A Crack in The Wall Ch. 02


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The skin of his neck felt like fire to the girls lips as she fervently kissed down along his jugular vein, then out along his collar bone to the center of his chest. Her fingers worked to loosen the pointless belt and open the fly of his jeans as she slowly lowered herself to her knees, kissing his skin every few inches along the way. One of his hands now rest on the side of her neck as she knelt in front of him, looking up to read his reaction. With a devious smile the young man slid his clothing out of the way and revealed what she now waited eagerly for. He slid his hand forward to lightly cradle Maria's chin, and gave her an approving nod as he guided her head forward toward his member.

Maria obediently brought her mouth to the head of his penis, and kissed the tip lightly. Her tung slipped out between her lips to run a few small circles around the tip while she brought one hand up to slowly work is way up and down the length of the shaft. She couldn't tell for certain but from the size of it in her hands she felt sure that Samith far exceeded her last lover in girth, and possibly in length as well. When she wrapped her hand around the shaft at the base, which her small hand could barely close around, at least 5 inches stuck out above her palm before it came to the darker skin of the tip.

She wrapped her lips lightly around the head, circling it with her tung as best she could for a few moments before sliding her lips down over his length as far as she could. Maria could barely get enough of him in her mouth to cover the area her palm didn't before having to fight back her throats gag reflex when the tip pressed against the back of it. After backing off a little she began to slowly suck and slide her lips and hand up and down the length of his dick at the same time. Every few strokes she made sure to undulate her tung against the soft tube in the underside of his shaft, loving the way he groaned every time she did so. Maria moaned softly as she sucked from the feelings of his pleasure carried to her by the bond between them.

The young man tangled his fingers into her hair and leaned into her, reveling in the sensation of the heat of her mouth. He wanted to throw her the rest of the way to the ground and take her right then, but he knew that here time was of no importance anymore, there was no point in rushing, so he decided to let her go on for a while longer. After a few minutes he looked down to see her looking back up at him pleadingly as her head continued to bob up and down along his cock.

"If this is the way you apologize for indiscretions I should let you run away more often my dear." gently pulling her back from her task by the hair he lowered himself to kneel with her and look her in the eyes. "There is still more of you that I want tonight Lixi. Everything I feel, you feel, just as I feel all that you do. Lets not waist this on petty foreplay when you know we could have so much more."

Maria watched him shift his weight to sit back on his heels. He sat staring at her with those blackened eyes and wicked smile for a long while, as though he were daring her to make the next move on her own. Not wanting to upset him, Maria carefully moved forward, still on her knees. She lifted her skirt delicately out of the way, but still let it on as she slipped onto his lap so that she was straddling his legs. His hands returned to her sides as she wrapped her arms around him once again.

Maria's now wet sex was directly against his rock hard penis, its tip pressing up against her clit perfectly from the way she'd positioned herself. She kissed him deeply as she rocked her hips up and down against him to grind her swollen lips teasingly along the length of his cock. He'd been right about the pleasure the link between them could provide. Maria shuttered as the double sensation taunted her. Breaking the kiss she paused for a moment to study his face. The black eyes stared back into hers inscrutably, seeming to take in her every move as though waiting for her to do or not do something.

"Your pleasure is mine as well, sweet Lixi. You serve yourself as much as you serve me. You must give this freely to me for me to be able to take it." He pulled her in more closely, causing her to raise back up on her knee's slightly in the process.

The tip of his penis was now just below her throbbing pussy, brushing lightly against the outermost lips in a way that drove her wild. Maria began to lower herself down over him, but he held her tightly enough that she could only press against the end of his manhood. The way he held her also served to keep her raised up enough that his mouth was even with her collar bone. Maria felt the wonderful agony of his lips torturous running across the skin just above her breasts. She leaned her upper body back away from him, using his confining arms around hips and waist for support, and hoped his lips would continue their path down her chest.

To her delight he fallowed her motions exactly as she'd hoped, first kissing down one breast, then across to the other. His lips sought out her stiffened nipples, sucking on each in tern and swirling his tung around them before biting playfully at one. Maria moved her hips involuntarily now, swaying them back and forth automatically to feel his tip spreading her open in the slightest ways as she did. One of his hands found its way to the middle of her back, pulling her back up slowly as he kissed his way back up to the little v shaped impression where her collar bone met the top of the breastbone.

"Lixi... Maria... I wont have only a part of you. You have to give me all of yourself, or none at all." his lips brushed against the skin at the bottom of her neck as he spoke. "So much of you already is, but you have to be mine fully for any of this to work. Its destine to be this way, and there is no other it can be I'm afraid." His hold on her midsection relaxed a little, allowing her to slide down a little less than an inch, allowing the head of his cock to separate her lips. She moaned and swayed her hips again, wanting him so badly now that she ached to feel him sliding the rest of the way inside her body. "Give yourself to me Maria, let us become what we're meant to be. Give yourself to me!"

