23rd Floor Ch. 04

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When in doubt, hit reset.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/02/2015
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{OK. Shit happens in life, sometimes it piles up so deep the only way to make things better is to try and climb up out of it.

Flesh is weak, anyone who claims they are pure as snow and even comes in here is lying through their teeth.

I am no different, I can be as naughty as anyone, so thinking about that, I know very well my wife can be also.

Hell, by now I know that for a fact! Being a Registered Nurse for so many years, and now a full fledged Doctor, my wife Debra has seen and done a lot of things that the rest of us can only imagine.

Her outlook on life, sex, relationships is completely different than most other people's, mine too, in fact.

She and I have done a lot of naughty things, for titillation, excitement, I suppose for just plain fun. She likes it, enjoys it, and I can claim all day long that I just go along with it. But the truth is, I liked some of it also.

There are those things in life that we are all "supposed" to do, but I happen to know that the vast majority of people are like looking at the cover of a book. What we see on the outside is often nothing like what is going on inside.

Then when we find out the truth, the inside part conflicts with the outside part, and it is all trouble.

Think about it for a moment. Your wife, the one you are with right now. The odds are astronomical that someone in the past has been with her.

Intimately, with her willing and joining right in.

The same is true of you. So that was where I did my very best to put my mind. Is it really all that different, having happened in the past than now?

I am not sure, there are still mixed emotions although I would say that things are lots better at home.}


Keeping secrets like letting her college professor into her panties during a moment of mildly drunken weakness was bad enough, but then holding that inside for six long months was a bit much.

It might sound odd but that six long months with my not having a single clue just got to me. Now some folks will go nuts and shoot people, others might do some hands on type of stuff, others will file for divorce instantly.

Me? I left, to get myself some time to think, do some in depth soul searching. I even went fishing with Bud Wilson, he is odd as hell but a pretty good guy. We caught some Catfish out of his pond that would make any fisherman blink, things that were in the two foot long range. Those are powerful critters, lots of fun.

It's tough to think about the wife and any hanky panky when something like that is on the line.

I drank some of his beer, smoked a few cigars, he even had a huge sack of those Corn Curl things, I ate some knowing Debra would have a fit if she knew.

Bud's girl friend Billy came out to brings us a thermos of coffee and some sandwiches since we were sitting out there in the rain. It wasn't raining very hard, barely enough to get a person damp.

You would need to see Billy to understand, she is close to as homely as a female can be and still be a female. I doubt that she owns a bra, I have never seen her in one, and she has nice big breasts that sag way down and move around.

I know, I have seen all of her, like the time I was driving her somewhere and she had me stop, jumped out of the car and was doing jumping jacks in the middle of the highway, my headlights right on her.

Yes, odd woman, and crazy as a loon.

Bud likes her, man can she cook. He told me she also does blow jobs that cannot be believed, maybe that is it. He also suggested that if I wanted, he would have Billy do me, but I turned that down.

Married, and all of course.


Then that Todd guy showed up the next day. The guy I don't like all that much for absolutely no reason. The chat was short, but to the point. He was right, it was time to go home, talk to my wife. The surprise was that since she figured out where I was, she didn't show up herself.

That I admit I had been waiting for, expecting.

But then, aside from being a different female, my wife Debs is also as stubborn as a Jackass sometimes.


We finally had the long talk that should have been right off the bat. My fault there, I tend to try and escape conflicts, just the way I am.

Debra told me she tried many times to tell me about her short affair with the professor, feeling guilty, ashamed of herself.

Frightened, she already sensed that there were things that could upset me, although I was doing my very best to appear unconcerned after she had revealed her indiscretion.

Smart, huh? Pretending to be one way when inside was exactly the opposite. Going along with things, hoping against hope they would settle down and we could be normal. Assuming we were ever normal in the first place.

Then Debra was manipulating things to get hubby to do something out of character, that probably is also wrong in the viewpoint of many.

But she felt guilty, so that was her idea of me getting some kind of revenge to make me feel better. Sex being the revenge she had in mind.

But that is what happened. My going along with all of that made me every bit as guilty as she was. Somewhere in there, I accepted all of that, it was almost like stumbling around in the dark, then the lights came on when we finally did what we should have done in the first place, which was talk.

People are people, the flesh is weak. So what? If they still love you, want you, then nothing is really changed.

