A Clean Break


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"You can have as many guys as you want. If you want to have me, your husband I might add, you have to have only me. Otherwise, it isn't a marriage."

Saul said, "What does Claire think about all this?"

Arnie said, "Shut the fuck up."

But Claire said, "I want Arnie. All to myself, if I can get him. Sharing him with Marian is a compromise."

Saul said, "What you three have now is not likely to last long. Unless Marian and I have our fun."

Arnie said, "It is a sort of fragile thing. But so far, it's working out. I didn't plan on it. I love them both. But if Marian wants more, she has to give to get. Thing is, she obviously wants to fuck you. But, Saul, she doesn't know you much at all. A pig in a poke situation."

Marian said, "You're not being reasonable. Why can't I see what the pig is like?"

"And if you don't like this little piggie?" Arnie had decided on a type of satire.

Saul said, "I don't like this turn in the discussion. This is no joke."

Claire said, "One thing I love about Arnie is his sarcasm in support of a position. It's a mark of high intelligence. Don't you agree, Marian?"

They all looked at Marian.

"Arnie is smart. And he....well, he used to be, you know. But now he isn't a softy."

Claire said, "That's for sure."

Saul was tired of all the discussion. He said, "Marian, I have the same number. Please let me know how to proceed. And, I'm not a pig in a poke."

Marian said, "Yes you are, Saul. Arnie's correct. But....but....maybe that's not all bad. I'll call soon. One way or the other."

Saul said, "Nice to meet you, Claire. I'll be around." He went to his car and drove away.

Claire said, "Well! Isn't he the bold one."

Marian smiled. She said, "I imagine you could see why I might jump the pig, Claire."

"Yes. That's obvious. Superficially. He's no porker."

Arnie said, "It's the poke she's interested in. The pig is a side issue."

Marian said, "All of this is unfair." But she was laughing. She couldn't help it.

The three of them went inside and shared a few moments.

After, Arnie looked at Marian and said, "The reason you can't just go off for a weekend and fuck that guy is because, one: after the weekend you'd know if he was good in bed, but not much else; two: in order to find out about him, really, you'd have to have a relationship, maybe live-in, and if you did that, you couldn't just come back here; and three: if you just spend a night with him, it wouldn't slake your lust for long.

Marian thought about it. She said, "What if I don't fuck him, but we invite him and his daughter around for a while? Then, if I like him......"

Arnie said, "Yeah?"

"Well, he could.....he could, you know, join us."

"I don't want another guy living here. Do you mean he'd fuck both of you?"

"No! I mean....shit."

Claire said, "Marian, having him here would fuck up my life. Probably yours, too. Surely Arnie's."

Marian said, "I have to think." She went to bed.


Marian had a fitful night, and so kept the other two from sleeping well. The next day she called Saul and told him no.

She said, "Saul, I feel like we could be good, but I already have good. Maybe I don't have the total best. You know, another woman around. But it's good. So, I can't. Sorry."

Saul sighed. "Okay. I'm here in a new place, and I'll have to seek companionship. I wish you well."


The threesome continued throughout the fall. Thanksgiving came. By then the house was ready. They moved in the week before. Quite an undertaking. The twins were quite happy to visit San Diego county in November. They got along well with Todd and Claire. And they weren't scandalized by the living arrangements.

Right after Thanksgiving, Claire was working - although Arnie told her she didn't have to do that. Saul came in, accompanied by a young girl, of about thirteen, and a woman his age. They sat at a booth and he waived to Claire. He introduced the young girl as Diane, his daughter and the woman as Beth, his ex. Claire was charmed by them and their interaction. They looked like a family.

When the rush subsided, Claire went over to them. She said, "So, Saul, have you moved on from before?"

"Yes. I guess. I'm back with Beth, although we're still divorced. But...I seem to have landed in a good spot. How's the three thing going?

"Good. Still perking along."

Beth asked, "I mean, Saul explained a little. Are you a family?"

"Yes. That's what it's become. Marian and I are close, like sisters, almost."

Beth was a pleasant-looking woman, of medium height and build. Claire liked her right away. She wondered what had happened to cause the divorce. But she didn't ask.

That evening at home Claire mentioned that she'd seen Saul and his family. She described the conversation. Marian and Arnie were interested. Marian especially.

