Tom & Sue & John & Debbie Ch. 11


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I asked, "Y'all want to know anything else?"

The lounge howled, clapped, and cheered as I finished my anal sexual experiences with Tom.

Shannon asked, "Committee, I guess we don't need to vote do we?"

The Committee responded, "Welcome to the Ladies Athletic Sorority, Sue!"

Shannon called for order, "Sue's anal experiences took longer than I anticipated, so we'll have to adjourn for tonight. Our next meeting won't be until Monday after the first football game against the Irish since we've got a fall softball tournament next week. Donna, you're first up at our next sorority meeting!"

Classes came to end on Friday, and after another grueling practice, I loaded my VW bug and drove home to spend the weekend with Mom and Dad while riding Dusty, hoping to clear my mind.

I had a good visit with Mom and Dad as I rode Dusty all over town all day on Saturday and again Sunday morning. Trying to clear my mind, thinking of Tom and me and if we had any future left or was my future somehow with John even though we'd only had a one night stand. I was leaving on Sunday afternoon and pulled into the Dairy Queen to get a Coke when a familiar yellow Camaro pulled in next to me. Sally got out with tears in her eyes, "Sis, we need to talk."

I sighed, "OK, I guess it's time to clear the air between us. Let's drive over to the high school. No one will be there."

Sally and I had a long painful sisterly chat as tears were flowing from both of our eyes. It seemed like forever before Sally finished telling me about her and Tom's one night stand and how she seduced him—something neither wanted, but things just happened and she'd regret it for the rest of her life.

Sally wiped her eyes and asked, "Is there anything left between you and Tom or is it over?"

I replied, "I just don't know... I just need some space right now... time to sort it all out..."

Sally interrupted me, "Sis, don't let a couple bad weekends ruin what you and Tom had—the true love y'all shared before all this shit took place. I wish a million times none of this would have ever happened, starting with the swap in New Orleans, Steve jilting me, and I still don't know where he is, the one night stands which led to you and John's one night stand... Fuck, I feel responsible and heartbroken for causing it all...," as Sally's eyes once again filled with tears.

I gave Sally a big hug, "Sis, time will heal our wounds and we'll all be sisters again, but the wounds with Tom may be too deep to heal," as I got in my VW and left the high school while Sally headed her Camaro toward to Central.

I returned to State from my visit with Mom, Dad, and riding Dusty late Sunday evening disgruntled as my unexpected confrontation with Sally once again brought back bad memories as I pulled into the dorm's parking lot.

Nancy saw I was distressed as I unloaded my things and asked, "You want to talk about this weekend and what happened?"

I replied, "Not right now. Sally told me 'she seduced' Tom that night."

Nancy replied, "So Tom fucked both Sally and Debbie?"

I replied, "Yes. Now turn out the light and let's go to sleep—we've got Poly Sci at 8:00."

The dining hall was buzzing with excitement the following morning as State's soccer team would open their season on Thursday, and of course, the first game of the football season on Saturday afternoon!

State's first game was advertised as 'THE' game to decide the disputed National Championship from last season. State, the UPI National Champions would be playing the Irish, the Associated Press National Champions in the season opener at Irish Stadium before a sellout crowd of 80,000 and a national television audience.

The big game had all the makings of a National Championship game, except State's UPI National Championship team would be without their leader, the catalyst behind the comeback victory in the Sugar Bowl, the one player who held this young State team together in the face of adversity, quarterback Mickey Lucas. Mickey was now throwing touchdown passes in the NFL for the Green Bay Packers.

We all entered Poly Sci and Sammy was running late and as he sat down, "Susie Q, heard you went home this weekend?"

I replied, "Yes. I needed to get away and just sort some things out."

Sammy replied, "I used to do that all the time in the orphanage. I'd slip off to this little room no one else knew about and just—you know wonder about the 'why' did this happen to me stuff. But now that I've got a home I feel better about myself. You going to the game Saturday?"

I replied, "No Sammy. State only got around 200 tickets so we'll all be watching on TV," as Professor Wilburn entered the auditorium and called class to order.

I returned to my Dorm room after U.S. History before going to the dining hall as the phone rang, I answered, "Hello."

"So how was home? How's Mrs. Lilly?" The familiar voice asked.

I replied, "It was OK, Tom. Mom is doing fine. She asked about you. How is practice going for the big game Saturday?"

Tom replied, "Practice is going well, we'll leave town Thursday afternoon. Want to maybe go out Wednesday night after practice and film study?"

I lied to Tom as I replied, "No. We have a Sorority meeting."

Tom asked, "How about Saturday night after we get back in town? Maybe we can go to the Horseshoe."

I sighed, "No Tom, I need time to think, to sort things out, I just need some space right now. I ran into Sally and she told me about you and..."