I do know I am in love with my wife, and she with me. Anything else is just that, something else and meaningless.

If it happens to you, tell yourself that. Keep right on telling yourself that. What that does is help you keep emotions under control.


That day when the whole gang was over, after my Debra and I had our long talk was interesting.

Here was Todd, the guy that gave Debs her massage at our house which turned out to be quite a bit more than that, sitting there in our back yard like everything was normal.

I see the comments on that story, talking about if Debra really let Todd fuck her.

Yes. She did. There. That is blunt. Let's face it, there was all sorts of BS going on at about that time, and it wasn't getting under any semblance of control.

So with all that had happened, here sat the five of us out in our back yard. One would expect discomfort, perhaps expectant glances, some kind of comments. There were none.

Rwanda, the cute and tiny little black Nurse was sitting there, getting some Sun with her tits bare, like she had many times before. Not the least bit bashful.


Rachel, the cute gal that used to live next door, the one I got manipulated a few years back into teaching her that yes, her body can too climax was sitting there, topless.


Then my wife Debra cast a glance at me to check my reaction, seeing me shrug and grin she doffed her top also.

Normal. At least normal in the way things had been going around our house.

Think about it just a moment. Todd is perhaps 35 or so, I am not sure, Rwanda is 36, Rachel is 30, Debs just turned 60 and me..72.

I had made love to all three of the women. Now, so had Todd.

Normal? Uh huh. Some 72 year old in the sack with what were really just kids? Kind of not normal there, is it.

So I kept a perfectly straight face all afternoon. Debra and I had earlier had a very long discussion which went a long ways towards clearing the air between us, then a very long makeup sex session. We had agreed that things like this, sunbathing, enjoying, laughing were just fine, but actual sex was going to be between just her and I.

Now could I do that? I happen to know for a fact I could and be perfectly content.

Could Debra? I will have to say that I "think" so.

I don't give a damn what anyone says, holding inside the fact that she had slept with her professor back at college burned deep inside of me, I tend to think it would with most men.

Our relationship up to that point was relaxed, we always had great fun with each other, and some things, like the massages and sitting around half naked were OK.

But then things slipped, like I said, the flesh is weak. It's tough to take the high road when the mirror suggests one is no better than those around.

But we talked, we let it all out, the feelings, the pain, what we wanted and what we intended to do about it. And we both let the other know that we were deeply in love.

My Debra and I came to a meeting of the minds, about time I suppose. The idea was to reset, restore our complete trust in each other.

I do know that I felt much better about everything after that. Still, way deep in the back of my mind is the thought that my Debra could cheat, and she also could hide it from me.

I do know for sure that it just does not completely go away.


So, the five of us all talked, cracked jokes, teased each other. Three attractive topless females are just fine to have around, any male that wouldn't like that is probably dead or gay.

We sipped some booze, got mildly sunburned which is neat to manage this late in the year. The kids produced some of that now legal "medical" Marijuana, just them because Debs and I don't indulge. Then Todd and the two girls finally left.

Not a single peep about any of the other stuff that had happened, somehow we just accepted that and let it be.


Back inside, Debs made a huge plate of Tacos, damn those are good and she finally tried that Srirachi sauce that everyone seems to be talking about.

We sat down and watched some TV.

"Today was OK, wasn't it?" Debs finally popped up with.

"Yes, I think so." I answered.

"I assumed there would be.. you know.. some tension, but there didn't seem to be any."

"Not that I saw. Todd didn't do any of his smirking, that was good."

"He really is a nice guy, he is just young and full of himself." She giggled at that.

"Do the girls know about....?" I let my voice trail off. Of course she knew exactly what I was saying.

"Yes, I am sure of it. Neither one of them are jealous of each other so I can't imagine them being jealous of me, I am just an old lady now." She giggled softly at that.

"You are the youngest looking sixty year old I have ever seen in my life." I told her, which is completely true. Why Debra has no wrinkles I can see is beyond me. Her hair is a pretty mixed color now, lighter than she used to wear it. Of course she colors it, but I have never seen any sign of gray at all. But then she redoes the color every Sunday, I have never seen even her roots. Her breasts do sag some, but nothing like anyone would expect. For her age, she is in incredible shape, probably the gym we go to a couple of times each week is a good part of that.

