A Fuck Toy Graduation Episode 01


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"Come on, Taylor, suck it for me. You know you want to!"

Taylor grunted. She smelled it, a pungent whiff of Billy's man cum mixed with the musky smell of female, of her.

"At least kiss it."

Billy grabbed a handful of her hair and held her head with one hand. She stood up on her knees, teetering, so thankful for the steadying hand in her hair, even if it hurt. Billy pointed his floppy joe at her and painted her lips again with it. She looked up at him.

"Come on, Taylor, just a little kiss."

Fine, she thought. One kiss. She parted her lips, pursed them a little and kissed the side of his cock head. The thing stiffened so fast she was startled.

"God, Taylor, do that again!" Billy muttered, his voice tight. "Suck it just a little."

Taylor did as he asked. Deep inside, she wanted him to fuck her again, to maybe rouse that sleeping monster that sprayed him the first time and let her rise to those heights again. She couldn't say the words though. She fit her lips over the tapered head of his cock and sucked on it. It was so hard, when he pushed against her, it thrust into her mouth. She sucked on it, thinking of Popsicles as she did so and sucking just that way. For a moment she forgot she was tasting herself, her own body on his cock mixed up in his cum. Having forgotten, then remembering, it no longer mattered.

"Jesus, Taylor, you don't know shit about sucking cock!" Billy snarled. He yanked her off his cock, clear to her feet. Taylor wavered.

"Let's go fuck on your bed." Billy muttered and they headed towards her room. Taylor walked the walk of a slut bound up for glory. She felt her arms pulled back and her body tensed. Billy halted her at the head of the stairs, just down from her parents room. He took her first bending over the handrail overlooking the downstairs. She felt the vertigo each time he thrust into her and her feet lifted off the floor, balancing on her middle and his cock in her from behind. He pulled out of her and she squeaked, squeezing off the moan of loss, of disappointment and of her lust that ruled her voice, her body, her mind. A little part of Taylor Dillon watched this second act in her breaking, her lust rousing and ruling her, her body responding with no illusion of love or tenderness or concern for her. Billy had devolved, back into a beast and all she wanted was for him to use her. The lust in her, to return to the mountain, to rise to those luscious erotic heights again consumed her will and made her trot along with Billy holding her by the elbow, down to her bedroom, eager to be mounted again.

On her bed, he rolled her onto her side and took her from behind, lifting up one leg and thrusting into her from an angle. She didn't come again. The constant stimulation, however was swelling up, building pressure inside her body each time he penetrated her. She wanted to come and finally she said so to Billy.

"Make me come, Billy." She whimpered. Shame roiled up in her clouding her dreams of romance, of having a man suck her nipples while he thrust inside of her. Her need demanded satisfaction.

"I'm tired, bitch. You'll just have to wait."

"I could ride you." She whispered, the snarling beast between her thighs driving her to ask for it, to suggest it.

Billy shrugged and rolled onto his back, clasping his hands behind his head. Her arms were still bound behind her, strapped with the two belts. Taylor, feeling the balance being a dancer required come to her aid, struggled to her knees and rose up on them. Carefully on the unstable surface of her bed, she knee-walked over him and sat down on his thighs.

"Jesus, Billy, can you help a little? I'm a little tied up here."

He guffawed and reached for his cock. With one hand he guided it towards her entrance and with the other, he held her by the waist, his thumb pressing into the hollow of her body above her hipbone. She was too high for him to touch her pussy with his cock so she let her knees splay, slowly. The head found her pussy, penetrated into her and slowly filled her. Taylor, startled by the sensations of being filled again, lost control of her knees and let her body more or less drop down onto his cock. The sudden infusion of cock into her made her flinch and grunt. The pleasure flooded through her, rushing from its point of origin where they were joined to every part of her body, making her skin tingle and tighten. Taylor began to move, seeking that monstrous sensation. It woke inside her almost immediately.

"Oh god, I love it!" Taylor breathed, her voice sounding not at all like her own. Faster and faster she rolled her hips over him, controlling the friction of his cock inside her. Billy lay under her, just watching, hands once more clasped behind his head. Several times Taylor lost her balance but with her dancer's skill, she managed to stay upright, right up until her orgasm rose up and smacked her in the chest. It roared through her, smashing her consciousness in its path and leaving her creaming over him, his cock washed with her fluid. Then the pleasure expanded and exploded inside her and she lost her mind.

