A Fucking Investment Ch. 15


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I got onto the bed and positioned myself over John's legs. Eve seemed to have forgotten our original intent and was bobbing up and down on John's cock again, this time it was her ass doing the bobbing. I put out a hand and rested it on the straining plane of her back. She slowed and then stopped. They were both panting.

"Hold that position, Eve, while I smooth the way."

John chuckled. She grunted and her ass flexed, dimpling. John's chuckle died a guillotine death and he groaned, a sternum splitting sound that echoed as his body lurched under the woman mounted over him.

I got some lube on a finger and touched it to her tight little sphincter. She hitched a little.

"God, do that again. She, god, do that again!" John muttered, his voice tense like a guy wire.

I smeared her little asshole with lube and then pressed against it. Nothing. Not even a little give.

"She seems a little tense, see if you can relax her a little, John."

"How do you propose I do that?" He asked. Then, as though answering his own question, he grasped her lean hips, lifted her and then jammed her down onto his cock. Eve grunted. He did it again, and again. The third time, he stopped. I pushed at her ass hole and the tip of my finger penetrated the entrance.

I pulled it out and added lube. This time, I got the tip of my finger inside of her. She was hot and tight, firm like cold clay but not cold at all. She seemed to seethe but with resolve that resisted my finger. More lube, more finger. A few minutes of this and I had my index finger completely buried inside Eve's ass.

She did not make a sound. Whatever occurred inside of her seemed to communicate directly to John, via her tightly clamped pussy. John kept up a running commentary about the effect having my finger in her ass was having on her pussy's accommodation of his cock.

"Oh, god, Eve, honey I didn't know you could do that. My god, you are chewing my cock, like you're an old lady with no teeth. Goddamn your cunt is locked down on my cock, I doubt I could get it out without a crowbar. If I just pulled out, I bet you'd fly around the room backwards until you were just a shriveled flap of Evie skin!"

I pumped my finger in and out of her ass a few times. She was so tight, so resistant, I hesitated.

"If you're looking for my prostate, I am a woman, asshole." Eve growled at me, twisting to look up her own back at me. "You going to finger paint or fuck me?"

"How's it feel? Having a cock in you from the front and one in the back?" John asked, I thought, hopefully.

"I don't know yet, now do I?" She returned. "What don't you understand about finger and cock? They are different."

All the acid wit she kept tucked behind her cool exterior seems to have been released. Her voice was strained, like she was lifting something. I lubed up the finger and jammed more of it into her interior.

"God!" She breathed. "I, god, please, just, just, oh god, just fuck me. Okay! I'm, I'm slick enough. I think I could sit on a baseball bat and make it disappear."

"It just feels like that." John assured her.

"Hardly. It feels like a pencil, like he is putting a condom on a pencil. I need something to stretch those limits you mentioned."

I wasn't sure what limits I had mentioned but I decided she was right. She was hardly loose but my finger ran into her and out of her easily, or at least more easily than when I started. The lube was doing its job. I didn't really think that she'd relaxed much at all. Challenge or anticipation made me shiver with adrenaline, imagining her ass surrounding my cock.

I slathered lube on my cock gripped her ass, peeled her open and positioned my cock at her orifice. I felt her tense. I rebalanced my weight, a trick on the bed, and pulled her up and slammed her down onto John's cock again. She groaned from deep in the recesses of her luminescent being. The light seemed to stream out of her. I pushed my cock against her asshole and the head encountered her. For a moment, it was force against resistance.

Eve groaned and opened. My cock slid in a couple inches before she clutched up and resisted again. I pushed into her, pressing deeper, pulling back and pressing deeper. I held her by the hips, her slender body seemed impossibly small, too small to contain the two cocks penetrating her. I pulled back and rammed forward. She convulsed, gasping and quaking.

"Oh, oh, oh god, come, come, coming!" She shrieked.

Her cries from earlier were mere peeps compared to the full-throated howls that emanated from the slender woman. She shook but being slight and pinned between two men, she did little but tremble. Her body made little micro motions that became tremors inside her. The tight, slick pressure of her ass around my cock blinded me. I clinched my eyes closed and drilled into her ass as far as I could go. I felt her ass tense but it was too late. I was in her and then I lost my balance. I did not want to fall back and pull out of her with no control so I had to fall forward.

