Unwitting Teen Porn Star


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Steph came to her side and putting her hand around Savannah's shoulder said, "One last selfie slut"

She held her phone up and out from them and brought her face close to Savannah's. Bending one of her knees, she pushed her hips out and put her hands on it in a classic cute girl pose.

"Big smile bitch, don't ruin my selfie", she said to Savannah

Savannah, her face a mess, tits out and her panties around her thighs, smiled widely.

Making her cute duck face, Steph took some final (really this time) selfies and Peggy got some shots of them taking the cute selfies.

"Okay Savannah, you where awesome. Everyone really liked you and had a good time...", Peggy praised her smiling, "Steph wants to go show you off a little. So make sure you be a really good girl for her okay?"

"Oh, yeah..Okay", Savannah said nodded her head nervously not knowing what that meant.

"Cover you tits back up and pull your panties up.", Steph said rolling her eyes, "Such a show off", she said making Peggy chuckle.

A few moments later, they - Savannah, Steph and Peggy, were walking out the front door and into the mediocre lighted strip mall corridor. Peggy was recording with a smaller more conspicuous camera.

Savannah's heart was beating so hard in her chest, she cold hear it in her ears.

As they stepped into the corridor, Steph put her hand around Savannah's shoulders, a big nice smile replacing her resting bitch face scowl. Anyone who saw them form a distance would have thought they were bff's just having a stroll.

They made their way into a tropical grocery store which was moderately busy.

Steph walked with Savannah casually to the first aisle and by just the nature of how they were dressed, they were already drawing attention.

As they walked, some people walked by not noticing anything. Some others though looked at them startled, then realization hitting them, their eyes went wide in shock. Some of the shocked expressions gave way to mocking smiles, some to a look of contempt and some to a look of embarrassment.

An older white lady actually walked up to them squinting her eyes in disapproval and pointing at Savannah, said, "Young lady, you should be ashamed of your self!" Which just made Peggy and Steph burst out into laughter as Savannah blushed beet red. Peggy would have sworn she saw some of the dried cum on her face crack, her face being so flushed.

"Don't mind her sweetie. She's just jealous that it's not her", Peggy whispered to her.

As they kept walking the isles, the manager, a middle aged Spanish woman walked up to them a look of disapproval on her face.

"Im sorry ladies, but you can't do that in here", she said her face stern and serious.

"We were just looking for some wet wipes, you know, for her face", Steph said smiling

"Ladies, you have to leave or I will have to call the authorities", the manager replied

"Ahh, okay fine.", Steph pouted, "It looks good on her face anyway"

"I'll escort you out", she said.

Savannah bowed her head in shame as they were walked out while Steph and Peggy had big smiles on theirs.

"Hey!", the manager called out to them just as they walked out the open sliding doors.

They stopped, Peggy and Steph, turning to look at her stern face.

"Young Dumb Teenage Whores dot com, is the shit", she said winking and smiling just as she turned back in.

Peggy and Steph's eyes went wide and their mouths hung open in shock wonder before they both broke out in a fit of excited laughter.

They went down the corridor to a more isolated section of the strip mall were four guys in their late teens and early twenties, two white and two black, were milling around skate boarding and smoking. They were all dressed in your typical 'I am a cool rebel skateboarder' outfits.

"Sup guys! Watcha doing?", Steph called out to them as they got closer.

They instantly had the attention of the boys who started to move closer.

"Sup! Nuttin. Just fuckin around", one of the black guys replied as they came closer.

"Holy shit!", he said when they were close enough, "what the fuck, happen to her? She is wearing just a bra yo!", he said his eyes going wide.

"Hey! Watcha saying? You don't like our outfits?", Steph saying doing a twirl

"Shit, we do! But I mean I can like see her nips tho", he exclaimed laughing.

"Holly shit!", one of the white guys said, his eyes growing wide, "that's like cum on her face yo!"

Steph laughed, "oh yeah, she just got fucked like crazy", she said

"Holly shit! No way!", he said

"What you don't believe me?. Hay Savannah, lift your skit and show them your tits and cunt", she said.

