$400 to Fuck Your Wife

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A cash strapped couple needs help.
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This fictitious story direct is from my vivid, dirty, creative mind and it contains no non-consensual content. No one under the age of eighteen is involved in any way in this story. Please enjoy and leave feedback if you want to read more.

My name is Peter (not my real name) and I have, by shear circumstance, enjoyed one of the most sexy and beautiful women in the world in multiple carnal ways over the past several months. It all started in, of all places in church. John and Mary (their real names) are a recently married couple still celebrating their first year of marriage. They are a beautiful couple that are very happily married with a future full of promise.

Mary was a stunning woman with mahogany brown hair and blue eyes that pulled me in every time I made eye contact. She would always lower her eyes showing her shyness, but we always somehow found each other every time we found ourselves in the same room. John was 6'3" with red hair and was a true specimen of masculine form. Their love and happiness showed through to me and probably anyone who saw them interact.

One problem -- they have financial problems and have found themselves in a hole that they cannot seem to know how to climb out of.

Devout Catholics, they never miss a Sunday Mass and while I am not as devout, we have developed a unique, mutually beneficial relationship that the church would probably frown upon. You see, I have been fucking his beautiful wife every Saturday Night for 13, no 14 weeks in a row. How did this happen, you ask?

We have been patronizing the same restaurant after Mass and have been acknowledging each other by simply nodding our heads in passing. One day they seemed to be upset and soon I overheard the wait staff telling them that their credit card was denied. Mary tried to hide the fact that she was tearing up, so when she headed for the ladies' room, I took the opportunity to approach John and try to find out what was wrong and what I could do to help.

John admitted to me that he didn't have enough money to pay for their meal and in fact was facing foreclosure on their house if he could not come up with a payment the very next day. They both just graduated college just weeks before they got married and haven't yet found jobs that could sustain their needs. They had used almost all their savings to buy a modest home just a couple of miles from my house. Figuring that they would have good paying jobs quickly and would be able to afford their lifestyle, they continued with the purchase and were very happy with their new life together. But now they were 5 months behind in their mortgage which amounted to just over $6,000. They hit the brick wall hard, and fear was overtaking them both, affecting their marriage.

I offered to pay for their meal and invited them to come to my house to see how I could better help. They quickly accepted and they followed me to my house. We entered though the front door and I made sure they were comfortable on my couch before I offered them a beverage. John accepted a beer and Mary a diet Pepsi, which was the only soda I had in my fridge. I retrieved both and returned to help make them relax. They expressed their gratitude for my help at the restaurant and apologized several times for bringing me into their problems.

As I drank my beer and went to get both John and I another, they calmed significantly, and I even got Mary to laugh and John to at least smile at my weak jokes.

John admitted his embarrassment at not being able to handle the money issues they faced, and I found Mary looking at me several times with her deep blue eyes drawing me in every time.

I took the time to assess her body as we talked and realized that her physical appearance was exquisite. Her long mahogany brown hair flowed down past her neck and shoulders framing her face in a way that made me want to do things that I should not be thinking of doing. Her breasts were not very large, maybe 34B, but I had to admit to trying to picture them exposed. Did she have large nipples or bullet points? Questions like that rolled uncontrollably through my mind as we talked.

At 5'6", she was dwarfed by John's size and even sitting down, she seemed small in contrast. I was almost twice her age and ever since my wife died about a year ago, my lack of sexual contact with anyone stirred my dick to engorge and my jeans to tighten as I became aroused.

I intentionally sought out Mary's eyes and when we made eye contact, I tried to hold onto her gaze a bit longer than ever before. She did no shy away as quickly and our direct eye contact made my dick to stir even more. I smiled and she smiled back before lowering her eyes. But over the next several minutes, she looked my way again and again and there was definitely a connection.

I grew bold and suggested a solution. I slowly started to explain my thoughts.

"John, I want to help, ok?"

"Sure, but how?" was his only reply.

"John, I have the money to bring your house payments up to date and it is yours!"

"But I need it for tomorrow!"

"I have it right here, John! Cash! I like to keep a bit of cash on hand." It makes me feel a bit more secure knowing that I have about ten grand nearby. Just a phobia I have always had and having a significant amount of money nearby made me feel secure and comforts my soul.

"What, you have cash; here; now; and you are willing...?"

