A Beautiful Day Pt. 04


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Adam turned her to face the road. He stood behind her, reaching around to squeeze her breasts, to slide his fingers into her pussy. "How long do you think you could stand here?" he whispered in her ear as his index finger moved in and out of her. "Do you think I could bring you to orgasm while these cars drive by? I wonder which will be the lucky driver who gets to witness the moment when your body reaches that climax?

"I don't know," she gasped.

"God, Sara... you're so fucking wet." Adam extracted his glistening fingers, rubbing them together. He stepped away and she heard his zipper descending. Breathless with anticipation, she leaned over, pressing her hands against the hood of a red Honda Accord. Adam's hands gripped her waist, and she felt his rigid cock sliding into her.

It should always be like this, she thought deliriously as Adam relentlessly plunged into her again and again. The sun on her back, the breeze on her skin, the blue sky above. Her inhibitions peeled away with her clothes, leaving a being of pure sensuality, a nude nymph whose every nerve pulsated with pleasure. She had been craving this, and now she surrendered to it.

Her body tensed, and for a moment she forgot everything. Who she was, where she was, all sense of her self, washed away in the wave of ecstasy that filled her. Her hands pushed down on the red hood of the car, her fingers splayed wide. Her hair hung wild and sweaty around her face like a veil. Her legs trembled, and she imagined that it was his cock, stuck deep in her pussy, that was the only thing keeping her upright.

His voice was strained. "I don't have a mapa bag... I threw mine away..."

Sara closed her eyes. "Are you close?"


She stood up, making him pull out. She crouched down, his hard cock jutting just inches away from her face. "You don't need one," she said. "You have me." She opened her mouth wide.


"I'll go tell Linda you're on your way," Adam said. They were already fifteen minutes late, and Sara still wanted to stop by the ladies room to clean up a little and put on some clothes. Adam headed to the front of the hotel, while Sara went back along the side, towards the cafe.

She went in the side door and found a ladies room right off the hallway. One of the stalls was occupied, but the other three were empty. She wheeled her suitcase into the biggest one.

After cleaning herself up with some wet paper towels, Sara pulled a t-shirt and shorts out of her luggage. "Back to reality," she whispered and pulled the t-shirt over her head. Panties, shorts, a pair of sandals. She didn't have a bra but that wasn't a big deal.

When she opened the stall door, she felt like she was once again Dr. Sara Olson from Chicago. She washed her hands and wheeled her suitcase out the bathroom door.

Her phone buzzed. A text message from Linda. "We're parked a short distance from the front entrance." Sara guessed that they had waited so long for her by the front of the hotel that the valets finally asked them to just park. The time said she was more than half an hour late.

She walked through the lobby. If anyone recognized her as the naked woman from before, they didn't say anything. She walked out the front entrance.

The SUV was parked about fifty meters from the front of the hotel. Sara could see Linda leaning against the side with her arms crossed. Taloga appeared from the driver's door when Sara came within ten meters. He popped the trunk.

"Did you ever smoke, Sara?" Linda asked as Taloga took Sara's suitcase and set it in the trunk.

"No, never."

"I quit seven years ago." Linda gazed up at the hotel. "But right now I really wish I had a cigarette." She glanced at Sara. "Thanks for wearing clothes."

Sara could see the interior of the SUV through the open trunk. All the seats were empty. "Where's Adam?"

"He's on a phone in the hotel, talking to his manager." Linda pulled open the rear door on the passenger's side. "He's not coming back with us."

"What?" Sara was stunned. She'd expected consequences, but not so swiftly.

"Upper management is removing him from this project, effective immediately."

"Immediately? But he still has his stuff at the cottage!" Sara stared at her. "What did you tell them?"

"Hop in the car," Linda said. "We'll talk about it." She got into the back seat and closed the door. Taloga went to the other rear door and pulled it open. Sara hesitated for a moment, thinking about Adam, but she had no idea where he was. Finally, she walked to the open door and got into the SUV.

Linda was silent until Taloga started driving. The she looked at Sara, "They asked me if I thought Adam was an effective member of the team. I answered honestly. I told them he was working hard, but I didn't see that he was doing anything that he couldn't be done just as easily from Chicago." Linda paused. "I also told them that he seemed to be interested in you romantically, and that it might become a distraction."

"They took him off the project because they thought he was interested in me romantically? You told them that, in those words?"

"Yes," Linda said. "That's based on my observations from the last few days. He's clearly been interested in you. I would have said the same thing, even if... even if I hadn't come with you two today."

"Did you tell them I was interested in Adam romantically?" Sara asked.

"No. Because before today, I didn't think you were." After a pause, Linda added, "I still don't think you are."

Sara didn't argue the point. She tried to imagine Linda on a conference call with a team of executives back home. They ask about Adam. She tells them, "Adam is interested in Sara." They ask, Does Sara reciprocate his feelings? "No, she does not." Would that have caused them to immediately drop Adam from the project, not even allowing him to gather his things?


Sara had to know. She asked straight out, "Did you tell them about today? About the drive to the hotel, what we did?"