Savannah pulled out her tits and lifted her skit up, showing them her cum soaked thong and pulling it to the side. She felt her heart pounding in her chest again, but added in with the fear and shame was a trill making her whole body tingle. She wanted these cool cute boys who were more close to her age to see her. She wanted to excite them as she saw they were.



"Holy shit!"

"Fuck me!"

They all exclaimed together in excitement not believing what they were seeing.

"She like a whore or something?", the other black guy asked.

Steph opened her eyes and mouth wide in mock shock while laughing.

"That's mean. Do not mind them Savannah.", she said smiling at Savannah before turning back to the guys. "She is an actress. She was making a movie" she said.

"Holly fuck, so she like a video hoe or something?", he asked again

"Shut up you dumb shit", the other black guy laughed, "she's a porn star".

"Something like that", Steph said busting out laughing again.

"Dayum. Can I get some of that?", the second black guy asked

"I don't know, she is done for today. Or what do you think, Ms. Peggy, can these nice boys may be get quick blow jobs or something?", she asked smiling mischievously

"Sure, why not. They are such nice young men", Peggy replied retuning her smile

"Fuck yeah, y'all the coolest!", the boy said smiling big.

"You boys are going to have to sign release though", Peggy said

"Fuck that! I'ma sign whatever you want if it mean ima get be dick wet", he said

"All right then, she will give you guys head then, since you are all really nice", Steph said

They reacted happily, congratulating them selves on their good fortune while giving them selves fives.

"Let's move a little further into that ally there", Peggy said.

"Okay who wants to go first? Savannah you can just bend down to get their dicks in your mouth, the ground is pretty rough", Steph said when the found a spot the liked.

And so, under the star lit skies, in the dirty ally way, Savannah blew all four boys, their cum chasers for she had already swallowed that evening.

"Aww look at the beautiful skies with all the stars and the full moon, this is so nice and romantic", Steph said.


Savannah sat up hearing the key at the door, her hand subconsciously tugging her top back down. The top, a small, tight, light pink, off shoulder crop top, kept on creeping upwards, exposing the undersides of her tits making her have to keep tugging it back down. The material, like the rest of her growing new wardrobe - or as Peggy like to tease her, 'whore-drobe', was thin. It had a vector circle composition with unicorn, rainbow, clouds, stars, ice cream and donuts printed in front. She also wore a baby blue pleated skirt that just barely came down below her ass cheeks and some white thigh highs with pick bow ribbons in the front. Her face made up, she had done several poses checking out herself in front of the mirror and decided that she looked supper cute.

It was rent Sunday and she had correctly been expecting that Peggy would be coming very soon. She actually had the rent ready in her hand.

She froze briefly as a smiling Peggy walked in followed by another smiling woman she had never met before.

The woman looked to be close to Peggy in age - mid fortiesh. She was a Spanish woman of average hight and slightly overweight with an average belly bulge.

"Hey Savannah sweetie", Peggy said jovially to her as they walked in, "Say hi to my friend Consuela. I met her last week at a party!"

Recovering slightly, she softly said, "Hi" as her hand unconsciously tugged her top down again.

"Ay papi!", Consuela exclaimed her smile getting bigger as she walked around the couch.

"Hello Savannah! You very pretty! Peggy not lie", she beamed at Savannah displaying a set of bright white teeth with a big gap in the middle of the top row. Her English was broken and heavily accented.

Peggy busted out laughing, "I told you, you did not believe me?", she asked as the same time, Savannah said "Thanks", smiling shyly.

"I believe you! But still uno...", she joined Peggy laughing.

Her laugh was an obnoxiously loud cackling slash coughing laugh of a frequent smoker.

"Look at these tetas!", she said abruptly bending down and roughly grabbing and groping Savannah's boobs.

Peggy beamed laughing at Consuela's reaction. Savannah for her part was frozen, a dear in the head lights look on her face.

Still laughing jovially while groping Savannah's tits, Consuela casually flipped the bottom of the top up and over her tits as she resumed now pawing her exposed tits. Taking the right nipple between her thumb and index finger, she tugged and used it to jiggle the boob around before doing the same with the left.