His lips now spread softly across the skin of her neck as he opened his jaw a small way. Maria could feel his teeth against her throat, hovering just about the pulsating vein on the side. His voice echoed inside her mind now, encouraging her to give in, to be his. The torment between her legs was almost to much, making her skin crawl with anticipation. The feeling was intoxicating and entrancing her till she no longer cared where she was, or how she'd gotten there. The terror from earlier had been swept aside, logic and reason along with it. Maria had lost herself into that moment, that feeling. To her time no longer mattered, nor did reality.

"I am yours..." the words came out as a barely audible whisper as her hand came to clutch the back of his neck. Without knowing why she pulled his head in closer to her neck, and tilted her own head to the side, offering herself openly. His hold on her loosened, allowing her the ability to move freely again. She whispered one last time just before sliding him all the way inside of her aching sex, "I'm yours."

In the same moment that she felt his member penetrate all the way into her, she felt a sharp twinge of pain at her neck as well. His teeth locked over her skin, sinking several of them from either side of his top jaw into her neck. The few top teeth that broke skin drove into the life vein allowing her blood to flow freely into his mouth.

Maria screamed and tried to pull away, but those same strong arms that had held her on brink of pleasure moments before now had her locked into her coupling with him. His voice pushed into her head again as she felt his heart race and his cock push into her body again and again with a steady slow pace that matched his now deep breaths.

"You cant turn away now Lixi. This is what you asked for. You're mine now. You are mine..." His voice in her head reminded her. He held her struggling body in place on his lap as he continued his slow rhythmic thrusts into her.

Maria felt a wave of warm sensual sensation spread over her body as he drew the life giving blood from her body. Pleasure again surged between her legs, no matter how hard she fought against it. A small whimper of both pleasure and regret slipped out of her lips as she felt that carnal fire springing up to consume her again. Samith began to drive into her more vigorously, the whimper having signaled him to how close she was to breaking for him once more.

No matter how her mind may have wanted to run, her body seemed to disagree. Her hips began to move in time with his, and her arms ceased their fighting to push him away. Maria felt the waves of heightened pleasure sweeping through her every where as she finally gave over to her carnal longings and gave in to the sensation of this strange, unbelievable experience. She wrapped her arms around him once again, and moved with him, crying in pleasure to the sky as he continued to draw the blood from her neck. Dizziness crept into her head again causing her to lean fully against him for support.

Maria turned her head towards his eagerly when he finally lifted his lips off her neck. Before he finished however, he paused to kiss each of the small wounds he'd left, causing the bleeding to stop mysteriously as he did so. Maria looked into his black eyes for a moment again before pressing her lips to his blood stained mouth. The metallic taste of the blood on his tung fueled Maria's lust in a way she hadn't imagined it would, and she found herself now thrusting and driving more heatedly up and down on his pulsing manhood.

With one quick motion Samith lifted them both up then brought their bodies quickly back down to the ground, placing her on her back, without ever pulling fully out of her during the move. Maria wrapped her legs around him and lifted her hips up off the ground as he pressed back into her again and the two resumed their heated entwining. Maria could feel the pain of her inside stretching to accommodate his full length, know now he was most certainly a good bit more substantial than her most recent lover had been. She felt the muscles of her vagina tightening and contracting around him, making him seem all the larger inside her. The two soon quickened their pace to a frantic level, each thrust adding to the mounting ecstasy the two shared.

Maria screamed as the final peaking waves of sensation drove her body into a shuttering orgasm while the heat of his cum filled her as he simultaneously came deep inside her. As his juices pulsed into her aching pussy however, something else started to sweep into Maria. A darkness seemed to be creeping into her mind, filling it with a black heat the same way his cum filled her sex, filling her mind with its seeds of horrific scenes.

Terrible images of a destructive fire, filled with creatures like the ones she'd seen diving into the man who now filled her. She watched in horror as the fire overtook towns and cities. An army of monsters in its fray sought out any survivors that tried to flee to use for their own carnal purposes, and feasted on the flesh of those already dead.

Another scream parted her lips, but this time it held no hint of pleasure. The visions continued to pull Maria across the hellish landscape and forced her to watch as children were pried out of wailing mothers arms, then forced to watch as their mothers were brutalized and then consumed right before them by the fierce creatures. The children were then taken captive and thrown in the back of large caged carts with other frightened children from other towns. The monsters that took the children would then tie the heads of the dead mothers to the sides of the rolling prison to further torment the small slaves within.

The smell of burning flesh and decay filler her nose as her lovers voice managed to permeate the visions. No relief came on his words this time though. He told her that all this would befall the world, and when it was over, they would emerge to rule what was left, making it a new paradise for themselves. Maria pleaded with him, crying out that she wanted no part of it, but the visions continued relentlessly in her mind.

