A Demon's Fruitful Night

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A succubus turns an entire bar into a lustful feast.
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Eris could already hear the thumping music from the bar as she approached, the cool night air no bother to her ashen, otherworldly skin, leather high heels softly clacking on the bitumen road. There was no other sound, and save for the bar's yellow neon signage occasionally flickering and ticking, along with the street lights, other lights few in number, the streets dark and quiet as though abandoned. It wasn't near the heart of the city, after all, these particular suburbs always quiet, a perfect time for her to stalk.

She had heard it was a singles night at this bar, 'The Backdrop', a time for any number of unattached or polyamorous individuals to get together, potentially hit it off with a stranger, or at least, get laid for the night.

It was the perfect thing for Eris, a perfect opportunity to both flex her power, gain more, and have a grand old feeding.

It was a simple brick building nestled between similar structures, apartments or industrial buildings. Its facade was a brighter red than the adjacent buildings, and its windows were covered in various stylised images of musical notes and beer bottles, whilst the front door was a combination of metal and wood, coloured green with a window to see inside. The other windows, though not entirely obscured by their own imagery, had white curtains drawn behind them, rendering it impossible to see inside through them.

But Eris could sense the energy within, and the people too, over a dozen or more. She could sense the undercurrent of lust too, more than a few within seeking something more carnal than love and/or affection this night. It made her lick her lips subtly. The taste was palpable.

She checked herself; though the mortals would not fully see her demonic features -- dark horns that curled backwards over her head, twisted and pulsing with a faint purple glow in the helical grooves of her horns, leathery bat wings that gently fluttered behind her, and a long, sinuous tail that ended in a bulbous, diamond-like shape, multipurpose and devious, along with pale eyes with black, thin-slitted pupils, stark and piercing, and of course her ashen skin -- they would definitely see she was not quite typical either, the highly stylistic, flowing tattoos across her breasts, her stomach just about above where her womb was, across the small of her back and along her spine, her thighs and at the backs of her cheeks, just visible beneath the fringes of her dark violet hair, which hung past her shoulders, almost to her waist in long, straight locks. Her nails were long and black, glinting in the neon light of the bar's signage. And of course, there was her black leather attire, skimpy by any definition, only barely covering up her shame and enticing any eyes that saw her, with the long, thin lengths of leather overlapping and weaving between her pantyhose and her brassiere, leaving little else to the imagination. It was a single piece, impossible to don or remove normally... no issue for one such as her.

A succubus' clothes, after all, were as much part of their appeal and power as their body, and it often changed depending on their mood, their needs, or their prey. And Eris felt like creating an... entrance.

Her body too could alter itself based on the above criteria, be it like the illusion that hid her demonic features from mortal eyes, or something more drastic like assuming different body shapes or different forms to disguise herself. Right now, she was in her 'natural' state, something that was almost laughable amongst her kind, many not even having a 'true form', but it was the one Eris enjoyed the most; slender, but curvaceous, with a voluptuous rump and a generous chest, and thighs that some of her prey considered 'juicy'. She was tall as well, but not more than what one considered typical, a good height that drew attention but didn't 'tower' over others. Truly an image of sex appeal, as she and her kind intended.

Feeling the hunger grow stronger inside of her, she could resist no longer, and entered, the door ringing and signalling her entrance.

It was loud inside, the sound of conversations, jokes and laughter, along with the thumping of music and a pair of TV screens above one corner of the wooden counter of the bar to the right, furthest from the door, one showing some horse racing and other sports, the other tuned to some reality TV show.

However, the moment she stepped forward, the sound of conversation and laughter died down, leaving only the thumping music drowning out the barely audible TVs, as eyes were laid on her, fixed on her, shock, confusion, incredulity and some underlying attraction spreading throughout the bar as everyone took notice.

Even the bouncer, a burly black man with short-shaved hair and a black T-shirt, seemed stunned at her entrance, taken aback by her skimpy attire, and failed to stop her and toss her out when she walked by. She looked at all the people gathered, of different races -- as far as that term applied among humans, at least -- and looks, some older, some younger, some wearing more revealing clothing -- none as skimpy as Eris' own -- and in general looking all quite unique. Perfect for the little 'stunt' Eris had planned.