I did, pinning Eve between John and I. She groaned. John grunted. My weight ground my cock deep into her and then settled onto her. Underneath, John bucked against her, ramming her from below while I lay on her. Her body rippled and pulled, grinding and writhing. My cock was so completely contained in her ass, the sensation emanated out from there, running over my skin like a surface charge. I came. I gushed like a fire hose, not even pumping, just pulsing loads of cum into her ass. I opened my eyes to see her back rippling, as though she had no spine. I felt the motion around my cock but it was John she was fucking.

"Oh, Eve, darling, I, I, I'm coming!" He cried out tightly. Our combined weight rested on his abdomen and chest. Eve's body shivered between us. Little tremors ran up and back, making her insides vibrate. How that was possible I have no idea. I felt her shivering with ecstasy.

Her voice appeared, sounding like it was floating around me.

"Goddamn you, Joshua Gale, I, I am coming again. Again. Twice. Oh, oh, oh, again! My, my, god, I'll, I'll again, I'll be, be your slave for life. I, never, never would have done this but, god, I am twice filled, filled with caw, caw, cock. I came, oh god coming, come, coming again!" Her voice turned into a stream of consciousness culminating in little peaks of pleasure that gurgled out of her. She shuddered, shaking with the thrill of being double penetrated.

While she gabbled, I pumped cum into her ass. The eruption passed and I struggled to regain my balance. I pulled out of her ass and tottered awkwardly off the bed. I did not even clean up. I got dressed and wobbled home. I was just opening my door when my phone rang. The fresh air had cleared my head though I was still tingling with the sensations of Eve.

"Joshua? It's Jennifer. I, I am coming back tomorrow."

"Hi, Mrs. Simpson. Nice to hear from you. Did you have a nice time?"

She giggled. "Virgins are so enthusiastic." She stopped giggling. "Yes, yes I had a wonderful time. He is such a dear. You know, Mr. Gale, I think I like teaching young men to fuck."

I smiled at that thought. "See you tomorrow. Take a car from the airport. I have the feeling I'll be busy. If I'm not home, make yourself at home. Again. We'll talk when I get in."

I had been pondering my new acquisition and well, I had a plan, an idea really to tell me what had become of Eve and if she was as compliant as she let on. I wanted to plumb her mysteries and see what I could see.

Sleep came easily and I woke late, later than usual. I got up, showered, and drove out to shop. I discovered the place I needed to visit was not open till ten so I got breakfast at a swanky joint that was calm, quiet and empty at eight-thirty. The stiff-backed waiter treated me with some disdain since I just threw on jeans, a tee, and sneakers. I looked like a poor college kid.

My phone rang. I'd put her into my phone and seeing Victoria's name come up gave me a rush.

"Joshua, where are you? I've been ringing your bell for ten minutes."

"I'm out." I said.

"Where, I want to see you before I leave."

"Your son has had enough?"

The woman laughed. "Where are you? Can I join you? I'll buy you breakfast."

I told her where I was, The First Supper, and she said she had a very smart GPS that she had made friends with and would see me soon. After she hung up I sat there sipping coffee and wondered why I felt so thrilled. Was it what I was contemplating for Eve or because Victoria was joining me for breakfast? I decided both were likely, even logical and choosing was an artificial stricture that made no sense. They were both thrilling things and they stacked thrills, why choose when you don't have to?

I wanted to get a pair of lace up sleeves that would fit Eve's thin arms. If I was going to bind her, I needed to use something that would restrain a double-jointed woman. I knew just the thing and wondered if Victoria would go with me to a skin shop.

She arrived and her presence eradicated the issue. She had a plane to catch at one. We ordered and she sat forward, cupping her chin in her hands in a curiously casual pose that did not match her usual, formal demeanor.

"So, Joshua, what are you going to do about Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer?"

I blinked and realized I had not confided in her. "It's done. They signed last night."

Victoria looked positively shocked. "Oh." She said finally, the lilting burr in her tone begged for an explanation but I offered none. She regarded me coolly for a moment then turned her eyes to her coffee.

She shook her head. "You're jealous." She said finally.