Tom quickly interrupted me, "OK. So this space you need—it means we're over and done—finished? No chance to reconcile our relationship, get back to where we once were?"

I paused for what seemed like eternity, "No, it doesn't mean... but I need to..."

Tom interrupted me again, "OK, I understand, but until you tell me it's over, without any second thoughts whatsoever, I'm going to keep asking you out and sooner or later you'll have to either come to grips with reality that you want it to be over between us, or you'll have to make an effort to reconcile our relationship. Sue, if you'd give us a chance, we can work this out."

I hastily replied, "I've got to go" and hung up the phone.

Nancy had come into the room during our conversation, "Why didn't you tell him it's over? You can't do it can you?"

I didn't answer Nancy, "We've got practice today and from what I heard, it'll be tough. Let's eat lunch and get over to the gym."

Basketball practices continued to be brutal as our coaches were grooming this young State team to be a Final Four contender.

Wednesday finally arrived and as we sat in Poly Sci waiting on Professor Wilburn, Sammy smiled at me, "Susie Q, you going to give me a 'good luck' tomorrow as I get on the bus?"

I sighed, "Probably not Sammy, we'll be in practice when the team boards the bus."

Sammy looked disappointed, "OK, I understand."

Realizing Sammy thought I was shunning him I quickly said, "How about I give you that 'good luck' hug and maybe a peck on the cheek after class since I can't be there tomorrow afternoon?"

Sammy smiled, "Really? You'll do that?"

Class ended and as we were leaving I smiled, "Come here you dumb jock, and gave him a 'good luck' hug while planting an 'Italian Marble' lipstick smacker on his cheek!"

Sammy looked embarrassed, "Golly Gee Whilikers!"

Nancy not to be outdone grabbed Sammy, "Here's another one for you Samuel," as she hugged Sammy and planted a hot pink lipstick smacker on the other cheek!

Sammy looked to be in seventh heaven as he left the Poly Sci building!

Another brutal practice finally came to an end and without a sorority meeting Nancy, Donna, Cathy, and I headed over to the library for some serious 'book' time!

The next morning all the talk around campus was about the big game on Saturday. Plans were being made for a closed circuit television hook up in the gym for the students, well at least 10,000 of them since State was given such a small allotment of tickets for the game. State's band and cheerleaders would be present just as if it were a 'home game.' Sororities and fraternities were arranging for watch parties while all the other dorms would have the lounge television sets tuned into the game of the day, State vs Irish.

I walked toward the Student Union on my way to Biology lab and I saw Tom and Eddie walking into the Union. I avoided the Union and continued walking toward my lab when I remembered what Tom said before the Trojan game last year in the Coliseum, 'Bet there wasn't 500 State supporters in the stands,' and Saturday's game with the Irish only 200 lucky State supporters got tickets!

Basketball practice finally arrived and it seemed the whole team wasn't into it. We were trying to practice, but the distraction outside the gym was evident as we heard the band playing the fight song, cheerleaders doing their cheers, and the student body cheering loudly as the team was boarding the bus for the trip to the airport.

Coach Jones blew his whistle, "Ladies, I know some of you, most of you, would rather be outside wishing the team good luck, but we have a job to do just like the Soccer team and right now they're playing against Pacific in the season opener. I doubt their minds are on a send-off for the football team.

"Coach Lewis, our Athletic Director, would be disappointed if you, as State athletes, did not give 100 percent every day, and today Ladies, none of you are getting the job done! Remember Ladies, 'practice doesn't make perfect, but perfect practice makes permanent...' now clear the mechanism and let's get to work or else we'll be here all night long! Angie, I expected better from you—you're the captain, now get this team together!"

Angie called us all together, "Let's all get our heads out of our ass, me included! Forget all the commotion outside in the parking lot, concentrate on nothing except this court, this game and what we need to do to make it to the Final Four! Now, let's get the job done!"

We all broke the huddle with the traditional 'State!' Practice ended on a high note and the Ladies of State were once again on track for a trip to the Final Four!

The dining hall was buzzing with excitement Friday morning as State's Soccer team won their opening match 2-1.

Misti and a teammate approached Nancy, Donna, Cathy, and me as we ate breakfast, "Hey y'all we won yesterday!"

Donna replied, "We heard last night!"

Misti asked, "Mind if we eat breakfast with y'all?"

I replied, "No problem have a seat. Who is your friend?"

Misti said, "Beverly. She's my teammate and we've just become roommates.

Misti continued, "Beverly meet Donna, Sue, Cathy, and Nancy—they're basketball players."

Beverly laughed, "I know! Remember Misti, I've been in the Sorority meetings! I'm really dreading when Shannon calls my name!"

Donna laughed, "I've decided just to let it all hang out when they finally call me at our next meeting Monday night!"

Beverly sighed, "I'll try but I'm like Misti... you know, not experienced!"

