Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 11


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Misti blew a sigh of relief, "Agreed."

Misti took her seat next to Donna and I smiled at her, "No hard feelings Misti. Tom was and still is a special guy to the right girl but Tom and me may have wounds to deep to heal."

Shannon pulled another name out of the bowl, "Cathy."

Cathy laughed, "Oh shit," as she got up from her seat and walked toward the Committee dressed in her sweat shirt, gym shorts, and sandals.

Shannon said, "Cathy introduce yourself to the Committee."

Cathy replied, "I'm Cathy, I graduated third in my class from Dragon High with a 3.77 G.P.A., State and National Honor Society, Homecoming Queen, Basketball Queen attendant, Senior Prom Queen Attendant, Student Council and Senior Class Secretary.

"Let me see, in basketball as a senior, I was First Team All District, First Team All Area 2, Second Team All State Tournament and Third Team All State. I'm attending State on basketball and academic scholarships. I plan to major in education.

"Oh yea, my boyfriend is Jimmy, we were high school sweethearts and he's also attending State on a wrestling scholarship. Both of us had full rides to Central but we decided to come to State so we could be together with our classmates, Donna, Sue, and Debbie. Sue, Donna, and I played basketball together since the 7th grade, and along with Debbie, a cheerleader, we were all best friends since grade school. Debbie made cheerleader here at State, but at the last minute she switched to University where she'll be a cheerleader this year.

"I guess there is one last thing y'all need to know, Jimmy busted my cherry December 10th—it was the first time for both of us. We climaxed together and we've been fucking ever since! Y'all want to know anything else?"

Lorine laughing, "Cathy tell us about your parents."

Cathy replied, "Dad and Mom are both educators and met at Central while in graduate school. They got married after receiving their M.Ed.'s. I was born about two years later. Dad received his Ph. D. from Western State three years after I came along while teaching at Western Heights. Dad is the Superintendent of schools in Henderson while Mom is a junior high principal in Dragon."

Lorine asked, "Any brothers or sisters? Hobbies outside of basketball?"

Cathy laughed, "No, I'm an only child. Hobbies? Guess I never thought about it that way, but I do like fucking my boyfriend, Jimmy, especially when he goes bareback! Anything else y'all want to know?"

Shannon smiled, "No, from the sounds of it we might have a 'live wire' this go around," as she pulled out Cathy's question, 'Tell us about your first time to Flash and any other flashing experiences.'

Cathy glanced toward Angie and Jamie, "I don't know what you mean by 'flash?'"

Shannon replied, "Shit, it's like showing yourself in public, not to your boyfriend in private, but to strangers—do you understand?"

Cathy with a shit eating grin said, "Oh like this," as she raised her sweatshirt and started shakin' her 36Cs in the direction of the Committee!

Cathy's boobs were jump'n and sway'n as she continued shakin' them in the Committee members' faces, and as she lowered her sweatshirt she asked, "Hey, where are my beads!"

The lounge howled with laughter and everyone started cheering and clapping as Angie yelled out, "You rock girl!"

Lorine finally spoke, "Well, Cathy, that was quite the introduction, now answer the question!"

Cathy laughed, "It was Sugar Bowl week in New Orleans, December 29th I think. Anyway, there were ten of us in Angie's contest to see who could get the most beads—Angie, Cindy, Jamie, Jenny, Beth, Lois, Sue, Debbie, Sally, and me. Donna came along but she didn't play. We never told our boyfriends what we were up to except, 'it was girl's night out,' so Jimmy, John, Steve, and Billy were told 'to take a hike' for the evening.

"We were loaded with some real boobs for the tit show on Bourbon Street! Help me out y'all, we had me and Jamie's 36Cs, Sally and Jenny's 38Cs, Sue, Angie 34Ds and maybe Beth 34s, Debbie's 36Ds, I think Cindy and Lois 40s... right y'all?"

Angie shouted out, "You hit the nail on the head teammate! Rock on!"

Cathy continued, "Most of us started the contest at 8:00PM but Jenny and Sue ran a couple hours late, seems they both had to provide some 'room service' for their football-playing boyfriends, Mickey and Tom!

"Sue, didn't Tom get his first piece of your 'sweet ass' that night for his Christmas present or was it the night before?"

I buried my hands in my face and muttered, "It was the night after our tit show!"

Nancy was giggling, "No shit roommate, Tom fucked you in the ass?"

I kept my face buried in my hands and muttered, "Yes, twice!"

The lounge erupted in cat calls and whistles as Shannon said, "Maybe Sue will enlighten us on her anal sexual pleasures when it's her turn!"

Lorine laughed, "Carry on Cathy, I'm wanting to hear about this contest! So, what was the winner going to get?"

Cathy laughed, "Whoever had the most beads got ALL the beads!"

