A Dragon's Tale Ch. 30


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She could.

Barely, but she could. It would take most of her willpower, but he had been right; she could resist his compulsion if she wanted to...

...but she didn't want to.

Instead she used all her willpower in quite another direction, and one she'd new tried before. She used all her willpower tonot fight him. Perhaps because of her upbringing, the strict father, or the willbreaker ring, but she had always fought for control. Now she was fighting tonot fight for control. It was harder than it sounded...

...until she felt what Ethan was pushing at her.

...until she felt the emotions coming over their bond.

She'd never felt them this strong before, never felt how he felt about her before. He adored her. He loved her. He was enraptured and entranced by her. The strength of his affection or her made her jaw drop. All of this poured over their bond, and she felt her body respond.

Almost without meaning to, she felt herself spread her legs open wider. She'd never done that before and it scared her, but it seemed the only appropriate response.

He wanted her.

Not just her body, not just her mind, not just her insights nor her magical power.


Just her.

All of her.

A powerful feeling began to sweep over her body. Her breathing became shallower. Suddenly, it felt like every part of her body was on fire and begging to be touched. She found herself arching her back towards his hands and torso, desperate for him to touch her anywhere.

He did.

He roamed his hands over her body, tantalizing her with sensations that she didn't even know existed. This was nothing like when she touched herself; this was on a whole different level. They weren't even comparable. She tried moving her hands to reciprocate, to touch him, but she couldn't. Alana was still holding them, and holding them quite firmly.

She settled for raising her legs up and cradling them around him, letting the inside of her thighs rub up against his sides.

She moaned.

She adjusted the way her legs were touching him, trying to find the best angle; the greatest pleasure for them both. She tried a few different angels before she realized that she was pulling herself out of the moment to try and improve the moment.

Then his eyes changed.

She felt a new command buried in them besides the flood of sensations that were turning her into a writhing pool of pleasure. She felt her legs -- seemingly of their own volition -- leave his sides and lay flat on the bed, spread widely for him. Her thighs protested heavily at the loss of sensation, but there was nothing she could do to change it unless she directly fought Ethan's will with her own.

She didn't want to do that.

"I'm taking complete control." The dragon growled softly as Ethan lovingly caressed her breast.

"Yes my lord." She whispered in response, shocked to find that the title now felt natural; normal; right.

Alana had her hands, Ethan had her body, and the dragon had her mind. She was completely helpless and totally out of control. She could've fought it if she wanted to. She could've beaten the compulsion that was keeping her completely immobile and out of control. She could feel that she could beat it... if she wanted to.

She didn't want to.

"Don't think, just feel." The dragon, or perhaps Ethan, whispered into her ear.

"Yes my lord." She replied, and gave herself to the sensation that were coursing through her body.

It was overwhelming.

She had control of nothing for the first time in her life and was the happiest she had ever been. Ethan's hands and tongue were seemingly everywhere at once, touching every part of her at once. No, it was more than that. He not only was touching her body, he was also suffusing her mind. He was all around her physically, all around her mentally and--

"This will sting slightly." Ethan whispered

"What will-- Ow!" She hissed as she felt his massive cock slam into her nether lips, spreading them wide, breaking her maidenhood, and filling her fuller than she'd ever felt in her entire life in a single thrust. She had no idea it was possible to feel this full. Almost on instinct, she healed the tiny wound from the breaking of her hymen, instantly banishing any stinging sensation. Once that was gone...

It was amazing.

In the back of her mind, she was glad he'd given her almost no warning. If she had, she surely would've tensed up and made it hurt. She smiled at him, glad that he knew her so well.

"Thank you my lord." She breathed, not even able to comprehend how incredible it felt to have him inside of her at last. It was more personal, more intimate, and more pleasurable than she ever would've guessed it could ever be.

Then he moved.

He pulled back, only to thrust firmly into her again.

She moaned.

Her entire body was on fire and begging for release. It was like someone had poured flaming oil into her veins as the sensations coursed through her, looking for any place to express themselves, but there wasn't one to be found. He continued thrust deeply into her with long, full deep strokes; fast enough to keep her simmering, but not fast enough for her to boil over.

"Please, please my lord." She whispered through the moans and sighs that seemed to be constantly escaping her lips.

The dragon just smiled.

