A Damsel in Distress


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I must have done something because Jenna suddenly looked up and caught me with a lustful look in my eyes that were riveted on her exposed body's delights. Clasping her shirt's neckline to her chest, she stood up and with squinty eyes glaring at me, indignantly huffed, "Oooh, you are a sick degenerate after all!"

However, when she saw me taken aback at being caught, Jenna couldn't help but snicker, "Well, I hope you enjoyed eyeing me. I mean there's not a whole lot of me to see. And, hmmm, this sure is a different side of you that I'm seeing."

Spurred into a hasty defense, I squeaked, "Well, little girl...ahhh...if you show me what you have, I will without a doubt look. And for your information, you've got nothing to be ashamed of...and so what if I liked what I saw?"

Even though Jenna blushed at my unexpected but lurid compliment, her light-brown eyes sparkled and one hell of a dazzling grin graced her sweet lips. For some reason, I gulped as I wondered what the hell I just said, and more so what the hell was going on in the pretty little head of my Chinese-haole intern.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

As we ate lunch, I discovered that Jenna and Claire weren't as close as I had thought. "I got my fellowship slot at the last minute and had to scramble," commented Jenna. "Unlike Claire's parents who are filthy rich, my parents are hard-working dues-paying members of the middle-class with not a lot of money to freely toss my way. Even with my fellowship stipend, it has been a bit touch-and-go for me financially.

"I didn't expect Hawaii's cost of living and especially housing to be so high, and had to beg Claire to let me share her apartment. Unfortunately, her apartment is a one-bedroom place, and I've been sleeping on the couch and living out of my suitcases even though I pay half of the rent.

"Lately, however, Claire has begun grumbling that I'm cramping her style...you know, partying and hooking up with guys. She has made me feel very uncomfortable and unwanted." Then with tears welling up in her beautiful eyes, Jenna whispered, "I guess last night was a clear indication of just how little she cares for me. Thank god, you were there for me, Ben."

"Ha, I'll send you my bill for knightly services rendered," I joked in a clumsy attempt to lighten Jenna's mood.

She smiled weakly and murmured, "Well, I don't have much in terms of money...so you'll have to be content with 'in-kind' payments...whatever they might be."

Then after a thoughtful pause, Jenna meekly asked, "Ben, when you take me to my place, could you drop me off just before my apartment building? It's not that I don't want you to know exactly where I live; rather, I don't want you to be seen by Claire.

"If you don't know it by now, Claire loves to gossip and make snide innuendos. I don't want her to bad mouth you because you were kind enough to pick me up and let me sleep at your place. If Claire were to spread malicious rumors that you took sexual advantage of me and that we're having an improper relationship, it would jeopardize your project leadership."

Although it stuck in my craw to have to go through such gyrations because of Claire, my appreciation of Jenna increased tenfold upon hearing her request. I did what she asked when I took her back to her place, and after dropping her off, thought that I wouldn't see her until Monday morning. Boy, was I wrong?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey, Ben, it's me, Jenna! Do you like Rocky Road ice cream? You do? Good! The Baskin & Robbins shop next to my apartment building is having a promotion that you can buy a quart for the price of a pint. But I'd be sick if I ate it all, and so I thought of you and paying down my debt to you with an ice cream treat. Anyway, I'm getting on my moped and will be heading your way with a quart of the good stuff. See you soon!"

When Jenna hung up, I had to look at my cell phone and wonder what that was all about. Still, it was an early Saturday evening, and all I was doing was crunching the reef data to formulate my periodic report...not exactly the most exciting thing in the world. Although unexpected, Jenna would be a welcome change of pace.

Once in my apartment, Jenna stood tippy-toed and hauled my head down to hers to kiss me on the cheek. Dropping her moped helmet in the entryway, she held up a full foiled bag from her backpack, saying cheerfully, "Ice cream is here! Let pig out!"

Besides the ice cream, Jenna was a delightful treat. Her cheerful personality, quick wit, and disarming appeal made me take notice of her. It didn't hurt that her newly discovered physical delights had given 'rise' (in more than one way) to some wicked fantasies that traipsed (rampaged would be more like it) through my head. Fortunately, I had dismissed such kinky fantasies, pigeonholing them in an "ain't going to happen" mental box.