Linda didn't answer at first. She glanced out the window, avoiding Sara's eyes. "Oh god!" Sara thought. "She DID tell them!"

But when Linda finally spoke, what she said was completely unexpected.

"Two days ago," she said in a quiet voice, "You were off doing your inspections. I had just eaten lunch at the cafeteria, and I decided to go for a walk. I walked along the road until I reached the edge of an orchard. A path led into the orchard, so I followed it."

"Linda..." Sara started, but Linda shook her head sharply.

"Let me finish. I walked along the path for a bit, under the saganas. It was pleasant; nice and shady, with a breeze. After a few minutes, I heard voices. Men's voices. And I could hear the sound of digging. The ring of metal hitting the ground, and the sound of dirt and rocks thrown into a wheelbarrow. I walked a little further, and I saw a ditch crossing in front of me, like a drainage ditch, with a stream of water running through it. The path curved to run along the ditch, and across the ditch, I could see three men working. I wasn't that close to them yet, and they hadn't noticed me." Linda took a deep breath. "They were naked, Sara. They were working hard and sweating, and they had these thick muscles, and they were completely naked."

Linda looked at Sara, as if expecting a comment. Sara just nodded.

"I guess you could say I wanted a closer look," Linda said. They were... um... 'nicely endowed'... all of them, and they seemed completely comfortable, standing around in the middle of the woods, digging a hole and chatting. None of them noticed me. So I stepped behind one of the sagana trees. I came closer, staying behind the trees, until I was right by the ditch. Then I peeked out at them, and I could see them very well.

"Unfortunately, the ground near the ditch was wet and slick. All of a sudden I lost my footing. Nothing I could do to stop myself. I slid into the ditch and landed right in the muddy water. I was instantly soaked.

"Of course, all of the three men saw this happen. One man jumped into the ditch and stood right next to me. He said something in Melepria, probably 'Are you okay?' But all I could think about was that I was filthy and soaked, and dangling right in front of my eyes was this long, uncircumcised penis, like a fucking elephant trunk. I almost felt like it was a rope that I was supposed to pull myself up with.

"Edo helped me up. That's his name, Edo. He helped me climb out of the ditch... pulled me out like I didn't weigh anything. Then he motioned that I should follow him, and I thought he was going to lead me out of the orchard, like I wasn't really supposed to be there. But instead, he led me to this big concrete building. I waited outside while he went in, and then he came out with a woman. She was naked, too. She could speak a little English and she told me to come inside, that she could get me some fresh clothes while I cleaned up. It turned out the building was a shower facility. They have them scattered around so that the workers can get cleaned up after their shifts."

"I've seen them," Sara said softly.

"Right, right." Linda nodded. "So I went inside, into a locker area, and Edo and the woman both tried to explain to me that I should undress. Edo was trying to pantomime that I should take my clothes off... actually it was really quite comical. They were both very insistent, and before I knew it, this woman had my clothes and Edo was leading me into the showers.

"So there I am, taking a shower with this attractive Melepria man, who's trying to help me wash the mud off my body... and I guess I was the one who started things off... but he was definitely happy to go along..." She hesitated, then admitted, "We had sex. Right there in the shower. Not quick sex either. We took our time, and people even came in and showered while we were doing it. I saw them taking showers on the other side of the room, and I didn't even care that they could see us. Edo didn't care so I didn't care either."

Linda again looked at Sara for a reaction. Sara didn't speak.

"The point is that I get it, Sara. I know you've been out in the orchards for a few days, and everywhere you look, you see attractive naked men and women working out there like it's completely normal. Sometimes you see them having sex; I know I've seen it a few times. We're not used to it. Maybe we become a little over-stimulated. We subconsciously begin to mimic the uninhibited behavior we see. And suddenly, we're acting differently from how we usually act."

"Yes," Sara said.

"Like Carnival in Rio. You've been there, right?"


Linda was surprised. "No? Never?"

"No. I've been in Brazil a bunch of times. But for work. I've never been to Rio."

"Right." Linda frowned. "Well... I've had some adventures there, too. The drinking, the dancing..." She paused. "All I'm really trying to say, is that you can count on my discretion. If I can count on yours."


"You know. To a point." Linda forced a smile. "Please remember that TTX is going to be asking me questions about how things are going... and I'd prefer not to lie. Okay?"


Sara waited for Linda to say more, but the blonde lawyer lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. Sara turned away to watch the scenery out her window. As they drove out of the limits of Melep City, she felt sleepiness tugging her down, and she surrendered to it, happy to forget everything and drift down into a state of oblivion.


She woke just as Taloga drove them through the gate into the Perchuga Valley orchards. She sat up, watching the endless sagana trees pass by out her window.

Taloga dropped them off at the cottage. He helped Sara bring her suitcase inside. "You have several hours before dinner," he told them. "I will send a man to take your dinner orders at five. If there is anything else you need before then, please call me."

Linda cleared her throat. "About Adam's computer and his things..."

