Vampires and Lovers Ch. 04


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David watched intently as Wyl closed his eyes and a small crease of concentration marred the angelic visage. He almost shouted his joy out loud as Wyl finally shook his head.

"No," Wyl said, giving David a small smile. "No emptiness. I feel a coldness that seems to associate with Vincent when I think of him, but I don't understand it."

"Perhaps it is the one who has him. We cannot afford to ignore it. Follow it, Wyl. We can contact the others when we are more certain."

The two vampires stood and hugged tightly.

"Don't ever scare me like that again," David husked, kissing Wyl's brow. "That wasn't fading. You were descending into something akin to a coma. We would have been faced with you locked inside yourself." He smiled as Wyl nuzzled gently against his shoulder and neck.

"I didn't want to live without Vincent," he said quietly. "But I realised I couldn't kill myself. I was afraid if I did I would never find Vincent. I thought I could just will myself to follow him."

"If we ever, *ever* face this again, let us all be very sure before we do anything. Deal?"

"Deal," Wyl nodded.

"Let's go find your Own," David said, his voice changing timbre as he added, "and take vengeance on the one who has done this to us."


Vincent moved slowly as his senses came back to him. His prison was back in place and Marcus still stood smirking.

"To save you asking, Vincent, let's just say that as far as your family, and your precious Chosen, are concerned you died a few seconds ago. Now it's just you and me."

"Without Wyl I will fade," Vincent husked.

"Eventually," Marcus said dismissively. "But I will do all I can to keep you, despite all your best attempts to join him. Now it's time for some fun."

Vincent automatically shrank back from the red-skinned demon that appeared within his prison.

"He doesn't exist," Marcus said gleefully, stripping the kimono from his body and revealing his already erect flesh. "Everything you think he does is simply a mental projection from me. I've practised this many times. You are going to *feel* as though he *has* taken you, my dear Vincent."

Vincent stared at the imaginary adversary. It was over seven feet tall, with smooth red skin and a forked tongue that flicked from its mouth as three tails writhed with apparent life of their own. He moved into a fighting position, but every slash of claw or bite of teeth simply passed through the creature as if it were smoke. However, it seemed to have all-too-much solidity as it threw him to the ground. Vincent writhed and struggled uselessly as his body was violated by the creature's tongue, tails and obscenely long, thick penis.

He watched Marcus from a dizzying angle, feeling as though he was going to be split apart as he was brutally mounted. The sensation of the phantom demon's climax coincided with Marcus' semen jetting from his body. The creature vanished instantly when Marcus dropped his head, panting heavily, as he recovered from his climax.

Vincent lay still, resisting the urge to curl into a ball. He had not been violated. He had not. It was all in his mind, his body was still untouched. Forcing himself to repeat the words as a mantra, he slowly sat up staring at Marcus with all the feigned indifference he could manage.

"That was most invigorating, Vincent," Marcus said, picking up his kimono. "However, you were unfulfilled. Never mind. Next time I will work on arousing you as much as you arouse me. Rest well."

Vincent remained unmoving until Marcus departed and then covered his face with his hands, suddenly uncaring whether he was monitored or not. Tears fell down his cheeks and were left unheeded.

"We had so little time, Wyl, my Own, my precious Chosen," he whispered. "I will not let him take what I would only ever give to you. I ask now of Death that I find you swiftly. Wait for me, love."

There was little Vincent could do. There was Just one tiny ray of hope. The prison was attuned to him. He could not escape as he was, but there was one form in which he might just get past his prison's walls. He let himself change. There was little chance that once he became fully feral he would ever revert to his civilised self. However, he might stand a chance of killing Marcus and if not the dark mage would derive little if any pleasure from tormenting something that existed only to feed and mate. He let the darkness claim him.


David and Wyl were surprised to find Seamus and Gabriel arriving at the same building as they descended from the air. They had left the city and were now in a more rural environment. Houses and farms were spaced out over large distances and fields.

"Vincent is here," Wyl whispered.

"We'll explain later," David said in response to the twin looks of shock.

"Liam and his family will be here momentarily," Seamus said. "We called them for help."

Almost as he spoke, the air vibrated and Liam and the others appeared and milled around agitatedly, transported as a group by Tillie.

"This is Marcus' home," James snarled menacingly, his mate at his shoulder.

"We don't have time to explain things," David said rapidly. "But we believe Vincent is in here and Wyl and I will go and find him."

"I'll go with you," Tillie said determinedly. "You're likely to need a spell caster. Marcus must have employed magic to keep Vincent hidden from us."

