A Flirting Workshop with My Sister


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I changed into my sweatpants. When I got back into Z's bedroom, she was wearing her V-neck nightshirt. We got into bed. Z had me lie on my back so she could put her head on my shoulder. We kissed and cuddled for a while, and then Z moved to on her side and I did the same. She spooned against me as I held her close. No oral sex tonight, which I was fine with as I was still satisfied from this morning.

As I held Z, a warm happiness filled me. After almost two days of being lovers, I had come to realize that I would always feel guilt and doubt; that there would always be moments of awkwardness and frustration. I needed those, so I wouldn't do anything stupid and reveal our secrets. There'd always be the chance that our relationship would fail, and then we'd have an awkward breakup. But I was glad we had taken this step. The only way to know if our relationship would work was to try it. What-might-have-been was very unsatisfying for Valerie. If I had said no to Z, I think I would have found that decision equally unsatisfying. Now that we had embraced our love for each other, I had never been happier.

* * * *

The next morning, Z went to Giselle's after we had taken care of Bart. I envied her having friends at home to spend time with like Katharine and Giselle. Having talked with Seth, there wasn't anyone else I wanted to spend time with. I read for a while and then took a nap. It was nice to nap, to do nothing instead of studying. Yeah, it'd be nice to spend time with friends, but it was also nice to recharge my batteries by lazing around the house and making love to Z. I needed to recharge because, once I got back to school, it would be work, work, work until finals were done. Yes, Z and I wouldn't be able to make love while we were back at school, but I wouldn't have time to do so anyway.

A little after noon, I get a text from Z. Katharine wants to come in and say hi.

I was waiting by the door when Z and Katharine came in. Both of them were wearing a long sweatshirt and jeans.

"Hi, Z. Hi, Katharine."

Katharine came over and took my hand. "Hi, Eli." She drew me over to the stairs. Our stairs had a flared bottom. Katharine got on the first step off the left of center and turned to face me. She positioned me on the floor in the middle of the stairs. "Did you miss me?"

"Not really." I had seen her last night.

Katharine laughed while keeping hold of my hand. Z stepped onto the first stair but to my right. Katharine said, "Z and I are wearing the same outfit." She smiled at me.

That made no sense. Yes, they were wearing sweatshirts and jeans, but the sweatshirts and jeans were different.

Katharine put her hands on my shoulders and kissed me. It was similar to the other kisses she had given me since the flirting workshop, but I wasn't comfortable with her being this affectionate with me in front of Z. Katharine seemed to be enjoying my discomfort. She said, "At one point late, late Sunday night, I was planning on not leaving Monday morning. Once Giselle and Laurie left, I was going to take you upstairs to your bedroom and fuck your brains out."

I had no idea why Katharine was telling me this. I decided to brush it off. "Wouldn't have worked. I had to go feed Bart."

Katharine laughed again while keeping her hands on my shoulders. She seemed to be laughing at the thought that I'd be able to resist her. "Z could have handled feeding Bart by herself for one day."

Katharine kissed me again, this time a few seconds longer than a friendly kiss on the lips. Would I have turned her down if Monday morning she had taken my hand and said Let's go upstairs? Almost certainly not.

I asked, "Why didn't you?"

Katharine smiled at me and then gave me an even longer kiss. Damn, she was hot. She had me rock hard. I couldn't wait for her to leave so I could go upstairs with Z. But Katharine seemed in no hurry to go. She said, "You know." I didn't. She gave me a short kiss. "Since Monday morning, have you been kissing anyone but me?" She gave me a coy look.

"No. I've only kissed you."

Katharine laughed once more. "A handsome young man like yourself should be doing more kissing than that." With her hands on my shoulders, she twisted me toward Z. "Like with your sister."

Z moved toward me. "Katharine knows all about us." Z put her hands on my shoulders as Katharine withdrew hers and then kissed me.

"You have me to thank for Z being your girlfriend," said Katharine. "She never would have done it without me pushing her."

Shock and disbelief came over me. Katharine knew about Z and me, and Z was fine with that? I didn't want anyone to know. Our love was the deepest, darkest secret imaginable to me. Z was my girlfriend because of Katharine? Z was my girlfriend because I had found her irresistible in the hot tub.

