Contact Literotica

There are many different ways to contact Literotica, depending on what you need. In most cases, you should find the information you’re seeking either in the Literotica FAQ or in one of the many Literotica Support Forums.

If you still need to talk to someone after searching the above resources, here are a few options.


Please check our Publishing FAQ. If you need additional help, you can make a post in the Literotica Author Support Forum or Technical Support Forum, PM Laurel in the Literotica Forum, or send us a message here.

Story Ideas

If you have a great idea for a Literotica story but don’t feel up to writing it yourself, let one of our erotic authors have a shot at it. The quickest way to reach authors with your story ideas is to post them in the Story Ideas Forum of the Literotica Forum. Many of our authors check it daily, and many great stories have been published as a result of reader feedback. The Literotica Forum is also a great place to exchange ideas, offer opinions on stories, get motivated to write your own stories, and generally have a great time!

Comments, Questions, and Site Feedback

Any general questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the site should be directed to our Contact Form or the Literotica Forum.

Website Technical Issues

If you have found an issue or bug on the website, check our Bug Reports FAQ. If you have a security concern with the website, check our Report a Possible Security Issue FAQ.

Copyright Issues or DMCA Notices

If you need to contact us about any copyright related issue, see our Report a Possible Copyright Issue FAQ.

Law Enforcement

If you are a member of Law Enforcement and you need to contact us, see our Law Enforcement Contact FAQ.

Advertising and Business Inquiries

If you have legitimate business proposals or would like to talk about a serious advertising proposal, you can use our Contact Form. We do not reply to most unsolicited messages, but you are welcome to send serious proposals.

Media Inquiries

Literotica has been a pioneering online community - from publishing stories, erotic audio, and interactive fiction since the 1990s, to publishing physical books and launching one of the first and most popular adult smartphone apps in the world - for over 25 years.

If you’re working on an article, book, podcast, or other media project relating to the history of online communities, the history of online publishing, the history of the adult internet, the growth of erotic audio, or anything else in our space, we always appreciate being referenced/mentioned. You’re welcome to use any information found on our About Literotica page in published media. If you need more information, feel free to use our Contact Form.

Social Media

Literotica is active on Twitter and we have an official Reddit Subreddit as well.

Contacting Literotica For Other Reasons

Please see our Official FAQ and Literotica Resources pages for other contact options.