As we kicked back on the couch and enjoyed her cool treat, I had to ask, "So, Jenna, besides the sales promotion, what else contributed to the surprising pleasure of a quart of Rocky Road and my favorite...if not, only...part-Chinese minx on a Saturday night?"

"Ah...whenever I feel bummed, my usual pick-me-up is an unhealthy and sinful dose of ice cream," was her mumbled reply. When asked what had gotten her down, Jenna hesitated for a while before looking down and sighing, "When I got back to the apartment after you had dropped me off, Claire came out of her bedroom and snidely remarked, 'Well, look who the cat dragged in. Where have you been...or more importantly...with whom?'

"Not wanting to disclose too much, I simply said that after I had left her, I had been picked up and spent the night at a 'friend's' place. But Claire was quick to chuckle and nastily remark, 'Yeah, I bet in your friend's bed with him between your widespread legs. I guess you're not as sweet and innocent as you seem.'

"It was then that Claire's latest fling, Clint, sauntered out of the bedroom barely decent, and upon seeing me, proposed, 'Hey, if you're 'that' kind of girl, why don't you join Claire and me for a threesome? What? It isn't your cup of tea? Well, I've got buddies who would mind banging a tight little pussy like you. Do you want me to call them, and we can all have some hot and sweaty orgy fun?"

I thought Claire would object, but she just chortled with Clint at my expense. I hurriedly shoved some things from my suitcase into my backpack, grabbed my helmet, and dashed out the door with their jeering ringing in my ears. Ice cream was the first thing that popped into my head for comfort...and then you, Ben."

"Wow! I never knew Claire was such a bitch...and a skanky one at that," jumped out of my mouth as I roiled with shock and anger. It was then that I realized that Jenna was quietly sobbing, and before I knew it, I reached out to hug her, letting her snuggle in my embrace.

"It would seem that returning to Claire's place wouldn't be very smart, don't you agree?" I whispered, stating the obvious. When a tearful Jenna just nodded, I casually asked, "So, do you have any plans for the immediate future...or more so, tonight?"

Jenna remained silent for a while, but with my gentle encouragement, she looked up at me with sad puppy dog eyes, and sheepishly mumbled, "You're going to think that I set this whole thing up...but I didn't...I promise." Then after a hesitant pause, Jenna meekly continued, "Other than Claire, you are the only person that I know on this island... heck, in this entire state. I know this sounds terrible...and I'm thoroughly embarrassed to ask...but...could I stay here with you?"

When she saw the look on my face (whatever it was), Jenna hastily blurted, "It'll only be until I find another place...hopefully soon...but no more than the end of the year when my internship is up.

"Please, Ben, let me stay here. I won't cause you any problems. I'll sleep on your inflatable mattress in your spare room... clean, wash, and cook...help you with your data analysis...and pay you what I paid Claire if you want me to. I'll even leave this place when you have one of your 'lady friends' over. Please...I'll do anything you want... 'anything.' Please, Ben..."

To my amazement, I wasn't surprised at Jenna's plea nor was I opposed to it. From her urgent call for help last night to her here-and-now plea for more help, she had jumpstarted my boring life with the unexpected, a flair of the dramatic, an alluring sense of helplessness, and an undeniable urge to protect her.

Strangely, even though I was now aware of her sexual potential, the "hunt and conquer" mentality of my previous female liaisons was somehow strangely absent. Simply put, Jenna and the thought of living with her were something I had never experienced before, and I was simply fascinated by the prospect.

Jenna was on pins and needles as I calmly looked at her before simply uttering, "Okay."

At first, Jenna couldn't believe her ears, but when my answer sank in, she exploded with unbridled joy and flung herself at me, bowling me over on the couch. Before I knew it, her sweet delicate lips smashed against mine in uninhibited gratitude.

However, before things got unexpectedly out of hand, I pulled her arms from around my neck and sat up and back to put some space in between us. Catching my breath, I hastily stammered, "Wait, Jenna! Stop! Let's get some things straight between us!"

Holding her hands and looking at her in those compelling glistening eyes of hers, I said in a measured voice, "Jenna, I am not...repeat, not...taking you in to take advantage of you in your time of need. While I am not opposed to sex...and yes, I do love it...and yes, I find you appealing...and full of possibilities...I want us to first be co-workers and friends. In other words, I want to 'know' you before I even think of having sex with you.