Marian said, "Maybe we should have them all up here for dinner. Now that Saul isn't an immediate threat."

Arnie thought about it. He said, "You have to promise not to flirt with the guy, or, you know."

"I promise."

"Okay. Maybe on the weekend."

That was a Monday. Marian called Saul and asked him and his family up for Saturday, come early, see the house, stay for dinner. He accepted.

Marian said, "Saul, there's no hope of sex. You understand?"


It was Wednesday of that week that a for sale sign went up at the diner where Claire worked. She asked her boss, Jake Simmons, about it. He was sixty-eight, and his wife was ill. He wanted to retire.

Claire mentioned it to Arnie and Marian. Arnie asked a few questions. He was looking around for something to do, now that he had tamed the four acres. And, he thought about running the diner. It would sure be different. He didn't say anything, though.

Saul, Beth and Diane came out on Saturday. They lived on the other side of the village. When they arrived, there was an initial awkward period. But Beth was so pleasant and outgoing that she pushed the rest of us into more than civility. Arnie showed her and Saul around the property. She was quite complimentary about it all. When they walked back toward the house, Saul and Arnie lagged behind. Beth purposefully allowed that.

Saul said, "I wanted to say thanks for inviting us. I won't try for Marian. Or Claire, either. And you won't try for Beth, right?"

Arnie looked at him funny. He said, "She seems very nice, but it never crossed my mind. About Beth."

Saul said, "Well, you know we're divorced. But I'm making some effort."

"Why did you divorce?"

"I messed up. And she did, too."

"You mean with others?"

"Yes. She was seeing a guy from her gym. And I found out. So, I seduced her friend Emma. And she found out. I meant for her to find out. It was a and scene all around."

"Sounds like it."

When they got back to the others, Saul looked at Claire and said, "We saw a 'for sale' sign outside the diner."

Claire said, "Yeah. But it may take a while, I'm told."

"How much does he want?"

"Two hundred. It doesn't seem so much"

Arnie said, "It depends on how profitable the place is, Claire."

Beth said, "You know, I used to run a restaurant. And I need something to do." She turned to Saul. "Can we look into it?"

He smiled at her. He said, "I spent a lot on the move. Maybe the wrong time."


Marian said, "Arnie could swing it."

They all looked at him. He said, "Maybe I can look at it. But it's a long shot."

The rest of the day, and dinner, went quite well. There was no more talk about buying the diner. Todd and Diane were about the same age, and knew each other from school. At first, they were shy. But later they went for a walk, and came back far less shy. Arnie noted that. He thought that Dane was nice, but maybe out of Todd's league in the middle school hierarchy.

At ten, the guests packed up and went home. Todd went to his room, which was on the other side of the house from the main bedroom. And the three adults engaged in some adult activity. It was Claire's day, but those lines had blurred a lot. Everyone had a good time. Arnie and the two women were somewhat surprised by his overall resilience. There had been worry that he would be worn to a nub. But not so.

The next Monday, Arnie went with Claire to work. He wanted to speak to Jake Simmons and just look around. So, he sat at a table and ate breakfast. Claire introduced hm to Jake, formally. They already had seen each other around.

Arnie asked Jake about the sale.

Jake said, "I need a certain amount to retire. Two hundred, after expenses."

Arnie said, "I had been looking for something to do out here. But I don't know anything about running a place like this."

"What did you do before?"

"Accountant. My own business."

"Well, if you ran a business, you know most of it. Maybe out here there's a little more paperwork."

Arnie spent the day looking around, and going over the books. He left after lunch with an idea of what it would take. At first, he had thought of it as a hobby. But he knew at the end of the session that he'd need someone to run the place. Too much time for him to spend.

He said as much to his two wives when Claire asked.

Marian said, "Claire knows the business."

Claire said, "I know how to serve food and get tips. Maybe a little more. Not enough. But Saul's ex might know. Remember?"

"I do recall that." Arnie was getting excited about a new venture. He had the money. He called Saul.

He met Beth at the diner the next morning and watched as she and Jake moved around and talked. Beth asked questions that Arnie never did. About suppliers, licenses, staff, staff turnover, and other things. Beth's assessment took almost six hours. Arnie was fascinated by it, as he watched. And, he admitted to himself, he was fascinated by Beth. She wasn't ugly, but wasn't as good looking as either of his wives. Cute would describe it.