My god, she was right! The realization startled me, like finding my fly unzipped after getting shot down asking a beautiful woman to dance. I nodded. "My god, you are right. I, I didn't recognize it. I am not usually jealous of anyone else and I guess I didn't recognize that particular emotion in me. Having everything sort of insulates you from such experiences and makes it hard to recognize."

Victoria smiled a quizzical smile but nodded. "I certainly identify with that sentiment. It's unfair, though. How many women have I seen you with since I arrived? I am not jealous of...well, perhaps I misstate my condition. I have been jealous of them all but not in the way that you think. I can never have what they have." She laughed, her voice a rich contralto that summoned visions of thick, stirred dipping chocolate waiting for something to be thrust into it. "Isn't it ironic? I have millions of dollars but I cannot buy what they have."

"And what do you think they have?"

Her eyes turned to me and I felt them, like the first time I saw her and felt them appraising me. "They have your collar around their neck."

I shook my head. "Glad you reminded me. Collars are so declasse. I think perhaps I will get them all waist chains. Silver or gold."

"Platinum. They won't break as easily." She smiled implishly but in her eyes I saw splintered longing echoing the irony she identified attached to her fabulous wealth, as though that moment was the first time she recognized money did not buy other things besides love.

Our breakfasts came. She ate sparely and I ate like a growing boy. The contrast was almost comical. She was finished before I was half done and I eat fast.

She cupped her chin again and regarded me. "So? Are you jealous? I took John back to my hotel and mounted him. He performed admirably but," she shook her head. "Something was missing."

"He is in love with his wife and she wasn't fucking him. At least until last night."

"What are you going to do with her? Them?"

I grinned. "I wrote it into their contracts that they both owe me. He can have her anytime he likes but that adds double to her fucking debt. She must fuck him whenever he wishes to have her. I also wrote in a clause that my other acquisitions could fuck him to reduce their debt, which would reduce his but increase hers. I thought they'd read the contracts, she would at least but she just signed, never even considered I might salt them with provisions to precipitate negotiations. Now she's stuck and, well, I really didn't expect it so I don't really know what John is going to do with her. Eve has treated him pretty badly. I want him to be my second cock though."

Surprisingly, Victoria just nodded. "For Mrs. Angorra, I presume."

I cocked my head slightly. "For them all, really. I think every woman should have two men inside her body at one time or another. If..." I hesitated speaking of the long term options I was considering but then mentally shrugged. "If I pawn them off, I suspect they will encounter some healthy variety."

"Oh, you wouldn't turn them into whores, would you? I cannot think you would lean that low, to make them into hookers. Or that they would let you. Your contracts are just amusing pieces of paper."

I shook my head. "You have been window shopping without really going into the shop and trying on something in the changing room. The women of Holdingsfield all repudiated their families and struck off on their own. Now, as a group, they all face disaster and the worst of it is the likelihood that they end up crawling back to their families. For women accustomed to using sex to get what they want rather than sharing its delights with someone else, it is easy to decide to fence their bodies rather than endure the very public humiliation of crawling back to their families on their bellies. Pride is a constant, orgasms come and then go."

Victoria looked pensive. I continued eating.

"That is an interesting perspective. Your contracts, while not legally enforceable would humiliate them to the very people they seek to escape."

I nodded. "For some at least. Others, like Cassie and Jennifer, for example, it is all about the sex, about being directed to do what they want to do. Cassie wants the experiences. Jennifer just wants direction. I don't think she cares what I want her to do, just so I tease her into it in just the right way."

"And the others?"

I shrugged. "Still to be determined. I think Liza actually wants to dominate someone but hasn't gotten her mind around that yet. Valerie? I think she is shopping. She doesn't know what she really wants but is willing to try new things. Its negotiable anyway." I grinned a little. "That is the fun of this little endeavor, to figure out each woman and then bind her to me with the promise of orgasms and fulfilled sexual fantasies in a safe, comfortable environment. Everyone wins."

Victoria had an odd look on her face, like she was remembering she had missed an appointment she did not want to make but should have honored.

"I have to go shopping. I am getting sleeves for Eve, to restrain her. Store will be open at ten."

Victoria shook her head. She seemed someplace else. She finally looked over at me. "Do you mind if I go? I, I have some things I need to attend to, I believe."

I regarded the woman. She caught me drinking in her beauty and all the rest of it vanished and she became the alluring woman who controlled her world. She smiled brightly.