Cathy continued, "We cruised up and down Bourbon 'Showing Our Tits' till 2:20 in the morning! We had enough beads around our necks to fill a wheelbarrow! I guess, Angie, Debbie, and Sue had the most then it was pretty much equally divided. We were heading back to the Monteleone when the guys finally caught up with us. They about shit their pants when they saw all the beads around our necks!

"I guess it was about ten minutes later when we were all laughing about the 'tit show' we'd put on as we passed under a balcony of guys still partying and going strong when they yelled, 'Show Your Tits!' Angie yelled back, 'How many beads y'all got?' They held up a bucket full and Angie yelled, 'We'll show our tits, just empty that bucket!'

"The guys yelled and hollered, 'Show Your Tits!'

"All ten of us raised our sweatshirts showing our tits and gave'm a fantastic tit show as we all were shakin' while our cheerleader friends, Sally, Debbie, Jenny, Beth, and Lois were shakin' and booty rolling!

"The guys yelled, 'More—we want more!'

"Angie yelled back, 'Dump the damned bucket!'

"The guys dumped the bucket of beads and we gave'm another tit show just like the first! They went berserk clapping and cheering as we picked up our beads, laughing all the while. Angie yelled, 'You guys want a free one?'

"Cathy was laughing, "The guys yelled, whooped and hollered as they clapped and cheered, 'One more time! Please one more time!' So we gave'm one last tit show just like this," as she once again raised her sweatshirt and started shakin' her boobs in the direction of the Committee! Cathy's tits swung like pendulums as she did a sexy booty roll! On a scale of 1-10 it'd been at least a 9-1/2!"

I giggled, "Nancy, not bad for a basketball player, huh?"

The lounge once again erupted in applause and cheers of, 'You rock Cathy!'

Cathy continued laughing as she said, "New Year's Day before the Sugar Bowl as we were waiting for the Superdome to open the gates, two or three, can't remember, guys wearing Lion blue sweat shirts approached us, chanting, 'Show Your Tits.' Angie shouted back, 'Y'all ain't got enough beads!'

"All the guys were laughing as one finally spoke, "Y'all put on THE BEST TIT SHOW OF THE WEEK!

"We all just laughed as we entered the Superdome."

Shannon replied, "Whew. Now that was some flashing experience! But, who won the contest and got all the beads?"

Cathy grinned, "No one! We all kept our beads!"

Lorine asked, "OK. Now have you ever had any other flashing experiences?"

Cathy grinned, "Maybe, but I'm not for sure."

Shannon questioned, "Maybe? What do you mean, maybe?"

Cathy was laughing, "Well, didn't you just tell me 'flashing was showing yourself in public to strangers?' I'd only done that the one time before tonight."

Shannon asked, "So have you flashed to others that weren't strangers?"

Cathy smiled as she turned and looked at Donna and me, "Well kinda, sorta, Prom night at our after party!"

Donna spoke out, "Oh My Gosh, Cathy don't you dare..."

Shannon interrupted Donna, "Hmm... sounds like there may have a little 'hanky-panky' going on between friends at the after party! I for one want to hear about it!"

Angie spoke out, "Wait a minute Lewis, seems she has already answered the question as the Committee asked, Prom and Prom after parties are different questions."

Shannon replied, "You're right Angie. Cathy, I'll rephrase the second part to your question, "Tell us about any other flashing experiences you may have experienced either with strangers or amongst friends including the after party Prom night!"

Cathy laughed, "OK, but trust me. Y'all might just get wet!"

The lounge howled as Donna buried her face in her hands, "Oh My Gosh!"

I giggled at Nancy, "Roommate be prepared to get wet!"

Cathy laughed, "Where do y'all want me to start?"

Lorine promptly said, "From the beginning! Prom to the after party and include everything!"

Cathy sighed, "OK, you asked for it!

"The Junior-Senior Prom at Dragon High was always the first Saturday night in May, but this year the junior class sponsors led by Henry Meoff decided to change Prom to Friday night, April 27th. The Senior class, led by our President, Donna Logan objected, so Dragon High had two Proms, one for the Junior Class on April 27th, so Mr. Meoff's son, Jack, could attend his individual science fair on May 5th, and one for the Senior Class in Dragon tradition on Saturday, May 5th. The Senior Class Prom was open to any member of the junior class who didn't attend Jack Meoff's Junior Prom on April 27th. Sixteen members of the junior class attended Jack Meoff's Junior Prom on April 27th, and were treated with a collection of 45 RPMs featuring music from the Lawrence Welk Show. The banquet dinner featured either hot dogs or ham and cheese sandwiches, along with Lipton iced tea and chocolate cupcakes for dessert! The dinner and dance was held at the Teen Center. No one bothered to decorate the Teen Center for 'The Prom.' The Junior Prom's King was none another than Jack Meoff and his date, Helga Wonderlick was the 'Queen.' I always wondered, 'who' would ever want to lick Helga!