My own hair is a mix of black and silver, except in the spots where there isn't any. I hang right around 180 pounds, which is a far cry from the 240 pounds I was that day in Debra's office years ago. My arms are nice and snug, my stomach flat. Not quite a six pack there but there really is no longer any fat on me to speak of.

That, of course, I owe to Debra who does her best to see that I get exercise and fed well. There is a saying that exercise of the body perks up the love muscle, I think there is a lot of truth in that.

But still, age is coming relentlessly, and I do feel that some days. I mentioned that to her.

"Well, honey, you are the youngest looking and acting 70 year old I have ever seen!" She laughed. We were cuddling on the couch, just enjoying being together.

We finally got up and headed for bed, I put my arm around her as we went, then reached down and patted her snug fanny.

"Keep that up and you might get lucky!" She teased.

In the bedroom, I watched as she made one of her usual productions out of getting ready for bed. I could film that and put it online, it would go viral for certain.

Maybe start my very own pay per view porn site, videos of my Debs getting ready for bed.

She manages to undress, moving in a natural way while teasing and exposing herself somehow that is pure delight.

Probably 50% of the time that alone is enough to get my old root right up and raring to go, but since she had spent the last couple of nights draining me, that part of me wasn't quite ready.

Which was fine, it was still fun to watch, I lay there with my head on a pillow, my fingers clasped behind my head.

"Tomorrow?" She asked as she slipped under the covers.

"Maybe." I grinned at her.

"Hey, we need to go in and see Charlene, it's time to get waxed again." Debra told me as she lay there with one hand lightly brushing my chest, then she dropped it down to stroke my five O'clock shadow down there.

It had been awhile, we both were getting a bit scratchy. But Charlene is one of those naughty women we have in our lives, she does hair removal, and yeah, she does what are called hand finishes.

Good for business, I am sure.

"I guess so. But, what about...?" I asked.

Charlene yanked my hairs out by the roots, I will never forget that first time. I even wrote that story, titled "Ouch." Then she reached out and I suppose the term is she made me feel better about the situation. She told me that my wife Debra had said that it would be all right.

"It's OK with me if it's OK with you." Debs grinned when I asked her.

"Ok, then, I guess." I told her with a smile.

"Honey? Can I watch this time?" Debs asked me with the biggest grin I ever saw.

I looked at her and started laughing, I couldn't help myself.

"We really are going to be OK, aren't we?" I managed.

"Uh huh." She said.

"I think you are a pervert!" I told her with a smirk.

"Uh huh." She grinned right back.

"Hey, I bet it would be lots better if we could talk Charlene into getting her tits out." I said.

"Want me to ask her?" Debra was busy working my softie, not much success there but it still felt nice.

That was worth a good laugh, we both ended up giggling and snickering, along with some touchie feelie stuff.

I have to say I slept very well that night.

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AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

They seem to be meandering along while Deb does whatever pops into her mind and he seems to go alone and then falls off the sleigh. Deb is way too free spirited a wife for my tastes and she wants an open marriage so she can experience any guy available. That was apparent in the scene in Reno. Not my cup of tea or what I'd be attached to at 0 years old. They should be doing unique acts of sex and love and not hooking up with under 40 playmates.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Not much of a marriage but this point. What a mess. They do not have similar view points on fidelity and sharing. And he is 72 and she is 60 and they both were banging mid 30 year old. Suuuuuurre. Debra's bold in your face f$ck session with Todd was ludicrous and over the top. Todd is a not a "nice" guy. MC is just too afraid that he will be alone when he dies. Of course his wife set him up with Rwanda, to allow him to get payback for her time with her college professor. But he pursued Rachel and she got ticked. What a hot mess.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar4 months ago

This reads like a stream of consciousness written down, except it would be more of a dribble than a stream.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

You do write from knowledge don’t you, another one that is so good.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Ended with a whimper, not a bang.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

In my opinion not well written, the folksy thing didn't work for me, just flat and boring. Unlikeable people in 60-70s and still deceptive to self and others

skruff101skruff101almost 3 years ago

The sad story of an old couple with dementia, which begs the question: how can a doctor that is clearly several sandwiches short of a picnic still be able to practice medicine?

It has to be assumed that the three younger ones were their care workers. It really is terrible when the old folks lose their grip on reality. There is no way these old farts are in any way compos mentis.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Whole series is a complete waste of time, sleazy people and way to much navel gazing by the M.C.

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 5 years ago
Written well.