"A good idea," Liam nodded. "The rest of us can take care of any Marcus has here to help him. We called Lisa and her family and they will follow swiftly. They don't have a mage, but will get here quite soon. Marcus will not get away from us."

They were all taken inside the building by Tillie and instantly split into small groups. Letting Wyl lead the way, Tillie and David followed close, trying to ignore sounds of fighting that started behind them. He stopped in front of a solid wall.

"There," he said pointing.

Tillie raised her hands and felt the magic. She could trace the outline of a door and concentrated on revealing and opening it for the two agitated vampires.

"I'll have to stay here," she grunted, Marcus' spell proving difficult to counteract.

"If necessary we will take the walls apart brick-by-brick to get out," David said as he followed Wyl through the glowing doorway.

The brunette and blond stared at the shimmering cylinder that stood in the centre of the room as they slowly moved inside.

"What is it?" Wyl asked. "Where's Vincent?"

Tillie was so focused on maintaining the doorway, she did not hear Marcus approach her from behind. She crumpled silently to the floor at the brutal blow to the back of her skull.

"Pathetic little harpy," Marcus growled. "Another time I would teach you how much power a real mage has, but I can't waste time or energy on you now." With an impatient gesture he reopened his portal and strode into the chamber that held Vincent, closing it behind him. He stopped in front of David and Wyl, smirking.

"Only I can free him from his prison. Say 'goodbye' to Wyl, Vincent. This time he's the one coming with me." Belatedly he realised the cylinder was empty and that the two vampires had paid no attention to his entry or his words. Instead their eyes were fixed on a point both above and behind him and both males wore the same looks of horror. The hairs on the back of his neck began to rise and he turned.

And screamed.

As the feral beast Vincent had become launched itself at Marcus, David grabbed Wyl's hand and dragged him away from the sight of Marcus being brutally savaged.

"We have to get out," he said. "Tillie, Tillie, open the door!" He banged furiously at the point he thought the portal should be.

"But Vincent," Wyl said. Even though he barely recognised him, it was still his husband, his lover.

"Vincent is feral, Wyl. Perhaps with help we can revert him, but right now he doesn't know who we are or who he is. We are one of two things; potential for feeding or potential for mating. Tillie, hurry please!"

Marcus' screams gave way to gurgles and then silence and David turned to push Wyl behind him. He had no doubts that the younger man would not fight. His mind would only see Vincent, not a dangerous creature.

His immediate bloodlust sated, feral Vincent turned his attention to the pretty males in the room with him. Another lust began to boil in his veins. He could see their shimmering outlines through the light that had held him captive. He snarled at the ravaged corpse of his jailer and moved.

David indicated for Wyl to stay where he was with his hand.

"If Vincent attacks me, try and either get through the wall or get Tillie to open the doorway. Something must be happening outside we don't know about. Promise me, Wyl."

David did not get an opportunity to elicit the promise from the brunette as Vincent swooped from the ceiling to carry the blond to the far end of the room, blanketing David's smaller frame with his broader, heavier body.

"Vincent, please," David tried to make the bigger vampire stop, but his wrists were quickly enveloped in a large, strong hand and pinned over his head. The feral's longer, sharper teeth latched into the flesh at David's neck both as a means of restraint as well as more feeding. "Please no, Vincent," David moaned as the beast's free hand began to tear at the clothing inhibiting mating.

"Vincent, please come to me." Wyl used the only weapon he thought might stand a chance of piercing the feral shell that, to his mind, now enveloped the man he loved. "Please, love," he added, his voice dropping in timbre as his hand stroked his shaft into partial erection. He stood naked, hoping Vincent might in some way know him. He watched as the beast licked closed the wounds at David's neck, but then slam its fist into the blond's temple and he groaned empathically. Wyl gasped as he was propelled to the floor with an unexpected speed, the beast instantly taking its place between his thighs. He tried to stroke its face, but his hand was grasped and a warning snarl emanated deep within the more-furred chest.

The beast studied the dark beauty, a tiny spark flickering in the deepest recesses of its mind as sound, scent, sight and sensation began to register in its subconscious. He rubbed against the smooth skin, sniffing at the smaller male's throat. He licked a swathe from collarbone to ear, a softer growl indicating approval as the lithe body trembled. He licked again, the taste sweet and indefinably addictive. He sank his fangs into the unprotected throat and jerked as taste joined the other senses and the spark blazed into life.

Wyl could feel a change taking place with his mate, even though the feral visage was buried in his shoulder. He could feel *Vincent*, he was sure of it. He heard the soft moan from David and began to nudge at the heavy male still pinning him down.

"Vincent, I need you to move, love. David's hurt and I have to see to him. Are you back with me yet? Do you understand?"