She climaxed.

It was so strong, so powerful she lost her balance. Billy, the lazy shit didn't bother to reach out and keep her mounted on his cock. She teetered this way and that but with her hands bound behind her, she couldn't regain her balance. Having his cock inside her, stimulating ever pussy didn't make it any easier to regain her equilibrium. Each correction of her balance sent unnerving little erotic shocks through her body, shocks she loved and lusted after. In the end, she pitched over onto her side, yanking herself off his cock and lay there, panting and jerking in the aftermath of a very strong orgasm.

Billy left her like that, the little shit. It took her hours to figure out how to get the belts off her arms so she could escape. When she finally did, she had to throw the one around her upper arms aways because she used a knife to cut through it. Anne would be furious, since it was hers, a thin purple belt she hardly wore. Taylor threw it away, never to be seen again. Taylor went right to bed, stinking of sex, wanting to inhale the scent of their orgasms, consciously deciding to embrace the rampant lust the tryst unleashed in her. She dreamed, then, of fucking, a cock in her mouth and hands all over her body, and cocks probing between her legs, in each hand. They all came at once and she felt cum splattering on her, hot droplets of male approval that she could wash off but never forget. When she woke next, it was Sunday and she was exhausted. She spent the day washing bedding and scrubbing dried cum off various surfaces around the house where Billy had fucked her.

Breaking Taylor—Soul and Spirit

That night, the house suspiciously clean, a fact her mother noted the moment that they walked in the door from the garage, Taylor greeted Anne and her parents at the garage door. She offered to help them bring in the luggage from the car.

"You've been cleaning?" Her mother said, looking around the kitchen. All signs of cum had been scoured off the island surface. That amazement in her voice and the lack of acknowledgment didn't dint Taylor's thrumming euphoria. She went to bed and sat there writing in her diary, when Anne opened the door. She stood there, staring at Taylor.

"What do you want...Anne?" Taylor almost called her sister a cunt but that would have precipitated an altercation and she was eager to put a question into her diary for the week.

Anne hesitated.

"May I come in?" She said softly, then looked over her shoulder.

Anne had never asked permission to come in Taylor's room before, hence her demand for an actual lock on her door. The change in her demeanor confused Taylor. She waved a hand and stuck the diary notebook under her pillow.

Anne seemed...changed.

That arrogant assurance she gleaned from her mother's constant and consistent approval, which Taylor did not enjoy in any measure, seemed...muted. Not gone exactly but muted, as though she were putting away a known skill in order to learn a new one in search of versatility.

"Taylor, uh, what do you know about the Adult Club?"

Taylor almost smiled.

"Nothing. What's that?"

"Oh come on, Taylor...!" The pseudo obsequiousness vanished, validating Taylors skepticism.

She leaned into Anne, close enough to smell the bit of perfume her sister wore and the faintest whiff of fingernail polish.

"The first rule of fight club, we don't talk about fight club!" She intoned.

Anne looked blankly at her for a moment but then her eyes lit up and she smiled. It was that grateful "little sister" smile Taylor almost never saw on her sister's face. Taylor was faster and could jump higher but like Ky, Anne had the "it" that men adored and buzzed around like honey bees in a flower patch. Anne, though, had what Tara Dillon called, "grace", intoning the word as though it were sacred somehow but only when referring to Anne. Why her mother favored Anne, Taylor didn't understand. She did everything with the same drive to perfection that her mother did but it was never enough. Anne soaked up all the approval in the family.

Anne's eyes blinked and then she nodded her head just once.

"Oh, oh! I get it. The Second rule of Fight Club, we don't talk about Fight Club! I just want to ask...."

Taylor clicked her tongue. Anne as usual, ignored her.

"Is it for anyone who turns 18?" She asked. "I heard that Ky sucked cock with everyone watching. My god, can you imagine?"

Taylor could but all she felt was irritation and jealousy and she wasn't sure which was more inconvenient.

"By invitation only." Taylor said, only realizing that she'd talked about Fight Club after the words were out of her mouth.

Anne beamed, then sobered.