Misti looked at her watch, "Oops Bev, we got to get!"

Nancy laughed as they left the table, "Another knockout gorgeous soccer player! How much y'all want a bet she's a virgin too?"

Cathy chuckled, "Yeah, but this one is a brunette like Sue and me, not another dumb blonde like you and Donna!"

Poly Sci seemed empty today with Sammy and Billy not in their seats, and as we left class Donna said, "I'm already missing Billy."

Nancy replied, "We're all going to the Horseshoe after dinner tonight. Come with us, don't stay in the dorm. It'll be fun!"

Practice was again grueling as Coach Thomas and Coach Tigrson kept blowing their damned whistles, "Run it again. We'll be here all night if we have to! Sue and Nancy both of you all are too slow, set your screens quicker! Run it again! Donna, get your head out of your ass, quit forcing your passes! You'll never make that pass in a game!"

We continued running offensive sets over and over until it was done perfectly! Finally after running lines till we were about to drop, Coach Jones blew his whistle and smiled, "Much better Ladies, have a good weekend," as he bid us all farewell until Monday afternoon!

The Horseshoe was hopping with all the Greeks, State's fraternities and sororities, suzie sororities, frat rats, along with the jocks, and the rest of the students as everyone was partying before the big game.

Wendy, Misti, and Beverly joined our group; Jimmy introduced us to a couple of his wresting teammates, Andy, and Ryder.

Andy and Ryder wasted no time in making moves on the two hot soccer players!

The night was going along great—everyone was dancing and just having a good time until a couple varsity basketball players, Matthew and Cameron showed up and started hitting on Donna and Wendy. Word had already spread throughout the Horseshoe the basketball players, Angie, Nancy, and I were 'property' of some pretty big studs and were off limits! I really wasn't interested in anyone, except maybe John, so I played along letting everyone think I was still with Tom.

Angie laughed, "Both of these characters are classic assholes or jerks. Just ignore them and like a bad dream they'll go away."

Matthew wouldn't take 'no' for an answer as Donna kept declining dances, and finally two burly looking characters approached us, "Seems like you may be having a bit of problem Donna."

Donna replied, "Yes I am, but who are you?"

The biggest guy replied, "I'm Buster and my counterpart is Blake. We're y'all's guardian angels. We've been put in charge of watching over y'all tonight. We've just been sitt'n back while sipp'n on brew keeping an eye on y'all in case y'all might need some help."

Donna sighed, "Thank you! See if you can rid of this Matthew character. Oh my gosh—here he comes again!"

Matthew, a 6'4", 170-pound senior basketball player, would be no match for either of the 6'3, 250-pound redshirt freshman football players!

Matthew approached Donna, "Come on baby, I've got eight inches of swing'n meat hanging between my legs just itching to give you a good time tonight while your boyfriend is away."

Donna snapped, "Leave me alone!"

I laughed to myself as I remembered the Baytown freak, Raymond, who used to tell me the same thing while Tom was playing football—though he never was quite so forward! I shook my head, 'why' do these memories of Tom keep popping into my head.

Buster grinned at Matthew, "Dude, I think it's time for you to make like the wind and blow your ass out of here."

Matthew replied, "Says who? Can't be you, freshman. Don't you know who you're talking to?"

Buster just smiled, "It ain't your Daddy talking, so leave Luke's girl alone before I open a 'can of whup ass' on you—understand?"

Matthew thought about the situation and he slowly walked away. None of us were bothered the rest of the night. Our 'guardian angels' had done their jobs!

Buster smiled at Wendy, "Would you like to dance?"

Wendy with a girlish grin, said, "I'd love to." Buster and Wendy walked hand and hand to the Horseshoe's dance floor, dancing every dance the rest of the evening.

It was almost 1:00 AM when we all got back to the Dorm, and as I lay in bed my mind drifted back to me, Tom, and John. I wondered what Tom was thinking the night before the big game—and John, what was he doing in Europe with the USA Olympic team before the Olympics began next Saturday? The memory of Tom kept haunting me as I fell asleep.

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hangingmeathangingmeatabout 9 years ago
Enjoyed this chapter

I enjoyed reading this chapter as the girls told their sexual adventures to the Sorority!

DakotacplDakotacplabout 9 years ago
Love it!

LOVE hearing the continuing tales of these good friends! We play with some of our best high school friends to this day here. This series always brings back such good memories! This lady really knows how to write a HOT sex scene!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Have been looking forward ... this chapter for 2+ months. I love the story and the writing. Looking forward to chapter 12.

TigerPaw1010TigerPaw1010about 9 years ago
Hot, as expected

Love the story line and the development of different settings to describe the sexual encounters. Explicit detail. Can't wait for the next chapter. Please don't keep us waiting. ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great Series

I have enjoyed this series from the beginning....wonder what has happen to Debbie??

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