked her in the ass the Friday after Thanksgiving.

"Debbie described her first anal experience to me as not too pleasant as John lubed up his cock and after several attempts he just rammed his cock up her ass without any warning and it hurt like hell."

I was laughing, "Debbie told me she was saying 'Hail Mary's' the entire time and couldn't wait for John to cum so it'd be over, but toward the end just as he unloaded inside her ass she told him, 'Don't stop.' Debbie and John kept doing anal and eventually, Debbie loved it, so she convinced me in New Orleans to let Tom fuck me in the ass."