33 Years Is a Lifetime


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She was packing that same afternoon, then she called a taxi.

"I just want you to know one thing, I was faking it!" She said, with an angry look on her face.

"Yea, I know." Dan started laughing. Of course he knew better, but what the hell? The door closed behind her and he was alone again.

Dan sat down on his couch, clicked on his TV. Then he did something men just don't do. He cried like a baby. It seemed like everything in his entire life just always became fucked up.

Later that night Dan also did something he had very seldom done. He went out drinking. A night out drinking for him meant about three all told of course, but still. He had to get out of the condo, he just could not sit there all alone.

By midnight, he ended up in what was a topless bar in a seedy section of the city's east side.

He had no idea why the huge sign outside read "topless" because all the dancers up on the stage were mostly stark naked.

As he sat and watched, nursing a whisky and coke, one young woman came out and began to dance. She was tiny, large busted, and seemed to be on the shy side compared to the others. She also looked to be older than the rest, he guessed her to be in her late 20's or middle 30's.

The appearence was one of being slightly out of place compared to the other dancers that all looked to be impossibly young.

She looked vaguely familiar, but the light was on the dim side. He got up and went to the front row by the stage. She smiled at him, then danced away. By the 3rd song she was still wearing her bikini top and bottoms, he noticed the other men at the front row were getting impatient, starting to look around.

Dan tipped her a $5 bill, she leaned down to pick it up. He realized he was looking at the spitting image of his girlfriend Sarah from many years before. She shyly took off her bikini top, displayed herself to him for a moment. Then just before the song ended, she slipped her bikini bottoms off, danced around for a few seconds and vanished into the back.

The resemblence was amazing, the same large breasts, the same impossibly slender waist. the same dark hair.

Just a coincidence of course, but still. Dan found it fascinating.

Later, he saw her come out and head for the bar, the bartender served her a coke. She sat there not looking around, in fact, she looked like she was miserable if anything. Dan got up and went over to her.

There was something about her, it was a complete impulse. Normally he would never even think of actually approaching a woman like that. Every relationship he had ever had had been either an accident of a slow development, after the few short term affairs of his youth.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asked.

She just shrugged.

"So what's your name?" He asked her.


"Interesting, my name is Dan."

She just nodded. Dan kept trying, it took some time but finally she relaxed and he got her to talk.

She told him she was dancing to make money, because she was taking care of her mother who was recovering from breast cancer. The story actually tore at Dan's heart, she seemed so sad about everything. She had been a secretary working for a dealership, but the economy was in the toilet and she had been laid off.

Dan certainly understood that part. He also had no idea at all why he was talking to her, a combination of her looking so much like a ghost from the past and the few drinks, he guessed.

He ended up telling her where he worked, even mentioning he had seen one of his old girl friends recently but it hadn't worked out.

Then she had to get up and do another set, she saw Dan move up to the front row again. She put on a bit better show this time but not much. When the last song was ending, Dan folded up a $100 bill and slipped it to her. Her eyes widened in surprise as he got up and left.

Why had he done that? Dan really didn't know, maybe a combination of the woman not really belonging there, the story of her mother, the drinks and Dan feeling sorry for himself all put together?

Then Dana looked so much like he remembered Sarah looking?

Dan went home and slept the dreamless sleep of the dead, waking up the next morning with a mild hangover. Then he went back to work, back to his normal life.

A week or so later a ratty looking little Volkswagen pulled up to the pumps. Dan looked out and instantly recognized the young woman from the nightclub.

"Hi, there!" He greeted her as she rolled down the window.

"Hello. Please fill it up." Dan went and started the pump, then went back to chat with her.

"I wanted to say thank you for the nice tip, that made a big difference for us." She smiled.

"You are welcome, glad to help. Besides, you are cute."

"You are kinda cute yourself!" She told him, the tone in her voice was an obvious flirtation. He finished filling the tank, collected. She paid in cash, not many did anymore. As he brought her her change, Dan decided to take a chance.

"Say, I was thinking? Would you like to go to dinner with me?"

Dana looked at him for a moment, then smiled.

"Yes. I would like that." She scribbled a number on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Dan grinned at his success, it had been a very long time since he had asked anyone out.