John's eyes grew big, and Mary looked up and stared deep into my eyes as I continued. "Yes, John I am willing and able to help. I just need some assurances that I will get my money back."

"Sure, but what...?

"John, I know that over time you will find the money to pay me back, but I have an unorthodox method of payment that I want you two to consider." They both looked anxiously at me. Mary looked puzzled so I took a chance and continued knowing that this who situation could blow up in my face. "John, I will lower you amount you owe me every week by $400 if you just allow me one indulgence!"

"Sure, what..."

"John, every Saturday night, I want both of you to spend the night here. I have an extra bedroom and you two will be comfortable. I will buy dinner and then, John, I will fuck Mary, your wife, either in front of you or not -- your choice!"

* * * * * * * * *

John was born 24 years ago just blocks away from where they now live. He was born to very strict Catholic parents who instilled in him values that are still very present in him today. Sin was well defined and while he dabbled with marijuana in college, he never smoked and only drank very occasionally -- and almost always just a beer or two was his limit. He went to college just 20 miles away and has never travelled outside the state. His parents died in a car wreck on the interstate five years ago.

Mary was also born and raised also by strict Catholic parents next door to John. She was born just 4 weeks after John. These two were actually next-door lovers and they knew each other from birth. While they don't remember much before the age of 5 or 6, their parents were very close with John's parents and John and Mary shared the same crib when either set of parents needed a babysitter. Mary was not allowed to even date until she was 16 and while she went on a few dates, her fate was set almost at birth.

These two dated and some petting was enjoyed, intercourse was taboo, and they waited until their wedding night to discover the feeling of penetration and the magic of sex. While both have heard strong language, they never used stronger language than shit or piss. The words damn, hell, or fuck never escaped their lips.

I knew when I used the word fuck to describe what I wanted to do to Mary, I knew I was taking a chance, but it was a calculated risk and it seemed to have worked. John was shocked as was Mary, but after the immediate reaction from Mary, I swear I saw a slight smile. She quickly hid her mouth to not show that smile but not before I noticed it. Mary gave me a sideways glance before diverting her eyes back to the floor.

Both families were middle class and lived hand to mouth all their lives. Saving accounts were virtually non-existent and no help for their financial problems was going to come from either family.

John was the first to speak, "WHAT! NO! YOU CAN'T... "! I was listening to John but looking at Mary who couldn't hide the smile even through her hand. I knew I had her, but I just needed to convince John.

"John, I know that you are shocked and embarrassed, but you want to provide for Mary and not have to lose you house tomorrow, do you?"

"No, but..."

"John, I want to help but you need to help me as well. My wife died recently, and I have not seen or felt a pussy since she passed. I need help, John, as does your wife. Look at her John! She is afraid and worried about where you are going to live. Women need a nest, John, and men are supposed to provide that security. We can help each other and provide for Mary at the same time. What do you think, John? Yes or no."

John looked at Mary who was still staring at her feet and the reality of the situation became the main factor in his decision. While he contemplated his decision. I took the lead and command of the room.

"Mary, stand up, please." I was quiet but demanding and it took about 30 seconds before Mary slowly stood. "Turn around, Mary." They both knew that I was inspecting THE GOODS, but they seemed compliant. "Very nice, Mary. You are a very beautiful woman!" I saw a slight blush at that innocent but naughty compliment. "Mary, could you take off your sweater? I want to see a bit more of you."

John reacted but quickly lowered his eyes so not to see what was happening right before his eyes. Mary very slowly removed her sweater and for the first time raised her eyes to make strong contact with mine. I could see arousal in her eyes, and she was nervous but not defiant.

I stood and slowly approached her. I wanted to be sure not to scare her, so I made sure to keep eye contact with her as I drew near. I reached out for a hug, and she did not recoil. As we stared into each other's eyes, I drew her into my embrace and again she did not resist.

In her eyes, I saw a bit of fear of what I was going to do but it was mixed with excitement, so as we made full body contact, I whispered in her ear, "Mary, I am not going to hurt you in any way. You can trust me. I am NOT going to do anything that you don't agree to, so relax, ok?"

She nodded her head, so I proceeded, "I am going to give you a safe word. The safe word is SOAP. If you ever say this word, I will stop doing whatever I am doing. No questions, no hesitation, I WILL stop! No guilt trips here either. You are always in total control, ok?"

She nodded again, so again I continued to establish the game rules. Your husband will be given a different safe word, but I will not stop if you give me the go ahead nod. Keep your nods subtle so that only you and I know what is really going on, ok?"