"What about me? I'm only a Junior but I'll be 18 in April! Will I get an invitation?"

Taylor shook her head. She wanted to call her sister a dumb cunt but restrained herself. Again.

"You're my sister. What do you think?"

Anne shrugged.

"I don't know. I mean...." She was about to launch in to some long disposition about why she thought she should get what she wanted but Taylor wanted to get back to the diary and her question. She nodded her head.

Anne caught the motion and stopped speaking.

"Oh god, Taylor, really?"

Taylor nodded, feeling that unique feeling of validation that only a sibling, any sibling can give.

"Yes, of course, but we'll have something special cooked up for you. Now scram. Time for bed."

Anne, suddenly the adoring little sister once more, perhaps for the last time, scooted off the bed and out the door, leaving it ajar, which Taylor hated. She got up, shut her door and retrieved her diary notebook to write her question.

"Am I a slut yet?" She asked her diary.

Later that week, it responded. "Not yet, cunt. Can't suck cock yet, for one thing."

On Saturday, Taylor wrote another question. "What else do I need to do to become a slut?"

The answer appeared on Tuesday. "Better to be a Fuck Toy. More variety."

Taylor asked her question on Saturday again, the week before Thanksgiving. "What do I need to do to become a Fuck Toy?"

The answer didn't appear until December 2. She nearly went crazy waiting.

It said: "You are too inexperienced. You have insufficient data, not to mention a lack of imagination."

Tailor objected to that. She pondered it through the middle of December.

Ky was still on a tear. The dance troupe was practicing hard before Christmas because, as Mrs. Dougherty said, "you girls will eat too much, work out to little and end up fat and slow. Best to work you now so you don't have so far to climb later." Ky tried to keep up with Taylor but she was clearly distracted. On Dec 15, she announced a party for Dec 23 to initiate the 15 who had turned 18 since November's party. The interest was still a little scattered and dubious. The guys all clearly wanted Ky to blow them and despite Taylor's expectation that she'd shut them down whenever one referenced that desire, Ky just smiled sweetly and told them good luck with that fantasy. Ky was determined to make this memorable as a farewell to the year. She didn't want it during the holiday as it was too difficult to get everyone to attend.

Billy turned cold to Taylor as she did to him. It was like their tryst never happened, though she'd recounted it in some detail in her diary. Strangely, Taylor didn't feel bothered by his indifference at all. What she felt was a desire to repeat the experience, to pursue the ecstasy if she could. While she felt it intensely, she restricted its expression to the diary. The December Adult Party didn't help her any, in keeping that part of her under control. Another crack in her good-girl, Queen Taylor facade appeared. Her presentation had been cored out and replaced by an avowed slut, but only she, her COMPULSION and Billy actually knew for certain. She waited for Billy to spill the beans but there was no a whisper about Taylor having sex. Everything she heard was about Ky blowing the new Adults. The night of the Adult party arrived, Ky was nervous as a whore in church.

When everyone was settled in Ky's huge living room, again, she stood up and clapped her hands to get everyone to quiet down. Her parents were gone, they were bringing her brother back from Colorado where he was in college at Boulder and wanted to ski a couple days before Christmas. The drive was challenging in winter and her father had some time off so he and her mom drove out to get Gannon. Oddly, he wasn't near the athlete Ky was but was smarter. That left her house empty for a few days. How she talked her parents into leaving her alone in their house, no one knew and the truth was far stranger than anyone would ever have guessed.

"Welcome to the last Adult Party of the year!" Ky announced. "We have a special treat planned for everyone. Everyone raise your hand and repeat after me. I am an adult. I can make my own decisions and I will acknowledge what I decide and blame no one else for what happens to me. I am an adult."

Ash, Ky and Taylor had worked on the simple pledge and Ash was enthusiastic about it, Ky was insistent but Taylor was suspicious. Ky was a little too eager to commandeer this for the Adult Club. Ky thanked everyone and then asked the pledges to stand up, 5 men and ten women. Clearly they were all expecting another around of oral sex with the person of their choice.

Ky, instead, handed the 5 men a bowl and had them pick. She'd not told either Ash or Taylor about her plans so they watched with interest equal to everyone else, though they did their best not to let on.