"Beautiful tetas, Savannah", she smiled widely at Savannah before looking over smiling toward Peggy, who had grabbed her camera to start recording the impromptu action.

Peggy was really liking what was transpiring, this had not been her exact plan, but it was turning to be a nice addition. For one, she was impressed by Consuela's assertiveness, like, "that's the way you set the tone with a slut. Let her know who is in charge and whats expected of her", she thought to her self.

Taking a sit beside Savannah, Consuela grabbed her right boob again and bending her head, took the nipple into her mouth sucking it hungrily.

Savannah let out a whimper as the black of her eyes rolled up.

Grabbing Savannah'a second boob, she pushed it up toward Savannah, "You suck your other tit", she smiled up at her.

Taking her left boob from the older Spanish woman, Savannah took the nipple in her mouth and started to suck as Consuela happily returned to the other.

Grabbing Savannah's upper thighs, she pushed them roughly apart. She flicked the short skit up and pulled the gusset of her white lace thong panties to the side. She inserted her middle and index fingers into Savannah's cunt, making her whimper and mewl. She was delighted to find it already warm and a whiff of her arousal reaching her nose.

"Si puta", Consuela said as she started to aggressively finger fuck her.

Savannah moaning and mewling while trying to keep sucking her nipple could not help her self as she started to roll her hips in rhythm to Consuela's assaulting fingers.

"Sí estúpida coño", Consuela laughed, cackling loudly.

Abruptly stopping, she grabbed a fistful of Savannah's hair and all but yanked her up. Savannah yelped as Consuela threw her down and pulled her forward in front of her.

Spreading her legs open, the older Spanish woman pulled her between her legs causing Savannah to yelp again.

Lifting her skirt to her waist, she scooted forward so that Savannah was faced with her meaty pussy which was surrounded by thick black hair.

Griping the back of Savannah's head she pulled her forward mashing her mouth and head against her sex.

"Eat me out baby", she said looking down at Savannah, a Cheshire Cat smile on her face.

Instincts from training kicking in, Savannah started to link and suck on the older woman's pussy eliciting sounds of approval and pleasure from her.

"Sí puta", Consuela breathed starting to slowly grind her hips.

"That's a good girl. That's really sexy Savannah, your fans will love it", Peggy said coming in for a better angle and view.

"Oh yeah, she good.", Consuela said smiling into Peggy's recording camera.

Increasing the pace of her grinding hips, she started to really mash herself into Savannah's face, a flurries of Spanish words escaping her lips.

"Suck that clit, little girl", she said "you like it?", she asked Savannah looking down at her, her tongue sticking out between her lips and a wanton and lascivious smile on her face.

Savannah nodded her head, licking and sucking on the woman's clit while looking up to her face for cues in her reactions.

"Me to. I like it", she said, as her smile got even bigger.

Her grip on Savannah's bunched hair in her fist got tighter, and her pace got quicker as she all but started to fuck Savannah's face.

She stopped suddenly, shirking as she came powerfully, her meaty thighs trembling as she shouting a slew of more Spanish words before breaking out in gleeful laugther.

"Fuck! That very nice puta", she said laughing and looking toward Peggy who joined her laughing.

Consuela, roughly shoved Savannah's head away causing her to fall back clumsily on her butt.

"Well that was unexpected put pretty awesome!", Peggy said beaming at them both.

"All set then Connie?", she asked laughingly at Consuela.

"Sí. Sorry, she just so fine. I have to fuck her face", she laughed

"Hey, I am not complaining. That was awesome", she joined her laughing again.

"Say Savannah cutie, let's go get your rent settled then, kay sweetie?", Peggy smiled down at her.

Savannah, still sitting on the floor looked nervously from the charming smile of Peggy to Consuela's mysterious wide grin and back to Peggy nodding her head.

"Atta girl, such a good little girl"


Savannah knelt in the bathtub nervously waiting and looking between the two smiling and laughing women as they conversed back and fort taking sips of moscato from their Champaign flutes.