He called that afternoon, Dana answered. They made arrangements for him to pick her up. Dan arrived right on time, she met him at the door. He was glad to see her dressed conservatively. He took her to a very nice restaurant he knew of, he had made sure of reservations.

It wasn't cheap at all, Dana looked mildly startled when she saw the menu. They enjoyed some wine after dinner, then went into the adjacent nightclub and danced. It was a good time, the conversation was easy. The extreme shyness she had exhibited on the stage seemed to be gone.

He did find out that she was 32, like he had guessed. She didn't even blink when he told her he was now 58, except to mention that he didn't look to be even close to that.

Dan just figured she was being nice.

She mentioned to him that she wasn't going to dance any longer than she had to, that as soon as she found a decent job she was going to quit. That gave Dan an idea for later as he got to know her better, he could use someone to handle the books and perhaps his rental accounts. That was all getting to be a burden, Dan enjoyed working his islands most of all. He seemed to be always a few months behind on everything, then at tax time it all became mayhem.

Back at her place, she stood up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek, thanking him for a nice time.

"May I see you again?" He asked her, holding her fingertips lightly in his own..

"Yes, if you want to." She stepped inside, glanced back and added, "I would like that!" then closed the door.

Interesting, Dan thought. Way too young for him but what the heck. He was a bit concerned, she knew he was well off, perhaps that was the real reason she acted interested?

That night he dreamed of Patty, she was naked and coming towards him, in the middle of everything Patty turned into Sarah. Then somehow it was Dana, reaching out to grasp his erection. It shocked him awake suddenly, the dream had been vivid. He had a hard time getting back to sleep.

He called Dana the next day, they made a date for the following Saturday night. She answered the door at his first knock, invited him in to meet her mother. He looked at her in appreciation, she was dressed in a pretty off pink dress that hugged her curves, her makeup perfect. She was beautiful. Dan stepped inside the tiny and sparsely furnished apartment.

Dana called out as they came into the living room. Dan looked up as a tiny woman with grey sprinkled hair came out. She was wearing a huge housecoat pulled snugly around herself. Her face was drawn and pale but she looked at him and smiled, then her expression changed to one of surprise, then shock.

"Dan?" She asked.


Dana stood there with a confused look on her face, glancing back and forth at each of them.

"You guys know each other?" She asked.

"Yes, we sure do!" Dan stepped forward and hugged Sarah. She broke down into tears, Dan felt his own eyes go wet, he reached up and dabbed at them. It took a few minutes, finally she got herself under control and went to sit on the couch.

Dan sat down in one of the chairs as Dana joined her mother on the couch.

"I heard that you have been ill?" He asked her.

"Yes. They had to...." Her voice trailed off, she looked away with a blush. Dan glanced at the housecoat she was wearing, the answer was obvious.

One breast was clearly missing, the cloth lay flat against her on that side.

"Oh. I am sorry. But you are going to be all right?"

"Yes, the treatments just make me sick is all. But I am about done with all of that now and they tell me there are no more..signs. So how have you been, Dan?"

"I am doing fine, just taking it all a day at a time."

Sarah looked at Dana for a moment. Then she looked back at Dan. She seemed to be steeling herself for something.

"You two are dating? I wouldn't say anything, but now....I guess have to." She looked down, a miserable look on her face.

Dan knew right then. He looked over at Dana. He saw that she didn't have a clue about what they were saying.

"It's OK. We haven't...." He smiled at Sarah.

Dana seemed to be confused, looking back and forth at the two of them, trying to follow the conversation. Then her eyes widened.

"OH!" Her hand came up to her mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked Sarah.

"I loved you, Dan. You seemed to be...happy, I just didn't want to spoil that for you. I have never....been 100% sure but it's pretty likely."

"But you were with..that guy?"

"Yes, I married him. That was a mistake, he was always drunk and mean. Then he knew Dana....he thought that probably she wasn't his, and he was...it just didn't work."

Dana still sat there with a shocked look on her face. Dan looked at her, back to Sarah.

"Mom? I don't believe this. We actually went out, and I was thinking...."

Dan laughed. "Hey, it's all right, we can still go out. In fact, why don't you come along, Sarah?"

