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Red_BjorN's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Pet wants to give back to Dave and Kathy.

4.4 40.8k 9 3 9

The first year with their pet.

4.35 43.8k 7 3 8

Dave & Kathy share their pet.

H 4.65 74.7k 8 4 8

They start the first week of this new life.

4.47 45.3k 4 2 6

They all go out together for the first.

4.44 42.5k 7 4 7

They record their life as it is now.

4.45 57.2k 9 3 10

Kathy takes her 'pet' shopping.

4.48 72.1k 14 4 17

Kathy brings home a pet

4.46 177.3k 90 12 110

Kaal finds his thirst for Fur.

by EntwinedLust
NonHuman 03/08/2005
44k 20 14 21