"Yes. I will send someone to help collect those items. We have a supply van heading back this evening that can bring those items to the Hilton."

Sara stood by the front door of the cottage and waved at Taloga as he got back into the SUV and pulled away. She watched him drive off, and had just started to turn away when she saw Taloga's brake lights come on. The SUV slowed and turned into the driveway of Leon's house.

Leon's house? Was Taloga going to see Leon? Did that mean Leon was back?

Sara's excitement at the possibility of seeing Leon again suddenly turned to alarm when she realized the story that Taloga would tell Leon. Taloga hadn't seemed to care that she and Adam spent most of the drive to Melep City fucking in the back seat. But what would Leon think of it? What would he think of her?

Had she just destroyed her kinda/sorta top secret relationship with him?

"It would've been you," she whispered to his house in the distance. "If you'd been here... it would've been you."

Nothing she could do. She reluctantly turned and went into the cottage closing the door behind her.


That night, Sara checked her e-mail, and saw an e-mail from Adam. It was from his personal account.

It was short. It simply read, "Whatever happens... today was worth it. Thanks for the best day of my life. Adam."

Sara smiled and pressed delete.

To be continued...

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HarryjansenHarryjansenabout 2 months ago

Jessica Tang von Harper has made one of the best contributions to Literotica with her novella about Meleprija, and I thank her for this hot story. Anyone who feels even remotely like an exhibitionist will enjoy it.

After reading the complete story, including the second part on Amazon, I have some comments though about Sara, the main character. Sara is essentially taking advantage of Meleprija's innocent culture. By using the permissive culture of the Meleprijans and giving it a different meaning, she also threatens the culture of the country. A culture that will in any case be threatened by the wealth of the sagana trees that are turning the country into the new Saudi Arabia.

The original inhabitants of the island do not experience the shame of public nudity or sex that is inherent in 'civilized' cultures. Exhibitionism does not exist for them either. They can be sexually aroused by the sight of a beautiful man or woman, but not by the object of their desire being naked.

But Sara, without initially knowing it, enters this innocent country with a 'dirty mind'. It is understandable that she is aroused by the sight of naked people in public space, not to mention the sex that is practiced there in complete openness. It is also understandable that she discovers her hidden exhibitionist within herself. But because she uses the openness of the Meleprijan culture by walking around naked in public and having sex, that innocent culture turns into something dirty. Sara is an exhibitionist and she gives a completely different interpretation to sex in public than the Meleprijans. She watches them to get horny, she gets extra horny by exhibiting herself when she indulges in sex on the street. Meleprijnans who see her doing this are not fully aware that a part of their culture is being taken away and changed in this way. Sara turns them into involuntary peeping toms.

This will change the Meleprija culture in no time. More and more tourists will come to the paradise island to have public sex and give it a different meaning. The consequences are obvious. It will be exploited and commercialized. Sex trips to paradise will be offered worldwide. The inhabitants will become more and more aware of their behavior, which they once considered innocent but which they now will see as an aberration. They will become aware of their nakedness and begin to dress. With Sara the snake has entered paradise, including the apple from which the Meleprijans are only too happy to take a greedy, lucrative bite.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I loved it immensely. It was very different, very sexy, and lots of fun. Thank you for writing it.

gromit1951gromit19515 months ago

I absolutely love your stories, and the quality of writing. I just bought the continuation of this and one other of your books off of Amazon

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

fantastic love to read more please keep up the great work xx

IAmWatchingIAmWatchingabout 1 year ago

Maybe Linda will be more relaxed at the guest cottage now that she got her groove on. Show a bit of skin. Get dirty.

Insanehippie69erInsanehippie69erover 1 year ago

Great story are you going to finish it.

crystalspringcrystalspringalmost 2 years ago

So relieved that Adam is finally gone. He just wanted Sara for her body, Leon actually cares about her!

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderalmost 2 years ago

... and reporting back after reading the extended version of this story on Amazon: it was definitely worth it! You are indeed a published author Jessica Tang von Harper and you do it well!

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderabout 2 years ago

On the comments below about continuing - I just saw that there is an extended version on Amazon Kindle - have downloaded and looking forward to reading

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderabout 2 years ago

Thanks for a great story! I love the way she allows her passion to take her way over the edge into such new experiences. And her body and all those lovely cocks "with stone" are delightful! I am so pleased to see you are still writing and publishing on other stories. Wondering what will entice you back into this story? I was so looking forward to Leon coming back into the picture, and more expansion into the exotic world you have created here.

EugeneSGEugeneSGabout 2 years ago

*sigh* yet another hundreds or even thousands of unfinished story that is actually an excellent read...

DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 2 years ago

You say to be continued, but when.

EugeneSGEugeneSGabout 2 years ago

2016 till now?

6 years later and... please could we have the next installment?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Release chapter 5 plz. Its been ages.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wonderful story, well written. Glad Sara finally had sex in public with a second person, hoping future chapters will have her fucking many more, not just Leon. And maybe even talking with passers-by as she fucks. I'll be buying the Amazon edition just to see!

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