Freedom of Speech is a fundamental human right worldwide. Based in the United States, Literotica is subject to the First Amendment of the US Constitution’s Bill of Rights, which grants wide ranging free speech rights and legal protections.
Disappointingly, there are nefarious organizations and individuals who strive to silence speech they disapprove of. Speech between consenting adults about sexuality is a top target for global anti-speech groups. Publishing erotic fiction requires that the Literotica community remain ever vigilant and on guard, ready to defend against the dark forces working against our fundamental free speech rights.
Defending free speech is an ongoing battle that requires constant resources. Those who would burn books, ban movies, block websites, and jail artists are always looking for new targets to silence.
Fortunately, there are many organizations and individuals whose life work is keeping free speech free. We’ve personally supported several non profit free speech advocacy organizations since long before Literotica’s official founding, and we highly recommend that every member of the Lit community take action as well. Find a free speech advocacy organization that matches your personal interests, and support their efforts in whatever way you can.
What follows is a non-comprehensive list of organizations known for fighting to protect free speech rights. The type of speech that most often needs defending is “unpopular speech”, which means that some of these organizations may occasionally find themselves defending the seemingly undefensible. One does not have to personally endorse (or even approve of) every case, person, or issue an organizations advocates for to believe that their overall goal and work is important to protecting free speech rights.
In addition to these organizations, we would like to thank the indispensable First Amendment lawyers (including JD Obenberger RIP and Richard Chapo RIP) who have helped guide the Literotica Community through the free speech legal landscape for over two decades.