But there was something about her. Competence and a generally pleasant demeanor. But something else that emerged as the day wore on. She was deep down sexy. Without trying. Maybe, he thought, that's why Saul had warned him off her when they spoke at that supper.

Arnie was a level-headed man. He knew that if he and Beth made a deal to operate the diner, and he spent a lot of time with her, he'd be tempted. He decided that before any deal was done, he'd have to discuss it with her. And also with his wives.

It was after two pm when she was finished. She and Arnie went outside. He asked her back to his place, so they could consider all of it.

Claire had watched Beth and Arnie assessing the business. She was no fool. She trusted Arnie but was uneasy. When they left, she had a short break, and she tried to think all of it through. No dice. Not enough information.

Marian was at the house when Beth and Arnie arrived. She was working on her computer at a new job she had editing some technical material. But she got the others drinks and listened as the talked about the diner. That conversation took two hours. Arnie knew about money and Beth knew about restaurants. They created a computerized picture of the diner's overall business.

Marian would have gotten bored with that, except she watched Arnie and Beth. She had the same sort of uneasy feeling that Claire had at the diner.

Finally, Beth said, "I better get back home. I have to talk it over with Saul."

Arnie walked her out to her car.

He said, "There is one more thing, Beth."

She looked right at him. She said, "Oh, Arnie. I know."

Arnie said, "And?"

"I have to think it over. Saul and Diane are happy now. I would say that I can keep my knickers on. But the last time this happened, I ended up divorced."

Arnie said, "I can....keep it in my pants. I mean, I already have as much as I can handle."

Beth smiled at him. She said, "And I have Saul."

Arnie looked at her. He waited.

She said, "He's a nice man, Arnie."

Arnie nodded. Beth reached and patted him on the arm. She got into her car and drove away.

Marian had watched the two of them talk. The pat on the arm had sealed it for her. She didn't know quite how she felt about all of it. She saw some potential, though. Upside, and downside potential. She knew that she was a restless soul.

Arnie walked back inside only to see Marian standing at the kitchen door, arms akimbo.

He stopped dead in his tracks.

She said, "What is it with you?"

Arnie was taken aback. He didn't see how Marian could have sussed out stuff that had been said out of her hearing. Then he recalled the laughing fit Claire and Marian had when they first met. He recalled, as well, his realization that he would never be able to fathom women.

The two of them were staring at each other when Claire walked through the door.

She looked at them. She said, "I assume Beth was here."

Arnie threw up his hands and walked away, muttering to himself.

Claire and Marian watched him leave the room. They looked at each other. They started to laugh. Small at first. But the sight of Arnie driven out without a word having been spoken was too funny for a small titter. They were full out laughing for a couple of minutes. They wound down, and the started up again.

Marian said, "It's not really funny, Claire."

Claire, through her laughter, said, "I know."

Marian said, "Poor Arnie! This never would have happened to my old husband."

They calmed down. Claire said, "You know, if he had stayed like he was before, You'd have fucked Saul and be divorced. I'd probably never have jumped his bones, and Beth and Diane wouldn't have Saul in the house."

Marian said, "All true. But that still leaves us with our current Beth problem."

Claire said, "I watched them all day, around the diner. Sure made me uneasy."

Arnie overheard that, as he came back into the kitchen.

He said, "I'm sorry about the Beth thing."

Marian said, "I don't believe it's really your fault, Arnie. Except for your new look."

Claire added, "She's already cheated once on Saul."

Marian replied, "And I cannot for the life of me understand that."

Arnie said, "She maybe has a hungry heart."

The three of them broke into the Bruce song. Then laughed.

Arnie felt better. But the problem remained to be discussed.

After dinner, the three of them sat in the big room with wine.

Arnie said, "I can just bag the diner idea."

Claire demurred. "Jake needs to get out. And, apart from practically seducing you in public, Beth looked to me like she really knew how to do the diner.

Marian asked, "Arnie, if you go into the diner thing with Beth, will you be able to keep it professional? I mean, the two of us will work hard to keep you in line."

Claire and Marian started laughing again.

Arnie waited. He said, "I believe I can. I can if she lays off me. I suspect that if she wanted it, though, I'd be a goner sooner or later." He flushed, embarrassed. He felt like some teenager.