"Guys, you each have a number. Whoever is number 1 will pick one of the female initiates, then each in order and then again, so each of the men will pick two females. The number one group, then, will strip naked. He lays here," Ky pointed to a long low coffee table built sturdy enough for an elephant to sit on, out of large wooden beams on which she had over laid a large futon. "The two women will mount him, each in turn for a minimum of thirty seconds until he orgasms. The one he comes in, is disqualified. If he comes in the air, he is disqualified. After the first group is done, we move to the next three and so on until five girls are disqualified. The men will redraw and the women will draw too. They will go in order from man to man to man until one of them comes in her. The guy can hold her as long as he likes or until she gets loose. No hitting or scratching or other violence. Ash, Taylor and I will judge and disqualify you if you cheat to either stay on the man or if the guy refuses to let you off of him."

That left the entire room buzzing. The sexual tension filled the air.

Ky went over to the a table. She dumped a box of envelopes out on the table.

"I have here packets of play money. The name of all the current Adults is on an envelope. Everyone has the same amount. During each round of coitus, you may bet on either of the girls. I will hold the money, Taylor will declare winners. During the second round, you can bet any way you like, who comes first for the guys, who gets cum in her first for the girls or who is last in either case or any exacta, trifecta or quinela that appeals to you. Bets must be placed and recorded prior to the beginning of coitus."

The uproar was loud and Ky waited for it to abate. Some were complaints but most demanded further explanations of the rules.

Finally Ky clapped her hands and got them to be quiet only after Ash did her shrill whistle.

"If anyone wishes to leave, now is the time. You will not be invited back, or indeed permitted as you are clearly not ready to be an adult. Any questions?"

"What do the winners get?" On guy asked.

"Oh right. The woman who avoids having man cum blown into her will get to lay down here and all five guys will go down on her, while we watch. If this becomes too gamy, we may move to a bedroom so please wait for the contest to be over. When the contest is over and the winning woman has collected her reward, the bettors will be able to spend their money. Whatever money you have you can spend to have sex with someone else, but only if they have less than you have. They give you their money, they get you and then they move on when they are done with you. This is only cock and pussy sex. Or mouth pussy or mouth cock. If you want to cross gender lines, feel free but that negotiation is up to you and whomever you are buying. If you refuse anyone, you lose all your money. If you are refused, you lose all your money, so don't ask Taylor!"

Everyone laughed, and Taylor felt it the first time, the swell of humiliation, a wild surge of arousal between her legs. She shuddered and looked down. The crack in her facade was clear to everyone.

"Forfeited money will be collected by Taylor. So when someone refuses you, you are both out so chose carefully. Both must surrender their money. Anyone with no money can be had for nothing, so the initiates are free to the rest of us. And there, ladies and gentlemen is the reason its good to already be part of the Adult club. Members, keep your hands to yourself until the contest is over. Taylor will be the final judge. In case of a dispute, Ash, Taylor and I will vote and our decision is final, whatever the problem is. If anyone wishes to leave, you will not be invited back to any future Adult Parties. Any questions?"

There were none but the ensuing silence seemed to sober everyone. They all looked around the room wondering if they were really going to participate. Notably, no one walked out. The silence was uncomfortable. Taylor was shaking but she recognized it, the adrenaline she got just before running in track or performing in the dance contests. It told her she was thinking of doing something really stupid because Ky would hate her. More. Fuck Ky. If this went forward, they'd all be in shit so deep all the toilet paper in the world would not clean it up.

She started to laugh and point. She laughed so hard tears ran down her cheeks. People stared. Ky stared. Ash, though, when Taylor looked at her, she had this little impish smile she got when she knew something secret and wanted to blurt it out but couldn't bring herself to do it. She knew. She understood. Ash got Taylor when everyone else didn't.

"Taylor, what the fuck are you doing?" Ky hissed, grabbing Taylor by the arm.

The feel of the girl's hand on her arm ignited something in Taylor she couldn't name and didn't dare. It made her stop laughing because suddenly she was choking. She coughed, she laughed, she coughed and choked. She ended up gasping for air, bent over like she had a side ache.

"Oh God, Ky you really got them!" She finally said. She looked around. "You dummy's. Did you really think this was going to turn into a Swanson orgy? Get real. You know where you are, right? This is Utah where all we do is get married and make babies."
