Two Birds


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"Well, take them off!" she chirped as she bounced off the couch, across the room to the stereo. As I loosened the laces on my boots, upbeat jazz came out of speakers hidden in the corners of the room. Now in my stocking feet, I stood face to face with my partner, who was now just a bit taller than me in her heels. She held out her hands and we started to dance to the fast jazz beat.

Well, it would be more accurate to say that she danced to the beat. I sort of shuffled my feet and held out my hands, more of a straight man in this combo. Cathy, on the other hand was a marvelous dancer, athletic and lithe. Her arms wriggled and swayed sensuously, her feet and hips marked the rhythm perfectly. Her satin dress glistened, sparkled and glowed in the low afternoon sun that filtered through the curtains. I was definitely more watching than dancing, and it was a tremendous show.

Soon the upbeat tempo was replaced by more mellow tones and rhythms. We made a small attempt at a ballroom dance style, but soon collapsed into a standing swaying hug. She would alternately put her head on my shoulders, or gaze into my eyes. I would lightly kiss her neck, taking in her marvelous fragrance. I ran my hand down to the small of her back and pulled her hips into mine. She responded by swaying her hips and spreading her legs. For just a few minutes I felt that, perhaps, dancing with this beautiful woman would be enough, a deeply satisfying and moving experience. But she was ready for something else.

When the music shifted again to a mid-tempo piece, Cathy slowly peeled herself away from he. She looked down at the floor, shifting her feel slightly. "I've got something to show you," she said, mostly to the floor, only looking up on the word "you." I smiled and raised an eyebrow in invitation. Cathy took two steps back. Gracefully she reached up over her head, and I heard the quite "zzthththzz" of a zipper opening. Still looking somewhat shy, she worked the shoulders of her dress over her arms. She paused, looked a me and smiled. With one final quick motion her dress dropped down and became nothing more than a sparkling blue band around her high heels.

All at once, there was Cathy in all her glory. Her breasts were small, but perfectly shaped. Her nipples were puckered and erect from excitement and the slight chill in the air. Her skin had a lustrous cream complexion, from head to foot. this made her jet black bush stand out even more. She had trimmed her pubic hair into a very neat "V." Cathy is one of the few women I have seen that looks much better completely naked, rather than with just a hint of clothing on. She was at once girlish and all woman, shy and aggressive, forward and hesitant. All those tensions somehow melded together in a way that made her irresistible. Again, time stood still as I admired her statuesque body.

She smiled broadly and seductively. "I can see that yours eyes are enjoying this," she said, "Let's see what else is." With that she stepped toward me and crouched in front of me. Perched on her high heels, with her legs spread around mine, she lowered herself down so that her shoulders were at my belt level. Looking down, I could see that her labia had opened slightly, revealing the moist, deep pink interior. Looking up and chuckling a bit to herself, Cathy unfastened my belt and unsnapped my pants in short order. With one quick motion, she slid my trousers and underwear down onto my socks. My cock sprang out toward her face as it were spring loaded. Her smile grew larger. "Oh yes," she leered, "I am having quite an effect on you!"

I closed my eyes in anticipation of her full luscious lips sliding over the head of my cock. But nothing happened. Opening my eyes I saw that Cathy had stood up and turned toward the hallway. Reaching back, she grabbed my erection like the handle of a piece of luggage she was going to roll to her room. She took a step and gently pulled on me. I almost fell over. My pants were still wrapped around my ankles.

Even though it broke the mood for a moment, it was nice to hear her laugh. When I didn't follow immediately she looked back and saw my tangled feet. Her laugh came out somewhere between a giggle and a hearty belly laugh. She slid her fingers down my shaft and her fingertips lingered on the head as they slipped off. Still laughing a bit, she looked over her shoulder and said "Why don't you get yourself ready and come join me in the bedroom." Long confident strides carried her perfectly firm buttcheeks out of the room in to the hallway, I watched in admiration until she disappeared from view.

As I sat on the couch to strip off my pants, socks and shirt, I was hit one more time by a nagging doubt. I considered, however that if this were some kind of joke or set-up that she had certainly sacrificed quite a bit to get me to this point. Her desire seemed more than genuine enough. Bolstering my resolve, but carrying my clothes and boots -- just in case -- I headed down the hallway.

At the end of the hall was an open doorway with a light on. I walked in and set my clothes down by the door. I was mildly surprised at what I saw. Normally, I am a snuggling, foreplay kind of guy and I had imagined slipping under the sheets with Cathy and perhaps kissing every inch of her peaches and cream skin, but now that looked somewhat unlikely.