Again, the subtle nod, so again I continued, "Mary, I guarantee that you are going to enjoy our time together just as much as I am and trust me, I intend to enjoy you very, very much, but I don't want you to worry about your husband's feelings. I will make it seem like I am commanding you and you have no choice, but believe me, I have no interest in doing things that you do not enjoy, ok?"

"Yes", she whispered into my left ear.

With that I turned around to face John. "John," I started, "I am just going over some ground rules with Mary and I assure you that I am not interested in doing things that she does not want to do. Just for her protection, I am going to give you a safe word that will stop us. That word is jolt. You got that?"

He nodded but I demanded a verbal answer, so I pushed him, "I can't hear you, John, what is the word?"


"Are you ok with this?"

"Yes, as long as she is."

"She is, John, so let's proceed."

I sat back down and looked Mary in the eye. She was wearing a mid-calf floral dress which was buttoned to the neck. It was great for Mass but not so much for fucking, so I said to her, "Mary, I want to see a bit more of you. Can you unbutton the top two buttons on your dress?"

She looked to her husband, so I said, "Look at me, Mary, not him. This is between you and I, ok?"

She nodded and I continued, "Please. Two buttons, Mary."

Looking deep into my eyes, she started to unbutton the top two buttons. I encouraged her, "That's right, Mary, let me she the woman beneath." Nothing interesting emerged except for the lustful woman beneath the clothing. Her breathing became a bit more rapid, and I am fairly sure that John did NOT notice her arousal, but I sure the fuck did!

I approached her again and under the pretense of fixing her hair, I talked low, hoping that John would not hear what we were saying. "Mary, trust me, I will never out you to your husband, but I know that this is turning you on. Tell me the truth, Mary, is this exciting to you?"

She whispered, "Yes."

"Good job, Mary. Truthfulness is very much appreciated and what you tell me is strictly between us. Don't hold back, Mary. Do you want to continue?"

Very quietly, she whispered, "Yes."

Stepping back, I looked her up and down and commanded, "Two more, Mary. I want to see more, Mary. Open two more buttons, Mary." John looked shocked, but Mary looked aroused. She unbuttoned her third and fourth buttons. The top of her breasts appeared, and her hot pink bra was exposed to both her husband and me.

"Finish it, Mary." She looked to her husband but snapping my fingers, I got her attention back to me. "Look at me, Mary, not him! Now finish the remaining buttons."

Mary complied and John used his safe word. "Jolt! Jolt!", he shouted.

I looked to Mary and asked, "Mary do you want to stop?"

She did not reply but continued unbuttoning the remaining four buttons. Her stomach, then abdomen was revealed and soon the top of her hot pink matching panties was exposed.

John was incredulous, but Mary locked eyes with me and waited for the next command. I smiled to myself and said, "Drop the dress, Mary." The dress puddled at her feet on the floor, and I was surprised that she wore nothing else but her underwear and shoes. I expected pantyhose or a slip, but I knew that we had a hot wife waiting to be uncovered.

John's jaw dropped and I knew that his dress pants were tightening as his penis must be filling the void underneath.

Mary's eyes narrowed and only an experienced male would know what was really happening beneath those hot pink panties. Looking her deeply in the eyes, I simply said "Continue."

Mary reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. Staring directly at me, she lowered her bra and revealed her perky tits to me. The nipples were the bullet points I anticipated. At this point, John was just ancillary to the seduction. I was now the object of her desire, and she wanted me to see her naked and unmasked.

The panties were next and her most intimate parts were open to my inspection. She didn't try to hide from my intense glare but opened her legs a few inches to show me her labia with a very pleasing protruding inner lips. She was shaved on the lower half of her pussy with trimmed but still hairy delta just above her clitoris.

Knowing what I wanted, she widened her stance and I clearly saw her trap door open as her lower lips parted in anticipation of fucking the shit out of me. She wanted me and she was mine to do what I demanded.

"Come here", I commanded, and Mary quickly closed the gap between us. I stood to meet her, and she attacked my mouth with her wide-open lips. Her tongue invaded my mouth and pushed deep into my oral cavity. Our tongues danced unseen by John, and I was shocked to feel her hand reach for my covered phallus below! She stroked as she assailed and explored my mouth.

