
Stories by wyvernwand

by wyvernwand
First Time& more 09/22/2022
87.3k 17 8 23

Two previous lovers reunite during London Blitz.

4.2 6.3k 1

An unexpected bonus with a new partner.

by wyvernwand
Mature 03/22/2013
H 4.51 44.7k 15 3 16

A return visit and a first anal for both of us.

by wyvernwand
Mature 03/21/2013
4.26 32.8k 8 10

Exhibition couple meet again.

by wyvernwand
Mature 03/20/2013
4.44 27.2k 8 8

Finding a sex partner at an exhibition.

by wyvernwand
Mature 03/19/2013
4.29 37k 14 1 17