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willie11a's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

He directs, and she choreographs...

3.15 44.4k 1 1

He watches his girlfriend fuck her brother.

3.96 157.8k 33 43

His wife introduces him to the man/woman of his dreams.

4.06 193.3k 33 40

Stepdaughter has big surprise for him.

by juge1
Fetish 10/01/2001
H 4.5 206.7k 94 113

Daddy gives Steph new experiences.

H 4.6 326.1k 180 14 206

Loving wife surprises her husband with her hairy friends.

by jazm49
Fetish 02/27/2003
52.4k 8 9