Z kissed me again, a few seconds longer than the first time. I didn't respond at first, but I gradually returned the kiss. Kissing Z felt so good.

Katharine continued, "After a couple of weeks of movie nights, I noticed Z was talking differently about you. She talked about Dimitri, Landon, and Rob like they were really nice guys. But she sounded all dreamy when she talked about you."

While Katharine had been talking, Z had given me a longish kiss and a short kiss. She said to Katharine. "I think we're caught up." She turned me toward Katharine as she said, "I had no idea I was exposing my feelings toward you. Or that I had feelings toward you."

I was still a little bit in shock, but my disbelief was wearing off. I had known that Z and Katharine were close, but I hadn't appreciated how close. They were working hand in glove now. I would have thought that Z wouldn't want me to kiss anyone, but she was obviously on-board with Katharine kissing me now. Suddenness of everything was jamming all my mental circuits.

Katharine kissed me. I hated to admit it, but she was a better kisser than Z. When she kissed me, hormones started flooding my system. Katharine looked me in the eye. "I'm an evil person, and the idea of bringing a brother and sister together thrilled me to no end." She kissed me, slipping her tongue into my mouth. I knew now that if she had wanted me Monday morning, there was no way I could have resisted her. She was too damn sexy and knew too well how to press my buttons. Part of me thought I shouldn't be doing this in front of Z. But as Z obviously approved of what I was doing with Katharine, that objection was easy to ignore.

When Katharine was done kissing me, Z put her hands on my shoulders, and I turned to face her. As the girls were only a few feet apart, it was easy to face one and then the other. Z kissed me. I heard Katharine unzipping something. The girls were far enough apart that I couldn't see one while I was kissing the other.

Katharine said, "So I came up with the idea of a flirting workshop. It seemed like the perfect thing." I could hear Katharine doing what sounded like pushing down her jeans. "If Z's feelings toward you were like I thought, she'd be so jealous that I could talk her into admitting she loved you and should make a move on you." It sounded like Katharine was pulling a leg out of her jeans. "And you'd be so horny from all the flirting that you'd offer her little resistance."

While Katharine was talking, Z was kissing me. At one point, I put my hands on Z's waist with the intention of bringing them up to her tits. Z pushed them off her. Then she slipped her tongue into my mouth and we Frenched. I realized that Z was mirroring what Katharine did. This kissing session went longer than what I had done with Katharine, but Katharine apparently needed the extra time to take her jeans off.

Katharine continued. "The flirting workshop got off to a great start. I heard you coming around to come up the stairs. I wanted to give you a long look at your hot sister. I was fine with Valerie going braless, but I knew having her try on the sleep shirt braless and with a bra would give you lots of time to check out your sister. And then I stretched things out by talking to her about basketball. I loved giving you a show. I was sure Z knew you were down there, and I was happy to see her going along with giving you a show. It gave me a lot of hope for my plan."

Z pulled back. When she turned me toward Katharine, I couldn't help noticing that Katharine was wearing white stockings that were attached to garters that came out from underneath her sweatshirt, which was now pulled down to over her hips. Katharine was smiling at me when I finally looked up at her face. She said, "Still no touching, only kissing. I'm having a great time." She put her hands on my shoulders and guided me into another French kiss. I realized that I wouldn't be able to touch Z's wonderful body until Katharine let me touch hers. Would she let me?

Z picked up the story by saying, "And boy, was I jealous." I could hear her unzipping her jeans. "Especially of that stupid bitch Valerie. Who was she to come on so strong to you?" I heard Z taking her jeans off. Z didn't say anything for a while as she wrestled with her jeans, while my tongue wrestled with Katharine's. "It was really hard for me to stay pleasant and helpful toward her. Giselle and Laurie bothered me, but not nearly as much as Valerie. I was really glad you didn't grope her during that last session."

The shock had worn off now. I was seeing how Katharine had been behind Z and me getting together, so, of course, Katharine knew about us. Z seemed confident that Katharine knowing wouldn't be a problem. As I trusted Z, I was content now to go along with whatever she and Katharine had planned.

Katharine ended the kiss and turned me toward Z. Z too was wearing white stockings that were attached to garters that came out from underneath her sweatshirt. Katharine said, "I told you Z and I were wearing the same outfit. Or more accurately, the same lingerie."