Cathy lay in the middle of the bed. Her head was propped up slightly by a pile of pillows behind her. She had kept her heels on and they were flat on the bed, so her knees were bent, her legs spread. One way or another, if I got into that bed it would be on top of her. Coming straight into the room and diving headfirst into her lovebox didn't seem right somehow, so I took the hint and crawled right on top of her.

Although I started kissing her as I took up my position, she didn't seem overly interested. She immediately reached down between her legs and gently cradled my semi-hard cock in her hand. She took the head and rubbed it between her very wet pussy lips. It quickly went from semi-hard to rock solid. She then grasped the bottom of the shaft and started pulling it into her. Always being one to take a hint, I pushed my hips forward feeling her vaginal warmth surround me and pull me in.

As it slid in, she moaned quietly with pleasure. "Mmmmmm," is one of my favorite sounds. I pulled back a little and slid forward, she smiled a bit, but no moan. I pulled all the way back and slid it forward, just a little more forcefully this time. "Ohhh, yesss" she said, surprisingly loud. Another hard stroke. "Oh god, yes!" she almost yelled. From then on each forceful stroke received a delightful little yelp, or some wonderfully obscene encouragement. Somehow hearing a dignified woman like Cathy screaming "Oh god yes fuck me! fuck me harder!" was music to my ears and encouraged me to do just that.

At first I was basically laying on top of her, but it was hard to generate the kind of force she wanted. I shifted up onto my knees and pulled her legs straight up, with her calves coming to rest on my shoulders. Being able to see most of her wonderful legs was certainly a nice bonus. My hands came to rest on the tops of her thighs, so I could pull her toward me with each stroke.

Soon, like an out of control locomotive, I was pistoning in and out at a furious rate. To use Cathy's own indelicate phrase I was "fucking the shit out of her pussy." Normally, pumping so energetically in such a wonderful pussy, with such a fantastic view, would have had me cumming in mere minutes. But I was putting so much physical effort into driving my cock deep into her, that my sensation was somewhat diminished. But it sure was fun! I was pounding away and she was yelling wonderful things, Cathy was giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "sexually active."

Even though I was not anywhere a sexual climax, I was at an aerobic one. Giving Cathy what she wanted was hard work! Finally, I was so out of breath that encouragement could no longer sustain me. My pace slowed and almost stopped. Cathy snapped her head up and looking at me fiercely said "You're not done are you?" For once I was able to honestly answer this question. "God, no," I croaked, "I just thought maybe we should switch positions."

She smiled, and I was pretty sure I could see the little wheels in her mind turning. Her eyes narrowed a bit and she said softly "I was thinking more of a change of location..."

"I dunno, it's kinda cold outside," I quipped. But Cathy was in no mood for humor.

"I want that wonderful cock in my ass..." she almost whispered


"Yes, oh god, I love it, but Kevin thinks it's gross."

I leaned forward and kissed her sweet lips "Sounds fantastic to me" I leaned back and watched my cock slip out of her tiny pink pussy. She leaned to one side and reached into the drawer of a bedside stand. After a moment of rummaging around she produced a small bottle of Astroglide. She put a small dab in her palm and rubbed it over my slightly flagging erection. The first chill of the lube was a bit of a shock, but her expert touch soon got things warm again.

She settled that wonderful head of curls back down into the pile of pillows. I lifted her legs back up again, admiring the view. She reached down and pulled her tight cheeks apart, exposing her impossibly small looking brown rose. I pushed my cockhead against the opening and she quivered with anticipation. I pushed a bit more and the cockhead disappeared.

With all the lubrication and her relaxed state, my cock slid in much more easily and quickly than I anticipated. Cathy's head jerked up off the pillows "Oh yes! That's it! Fuck my ass! Fuck it!." I didn't need much more encouragement and began banging her again with abandon. Cathy reached down with her long delicate fingers and began rubbing her mons and clit furiously. I continued my full length, strong strokes in and out of her beautiful ass.

But Cathy had one more surprise for me. She stopped yelling her indecent encouragement and her eyes got very wide, then she closed them tightly. When she opened them again she looked at me and said "Oh god, Bill, I am sooooo close!"

Close?? Consider me another dense guy. I would have assumed that she was either cumming continuously or a least had five or six orgasms already! She was certainly the most vocal woman I had ever been with. But in any event, I tried to go even faster, as she seemed to like that the most. Her head pushed back deep into the pillows, and her eyes seemed to roll back in her head. Her body stiffened and then trembled and quivered in a wave from head to toe and back. For the first time since we started, her constant carnal commentary was silent. She seemed to be holding her breath, her butt muscles were so tightly clenched I almost could not move. Finally, one last full body shockwave shook her tiny frame, the vibrations grew until her hips, flat belly, chest and head each gave a huge shuddering heave, from top to bottom. Finally her whole body relaxed and an angelic smile came to her lips.

