1 Alliance Square


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"Well, what else you want do?" Brianna asked, sipping her rum and cola.

"Become a pool shark," Chilandra smiled.

"Chilandra, I beat you at every game," Brianna smiled, kissing the top of her head again.

"I let you," Chilandra lied.

"Seriously, what else..." Brianna asked again.

"God, I don't know. I'm no good at anything," Chilandra wailed. "But one more time, just one more time that stuck up cunt fucks with me, I'm beat her ass."

True to her word, Brianna did accompany Chilandra to their church. She was warm and friendly with Mrs. Duncan and clapped along with the rousing hymns, paid rapt attention as Reverend Gendusa wailed and yelled and thundered against the evils of Satan.

"Oh, let me smoke this joint. Wow, marijuana makes me feel good!" the man said in his nasally voice. "Well of course it does! You really think Satan would let it feel bad? If doing drugs felt bad, he wouldn't be able to ensnare so many people! He wouldn't be able to trap people in his evil clutches! Oh, let me smoke this joint. Oh, this is horrible! I hate this, I'll never do this again! And Satan loses. So, of course it feels good. Getting high feels good. Getting drunk feels good. And then, it doesn't. You lose your home, your job, your car, your family. Once you are fully in his grip? There's only one way out."

"Hello Reverend Gendusa," Brianna smiled, shaking the man's thin, bony hand as she and Chilandra left the church.

The man paled, seeing his attorney. Then he painted a wide smile on his face and welcomed the woman to his church.

"Your husband's still out of town, Mrs. Walker?" Mrs. Childress asked as they stood by Brianna's SUV.

"Yes ma'am, says it might actually be another week," Brianna said sadly. "But, please, just call me Brianna, okay?"

At home, Brianna and Chilandra got out of their church clothes. Again ensconced in their long tee shirts, which Brianna confessed were actually Andrew's tee shirts, Brianna pulled Chilandra to the third door.

"What, what's this room?" Chilandra asked as Brianna took the small key from the top doorjamb.

Brianna didn't answer, just popped the lock of the door. When she stretched up to put the small key over the doorjamb again, Chilandra could see that Brianna was crying silent tears.

"Our nursery," Brianna said, wiping the hem of her tee shirt across her eyes.

There was a small dresser, a crib, a changing table, and a playpen in the room. The east wall was painted baby blue, the north wall was painted baby pink, the west wall was painted light green and the south wall was painted light yellow.

"Ass hole ex-husband of mine?" Brianna said, angrily gripping the railing of the crib. "Gave me chlamydia, gonorrhea, didn't tell me about it. Knew he had something, just thought it'd go away."

"STDs don't just go away," Chilandra said, looking at the huge teddy bear in the playpen.

"By the time I found out I had it? Was too late," Brianna sobbed out. "Doctor said it's highly unlikely I'll ever get pregnant. And if I do? There is no way I'd be able to carry it to term."

"Oh my God, oh Brianna," Chilandra cried out, pulling Brianna in for a hug.

"Both Andrew and I wanted kids, wanted them so bad," Brianna sobbed, heartbroken. "Why he bought this house; there's six bedrooms in it."

"Oh, Brianna!" Chilandra wailed, her tears flowing.

"When we found out? Told Andrew to leave me. Told him, go find someone can give him the five or six kids he wants," Brianna sobbed, clinging onto Chilandra.

"What'd he say?" Chilandra asked, rubbing her friend's back.

"Dumb ass says I'm stuck with him," Brianna admitted.

"God, he loves you," Chilandra said.

"Uh huh," Brianna agreed, using the hem of her tee shirt to wipe her face. "Come on. I can't take being in here."

Chilandra took one last look around the room before Brianna turned off the light. With a soft 'click' the door was shut again.

"Soup and sandwiches okay? I'm really not in much of a mood to cook," Brianna asked listlessly.

"Sure," Chilandra said, following Brianna down the stairs.

That night, lying in the big bed, entwined with one another, Chilandra gently kissed Brianna's lips. Brianna smiled and softly kissed Chilandra's lips.