Z pulled me toward her and gave me a passionate French kiss. It was so hard to keep my hands by my sides. I wanted to explore under that sweatshirt. What was the rest of the outfit she and Katharine were wearing?

Katharine grabbed my belt and undid it. "I had told Z I was going to give you a big kiss at the end of the workshop, but she didn't pass that tidbit along. I think she didn't want me to do that." She unzipped my pants. "I really enjoyed kissing you. You were marvelous during the workshop. All the girls wanted you. And I got to kiss you in front of them all." Katharine let out another evil laugh.

When Z stopped kissing me, Katharine turned me so I faced away from the stairs. Katharine said, "Kick off your shoes." I kicked them off. Katharine turned me so I was facing her. She said, "Last time of no hands." And then she was French kissing me.

Z said, "After the workshop, all of us girls talked for two more hours, and then we settled down to go to sleep." Z grabbed my jeans and started pulling them down. "When everyone was asleep, Katharine woke me and said to come with her. She told me that she wanted to talk to me about you." Z had pulled my jeans down to my ankles. She helped me step out of them as I continued to kiss Katharine.

Katharine suddenly ended the kiss and twisted me toward Z. I guessed that Katharine wanted to tell this part of the story. She grabbed my T-shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving me in front of Z with just socks and underwear on. Katharine said, "I started by saying how wonderful you were that evening. And Z lit up."

Z smiled at me. It just melted me. I loved her so much. We kissed.

"To me," said Katharine, "it was obvious that she was crazy about you. We talked about you for quite a while. And then I said I was thinking of making a move on you, but I didn't want to do it if Z didn't agree to it. I liked you, but not enough to hurt my friendship with Z. But if Z was okay with it, I'd stay after the other girls left, and then I'd go up to your bedroom with you."

Z and I continued to kiss after Katharine stopped talking. This kiss was less passionate and more tender. I thought over what Katharine had said. This must be what she was talking about right after she kissed me the first time.

When the kiss ended, Z turned me toward Katharine. Katharine said, "Hands only on the outside of the sweatshirt and only in the back." I put my hands on her ass as Katharine put her hands on my shoulders. She moaned lightly as my hands gently roamed. Katharine kissed me.

Z said, "We talked about how the workshop went after that. But the whole time, I felt worse and worse about agreeing with Katharine going off with you. I eventually told Katharine that I'd prefer that she not pursue you, that it would upset me if she did."

Katharine and Z's bodies looked very similar with them dressed as they were. Katharine was probably an inch taller than Z's 5'8". As Z had talked, Katherine had alternated kisses and small moans. Even through her sweatshirt, her ass felt fantastic in my hands. How much further would this go?

With the way Z had stopped, I could tell it was time for Katharine to continue the story. I moved on my own to Z. As I was moving, Katharine said, "That was when I told Z that I thought she was in love with you."

Z gave me a quick kiss and said, "I, of course, denied it. I loved you only as a brother." She kissed me. My hands went to her ass. Through the sweatshirt, it felt the same as Katharine's. As I was familiar with Z's behind, I could have been more aggressive than with Katharine, but I decided to gently rub Z's ass as I had with Katharine.

"I told her that I was her best friend," said Katharine, "and she could tell me anything; that I wouldn't judge her."

Z stopped kissing me to say, "I still denied it." And then we went back to kissing.

"I told Z that instead of arguing about whether she was in love with you or not, let's discuss what would happen if you and Z were a couple. I asked her to imagine what it'd be like if you were secretly a couple when you returned to college."

Z stopped kissing me, so I turned to Katharine. Katharine said, "Hands can go under the sweatshirt, but only in the back and only below the waist."

I put my hands under Katharine's sweatshirt and immediately felt bare ass. She had no panties on! I said to her as I squeezed her ass cheeks, "I like your panties."

Katharine gave me a knowing smile. "Then you'll love the matching bra."

I laughed and then kissed her. I still didn't know what was going to happen, but I was guessing the sweatshirt was going to come off, and I'd see Katharine in only a garter belt and stockings. What would happen after that?

Z said, "I told Katharine about you saying that I needed a secret boyfriend. I meant it as a joke, but then I realized that having you as my secret boyfriend would work perfectly. The more we discussed it, the more I wanted it. Once I started talking about having you as my boyfriend, I realized that Katharine was right; that I was in love with you. But I didn't think you were in love with me. I thought you'd make a date with Valerie. And even if you didn't, you would reject any kind of advance from me."