She tugged he blouse back down again catching her image on the viewing screen of the camera which Peggy had already set up on the counter. Her face was not as made up as she would like. There were sticky leftovers from her earlier session with Consuela and some smudges and smears of her lip gloss and mascara on it.

"Alight, open wide sweetie", Peggy said abruptly.

She then raised up her skirt, she shimmied left to right a few times taking off her panties and tossing it on top of the toilet seat.

Darting a quick look at Consuela and seeing the mocking smile on her face, Savannah blushed in shame.

She opened her mouth as Peggy got into position with her skirt raised up to her waist.

"Okay, her it comes", Peggy said just as a steam piss shot out of her pussy hitting Savannah square in the face.

"Oops!", She exclaimed as she and Consuela laughed as she adjusted her aim into Savannah's open mouth. She filled it up before stopping the stream.

Savannah, knowing what was expected of her swallowed the bubbly yellow, tangy and salty liquid down grimacing slightly as she opened up again. Peggy filled her mouth up again before pausing her flow again for her to swallow.

"Wow. That is hot. My turn!", Consuela said laughingly with Peggy joining in as she moved to the side making space for her.

Consuela, following Peggy's example, lifted her skirt getting herself into a good position. Satisfied she aimed and released her bladder and her pee went strait into Savannah's open mouth.

"Look at you!", Peggy exclaimed gleefully, "Perfect aim, hole in one", she said as the continued to laugh merrily.

"I know right! I already good", she said pausing her stream and allowing Savannah to swallow.

She resumed the her stream again filling up Savannah's mouth again as Peggy had done before stopping again for Savannah to swallow.

A load belch escaped Savannah echoing in the bathroom and the older women to bursted further into laugher.

Savannah's face went red.

"Sorry, excuse me", she said embarrassed

"Oh, it's quite all right sweetie", Peggy smiled down at her.

"Hey! Come. We do at the same time now", Consuela said taking Peggy's arm and pulling her gently but firmly over.

"Ooo, that sounds like an exciting idea", Peggy smiled opening her eyes wide. "I don't think I have ever done that before"

"Okay sweetie, you heard the lady. Open wide for us dearie", she said as the two women took their positions at opposite sides of Savannah.

A short moment later, the both released their bladders and both their streams of piss went into Savannah's open mouth creating a warm bubbling, foaming mixture.

"Nice!", Peggy exclaimed laughing as they stopped their flow after filling her mouth. They laughingly gave each other high fives in celebration of their joint achievement as Savannah sent the mixture down into her tummy.

They repeated the process again but with Consuela instructing Savannah to hold the pee in her mouth and not swallow yet.

"Hey Savannah. You know song, I'm a little teapot?", She asked her.

Savannah nodded her head her cheeks bulging as she closed her mouth so as not to spill its contents.

"Good!", she smiled brightly at her, "Okay you sing it now, but like gaggle, you know?", she said.

"Don't worry I show you", she said seeing the blank look on the Savannah's face.

Peggy was already laughing as Consuela drank from her glass and went ahead to gaggle the start of the nursery rhyme.

"Now you sing", she said swallowing her moscato down.

They busted into fits of laughter as Savannah started to gargle the tune. They laughed delightfully, their eyes getting teary, till she was done.

"Gosh, that was crazy", Peggy laughed "I can't hold my piss anymore though from laughing so hard. I think I actually peed my self a little."

"Okay sweetie, still hold that in your mouth and we will shower you down", Peggy said recovering from their laughing fit.

And so the two women proceed to piss all over Savannah, targeting and soaking her hair, face and upper body.

"Okay sweetie, go ahead and swallow what's in your mouth", Peggy said to her smiling when they were done.

Savannah, smoking and drenched swallowed their combined pee down.

"Puta tonta", Consuela said smiling down at her before spitting in her face.


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Clothes, not cloths.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Nobody on earth is that gullible. I like porn as much as the next guy but I hate when people manipulate others they shouldn't be able to breathe the same air as the rest of us.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I really enjoyed this story please write a part 2

cnsualsu1cnsualsu1about 1 year ago

omg i really love this. i love ugly old lesbian dominate abuse grope beauty plz write more!!! you are a GOD

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love it. Fantastic. More please

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