"Love you," Chilandra whispered.

"Love you too," Brianna said.

"I, what if I, what if I had your baby for you?" Chilandra asked.

She felt Brianna tense. Suddenly the room was flooded in light. She blinked, looking at Brianna's startled face.

"What if what?" Brianna demanded.

"What if I have the baby? You and Andrew can raise it; it'd be your baby," Chilandra said.

"You, you'd, do you have any idea what you're even saying?" Brianna stammered.

"I'm saying, I let your husband fuck me," Chilandra said.

"It's making love," Brianna retorted, imitating Andrew's deep voice.

"Let him make love to me, I mean, shit we're doing that now already," Chilandra said. "I get pregnant, have the baby, then give it to y'all."

"We are doing this legally, hear?" Brianna stated.

"Good God, typical lawyer," Chilandra teased. "Surprised didn't make me sign a contract first time I went to lunch with y'all."

Mentally exhausted, emotionally drained, Andrew grabbed his garment bag and wheeled suitcase from the baggage carousel at Judge Roberts Airport in Oakleaf, Texas.

"There he is!" he heard two women squeal and his mental fog lifted.

"Oh my God, oh hi Sweetheart," Brianna babbled, wrapping her arms around him.

"Hi there Stranger," Chilandra smiled, hugging him as well.

"Security! Security! I have no idea who these two women are," Andrew playfully said.

"Well, then, I'd suggest you just go along, see what they got in mind," Myra Goldbloom said, grabbing her own suitcases from the carousel.

"Myra, you remember my wife," Andrew said. "And this beautiful woman is our friend, Chilandra Childress."

"Work down in that cosmetic shop," Myra said, smiling. "I've seen you. There is no way on God's green earth I'd even try walking around in those high heels."

"Get used to it," Chilandra agreed.

"Honey, anything I have to get used to? I'm not going to get used to it, "Myra said stoically.

"And Myra's the adventurous one in our firm," Andrew joked.

"Again, Andrew, I do hope you'll give some thought to what we were talking about," Myra said before leaving the baggage claim area.

"Need you to look at a contract when we get home," Brianna said as Andrew herded them and his suitcase and garment bag toward the south exit, toward short term parking.

"Sweetheart, really?" Andrew complained. "Spent the last nine days looking at nothing but paperwork."

"Oh, I think you'll like this contract," Brianna sang.

Brianna and Chilandra sat in the rear of the SUV, whispering and giggling. Andrew shook his head as he made it from airport to home in record time; there wasn't much traffic at two thirty in the afternoon.

"Now, you want a drink first? A cup of coffee first?" Brianna asked when they entered the home.

"Or a blow job first?" Chilandra asked.

"Blow job, then coffee," Andrew agreed.

"You know, your wife doesn't like to make love when you're not home?" Chilandra complained as she knelt in front of Andrew.

"Know what? I uh, I'm actually pretty happy hear that," Andrew said, then moaned as Chilandra wrapped her lips around his swelling cock.

It had been ten days for him; Andrew did not last long. After swallowing the first shot, Chilandra rose up and pressed her lips to Brianna's mouth. Andrew's wilting cock jerked, slowly reviving as he watched the two women passing his semen back and forth.

"Hmm? Oh, drink! What you want to drink, Sweetheart?" Brianna remembered.

"Honestly? Iced tea," Andrew said. "The stuff they serve in Hong Kong? Horrible."

"I'll get it," Chilandra said, walking to the kitchen.

"Now, this contract," Andrew said.

Chilandra smiled when he heard Andrew exclaim, "We what?"

She returned to the living room, tall glass of iced tea in hand. She smiled as she saw that Andrew's cock was standing stiff and proud.

"You're sure. You are one hundred percent sure about this?" Andrew demanded of Chilandra.

"Signed and notarized," Chilandra affirmed. "Quit taking my pills last Friday. They're probably not out of my system yet but if you'd like to start trying now..."

"Uh, bull shit too," Brianna laughed happily. "First load is going into MY pussy."