My fingers found her open cunt lips and I felt her engorged clitoris before I pushed two fingers deep up her slit. Finding her g-spot was not hard as it was slick with her arousal. I bent my fingers to massage her nerve filled, oily, oval shaped center of erotic stimulation! Mary's knees gave out beneath her as she collapsed in orgasmic bliss. I caught her before she fell to the floor and held her as she trembled and climaxed in my arms within two feet of her astonished husband!

When she came back to earth and regained her feet, her eyes were glazed over and I knew I could do anything I wanted to her, and she would readily accept any assault I initiated. Turning her around to face her husband, I bent her over at the waist and instructed her to kiss her husband.

She complied with my request and as she was passionately kissing John, I shoved my cock deep and hard into her exposed and very wet vaginal opening. I fucked her hard! The harder I fucked her the louder she became. Her mouth left her husband's and she almost screamed in delight. No intelligible words were coming from her as she completely lost the ability to speak and could only moan and scream in ecstasy as she came once again.

I didn't ask! I just filled her cunt with my cum, claiming her for my own with the baby making liquor that makes sex more than just sex. It is, was, and always will be what makes a marriage a bonding beyond compare with any other connection between a man and a woman.

At that point, Mary was my wife!

As I withdrew and my cum started its' descent from her womb, she crumpled into John's arms. He caught her and held her as my sperm filled cum dripped from her pussy.

John's eyes teared up as he realized this was more than sex, and he was clearly worried he had lost her forever.

I really wanted to have her clean me off with her tongue and mouth, which I was sure that she would do if I requested it, but I thought it was a bit much for the first time, so I picked up her pink panties from the floor and cleaned myself off before I disappeared into the bedroom.

I came back out still naked and semi-hard with sixty hundred dollar bills. I handed them to John. I looked into John's eyes and said, "Here is the money I promised you. Make sure you take your wife and fuck the shit out of her later."

John stood to begin getting Mary back into a state where she could be seen back in public, and as he went for her panties, I simply said, "No! The panties and bra are mine! Take the dress and the shoes but leave her pussy untouched as you drive home. I want her dripping cunt to stain her dress to remind her of who she had just been with and what she willingly did today."

John just nodded and he got her partially dressed and helped her to the front door. As they stood at the now open door, I took the liberty of kissing her goodbye. Neither John nor Mary resisted in any way to the kiss.

One more command needed to be stated. "Bring her back to me next Saturday at precisely 3pm. Have her dressed in daisy duke jean shorts and a crop top. Panties, but no bra. You will drop her off and go home. I will bring her to church the next morning so she will need a change of clothes to be presentable for Mass and the necessary makeup and other bathroom needs as she will be getting ready here. Do NOT come here to pick her up! I will bring her to you in front of the church and pass her back to you for the rest of the week. Understand?"

He did not respond so I restated, "Understand, John? DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

He finally replied and I watched as they backed out of my driveway as they turned to head home, Mary gave me a weak wave as she looked my way. I saw her turn her head back to the front of the car and I knew she was beginning to turn back into John's wife -- at least for the next 5 days until I saw her again.

It was the best Sabbath of my life!

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Interesting storyline.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

After a few weeks she'll begin to tell her sissy wimp cuck husband John to stay home. Then she will begin complaining about everything he does or doesn't do. Then she'll take over the money and make him do everything around the house. Finally, after he lets the cheating skank slut bully him into submission, she'll just leave him for Peter. She'll think she can push Peter around too but the will go badly for her. The first time she spouts off at him, he'll take her over his lap and make sure she understands who is running the house. She won't be able to sit for a couple days but eventually she will come to love his discipline and firm hand. She'll act up just so he spanks her before he fucks her. She will have 4 kids with him and John won't even be a distant memory.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Chapter 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Nice premise.

Good buildup.

Nice preliminary sexual involvement/contact.

But then it's BAM! Cock into pussy. No preliminaries.

Needed much more in the way of him going step by step to excite her -- and get her ready.

Some dialog where he tells her what's going to happen next -- is that OK with her?

Maybe 'forcing' her to do things to him.

Lacks many too many details.

Three stars.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyabout 2 months ago

That was good! Please keep going.

PaperbackreaderPaperbackreaderabout 2 months ago

This was very erotic, especially the sequence where you described her undressing with instructions. You could have had her undress you and her reaction to your hardening cock. Some editing and proof reading would eliminate the mistakes. Very nice start, keep it coming.

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