"I suspect, Helga never 'jacked' Jack Meoff off, so Jack went home after the so-called Prom and 'jerked off,' listening to Lawrence Welk music and watching his little 'rats' run around in their cage!

"Our Prom was held in the High School gym and we elected not to have a banquet dinner, but instead hired a local band, 'Beverly and the Four Comets,' to perform all the current top hits!

"The senior class raised money for the Prom by having bake sales, doing babysitting, washing cars, and working in the fields of local farms. Tom donated a couple of season State football tickets to the highest bidder. Coach Perk bought them at regular value so Tom wouldn't get into any NCAA problems.

"The State Champion Lady Dragons conducted weekend basketball camps for the grade school kids on a contribution-only basis and all the contribution proceeds were used for our Prom. Parents of the kids responded well, and we all took individual pictures with those kids participating in the camps.

"Prom day finally arrived, and Saturday morning all the girls decorated the gym in Dragon Blue and White streamers, banners and confetti, while the guys were busy planning our after parties!

"John surprised Debbie by flying in from the Olympic Trials on Friday, and along with Tom and Jimmy, they gathered wood for our bonfire at the lake. Little did Debbie, Sue, Donna, and I know John was also making a batch of something called, 'Purple Passion' for our after party.

"Saturday afternoon every salon from Dragon to Baytown to Henderson was busy giving complete makeovers for Prom from head to toe!

"Prom night finally arrived! Sue, Tom, Debbie, John, Donna, Billy, Jimmy, and I met in Baytown for a romantic dinner before Prom. We were all dressed in our formals with corsages while the guys were dressed in their Sunday best suits!

"Sue and Debbie were dressed to kill in their sexy formals, flashing some serious cleavage! Jimmy was gawking all through dinner first at his 'Sis,' Sue, then at Debbie, but who wouldn't, considering Sue was packing 34Ds and Debbie 36Ds!

"We all entered the gym for Prom and were greeted by Coach Perk and Coach Stafford. Perk smiled at John, asking, 'So how are things going in the Trials?'

"John said, 'Going great right now. I'm alternate for the 160-pound class, but we have another two weeks to go before the final cuts. I'll make the team if I hold my position.'

"Perk smiled as he looked at Tom, 'Heard you had one hell of a spring big guy! From what I was told, maybe an All American this year!'

"Tom only smiled, 'Coach, I'm already the luckiest guy on the face of the earth. Look who is next to me,' as Tom gave Sue a big hug.

"Coach Stafford smiled, 'These four guys really know how to pick the ladies Perk! Now y'all have a good time and behave yourselves tonight—especially at those after parties!'

"We all had our pictures taken and found our seats as our Senior Prom finally arrived!

"Prom was fantastic. We all danced and had a great time, but the best was yet to come! Everyone was anxiously waiting for the announcement of Princess and Queen of the Prom and the two attendants.

"Coach Stafford made the announcement just prior to the last dance in Dragon tradition, 'This year's attendant for Princess is Donna. The Queen attendant is Cathy. Both Billy and Jimmy gave Donna and me a big frenchy to the delight of the students! I whispered in Jimmy's ear, 'The best is yet to come, hon', as Jimmy smiled with a 'want you now' look in his eyes.

"Coach Stafford smiled as he opened the envelope and announced, 'this year's Princess is our Annual Queen, Debbie,' as Debbie screamed 'OH MY GOSH,' while John escorted her to the middle of the gym. Donna handed John the crown. John smiled a big grin and crowned Debbie Princess of the Prom and then laid a real sexy frenchy on her! Later on at the after party John was going to lay a whole lot more on, or maybe I should say 'in' Debbie than a sexy kiss!

"I now knew along with everyone else who the Queen was going to be, since our Annual Queen, Debbie, was voted Princess. Coach announced, 'This year's Queen is the greatest Lady Dragon to ever wear the blue and white, my 'third daughter', Sue, please come forward, you're Queen of the Prom!' Sue was in tears as Tom escorted her to the middle of the gym next to Debbie and John while Donna, Billy, Jimmy and I stood alongside. I handed Tom the crown, smiling realizing for the first time outside of athletics, Sue had outdone everyone!

"The 'tom-boy' who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks playing basketball, barrel racing her beloved horse, Dusty and had to once settle for 'second bests' was now the Queen of the Prom! Tom whispered, 'I love you,' as he crowned her Queen of the Prom and gave her a real humdinger sexy French kiss!'