"Fine," Chilandra said, snuggling up to Andrew on his left side.

"But you're sure? You're really all right with this?" Andrew pressed, gulping down half of his iced tea.

"I love you," Chilandra said quietly, looking into his beautiful eyes. "And I love Brianna. And this is something I can do that'll make y'all happy."

After finishing his iced tea, after declining another glass, Andrew allowed himself to be led up the stairs to his bedroom. Two beautiful blondes stripped, pausing often to kiss one another, then both lay down on his bed, legs spread wide for him.

Andrew put his hard cock to the hairless cleft of his wife's pussy, thought about her belly becoming swollen with his, their baby, and blasted his load all over her pubic mound.

"Damn!" Brianna giggled as Andrew groaned and shuddered, his sperm jetting onto her pubic mound and belly.

"I got to..." Chilandra said and bent to clean Brianna's pussy and belly of Andrew's semen.

Chilandra squealed as Andrew knelt behind her and drove his still hard cock into her pussy.

Brianna grunted, then squealed in orgasm as Chilandra licked and sucked her pussy. Then Andrew pulled his dripping cock from Chilandra's pussy and again pushed it into his wife's pussy.

"Missed you so much, Sweetheart," Brianna husked into Andrew's ear. "So, so much."

Andrew managed to pump a fair amount of semen into Brianna's pussy. Then Chilandra sucked him up to full hardness and flopped onto her back. Brianna straddled Chilandra's face, feeding her Andrew's semen from her pussy. Again, Andrew thought about his wife, belly large with their child and pumped Chilandra's pussy full of his baby juice.

"Hi Tony? Andrew just came back into town and we just don't feel like cooking. Got a table for three? Hmm, about six? You're the best, Tony," Andrew vaguely heard his wife speaking.

At five fifteen, he was roused from a deep slumber and told to clean up. Then Chilandra drove the SUV while husband and wife chatted quietly in the rear of the vehicle.

"Mr. Walker, how are you, sir?" Freddy greeted Andrew. "Mrs. Walker, so nice to see y'all again."

The trio were seated right away and the heavy menus placed in their hands. After a few moments, their waiter appeared.

"Know, I have never had a ribeye; they any good?" Chilandra asked.

"It's my favorite cut of meat," their waiter said. "And ours is aged to the peak of perfection. So tender, you can just about cut it with a fork."

"That, then. Medium," Chilandra agreed.

"Got to stick with the New York Strip," Andrew smiled. "Medium well."

"Same, with the roasted tomatoes," Brianna agreed.

"So, you'll be living, you will be living with us, right?" Andrew asked Chilandra as they ate their salads.

Chilandra had the thought of her mother, her mother's disapproval, her daughter unwed and pregnant. Even more scandalous, the father of the baby was married. She smiled a tight little smile.

"Yes I will. Y'all have a pretty big bed anyway," Chilandra said.

Mrs. Childress was none too happy about her child's 'sinful, wanton' decision. But as Chilandra placed the last box of her things on the back seat of her little beetle bug, the woman hugged her daughter tightly.

"Just promise me you'll keep going to church," she begged.

"I will, Momma," Chilandra said, a few tears sliding down her face.

With the retirement of John Lee, Perkins, Goldbloom & Lee became Perkins, Goldbloom, Walker & Associates. Being a full partner, Andrew suddenly found himself with much less time to spend with his wife and their pregnant girlfriend. But when he did manage to drag himself into their home, he was met with loving hugs and kisses.

At three and a half months, Chilandra was not showing much more than a little thickness around her middle. But looking at Chilandra, Andrew could picture her, belly large, swollen with his, their baby. He could see her breasts becoming larger, could envision her nipples becoming dark, puffy, could see milk coursing down, over her belly. And his erection would be immediate.

Brianna was overjoyed, seemed incapable of keeping her hands off of Chilandra's belly. She seemed to be incapable of keeping her lips from Chilandra's lips.

Even in church, Brianna would often reach out her hand, gently rub Chilandra's belly.