"When we first met, I said I thought you were young, too young. Now, now I am not so sure. When you have wealth, you grow up fast, acting like an adult long before most people of your age are required to lead. Because of your wealth, people tend to put question marks at the end of every sentence, offering to alter their judgment if you wish it of them. That makes you grow up fast. I shielded Clayton and look what happened. I warped him." Victoria laughed that rich laugh again. "I hope your Jennifer put him into better shape, for Clayton's sake." She looked down at the table and drew with one long finger nail in a puddle of water that had condensed and ran off her cold glass of orange juice. "It's funny to face the fact that I have done obvious harm to my own son in spite of my intentions." Her gaze lengthened, stretching into some distance of time or place. After a minute or two she twitched her head and refocused her eyes on me.

"I, I tested you, Mr. Gale...or should I refer to you as Mr. Livingston, since we are speaking truth to each other."

I shrugged. "Gale is likely best, here, now. As for truth, I have spoken little or nothing of how much I want you."

She met my even gaze then. "With all the females encircled by your scheming, you still want me. You cannot know how that feels because, knowing what I know, I can conclude perfectly rationally that it is not my money you want. You do not strike me as a man who preternaturally measures everything by its price tag or relates to the world only through the medium of money. Such a life is diverting but it leaves you shallow and unsatisfied. I find your approach to life...fascinating."

I regarded her. I was lapsing into my usual approach to females and I realized how much I was enjoying this vacation at Holdingsfield where my dissimulation let me experience an entirely different approach to women.

"I find you very diverting. I want you, Mrs. Grayson. I have wanted you since, since I heard your voice the first time. Ordinarily I would have keelhauled Crowley for exposing me to you like that but I now realize, once again, how wise that man is when it comes to looking out for my well-being. Somehow he suspected I would lust after you."

"You think so? Really? Isn't it more likely that he was intimidated by my wealth and position and rather did as I instructed him." Her voice lost is rich luster and became tinny and tense, an inconsistency I noted but did not dwell on. Perhaps I should have.

"Have you met Crowley?"

She smiled a private smile and nodded. "Yes, several times. The first time when I was but a newly minted woman and your father sent Crowley to obtain me for his, uh, private purposes."

I think she realized she had wandered into an area fraught with danger. I saw it flash past her eyes before those inner shutters clanged down and her inner thoughts disappeared from view.

"My father?" I could not help but ask.

Victoria looked up at me. She hesitated and then I saw her make a personal, conscious decision. It was as obvious as if it was written up in neon. She nodded once and looked me directly in the eye.

"Yes. I had an affair with him, some years ago, though not as long as you might think. Crowley managed the liaison with some skill. When I realized he was behind Virgin Services, I thought it a perfect solution to my son's dilemma and mine, the one his represented to me. But then I saw you and felt...it radiated off of you like you were a boiler stoked full of coal. Perhaps you can imagine how strange it was for me to see Fuller in you. God, I, I am still unsure of myself around you. You are like him in some mannerisms but in others, you are so like Gloria."

"You had an affair with my father and you knew my mother?" I ignored the fact that she used different names than I knew them by. Clark Fuller and Gloria Doris Livingston were their names but I never knew anyone who used their other names. It felt disorienting.

"She was a mentor to me. I, I had a difficult relationship with my father and once, when I ran away, if you can say commandeering your father's chauffeur and limousine can be called running away. Gloria took me home with her and sent Oral home with the car. She called my father to tell him where I was. I was fourteen. It was an odd time and I thought it was forgotten till I met Fuller at a conference after I went to work with my family, after I got my MBA.

"After it began, the affair I mean with Fuller, Gloria called me and told me she knew what had happened. She told me," Victoria swallowed and shook her head. "I, I decided I had to tell you all of this, because, because if you found out about it after, after you had me, nothing would have ever fit for us again. I, god, Alan, I felt it from the first but, you must understand, this whole thing has unraveled me just a bit. I feel young again around you, your desire is an aura that envelops me any time I get close. I, I took John to bed just to see if I was just affected by, by the whole milieu. That wasn't it. Even after I had him, I still felt it, the attraction that pulled you into my orbit. I had to see you before I left. To tell you that I had an affair with your father and I loved him. He was a dear man and I wept when I heard about his passing."