"The band played the last song of the evening for the traditional last dance of the Queen and Princess. The song was an excellent choice for the occasion and as the band played, Beverly sang a classic love song, 'Unchained Melody.' Sue looked stunning in her sexy formal and high heels that Tom had given her for Christmas along with the very special Christmas necklace around her neck. Tom held Sue tight as he was whispering the lyrics in her ear.

"Prom ended and we all slipped into the locker room and exchanged our formals and heels for gym shorts T-shirts and flip flops. Somehow we all forgot to put on our bras and panties!

"The guys joined us dressed in cutoff jeans, T-shirts and flip flops, and we all got in our cars and headed to the lake for our private after party in a little-known remote area on the beach!

"We all arrived and laid our sleeping bags next to each other close to the bonfire and while Jimmy and Tom lit our bonfire, John got the 'Purple Passion' out of his trunk.

"It wasn't long before our bonfire was blazing under the full moon and stars, while John poured everyone their first red Solo cup of 'Purple Passion.' Billy and Jimmy turned on the tape player with some real sexy music. It didn't take a 'rocket scientist' to figure out what was on everyone's mind!

"After another red Solo cup of John's famous 'Purple Passion,' everyone started getting tipsy. We all danced while kissing and making out on the beach. 'Purple Passion' was taking over everyone's better judgment!

"Jimmy ran his hands inside my shorts as we danced and smiled, 'Hon, you ain't got any panties on!'

"I smiled, 'You'd just take'm off anyway, now let's get back on our sleeping bag, I'm getting anxious to fuck!'

"Billy overhearing Jimmy, ran his hands inside Donna's shorts and as Jimmy and I were walking toward our sleeping bag, I heard Billy say, 'Honey, you ain't wearing any panties either!'

"Donna giggled, 'I forgot to put my bra too! I'm getting horny, let's quit talking and get back to our sleeping bag!'

"Jimmy and I kicked off our flip flops as we went back to our sleeping bag. Donna and Billy were next to us on the right and Sue and Tom on the left and as we all kissed a slow, sexy, passionate kiss, the guys slipped our T-shirts off and pitched them to the side, landing simultaneously near our bonfire. Sue's 34Ds, Donna 34Cs, and my 36Cs were flashed around for all to see as we all crawled into our sleeping bags!

"I glanced toward Debbie and John. Debbie was naked as a jay bird, straddling John's face, her 36Ds were jiggling side to side as she squirmed her hips back and forth over John's mouth. Debbie was pulling John's hair with both hands. It seemed like she was trying to shove John's face inside her pussy as she continued to rock back and forth grinding her pussy all over John's face.

"Tom had already mounted Sue like a stallion mounts his favorite mare, with Sue's legs locked over his shoulders. Sue muttered, 'Oh...uh... oh... ohh... ughh,' as Tom buried his cock into the depths of his Queen's pussy, fucking her with fast rapid thrusts, like a jackhammer pounding away at the concrete pavement.

"Jimmy smiled at me as he took off his cut offs. As we were kissing, a deep, sexy, passionate French kiss, Donna's gym shorts came flying through the air and landed on our sleeping bag! I glanced toward Donna and Billy—Donna was squirming and moaning, 'Lick my clit honey... more, oh yes... suck my clit honey... oh yes, that's the way honey... now suck me harder... don't stop,' as Billy's head was buried somewhere between Donna's thighs inside their cozy sleeping bag!

"Jimmy whispered in my ear, 'Raise your hips,' as he slowly pulled my gym shorts off. I smiled, pulling Jimmy's T-shirt off. We kissed a deep, slow, wet sexy kiss, our tongues rolling around in each other's mouths, I pulled Jimmy's boxer's down, wrapping my leg around his waist. His hard cock felt bigger than a baby's arm as I rubbed my shaved pussy against his shaft. His cock's head rubbed against my clit while Jimmy's left hand was rubbing my bum's cheek as we continued to kiss a sexy lingering kiss.

"I humped on Jimmy's cock as he nibbled on my neck with light kisses while I gently bit his shoulder, kissing his neck while Jimmy slowly inched his hand up my thigh. The musky smell of my aroused pussy was thick in our sleeping bag as Jimmy licked my breasts, continuing to inch his hand up my thigh toward my pussy.

"My pussy was now dripping wet, my breathing was quick, in punctured gasps, my heart was pounding, my breasts throbbed while my nipples perked up and hardened like gumdrops as Jimmy rolled his tongue over my left nipple and sucked it in his mouth like a 'Great White' gulps up it's prey.

"I quit humping Jimmy's cock, rolled over on my back and spread eagle my legs as Jimmy slowly moved his hand up my groin and to my clit while he flipped and sucked my left nipple. I twisted and squirmed as Jimmy placed the tips of his middle and index fingers on the side of my clit and slowly slid his fingers down my slit.