As Chilandra's belly grew, Andrew's need for sex grew. As for Chilandra, she enjoyed the intimacy, the closeness that sex brought with it. She did enjoy orgasms. But she would have been just as happy sitting and cuddling with either Andrew or Brianna.

As partner of Perkins, Goldbloom, Walker & Associates, Andrew finally managed to break the stalemate between Joseph and Joanne Crenshaw and brokered the deal for the plot of land on the opposite corner of 1 Alliance Square. He also brokered the deal to begin construction on Alliance Square Health Facilities, a six story hospital that would occupy the newly purchased land.

"Afraid the hospital won't be ready in time for Andrew Jerome Walker, Junior, though," Andrew said.

"Chilandra Brianna Walker, butt hole," Brianna declared as she slowly, sensuously rubbed lotion into Chilandra's belly.

"Well, maybe not for this one, Chilandra said, kissing Brianna. "And we are not naming our baby Chilandra Brianna Walker; that's a horrible name."

"This one?" Andrew asked.

"Then what's her name going be?" Brianna demanded.

"Christy Alexis Walker," Chilandra offered.

"Stripper's names?" Brianna hooted.

"This one?" Andrew said again.

"Well, yeah," Chilandra smiled. "Don't you think he or she's going need a little brother or sister play with?"

Chilandra reached down and began to run a finger up and down her hairless mound.

"And didn't y'all say y'all wanted five or six kids anyway?" Chilandra asked.

"Ohmybod I love you so much," Brianna gasped.

Drew Michelle Walker was born eleven months from the day that Brianna dragged Andrew into Elegantre to purchase a tube of sunblock. She had straw colored hair and bright blue eyes and a healthy appetite for Mommy's breast milk. She also got very little sleep; three adults seemed to be infatuated with every little movement, every little squeak she made.

Andrea, Andrew's mother smiled, claiming she was far too young to be a grandmother BUT, if she were to be a grandmother, then Drew was the perfect granddaughter. . Brian, Brianna's father did not acknowledge receipt of the birth announcement, which was fine with Brianna. Chilandra's mother came once, nodded approval and asked if Chilandra would be moving home again.

"I am home," Chilandra smiled, holding the sucking baby to her breast.

Six months after giving birth to Drew, Chilandra began weaning the infant from her breast and asked Andrew if he was ready to try for baby number two. It was Brianna that answered that he was more than ready.

"Plus that, you are so sexy when you're preggers," Brianna enthused, shoving her tongue into Chilandra's mouth.


**Author's Note: I write these stories for my pleasure; I post them here for your enjoyment. I thank you sincerely for reading my stories.

I especially thank those that take the time to leave comments, good and bad, and those that take the time to rate my tales.

A word about comments though. Please do not leave comments saying you can't wait to see where they go from here. They probably don't go anywhere from here. Andrew, Brianna, and Chilandra might pop up in other stories, but this is the end of this story.

Have a swell day. And be sure to use plenty of sunblock.

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AnyMooseAnyMoose6 months ago

Will/does Tonya (a. k. a. Thomas Michael?) Cruz have a story out there somewhere?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really good.Tanks

corrytonmancorrytonmanabout 1 year ago

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading almost all of your stories, and this is among your best!

blackknight314blackknight314almost 2 years ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A very good read, thank you

Regards N in the UK

Richard1940Richard1940almost 3 years ago

Another great story. 5*s

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Another great story, as always!

Thanks again for posting. Your stories make my days. I especially enjoy the characters, culture, dialect, and humor. Please keep writing!

Crusader235Crusader235about 5 years ago

Great story telling once again. Funny I have no problem with girl girl, but skip over the male gay quickly. Love your stories, and the details you give us in their world. Five Stars, and thank you for it.

dinkymacdinkymacover 5 years ago

...for the great story!

mordbrandmordbrandover 5 years ago
Kind of hoping

That we get a side tale on Stephanie, hate to see her stuck with Glen. I know that breaks the rules, but sue me. 😛

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