"Are you sure? I can be a bit of a burden right now."

"We can manage."

Dana looked over at Dan.

"Dad, huh?" Then she started laughing, that turned into tears, Dan felt his own eyes getting wet again.

They all went out, had a nice dinner. The shock of the situation seemed to have been absorbed. Then as they were finishing up, Dana told Dan that she had to 10 to 2 shift at the nightclub and was going to have to go get ready.

"No, you aren't!"

"I have to, we need the money."

"No, you don't. For one thing, I have a beautiful 3 bedroom rental that just came available this week, it's now yours. And no daughter of mine is going to work in any sleazy nightclub. I have plenty of money. Plus you want to work as a secretary and I need one, how about that?"

"Wow." She said.

"Will all of that work for you?"

"Yes, it will. Thank you Dan....I mean..Dad! Well, I guess so? Oh, the hell with it!" She jumped up and hugged him.

Then she blushed and sat down.

"Oh my God, you saw me..naked!" That suddenly dawned on her.

"I have seen girls before, you looked just fine, in fact, you look just like your Mom."

Sarah and Dana both blushed furiously at that.

"Dan, you don't have to...." Sarah started to say.

"I want to, Sarah. I know I can't fix the mistakes of the past, but by God I can sure start over...and see if I can avoid making some new ones."

Sarah nodded at him.

"OK." She said in a small voice.

That night Dan got home, he sat down on his couch to think. Clicking on the TV, he saw on the news that some rock star had died. It seemed to be causing quite a fuss. He hit the mute button, and sat there thinking.

Then he got up and turned on his computer. He opened up his email program, typed the email addresses of his two kids, Todd and Sheila.

"Hey! Guess what?" He typed, filling them in on what had happened. Finishing it up, he hit "send."

He knew it would be a few days before Todd got back to him, but Sheila would answer by tomorrow.

Then he sat back down and thought about Sarah.

The mistakes of the past would always be there. There might even be more mistakes in the future, but time would tell.

He dozed off on the couch. 33 years is a long time. He knew he had a lot of things to fix.


Over the next month Dan used his truck to help them pack and move. Dana settled in at his place of business and it was obvious that she was a skilled secretary, in no time at all he could actually find almost any document he needed.

He also saw to it that Sarah and Dana had about anything they needed, he had noticed when he moved them that even food was scarce.

He felt a horrible guilt about that, so he went into overdrive spending money. There was the big screen TV, furniture, then he took the old Volkswagen down to his shop with plans to fix it up. He looked it over and just went out and bought a new one.

"Dan, I can't possibly pay you back for all of this!" Sarah protested when he showed up with the new car.

"I didn't have any plans on expecting you to." He told her.

"Well, I guess all I can say is thank you." She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek, just like Dana had done that night on their first date. Then she looked at him, he reached out and took her in his arms and kissed her on the lips.

She pushed him away, Dan stepped back, mildly confused.

"Danny, I am not ready..for anything more. It's been so long. I have only been with two men in my whole life, I just...I just can't!" She hurried back inside and shut the door.

"My God, could that be true?" He thought.

Sarah protested several more times that he was doing too much, Dan insisted that he just wanted to. She finally reluctantly gave in.

Meanwhile, Dana was very quickly becoming his very best asset at the business, in just a few short weeks she had everything under control, even finding some areas of waste that helped to increase profits.

Sarah's health improved rapidly, one day when he was over there she complained that she was getting fat. Dan looked at her and told her that no way was she getting fat at all.

"I weighed myself this morning and I am 101 pounds!"

"Well, it's hard to tell for sure, you are always wearing one of those big robes."

Sarah looked at him and blushed.

"I don't have very many clothes that look good on me any more."

"You look just fine, and besides, there are ways to balance things out."

"At my age it doesn't matter any more."

"Sarah, you are the same age as me, in fact, a bit younger. You are still a beautiful woman!" Dan meant that when he said it.

Sarah looked him, then she turned to face him. She reached down and tugged the sash on her robe, opened it. There were heavy scars on the left side of her chest where her breast had been. The surgery had been extensive. Her right breast was as he remembered, large and fully formed, now with a slight sag to it.

"Do you still think I am beautiful?" She asked him, her voice quivering and tears forming in her eyes.