She gave the onlookers suggestive looks and small, sensual chuckles as she meandered around the simple wood and steel tables, the chairs metal framed with wooden seats and backing slats, making her way over to the bar as people started whispering among themselves about this woman who just entered, looking like nothing they'd ever consider walking into the bar.

Eris' tail brushed seductively across a man's cheek, but he looked around in confusion, unable to see the demonic appendage whilst Eris' glamour was still in effect.

And she'd need a bit of energy for the next step of the plan, walking up to the bar itself, standing in front of the bartender, who had a mixture of incredulity and embarrassment on his face.

She leaned against the counter, arms across it, one hand gently tracing circles with a fingertip against the wood, as she flashed a provocative smile at the man.

"Uh..." he stammered, before clearing his throat. "Ma'am, I think you might need to leave, your clothes don't, uh, fly with the rules."

"Leave~?" she answered with a voice dripping with seductive allure, enough that even that single word seemed to fluster the bartender further. She felt sorry for him though, he'd miss out on much of the 'proceedings'. "Before I've even given you my 'gift'~?"

Before he could ask what she meant by that, she reached out with both hands, clasped them on either side of his head and pulled him close, sealing her lips to his.

His eyes lit up in surprise, but before he could really struggle, Eris' lips began to glow, as did her eyes, the tattoos on her body also faintly pulsing.

He felt the drain immediately, and began to panic, but her tongue snaked into his mouth to toy with his own, enhancing the drain and doing much to placate him before the drain took hold.

His panic subsided as the pleasurable paralysis spread throughout his body. His fearful grunts and muffled cries weakened, and his wide eyes narrowed as glowing lines of light seeped out of his cheeks and his lips, flowing towards Eris.

She tightened her grip and moaned into the kiss, the feeling of such an intense energy drain more than stimulating for the succubus. She could feel the bartender's arousal too, could sense him erecting in his pants, the precum staining his tip, the pressure in his loins building as the drain wracked him with euphoria.

He felt slack in her grip, moaning lowly as weakness and ecstasy mixed within him, his eyes fluttering as he neared his limit.

Eris twisted her lips against his and caressed the sides of his face, until she felt a spasm race up through his body, a powerful surge of energy rushing into her body through her mouth as his orgasm weakened his spiritual barriers and allowed her to gulp up quite the amount. She sensed his ejaculation, and this only further fuelled her, before she let go of him, breaking the kiss and the drain, a tiny wisp of white, vaporous light tinged with pink and blue snaking past his lips and slipping between hers before she smacked them, gently licking her lips.

She let his face go and he stumbled backwards, a few gasps rising from the gathering behind Eris, the bouncer looking like he was ready to leap into action. The bartender slumped against the rear cabinet, and passed out, Eris leaving him just enough to remain conscious and settle himself on the ground, rather than falling over and hurting himself.

Eris turned around and laid eyes on the shocked patrons, the bouncer now moving to take action.

"Now that that is taken care of... let's have some fun~"

She raised her hands, and dispelled the glamour that hid her demonic form, more shocked and now terrified gasps and shouts rising from the patrons, some getting up as though to run out.

Then she clapped her hands together, her eyes aglow as a pulse of near-imperceptible magic rippled outwards from her.

Immediately, everyone stopped in their place, the bouncer slowing to a standstill, as all eyes fixated on her.

Eris was a powerful succubus indeed, she just needed an initial boost to avoid an annoying setup.

Her spell was not just charm magic; she cast a glamour on the bar, which would utterly obfuscate anything within from onlookers from outside, and would subconsciously turn anyone away who tried to enter, ensuring that there would be no annoying interruptions whilst Eris feasted.

Of course, charm magic was the majority of it, and once she was done worming her influence into the minds of everyone involved -- all terribly susceptible to her power due to their inherent lust and desires, having come here for love or lust in the first place -- she saw hot flushes spread across the faces of everyone involved, at least those with paler complexions. She saw arousal fill their eyes, and she could sense their carnal desire building. She grinned, and brought her hands together.

"So... let us begin~" she purred, another pulse of light from her eyes signalling her enthralled audience to indulge in their desires, now amplified by her magic.