The voice was barely a whisper, but it made the younger male's heart soar. A shaky tongue closed the wounds at his neck and he helped as Vincent tried to move. He looked at his mate as the recognised and beloved features slowly resumed. He kissed his lover, nuzzling gently.

"David?" Vincent husked.

"I'll check him," Wyl said, moving to the other vampire. He was pleased to see David recovering consciousness slowly. There were, however, vivid marks against the pale skin of the blond's throat and temple. He picked up the smaller body and laid him next to Vincent, who now sat leaning against a wall, smiling as his lover's hand reached to pet at David's shoulder. Wyl went to his clothes and donned his pants. Carrying his shirt back to the other men, he draped it over Vincent's groin just as David opened his eyes.

"Vincent," David said elatedly and then groaned as pain like shards of glass tore through his head.

"Lie still, you took a hard blow," Wyl fussed, ensuring David's head was comfortably pillowed on Vincent's thigh and that the bigger blond was also comfortable.

"Yes, mother," David whispered, smiling as he felt Vincent's hand return to his shoulder. He was happy to lie and let Wyl take care of things. He reached to cover Vincent's hand with his own and gave a contended sigh.

Wyl returned to where the doorway should be and as he began to pound against the brick, the portal opened. He grinned joyfully as Seamus and Gabriel surged through.

"Over there," he pointed. "David took a hard blow and Vincent is still weak," he explained as the older men followed him inside. He accepted the shirt that Gabriel quickly shrugged off when he saw Vincent's nudity. Wyl and Seamus helped Vincent don the shirt as Gabriel lifted his petit lover and cradled him to his chest. Wyl nodded at Seamus' offer to take care of Vincent and hovered at his mate's side as he was scooped into Seamus' strong arms. He began to trail behind as his strength ebbed rapidly now the immediate danger was over. As he reached the doorway he began to sway. He had a dim awareness of being caught in gentle arms before he gave into encroaching blackness.


Wyl began to regain his senses slowly and was instantly aware of the large body behind him and just who it belonged to.

"Vincent," he cried, turning to face his lover. He began peppering the beloved visage with kisses as the older man stroked his flanks and trailed talented fingers across his nipples.

"My love, my Own," Vincent husked. He had been so certain he had lost his young lover, that it still felt like a dream to have Wyl in his arms. Scenting Wyl's need, not wanting to waste a single, precious second, Vincent moved to lie between Wyl's legs and lick his mate's rosy-hued erection. He lapped the pre-come from the head and teased the slit with the tip of his tongue. He then trailed his agile muscle down the ridge on the underside of Wyl's straining shaft. Reaching the velvety sac, Vincent nuzzled it, flicking his tongue out to moisten the suede-like flesh.

He now needed more of his lover and sucked first one, then the other, precious oval into his mouth. Rolling each gently in turn, he savoured their unique flavour. Moving on, he let his tongue swipe at Wyl's perineum and smiled at the low moan. Spotting the pre-come dripping from Wyl's shaft, he licked it clean, sucking softly at the head, before slowly taking more of it into his mouth. Relaxing his throat Vincent took all of his mate's hardness burying his nose in musk-scented curls. Working his mouth, he used his tongue to caress Wyl's flesh as he moved from root to tip. Releasing the tumescent organ, he gave the head one last lick before turning his attention to the rest of the body displayed for his delectation.

Wyl's flushed face aroused him further, his lover's eyes were filled with love and desire and a sheen glistened on his brow. Smiling, Vincent slid up the bed to nip and nibble alluring, espresso nubs that adorned the smooth, honey-tinted skin. He moved higher again to kiss the beloved face. Twining his fingers in Wyl's hair, he angled him into a rougher, deeper, wetter kiss. Using his tongue, he plundered Wyl's mouth, nipping and sucking at his lips. He finally pulled back when he realised Wyl was thrusting against him, desperate for contact.

Wyl's hands had been massaging Vincent shoulders and stroking the nape of his neck, but now he clutched at Vincent's flanks and hips, pulling him down. Wyl moaned into Vincent's mouth as, without breaking their kiss, Vincent started thrusting, their swollen flesh rubbing together. Wyl gasped as the kiss finally ended and he latched on to one of his lover's nipples, nipping and sucking, desperate to bestow pleasure to his husband. When the one was tight and hard, he transferred his attention to the other, treating it with the same loving care.

Vincent began working his hand down to his lover's opening. He slid his hand sensually along a satiny inner thigh and delved daintily into the downy declivity. He massaged around the dilating rosette and then slowly pressed one finger in. As Wyl moaned and began a gentle push onto the single digit, he added a second finger. Scissoring carefully, Vincent stretched his lover to take his maleness. As he used one hand to open his mate, the other pleasured Wyl's throbbing erection.