Main character sounded by sleazy people. Wife is cheap and unlikable. But that's what her husband enjoyed about her. That would be a nightmare of a marriage for me, but I suppose people really live like that somewhere.

jrphdojrphdoover 5 years ago
Stupid, stupid, stupid

Can't believe he is making nice with Todd. Even if you are going to put up with what Debs did, (in his situation, not sure) you should make it a "me or him" situation with that asshole. Debs will do it again. He has really been dumb about the way he has handled much of these situations.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Reset my ass !

I do not like the ending. Dan talks of resetting, trusting Deb again - are you kidding me? She just got done cheating and lying about it with this "Todd" adventure where she manufactured a ruse of a "massage" so she could fuck the guy. Further I take it that if Dan had accepted the invite to watch the massage she would have cuckolded him in person, as she has no respect for him at all. No prior discussion with Dan was was offered before she made this arrangement likely because she knew from earlier talks following the first Vegas incident with Suzie & hubby that came within seconds of full swap screwing. Dan found his voice at the last second, it all stopped and was agreed ONLY touching would be allowed in any further exploits. He made it clear he didn't what another man's dick in his wife and that sex was to be between only he and Deb.

After the massage when Dan confronts her she lies saying it was just a massage and a towel covered her bottom the entire time - bull shit. Dan challenges this - THEN she admits to giving a hand job - more lies. Later Dan realizes in his heart she fucked Todd. This is confirmed by a sheepish Todd coming to the farm to fetch Dan home.

WHAT AN INSULT - her sending the very man she fucked and lied about to deliver her message ! I'm an older guy, but I swear I would have cleaned that Todd's clock one way or another. Such disrespect ! Then I would kick that 60 year old lying whore doc to the curb! Trust her ?? Fuck her !!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Debs. Fucked Todd.

She even did not gave the courtesy to discussing it with Dan.

Nasty old Whore...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Baby that ain't gonna happen. If that fucker ever showed his face in my house he's gonna have to learn to live with a ventilate chest cause I'd pop several caps into his ass. Then I'd have to slap that silly bitch Deb hard enough to let her know that I'll never spend any time with someone who respects me so little he'd fuck my wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
pretty simple

He deserves a wife that cheats.

In his house while he is there then lets guy come over and drink his beer.

Yep...take her to new york during fleet week

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Stuck on the 23rd floor.

Glad you're writing again. And glad to hear you say that you and Debs have worked it all out. But I suspect many of your readers are still stuck on the 23rd floor. That is what you need to write about. Your stories seem to be real, and that Todd guy episode was painful to read. I don't know how you and Debs worked through that, tell us!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice Guys Finish Last

He should of stayed gone....left the area for sure.

unh0unh0over 7 years ago
"He really is a nice guy..."

...says "Debs" about a smirking, pushy, manipulative younger guy who openly lusts after her married pussy in front of her husband. Danny, rightly so, despises Todd, seeing him for what he is. Not Debra. She not only totally ignores her husband's distaste of this guy, she actually fucks Todd in their own home, without Danny's knowledge or consent (consent she knew she'd NEVER get from Danny)!! Gee, sound familiar except for 1800 miles away? And she doesn't tell her husband. She keeps what actually happened a secret from hubby. Again, sound familiar?!! He has to play 20 questions and guess until she let's him read between the lines. This Todd guy, in her husband's perception and opinion, was the closest thing he had to a rival and an enemy in the whole fucking community and she spreads her legs and gives herself to him behind her husband's back! What....a....tramp! She should get the tattoo on her back to go with it. Doctor or not, she's as vile a piece of shit as they have in their town.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 7 years ago
Stupid cick and whore

Dumb shit has the asshole that fucked his wife over to visit?

He is a wimp cuck and she is a stupid whore!

I don't admire or respect either of them.

Sick fuckers!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I usually read your stories so I expected enjoyment at the least. From 1 to 4 unfulfilling and disjointed. Sorry not a favorite

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Chicken Sheeeeet! Coward! Doesn't matter, there ARE NO EXCUSES for what she did or how long ago it happened, or how it happened! There ARE NO EXCUSES plain and simple. DIVORCE HER CHEATIN ASS PERIOD!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
She cheated on him, set him up to make him feel guilty then cheated on him again. 1*

They both have the morality of gutter rats but she is the manipulative one. This is a cheaters apologist at work writing this crap.

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