"Next, I've never done this before...living with a woman. And to be honest, I don't want to screw up...where you or I get hurt. So, please understand if I go slow... and forgive me when I stumble or make some mistakes with you along the way."

"Ben, the same thing goes for me. I've never lived with a guy. Despite what just happened, I don't go around freely kissing men...especially my boss. However, if you don't know by now, I can be at times a bit...ahhh, impetuous and headstrong...and don't always think of the possible consequences.

"But I don't want to screw up too. I just got out of a big-time harmful relationship that started as 'rebellious sex' and ended in sexual abuse. I certainly do not want to get back into another such mess especially since I now know that a healthy relationship cannot be based solely on sex.

"So, with that said I will sleep in your other room...on an inflatable mattress. Nothing has to happen between us. Okay? But I can promise you that you won't regret taking me in...into your home...and life.'

"Okay, Jenna, but just don't tempt or tease me by flashing me your privates around the house like you did when we were making the bed earlier today. I mean that a guy...even a shiny knight... can only take so much temptation from a pretty and simply irresistible damsel in distress."

"Ah, Ben, you're so sweet...but positively no fun. Still, just in case our situation gets to the point of ''spontaneous sex"...hey, if you can have spontaneous combustion, why not sex too...I better call my gynecologist back in Rhode Island to have a refill prescription for my birth control pills sent over here. Don't look at me that way...I am not planning on seducing you...but...it doesn't hurt to be safe or prepared, does it?"

"Well, okay. However, since we're talking about being prepared, Jenna, I think we should keep our living arrangement and personal relationship a secret...for now. I am ashamed of being with or even living with you. However, not many people, our co-workers, and especially my higher-ups would not believe...or accept...that ours is a platonic arrangement."

"I agree, Ben. Especially given how nasty Claire can be...well...I don't want to give her a chance to get back at me for bailing on her...and at you for rescuing me. She wouldn't hesitate to spread rumors about how conniving I am, or that you are an unethical and poor leader who sleeps with his interns.

"Since we're on Claire, could you help me clear my stuff from her place? Given that it is Saturday night, I know that she and Clint will be partying until the bars close. That should give me enough time to pack up my two suitcases, get together my scuba equipment, and take my stuff out of the bathroom. I need your help because I can't carry all of my junk on my moped. After we've packed my stuff in your pickup truck, I'll leave my apartment keys and a short note that I've made other living arrangements.

"Furthermore, although it would be nice to ride with you to and from work, I think that I should stick to my moped for appearance's sake. Yes...that way no one will think of us as a couple. So, I hope you will appreciate that even if it rains, gusts, or is dark, I'll be on my poor little moped to protect your managerial reputation. Hmmph!"

"Well, hmmph to you too! I will be saving someone's reputation and future job opportunities. You don't want to be thought of as a gold-digging tramp who gets to the top by sleeping with her boss. Still...when you get down to it, what people don't know, they don't know."

"Couldn't agree more," beamed a jubilant Jenna at our proposed living arrangement. "Now, if we jump in your truck and head to Claire's, we can clear me out and return here so that I can begin making a space to sleep and live. Then you can truly enjoy my appreciation..."

"Wait a minute! I thought we were to go slow and get to know each other better!"

"Get real! I was referring to having more Rocky Road ice cream! However, since you brought up the idea, I see nothing wrong with you hugging me every once in a while to reward me for 'behaving.' Furthermore, at the risk of being bold-faced, you do know that kissing, petting, and other more intimate stuff would be a much faster and better way of getting to know each other."

When Jenna saw me involuntarily flinched, she smiled and purred, "Nah, Ben, I'm just messing with you. Don't you just love inscrutable Chinese...or in my case, part-Chinese... women? Ehhh?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To say that when Jenna moved in with me she turned my world upside down would have been an understatement. Simply put, she assumed control of it, then subtly took it apart, and finally put it back together her way...charming me with her irresistible smile, subtle determination, and damn sneaky ways.

Jenna showed me what was to come by promptly converting my spare room into her bedroom which was complete with a tidy feminine bed (albeit an inflatable one) and a small makeup table (not that she wore much cosmetics). Somehow the room's only closet was organized into a large wardrobe that managed to contain her unpacked clothing and belongings. All of this was done while also storing within the room our combined wet gear and my junk.