Her screams filled her own head now as any feeling of his body or the earth beneath her faded. She was only half aware of the desk she was once again sitting in, the faces of her startled classmates appearing as little more than corpses to her as she flung her body violently out of the chair and onto the floor. Reality was warped and skewed as the visions continued, overlapping and distorting everything her eyes now looked on in horror with its grisly scenes.

Several of her classmates tried to grab her, but met only with her wildly flaring arms as she backed herself up against the wall. Brandon burst through the door he'd been waiting patiently outside of for her and through himself on top of her to try and grapple her to the floor.

"Maria! Maria! Damnit Maria its me!" He groaned as she flailed wildly to free herself from his hold. "What the fuck happened to her?" he demanded of the class as he finally trapped her arms and legs with his own, pinning her body tightly between himself and the wall on the floor.

"We have no idea!" one of the other students shouted from where several of them now stood gaping in awe across the room.

"She just started freaking out and screaming then through herself on the floor" another added while the professor picked up his cellphone to dial 911.

"What the fuck are you doing asshole? Hang the damn phone up, I've got her. She's not hurting anyone. Someone just help me and I'll get her out of here. Maybe it was a dream or something, she just needs to calm down." Brandon held her cradled tightly in his arms now. Her screaming had faded into pathetic whimpering and sobbing. The fists she'd thrown about clutched helplessly at his shirt as he scooped her up to carry her. "Someone wanna put her stuff in her bag and hand it to me? I'm taking her home so she can rest."

"This woman needs a doctor. Dreams don't leave you an unresponsive mess like that. You need to take her to a hospital, not to her room. Its obvious she's suffered some form of sudden psychological trauma, I mean just look at her!" The professor now stood blocking Brandon and reached out to turn Maria's head up to look at him.

Her blank vacant gaze looked past him, staring into nothing as she mumbled something about hell consuming everything in her sobs. Professor Buffet called for one of the students near his desk to hand him the laser pointer he used when displaying notes on the board. Flipping it over he pressed a button to turn on the small LED flash light on the other end and shined in directly into the girls eyes one at a time. Her pupils barely responded to the intense light and remained wide.

"See now, she's barely even in there. This girl needs medical attention son. Now I know you mean well, but I think you'd better let me call someone to help her." The professor shook his head and cut Brandon off as soon as he began to protest. "Quite frankly son, if you don't sit down and let me get someone in here to help her, if you even try to walk out of this building with her, I'll call the police instead, and they'll be here before you even make it down to the front doors. Don't be a fool boy, just sit down and try to calm her as best as you can till they get here."

Maria's head turned back toward Brandon, her eyes focusing in on him suddenly. Her hand shot out to grab the pointer from the professors hand when he again tried to shine it in her face. Before he could react she'd thrown it across the room with enough force that it broke into several pieces upon impacting the wall. Her face was now calm solemn as she stared into Brandon's eyes, her own eyes dilated to the point that the black of the pupils seemed to fully engulf the iris, leaving none of the hazel coloration to be seen. The nearly black eyes held his gaze when she began to speak.

"You need to do as he says." the voice coming out of the girls mouth barely sounded like Maria. Its deep, cold tone a mere resemblance of the light hearted sing songy tones that she usually spoke in. "You cant help her now. You cant see her now. She belongs with us, not with you. Our world, our needs, our will all are in her now. There is nothing for you here."

"No... Maria... what are you talking about." Brandon felt his chest tighten, tears welling up in his eyes. He'd never been one to cry, but the cold vacancy that now lived in the girl that had been so full of life and passion when he'd made love to her in that cemetery just a few nights before crippled him inside. "Maria..." he whispered as he clutched her frame tightly to his chest.

"No!" the girl in his arms shouted. "Not your Maria any more!" her body began to shake as her head tipped back, a wicked, chilling laughter spilling out of her lips. She continued to laugh in a crazed dementia as Brandon wept and shook his head in disbelief. He continued to hold her still laughing body like this until paramedics came to pry her loose from his arms and take her away.

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dweebkendweebkenover 3 years ago

I give up on this. The grammar is just too awful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

To Anonymous 4: you mean "tongue", lol.

To Author: great story, great build-up, and real horror! A rare thing indeed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

You should make an other chapter or name the title of the actual book

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Pretty damn good!

Holy shit, you know how to write a damn fine story. This story was not only about sex, but about the relationships that surrounded the sex, and for that i thank you. I have only three complaints. One: It's tounge, not tung. Two: It's shuddered, not shuttered. But most of all, WHERE IS NUMBER THREE? I hope you write one soon, because i love these stories! ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Can't wait for the next one

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Waiting for more of the same liked it very much .As they say you have left me wanting more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I really enjoyed these chapters. Please write more!

kumiko01kumiko01almost 14 years ago
love it!

ive read these chapters many times and i cant wait for the next. please keep them coming!

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