Dan took two steps forward and gathered her up into his arms, pressing her bare upper body to himself.

"Yes, honey, I do! I want you, I want us to be like before." He kissed her and held her for a long time.

Just a week later, Dan moved in. Sarah allowed a kiss from time to time, they held hands often but she slept in her room and he slept in his. Dana was in the third one. Other than that, they lived together like a family. Dan made no move to try anything at all with her, it did cross his mind but he knew she was still sensitive about herself, and everything else too.

Then one day she came and sat beside him on the couch while Dana was at work.

"I have something to tell you, Dan."

He sat and waited, her body language suggested some bad news. He was braced for her having a relapse, more health concerns. Instead, she handed him an envelope.

He opened it and read the report, it said "zero" as a possibility. He was mildly confused.

"I had a DNA test done, I got a sample of yours and Dana's and had it tested." She looked at him for a reaction.

"You mean Dana is not....?"


"Well." Dan folded up the report and put it in his pocket.

"Yes, she is, and she always will be."

Sarah looked at him.

"Sarah, I want this, I want us to be a family. I love you, and I want you to marry me! I was stupid to ever let you go!"

She blinked, then started crying. Dan reached out and held her. Finally he released her, she wiped at her eyes with a tissue.

"Well? Will you?"

"Yes, Danny. Yes, I will!" She started crying again. Just then the door opened, Dana came in.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing, your mother and I are just getting married, is all."

Dana leaped across the room and piled into the middle of them, hugging and kissing them both.

"Wow, daddy! This is great! Wow!" She kept saying, over and over. Dan and Sarah had a look pass back and forth between them, the decision was unspoken, no need to ever voice it.

It was only two weeks later when Dan and Sarah stood up before the preacher. They decided to spend their honeymoon at Dan's condo, which had been sitting vacant since he moved into the house.

Dan had suggested a cruise, or Las Vegas, Sarah just told him no. She wanted "time alone" as she put it.

That night she came to him, she had on a white negligee that came to her knees. She wore nothing else. He lay back and watched her as she stepped into the room, reaching back to click off the bathroom light. She smelled mildly of soap and a hint of perfume.

Their first joining was gentle, Dan sensed her tenseness. She relaxed after that, over the next several days the old Sarah came right back out. Her eagerness returned, her body was still tiny and slender, although he could now only barely encircle her waist.

She even lost her concern over the heavy scars, Dan didn't mind at all himself. She was Sarah, his Sarah.

Everything fixed, everything fine.

Then a few months later Dana came in and sat down on the couch.

"I know." She said simply.

"Know what?" He knew what the answer was going to be.

"I know I am not your daughter."

Dan looked at her and smiled.

"Yes you are, honey. Yes you are."

"I don't understand, the DNA test says...."

"You are my daughter, your mother is my wife. If we have to adopt you to prove it to you, we will."

Dana leaped into his arms and smothered him with kisses.

"OK, Daddy!" She said.

Dan grinned as she snuggled up against him. Sarah came in from the kitchen, saw them and snuggled up on the other side.

All was right in the world once again.


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Rocky62Rocky623 months ago

Dont see why he dumped her for slutty Patty anyways. Sarah cooked topless in panties, guess hez nutz

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Just a little bit to sweet for me

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A good well written story.A nice real life story. But you left plausibility a wee bit with the ending. The ending! says it's submitted in the wrong category. Should be under Fairy Tales. Realistically! reconciliation after 30+ years??? That's dreaming at best for even trying to pass that off. But 'comments' is meant to be about your writing and story,so still full marks as you accomplished that....JZK

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyabout 3 years ago

Nice... very nice! Glad he saw the red flags with Patty. Sarah is a forever girl... better late than never. Thank-you

shopratshopratover 3 years ago

Nice story. He got a second chance he didn't really deserve and made the most of it.

Grimjack01Grimjack01almost 4 years ago
Umm damn just well damn

This was an excellent story, well told and written. I thank you for sharing it.

timrivtimrivabout 4 years ago

32 years, really, pretty long time to reconnect that way. Especially Sarah considering the way he dumped her. Can’t see it myself.

RanDog025RanDog025about 4 years ago


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