They began embracing one another, kissing, groping, fondling, and rubbing, touching their bodies or their genitals, their breasts and rumps.

What better way to feed an appetite such as hers than with an orgy?

Those that weren't immediately 'getting to know' each other were enamoured with Eris as she approached the throng, her mere presence now an intensely arousing force. She brushed her fingers across the chin of a petite, tanned woman who looked longingly into Eris' eyes, the lust in the girl's own blue orbs like an open book to the succubus.

"Mmm, you will be fun~" Eris praised, snaking her other hand around the woman and causing her to gasp softly as the demon took her prey, wings wrapping around the woman and solidifying the embrace, Eris' tail slipping up between the woman's legs and pressing to her vulva through her tight fitting shorts. She moaned softly, almost like a squeak, and Eris could feel the girl's nipples poking her through the dark orange blouse she was wearing, the bra beneath clearly not enough to contain her arousal.

Still clutching the woman's chin, she drew her into a deep kiss. The girl melted the moment Eris' lips meshed with hers, and Eris' eyes glowed softly as she siphoned some of the girl's energy, lines of luminosity creeping across her cheeks and lips as they were drawn into the succubus. Her eyes lidded slightly, and then she shivered. Eris could sense her intense arousal as the drain weakened her only a little bit, but instilled a much stronger sense of arousal and desire to please and be pleased by the seemingly divine entity before her.

Eris deepened the kiss, if not the drain, snaking her tongue into the girl's mouth, letting it dance with her partner's, though their efforts were meek in comparison, though clearly driven to want to return the favour to Eris. Her hand left the girl's chin, and wrapped around the back of her head, whilst the succubus' other hand shifted from the woman's rump to the small of her back, whilst that leathery tail wrapped around one of the girl's thighs and slowly rubbed her vulva through her pants, arousal now soaking through, the girl unable to escape -- even if she wanted to -- between the coiled tail around her leg and the wings wrapped around her body.

Eris then broke the kiss, a tiny, mercurial wisp of light wriggling between her lips, drawn from the girl's. She sighed out luxuriously, whilst the woman gasped gently, before Eris brought her hand around to caress the back of it to the girl's cheek.

"What is your name~?" Eris asked her partner.

"A-Ashley," she answered, somewhat weak and giddy.

"Mmm... Ashley~" Eris repeated as if rolling the name around in her mouth and savouring it. She looked into Ashley's eyes, and the succubus could see the faint glow of her demonic power infecting the human. The same was likely true for everyone in the bar, even those getting rowdy with each other, Eris able to see another woman with pale skin giving the black bouncer an energetic blowjob.

She returned her attention to Ashley, and drew her fingertip across the girl's skin, prompting a tittering sigh from Ashley's lips.

"Do you want to have an even better taste of me~?" she crooned seductively.

Ashley nodded, and gulped.

"Y-Yes, mistress~!"

'Mistress'. Eris couldn't quite suppress the chuckle from hearing that; even without saying a word about it, her magic influence had already given them the idea. She grinned, and gently released her wings, sensually trailing the hand from Ashley's rump back to Eris' own body, outlining her pussy through her leather attire, as the hand to Ashley's head moved to the top of her scalp, and began to push her down, a gentle guide which Ashley understood, crouching before the succubus until her head was level with Eris' crotch.

"Doesn't it look lovely, even under the leather~?" Eris teased, tugging tight on her skimpy garb, enough to reveal the contours of her pussy, which, beneath the leather garment, was already quite wet. She could only imagine what would happen once her pussy was revealed and those around her were exposed to her pheromones, potent enough in her breath and saliva, more so coming from her pussy.

"I-It does, Mistress," Ashley answered, her eyes glancing between Eris' pussy and her face, as though not sure which she should be looking at, clearly drawn to the treat so tantalisingly barred from her just in front of her face, but perhaps believing she should look upon her mistress' face.

"You're such a good girl, Ashley, I don't think I'll leave you waiting~" Eris said with a seductive affection, before drawing her fingers up her leather pantyhose; her fingertips began to glow, and so did the leather, the material dissolving away into black vapour streaked with blue light. Her pussy was now exposed, clean shaven and slick with arousal, the most perfect, puffy vulva on display, along with the lower reaches of the tattoo upon her belly. Eris could smell her own perfume, and she saw how it took Ashley instantly, a shuddering breath leaving her lips, eyes going half lidded again as Eris' pheromones, ever so effective on someone already enthralled, further ensnared the girl's mind.