She moaned in frustration, but couldn't look away because he was still compelling her. She couldn't move her body because his will held her in a gentle grip of iron. She couldn't move her arms because Alana was still holding her hands; both of them. Though, in the wood elf's case she wasn't holding them firmly anymore. She was holding them so gently a child could've broken free, but nothing in the world would've induced the bride to move her hands from the gentle embrace of her best friend.

That's when Rachel realized that Ethan's repeated thrusting had been pushing her up on the bed until her head was literally laying on Alana's lap. She had been so distracted by the sensations that had been -- and still were -- coursing through her body that she hadn't realize they she was so close with the delightful wood elf. Her back was on the wood elf's legs, her was head in her lap, and her hands were in Alana's

She wouldn't have it any other way.

For some reason, it just felt right and fitting that she was leaning against the wood elf while their husband took her the first time. She looked into the dragon's eyes, realizing he had almost certainly planned it this way. He was so kind, so caring, and so tender.

Her brain almost spasmed as she crested another wave of pleasure, so close to going over but lacking that one final bit of sensation to push her into the bliss the dragon had been driving her towards for the last... she didn't know. An hour? A week? An eternity?

Then without warning, Alana leaned down and planted a tender kiss on her forehead.

She came.


* * *

Alana had been in bed with Ethan long enough to recognize when another woman was on the verge of orgasm. Rachel was. She hadn't gone over yet, but he was keeping her right on the edge. He could probably push her over whenever he wanted, but he seemed to enjoy keeping her there.

*Kiss her.* The dragon commanded.

The brunette froze. *What?*

"Kiss. Her. Now.* The dragon repeated.

The wood elf felt herself freeze up even more. Kiss Rachel? Now? While she was in the middle of... The idea was so appealing that she hit a plateau similar to Rachel's almost instantly. She wanted nothing more than to lean down and press her lips to the redhead's.

But could she?

Should she?

*Now!* The dragon commanded with such force and urgency that she just didn't feel right ignoring him.

She started leaning down, but at the last moment changed targets and planted a tender kiss on the redhead's forehead.

Rachel came.


She arched her back and opened her mouth in a silent scream as the dragon released her from compulsion. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she clasped Alana's hand hard. Her hips started bucking against Ethan's and she tightened her legs around him, seemingly trying to pull him deeper into her even as she also pulled the wood elf closer too.

Rachel kept herself in that position of rapturous pleasure for several seconds before she flopped back onto the bed and started writhing slightly; her hips nearly vibrating they were shaking so much. She let go of Alana with one of her hands and wrapped the other hand around Ethan and pulled herself closer to him.

She never let go of Alana's other hand.

The wood elf felt her heart nearly melt at that. The redhead had never eventried to let go of her other hand; she was still holding it as firmly as ever she had. Something inside of her just... just... there were no words to describe how indescribably happy that simple act had made her. It made her even happier because she knew it wasn't done with foresight, but on instinct. Rachel's instinct had been to keep hold of her with one hand and Ethan with the other.

She sighed.

After nearly a minute of the redhead writhing on the bed, she slowed and laid still. Ethan had stopped thrusting and she lay breathing heavily, but otherwise motionless. She took several deep breaths with her head totally relaxed onto the wood elf's lap as she recovered.

After several more seconds, she opened her eyes. By happy chance, or maybe on purpose, Rachel was looking right into Alana's eyes when she opened them.

They were shining with happiness.

She gave the wood elf a small smile as they looked at each other, and that second seemed to stretch out into an eternity. For some reason, she saw a change in the bride. She seemed at once both weaker and stronger; more frail and more resilient at the same time.

It was as if her walls were down and she was taking no pains to keep them down, but rather right now -- with the two of them them -- 'down' was the natural state of her walls. There was a deep level of trust there that Alana had never seen before, even as close as they had been. For some reason, she knew that Rachel's trust extended to Ethan as well.

Rachel seemed to come to herself and looked down at him.

"Hi beautiful." He said softly. It was Ethan, and no longer the dragon.

"Hi ugly." She replied affectionately, tracing her finger along his face.

Alana chuckled.

The redhead look up at her and smiled sheepishly. "Okay, now I get why you and the others disappear in here with Ethan so much."

Alana looked fondly at the two people she loved most in all the world. "Yeah, it's pretty great."

Rachel looked down at the slightly sweaty sheen that was covering her whole body, not to mention the various fluids that were now leaking from her. "I'm a mess."