I watched in amazement and delight. Cathy opened her eyes and looked at me and whispered "Yes, oh god, yes. That was...fantastic." She shuddered again with what seemed like an aftershock. I was so enthralled that I found myself still holding her legs up with my motionless cock deep inside her. She smiled dreamily again "Mmmmmm, wonderful" Her revery was set aside for a second when she made eye contact with me again. "Did you cum too?" she asked sweetly.

Frankly, it almost seemed irrelevant to me at this point. But I still nodded my head "no." A sly grin came over her. "How can any man fuck this sweet tight ass and not cum?" I laughed a bit. "C'mon shoot your load in the there -- I got a reputation to uphold!" I needed no more encouragement than that. I started sliding my cock in and out more deliberately than before, allowing myself to enjoy the sensations of what was in fact, a sweet, tight ass.

A few minutes of delightful stroking had brought me to the verge of a climax, when once again Cathy announced she was "close." This time the tidal wave was not was intense, but it followed a similar pattern. When her muscles clenched I pushed in as deep as I could, and then followed with quick short strokes. The sensations were tremendous and I only needed a final stimulus. When I felt her starting to relax, I did as well and I could feel a flood of semen being released deep inside her.

With that, my muscles finally gave out and I rolled onto the bed beside her. I was completely spent. As I rolled onto my side, she lifted up and ended up on top of me. She felt like a feather, with her weight distributed so perfectly over her tall frame. We layed there for quite some time. There was not much to be said and we didn't say it. Her skin was soft and delicate everywhere against my body. Minutes passed, maybe a half hour.

It was finally Cathy who broke the silence. "I guess I'll have to be getting back to the real world now. I have dinner to make, kids to get..." her voice trailed off.

"Yeah, I have to get back to that world as well, I guess."

"This was wonderful," she said, as if I hadn't gotten that impression already.

"Yes it was. Cathy you are every bit as good as you look." She smiled and even blushed a little. But after just one more look in each other's eyes, she rolled off of me and the bed. Quickly, out of her dresser she pulled a pair of white cotton panties and a t-shirt. She slid them each on and took a pair of polyester slacks off a rack in her closet. After the pants, she slipped on some flat tennis shoes.

I was still fumbling with my boot laces and she was ready to go. I finished getting dressed and headed for the front door. She stood a few steps back from the door. I kissed her gently on the cheek, and she gave me a quick squeeze. I opened the front door and stepped out. Looking up I noticed that the sky was the color of the dress Cathy started in. "Sure gets late early here in winter," I thought. I turned back to the door to say goodbye or something, but it was already closed. Somehow I managed to drive myself home.

As wonderful as my little affair had been, the weekend still caused knots in my stomach. What would the new work week bring? I didn't think there would be a major problem, but it seems that I am always the last to know about such things.

So it was trepidation I felt when my wife came home from work on Monday and said that she had a "really weird" day. I asked her what she meant and she related a couple of incidents that she considered "weird."

"And then the weirdest thing of all happened," she said, and I started actually paying attention.

'Ummm, what was that, dear?"

"After lunch, Cathy came to my office and closed my door." My heart sunk into my stomach and both of them sunk through the floor.

"Oh?" I tried to act nonchalant.

"Yes, she closed the door and just looked at me and then said 'I am so glad that you are my boss.' Can you imagine! Cathy!"

I swallowed the huge lump in my throat. "I wonder what brought that on?"

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What a singularly unpleasant character the MC is! What on earth has his wife done to deserve this level of contempt and disrespect? I hope she catches the sleazeball and wears his gonads as earrings! JR

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great fantasy, I have often been to company events and seen co workers of my wife that I would love to f*CK, but in the real world that would require bigger balls than I actually have, and I really do want to keep the ones I've got.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

This is a real derp of a story.

The phrase epic fail comes to mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
And that's when Hubby went Big

He divorced the bitch and moved back to the big city without her. Because who would stay married to a slut? Stupid story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Loved it! 5*****

Thank you. tom anon

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

a bit slow for a common tale.

batjac69batjac69almost 20 years ago
the why's

It is plain why the woman is seeking attention and she really is attractive in the story on several fronts, but the guy comes off as a shallow cheater. Except for knowing glances which make her feel good, there is no explanation why this hot woman would want him. His character needs to be explored and his wife's too.

SKIP69SKIP69almost 20 years ago

I was a little disappointed that they did not get any further in the first chapter. The story is good so far, but we readers have to be enticed into reading the next chapter when it appears. Hopefully we shall then find out what Cathy had under her short skirt.

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