"Don't hold back now, Ashley~ Go ahead, taste your Mistress~"

Ashley didn't answer, only glancing up with an enthusiastic nod, before leaning in close, hands moving to slide up Eris' thighs on the outside, and tongue peeking out to give Eris' erect clitoris a gentle lick.

A shiver ran up Eris' spine, along with a tiny, minuscule spark of draining magic, Ashley no doubt feeling a similar faint tingle on the tip of her tongue. She would feel it far stronger as she continued, but for now, Eris was content to let the woman work at her own pace, gently raking her fingers through the petite girl's hair. She took the opportunity to survey her surroundings, and admired the debauchery that was already taking place; the aforementioned bouncer was getting throated by the pale-skinned woman, who proved to possess an excellent technique. Eris would have to have a good taste of that cock too, compare herself to the human already making the thick-set man moan.

Ahead of her, the reverse was unfolding, a black woman laid out over a table, her breasts exposed and her pants down by her ankles, whilst an athletic, lithe tanned man was busily feasting on her pussy, sometimes lapping at her vulva, at other times flicking his tongue across her clit and sinking two fingers into her pussy.

In a booth just beneath one of the windows, a woman was treating a man to a lap dance whilst he groped and fondled her breasts.

By the door, a man was grinding up against a woman's front, gently kissing and suckling on her neck as though rutting, and in front of the succubus, two women were cupping each other's breasts in one hand and rubbing their vulvas through their pants with the other.

There was a voluptuous, curvaceous woman by another table, with her breasts out and using them well, wrapping them around the cock of a man seated on one of the chairs, using her spit and saliva, with a few waggles from her tongue, to lubricate her cleavage as she pumped his cock slowly.

There were more scenes unfolding, and Eris drank in every last one with lustful glee and carnal hunger. She could already feel a passive influx of energy released from the sexual indulgence all around her, acting like a sink for all of the energies these enthralled people released as they gave themselves over to the lust, only further preparing themselves for a proper feeding from Eris herself.

But she looked down at Ashley, the petite woman beneath her starting to suckle earnestly to Eris' clit, tongue rubbing to the nub with eager enthusiasm. Her skill was a little clumsy, but she was determined, and she looked so cute with her mouth pressed against Eris' pussy, the succubus couldn't fault her somewhat flawed skill.

It still felt good to her, and when she started to drain Ashley, the pleasure was only amplified. It took Ashley by surprise, no doubt feeling a tingle start in her lips and her tongue that began to radiate throughout her face, and deeper into her core, a sensation that brought arousal and pleasure to the girl doing something that, nominally, brought no direct stimulation to the giver.

But Eris was a succubus, and once their drain began, their 'prey' couldn't help feel pleasure, whether they were giving or receiving.

The tattoos on Eris' body began to glow with a faint purple-blue light, her crotch markings brighter than the rest, as luminous vapour was extruded from the very pores of Ashley's face, her lips and tongue in particular possessing subtle auras that were tugged towards Eris' body.

But the moans of pleasure that came from Ashley, and the soft sighs of delight from Eris, only encouraged the human to work harder, attacking Eris' clit with a vigorous swirling waggle of her tongue, lips sealed around the succubus' button, suckling down the aphrodisiac and pheromone-laden fluids that seeped from Eris' pussy as the demon's arousal grew.

"Yes, that's eat... eat all you want~" Eris encouraged, gently tugging Ashley's head against the succubus' crotch. "Deeper~"

The girl obliged, and shifted her mouth from over her clit to Eris' entrance, and pushed her tongue deep into the succubus' pussy, or as deep as her human tongue could reach, waggling it about, tracing Eris' contours, tasting her sweet, addictive fluids and feeling Eris' muscles try to clamp down on the oral invader. She had excellent control over her pussy, able to tighten it like a vice if she so wished, and a few 'extra tricks' she sometimes liked to indulge herself in using.