"A beautiful mess." Ethan leaned down and gave her a tender kiss, which she returned without hesitation, nervousness, or anxiety. It was a slow, heartfelt kiss which spoke more of loving and tender affection than sensual passion, and this despite the fact that his probably now softening cock was still inside of her.

Rachel closed her eyes as they kissed, and only opened them several seconds after the kiss broke.

She sighed. "Do you kiss all your wives that way?"

He shrugged. "I'm not sure; let me see." He leaned forward a bit and planted a similarly tender kiss on Alana's lips. She returned it with interest as normal, though she couldn't help but notice that there was the barest hint of a flavor on his lips she she'd never tasted before.

A very feminine flavor.

The wood elf moaned into the kiss slightly, and not just because the love of her life was kissing her; though obviously that helped.

"So yes." Rachel said sleepily, and then yawned.

"I um..." Alana hesitated, not wanting to say what she felt like she should say, but feeling like Rachel deserved to have Ethan to herself on her wedding night. "I should probably get going."

Rachel almost reflexively tightened her grip on the wood elf's hand, which she'd never let go of. "You don't have to." She said softly, her pretty blue eyes appeared to genuinely like having her there.

"You heard the bride." Ethan smiled. "Unless you want to go..."

"No." She said quickly. "No I..." She smiled. "...I wouldn't mind staying."

"Good, becau... becau..." Ethan yawned. "Because I'm beat."

He slipped out of Rachel and flopped down on the bed. Rachel rolled just slightly so she was on her side facing him and laid her head on his chest. Alana slid down and laid on her back, with the redhead's back facing her. She was a little disappointed for only a few seconds before Rachel readjusted a few times and then turned to face the brunette, using his bicep for a pillow.

"Thank you." Rachel said softly as her pretty eyelids began to droop. "I'm not sure I would've been able to... you know, without you here."

"I was happy to." She replied.

"You're good friend." The Redhead mumbled as her eyes fluttered closed.

"So are you." She whispered back.

Rachel -- in her nearly asleep state -- reached out an arm and flopped it affectionately across the wood elf's torso.

Alana sighed.

Her best friend had finally married her husband, she'd been there on their wedding night, and now the bride was nearly snuggling with her. Her husband was on the ravishing redhead's other side and Alana herself had a tiny life growing in her womb.

She smiled as her eyelids grew heavy.

Right now, life was perfect.

* * *


Graflex the dwarf flopped down on a bench in his workshop and scratched his tired feet. It had been another long, boring day. Not for the first time -- in fact it was probably more like the tenth time that day -- he cursed Magistrate Haglath for making business difficult for him. The tyrant refused to catch the plague, or trip out of a tower window, or simply drown underneath the weight of his own corruption.

The dwarf glanced around the shop, scowling at the lack of both customers and challenges in Arcanum. He had the Magistrate to thank for the former, but the latter had been the case no matter where he was lately. He'd moved here years ago hoping that someone would come up with a challenge for his skills, but alas--

Ding, ding.

The bell by the door rang.

He sighed, then stood and walked out front again. He hadn't even lit the forge all day and hoped someone would want him to make something interesting. He wasn't holding his breath though.

Standing just inside the door was a woman with long blonde hair who was wearing a dress that was frankly a little too white to be normal. Plus, she was skinny like all other human women. He would never understand what human men saw in a woman who couldn't bench-press at least two hundred pounds without much effort. Still, he supposed she was probably attractive by human standards. She almost seemed to almost glow a bit and she had a calming presence.

"Hellos Graflex." The woman said in a slightly musical voice that for some reason made him feel... Hmm; he felt slightly less irritable.


"What'd ya want?" He grumbled.

"My name if Gabriella, and I want to place an order for someone else, consisting of these." She handed him a rolled up scroll.

He harrumphed. It was never a good thing when customers brought scrolls with their own designs. They always wanted the wrong things with too much fanciness and not nearly enough practicality. He had half a mind to turn her down, but figured it couldn't hurt to look before he told her that she was wasting his time and talents with a stupid design.

"Oh, I don't think you'll be disappointed." She said in an amused voice, like she knew something that he didn't.

He unrolled the scroll, expecting to be disappointed at the designs, but he wasn't. All three of them were...


They were...