Jenna then "refreshed" the bathroom ("God, men! When was the last time you cleaned your bathroom? What? You never did? Hmmph, it shows!"); the kitchen ("Oh, gross! Do you realize that this is a year passed its pull date? Remind me that we need to get..."); and then the living room ("Ben, dirty clothes go in the hamper; not on the floor! It's so dusty...so many cobwebs. Hmmph, it's a good thing I came along."). Slowly but surely "my" apartment became "our" apartment. Did I have a say in the matter? Of course not! Are you delusional?

Still, as the days became weeks and then months, you would think that I would have objected to Jenna's prolonged stay, but I didn't. Why? Well, in part, my hapa-Chinese imp somehow morphed from being a roommate into a steady companion, and then someone more than I had expected.

I had to also admit that it didn't help that Jenna's bodily delights were somehow "tit-illatingly" flashed (rendering me simply stupefied) even though she tried her darndest not to. When combined with her ability to cajole any of my objections (sigh) and her subtle knack for making me feel that I was making the decision even though I knew that I wasn't (double big sigh!), Jenna had worked her way into my life.

But to her credit, Jenna earned her 'props' due to her inquisitive nature and willingness to assume responsibility. When I talked about the project, she went into "sponge mode" and soaked up all that I could give her while asking for more. It got to the point where she could analyze field data quickly, draw sound conclusions, and accurately reinforce my recommendations. Slowly but surely, the rest of the project staff came to rely on Jenna who was acknowledged as the go-to person whenever I wasn't around and things needed to be done right away.

In the end, I have to admit that my Eurasian cutie was like sipping and savoring fine cognac -- richly aromatic...intriguingly flavorful...and unbelievably stimulating while also relaxing. Jenna Zhao brought a certain brightness to my previous gloomy existence and became an integral part of my daily life, and ultimately me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh, thank you, thank you, Ben! Thank you for taking a chance on me, and letting me take the lead in presenting the reef recovery plan," squealed an elated Jenna as she hugged me as soon as our apartment closed behind us.

"Hey, you deserved it. When that luxury yacht crashed into a protective Maui harbor reef and got stuck there for days, you were the team leader in the water and thoroughly assessed the extent of corral damage. Your comprehensive survey data and on-site observations were crucial in dictating the needed corrective actions, the timetable involved, and the required manpower, resources, and funding.

"So, after I gave the broad-brush situational overview of the disaster to the higher-ups and media representatives, it only made sense to let you address what needed to be done to remedy the reef devastation. You were spot-on in your presentation and impressed those in attendance, especially the DLNR and NOAA big-wigs. Just to let you know, I was later approached by the DLNR director about what I thought about expanding the project with a field manager position for you..."

Upon hearing what I had just said Jenna exclaimed, "What?" as she jumped at me and threw her arms around my neck. Her muscular thighs clamped firmly around me, forcing me to grab her hips as she lifted herself to look me straight in the eyes. "You're not kidding me, are you? No wonder the NOAA regional manager asked if I had any plans after I completed my fellowship... and what I thought about studying the impact of climate change on coral colonies.

"Oooh, Ben, I owe you so much! Thank you for taking me in, letting me learn, and then giving me a chance."

"Nah, Jenna, you've repaid me more than you'll ever know. I mean, how often do I get to live with a pretty cutie like you with your sparkling personality brightening my day? You helped me crunch project data and identify the critical issues that should be addressed. And although you may not want to hear this, glimpses of your...bodily delights... well... have made my dull lonely life very interesting."

"What? My what?" exclaimed Jenna as she leaned back to stare at me while still gripping my shoulders. "And here I was trying so hard to be just a friend and a colleague like you insisted in the beginning. Still, as time passed...ahhh, I guess...you know that if I flashed you, it was not on purpose?"

Then becoming more emotionally flustered, Jenna huffed defensively, "Besides, it's all your fault! Living with someone like you who is calm, kind, and supportive...well... makes me relax and forget myself around you. You do know that I can't always watch myself, can I? Hell, I still don't know what you'd see in me."

"Ha, well, just in case you've never been told this before, Jenna...you are an irresistible twenty-three-year-old half-Chinese babe...and a lot of people agree with my sentiment. You're a lot more photogenic than a homely guy like me, and so it was a no-brainer today to let you shine by making your presentation at the press conference."