Wyl moaned a soft denial when Vincent's fingers pulled from his body. The loss of the wonderful feeling of his mate inside him, leaving him temporarily bereft. Then he watched as Vincent knelt and lined his straining staff against his aching emptiness. He eagerly complied with the touch to his legs that indicated Vincent wanted them wrapped around his waist. Wyl then clutched desperately at broad shoulders as the bigger male pushed inside him slowly, sheathing himself fully in the body of his soul-mate.

Vincent thrust fluidly to bury himself fully, his sac nestling intimately against Wyl's nether cheeks and then held still. He groaned softly, relishing the feel of the hot, tight sheath that rippled erotically around his primed flesh.

"More, beloved, please more," Wyl begged.

Pulling half way out, Vincent drove back in, brushing Wyl's hidden jewel, grinning darkly as Wyl wailed at the sensation.

Wyl moaned in exultation when Vincent hit his sweet spot with every motion of his powerful haunches. His head thrashed from side to side, fingers clutching with bruising force against Vincent's powerful shoulders as his mate hit his prostate again and again. Wyl reached to touch himself, only to whimper beseechingly as the hand was pinned above his head and Vincent snapped his hips back and forth driving Wyl to greater heights of arousal. He could feel the gradual increase in speed and depth, knowing that Vincent delighted in his incoherent mewls and moans of pleasure. He wailed as the blond reached between their bodies and started to stroke Wyl in time with his own movements.

Wyl began to keen continually, beyond the ability to speak, as the pleasure built deep in his belly. Heat was spreading outwards, the blaze of love and passion threatening to reduce him to ashes .Wyl cried out as Vincent roared his name, his lover's climax exploding deep in Wyl's body, flooding him with hot come. The liquid fire of his lover's release sent Wyl screaming into the volcano of bliss, his seed erupting between their bodies. He wrapped arms and legs around the bigger body as though by sheer will-power he could fuse them into one entity.

Neither knew how long they lay there, joined together, whispering their love and devotion and purging their souls of the loss they each thought they had endured. Finally Vincent withdrew, easing his lover onto his stomach and growling softly at the combined taste of his mate's intimate flesh and his own seed as his tongue bathed between his lover's satiny globes.

"As much as I want to remain here, we need to let our family and friends know we are well," Vincent said with a sigh, crawling to drape over Wyl's slighter form. He smiled as the brunette craned his head for a kiss that Vincent ardently bestowed.

"The sooner they know we are well, the sooner we can return" Wyl smiled. He laughed as Vincent flew to his feet, flinging clothes on, and over at Wyl, with eyes that glinted mischievously.

As Wyl led the way from the bedroom, Vincent drew himself to his full height and prepared himself mentally to join the others. He was by no means recovered from his time in Marcus' clutches. However, he did not feel that this was the right time to talk to Wyl. His lover needed to regain his strength. He was strong enough to wait a while. Pushing the darkness from his thoughts, Vincent slid his arm around Wyl's waist as they entered the large sitting room to be joyfully welcomed by those he loved and trusted.

His healing would start here.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Beautiful Story

This story just keeps getting more and more beautiful. The characters love for each other (both mated pairs and general family/friends) makes this so enjoyable to read. The story has become one of my favorites and I hope one day to see it in book format!

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66about 12 years ago

Such a wonderful story again and the love so strong between them all is great to read... next

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

One of the best writers ever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

wow i love ur work pelaam! love it

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
always good

You're stories are always good and everytime I get on the site, you're the first author I check to see if there are any new stories so this one was a real treat. Like alot of readers, I'm eagerly waiting for Seamus to get a mate.

snoetlojsnoetlojover 14 years ago
Great characters

As always I love your characters, I also love seeing updates in this series!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

please give us something more to read. we need seamus story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

I love this series! You seem to be able to extend the story without making it seem tideous or pointless, each development is unique and completely in flow with the storyline. Although I have to agree with one of the previous comments - please let Seamus find his Own!!

Danae72Danae72over 14 years ago
So glad

I was thrilled to see this new installment to the series. As wonderful as always.

UtopiaMadisonUtopiaMadisonover 14 years ago
Loved it...

Can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Absolutely fantastic

Another fabulous story from a master teller. I absolutely love it. And to echo another's setiment please find a mate for Seamus

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
stunning as normal....

... but please let seamus find his one. please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
i loved it!

i absolutely love this stories, i jus wish seamus wud find his mate then it wud be perfect.

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