"Satisfied?" The woman asked with a knowing smile that seemed to brighten the shop a bit.

"These are interesting." He admitted. "This warhammer head on the right isn't too unusual, but these other two... Hmm." He stared at the center design for several seconds. "It seems perfectly normal at first glance, but that addition at the rear changes everything. And this left one... I've never seen a spear like that before."

"I would like a blunt practice version of this one made from steel." She indicated the center design. "But otherwise I want one of each, all made from dragon steel."

He scoffed. "You'd have to skin a whole dragon -- probably two -- to get enough scales for all these."

"The center part of the spear should have a lead core with a dragon steel outer layer."

He scoffed again. "That'll still take at least a whole dragon's worth of scales." He sniffed the air. "You don't have any on you, or at least not enough."

The luminous woman smiled. "Well, about that..."


***I am floored by the response to the last chapter. Seriously. As I write this, it's #1 in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy hall of fame! I'm so glad you all enjoy this story. Rest assured, I enjoy writing it at least as much as you enjoy reading it and there's plenty more coming. Again, thank you so much.***

***I'd also like to extend a very special thanks to someone who didn't want to be credited by name, so "Anonymous", (you know who you are) thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it.***

STORY TAGS: dragon, magic, medieval, elf, teen, romance, virgin, harem, cuckquean

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whip313whip3134 months ago

Anyone willing to bet that skippersdad is an alt account of the author?

skippersdadskippersdad5 months ago

This is still so good.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Just chiming in to agree with last commentator; the tortured prose about free will doesn't improve with repetition, one could drive a bus through the logical holes, and would be better off deleted. Show, don't tell.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You have some talent and I like the scenario. But all that poor argumentation against the problem of theodicy seems like propaganda to me, so I need to stop.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I was dreading the wedding and wedding night scene. I was afraid that it would all be from Ethan's perspective or that it would be a let down. I couldn't have been more wrong. I think you nailed both scenes from Rachel's perspective. From someone that tends to overthink a lot, I think you nailed it. The thoughts, the concerns, the actions, even the need for a friend the first time. Brilliant!

I don't think there is a thing I can come up with to change it. That's saying something with me. Even from the moment of the first kiss, I thought this is perfect.

'He stepped close, right into her personal space and put his face close to hers.

She froze.

Her brain seemed to have completely locked-up at the realization that she was about to have her very first kiss in a moment.

How does one kiss?'

As soon as I read that I was like this is going to be epic.

Highest praise to you,

Buddy J.

By the way, that scene with Sarah and her father after she fought the guards was emotional! The scene with the angel and Sarah was heartbreaking.

Dreamdog519Dreamdog519over 1 year ago

Excellent story! Cannot wait to read more.

usmcdadusmcdadover 1 year ago

Great story, been power reading the whole thing... Seems about like you are writing it as fast as I'm ready. Great job

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sublime 5 stars

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69almost 2 years ago

Wish I could give more stars!!!

SniperkingSniperkingabout 2 years ago

@Smokepole/ Anonymous

You don't have to be rude. And some mistakes still make it past the proofreading, he at least tries.

EM_Lockiel_51EM_Lockiel_51about 2 years ago

I am really enjoying this story a lot. You have kept my interest in it the whole time very interesting plot keep up the fantastic work!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A halfway decent attempt, but I believe I am getting used to the simple mistakes you make. You CANNOT claim to have done any editing - just writing. This was definitely not proofed!

A simple mistake was given on page 7. Can you find it (passage below)? :

"Yeah, in case Rachel gets nervous again." He said aloud and then thought to her. *I'm 99% sure she wants you to stay, and you seem to calm her down a lot. Knowing her, she probably won't need help to relax in bed after tonight, but she would probably really appreciate your help this first time."

Normally you use the asterisk when the words are telepathy. This issue shows an opening in asterisk, but is closed by quotes. THIS is the kind of nonsense mistakes that serious authors can't afford, as it changes meanings, just like your spelling mishaps.

The scene between Gabriella and Sarah, in her dream, is probably your best yet.


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Alana+Rachel is beautiful and incredibly erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hope your doing well. Normally they say no news is good news. But not in the writing world. We are all having our drug withdrawal, waiting for the drug dealer to deliver our next hit.

derrick196436derrick196436over 2 years ago

Another great story! Thank You for sharing. I can't wait for the next chapter.

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