Clare said, "I know, we just feed him until he gets fat and unappealing."

Marian said, "Oh, no. Been there, done that."

The women worked hard to stifle laughter.

Arnie said, "In the end, I'd like to do the diner. Something new and different."

Marian said, "Yeah, like Beth."

Claire said, "I don't want new and different. I want Arnie."

Marian said, "I can see.....maybe I do want something new and different."

Arnie said, "Isn't this, what we have, different enough?"

Marian said, "Yes and no. Maybe it's me who has a hungry heart. I don't want to lose you Arnie. Or Claire, either, as it is now. But....I admit that Saul is a temptation. Always has been."

Claire said, "You want to swap with Beth. Geez."

Marian looked at Claire. She said, "You'd like it, Claire. Beth here for a night or so, every so often."

Claire looked down. She was silent. Arnie looked at her and saw that Marian was correct. Claire didn't want Saul. But she had something for Beth.

And...that left everything up to Arnie.


Three months later.

The local village weekly had a picture of Arnie, Claire and Beth. They were standing under a sign over the entrance to the diner. The sign said, 'UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT."

All three of them looked great.

The end.

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NoBullAlNoBullAl14 days ago

Not a bad story overall but it really is just a fantasy!

One of this authors favourite tactics that those of us who write in this comments section have suggested multiple times: If you are going to write it and then post it then FINISH THE DAMN STORY!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Too many character flaws. Also, how does this vague story end?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Different but a great and fun read! I recommend! DerMtMan

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

Sorry should have said that I think it needs a second part, you could make it go along quite well

oldtwitoldtwit3 months ago

I liked this, a bit different than a lot of others on here, nice enough characters and the plot went together well

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The runaway, uncommunicative, butt-hurt, non-confrontational little beta men make me ill. These characters use passive-aggressiveness instead of intellect, real emotion, and engagement. Why do so many of these writers create these characters? Is it self-reflection? One of the many weaknesses of amateur writing is the inability to step outside the writer's persona and write characters that have little or nothing in common with themselves.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I don't know what it is about writers on LW but they always seem to switch up the wife fundamentally contradicting their previously expressed position.

In page two we have a woman who was so overwhelmed by guilt at the reality of cheating on her husband and possibly losing him that she became ill. But then subsequently her libedo explods, primarily due to the absence of a husband, thus edging her towards scratching an obvious itch. Due to the possibly permanent absence of the MC, but she's still clearly in love with and wanting to remain married and faithful to the MC. So she refrains from moving on with her life and all that would entail, makes a massive effort to hunt her husband down. So then after paying all that money and time, she flies out to confront and get him back, but right at that point is then beset by doubts and decides she probably wouldn't give a shit about him if he was still fat and boring. So why the fuck did she waste her time flying out, she could have just asked for a divorce and shagged Saul. It makes no sense, unless you see it as a piss poor transition to a future cheating wife.

Of course by this point the so called straight laced, perfect, if a bit of a fatty, husband has miraculously turned his life around in a few months, lmfao, and is, while still married mind you, banging some low waged strumpet without even a twinge of a guilty conscience.

Even worse still, Saul is such a free spirit that he can at the drop of a hat relocate. Even better for him is that miraculously his ex wife just so happens to live close to the same place that the MC just randomly decided to make home.

Tbh, the saddest character in all this is Saul, he's so lacking in looks and sexual prowess that out of a country of 360m?? he finds the need to obsess over and chase after a so so looking middle aged almost a grandma.. Betting his life on the possible whim that she'll throw him a bone. Poor guy is so insecure that he's even worried his ex wife and daughter will fall under the charms of the MC. Though through all this we're still reminded that this reborn sexy hunk of an MC still isn't enough to satisfy the wife and she still wants to tap sad old Saul.

RiptidestoneRiptidestone3 months ago

So what thehell happened to his submitted paper on the math?

Story was OK.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

It started well. Then fell of a cliff in page two and never recovered.

bigurnbigurn4 months ago

Where the hell was the "clean break " ? Marian must have the world's best pussy for Arnie to go along with the final bullshit. He's still married to her and now he knows that she is screwing some other guy. It doesn't matter about Claire, she still screwed him over in the end. And , although I have never used this term before ... Marian made him into a "cuck" ... 3 stars for the effort though .

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The theme should be named “The three Hens went a looking”.

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