Katharine and I were kissing hot and heavy as I squeezed her marvelous ass. Her body was lightly pressed against mine. It was like a dream come true. How many times had I wished I could do something like this with her? How many guys at my high school had wished they could do something like this with her?

Katharine broke off the kiss and said, "When I thought of this, I didn't imagine it'd be this good."

Z said tartly, "So you admit that you were the one who thought of this."

Katharine replied, "I had thought of this before you brought it up. But you were the one that brought it up."

Z put her hand on her hip. "After you dropped some big damn hints that you wanted to do this."

I grabbed Z and kissed her. I didn't care to hear the girls argue. It sounded like this was an ongoing argument with no resolution in sight.

Z put up a little resistance when I first started kissing her, but she quickly got into it. Over and over, I'd put my hands on the back of her upper thighs and then slowly bring them up to her ass where I'd cup her cheeks, give them a little rub, and then a final squeeze before dropping my hands down again. I had some familiarity with my sister's body, but I still very much enjoyed exploring it. I was so ready to fuck her. I didn't know if I'd fuck Katharine, but I knew I'd fuck Z, and I was eager to do so again.

Katharine said, "I told Z to not give up hope. I told her that Valerie had been making all the advances and that you were just going along. I told her that Valerie was being too easy, so I thought you'd pass on her. You hadn't shown any interest in Laurie, and Giselle was a long-term investment that you wouldn't have the time for. I suggested we plan how Z could seduce you, and just hope that she'd get the opportunity to do so. We brainstormed how to do it in this house, but I felt like there weren't any good ways to lead you on here as you two had spent your whole life here. Z brought up the Harringtons' house, and when she mentioned their big hot tub, I thought it would be perfect. I coached her on how to bring up the hot tub, how to get the two of you naked into the hot tub, and what to do after that. We probably talked a good two hours about it."

Z pulled back from me and said, "And it worked. And it was wonderful. It was absolutely incredible." She kissed me again, then turned me toward Katharine.

When I got to Katharine, her arms were in the air at like a 45-degree angle from her body. She said, "Time for the unveiling."

I grabbed the end of each sleeve and pulled the sweatshirt slowly up her body. As the bottom rose, Katharine's pussy came into view. I expected Katharine to have a shaved pussy, but she actually had a good size bush. Dark brown. A few moments later, a white garter belt came into view. Then Katharine's firm stomach. The sweatshirt stuck on her boobs for a moment, and then slipped upward suddenly, revealing them in all their glory. Her boobs bounced a couple of times once they were freed. They were large; larger than Z's, and I found Z's tits wonderfully large. Would the girls let me touch them? I very much wanted to.

The sweatshirt finished coming off quickly after that. I tossed it aside and moved toward Katharine.

"Hands stay in back below the waist," said Katharine. "You can press your chest against mine, but don't press too much." She gave me a wicked grin. "We're saving the good stuff for when we go upstairs."

Katharine kissed me, wrapping her arms around my neck. My hands naturally found their way to her ass. Katharine's large boobs pressed firmly against my chest. I loved the feel of them. I had thought before that our kissing had been hot and heavy, but it was scorching now.

Z said, "Before we were done, Katharine had texted me asking if I had been successful. I didn't see any point in lying to her. I told her how great it had been. How you had started telling me 'I love you' right away. I told her about how I fell asleep on your shoulder. That I felt like I had made the right decision. And I was very, very happy." Z reached out and stroked my back.

It was really weird to be madly making out with Katharine while Z talked about how hard she and I had fallen for each other. Where was this going? Why was she okay with Katharine and I making out like this?

Z said, "And then Katharine started talking about how I should reward her for talking me into trying with you. And then Katharine started kissing you and flirting hard with you, in case I wasn't bright enough to pick up on her hints."

Katharine pushed me away and turned me toward Z. "We wouldn't be having this discussion if you hadn't made me promise to not have sex at college."

As Z raised her arms like Katharine had, she gave Katharine a disgusted look. "I had you promise that you'd wait to have sex with your boyfriend. How was I to know that you'd only want to date guys at college?"