A Hobson's Choice Pt. 02


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"Ngggh," she grunted, slapping his hand away.

His amused chuckle devolved into a groan a moment later as she twisted her talented tongue around him again and sucked a little harder. "Fuck!" he spat, holding her head in place as he bucked into her mouth, spilling his seed down her hungry throat.

Meghan moaned and swallowed concurrently as his thick semen filled her mouth. She loved doing this for him. There was something empowering about making him squirm and jump. Knowing she had the ability to make him feel this good made her happy, and his appreciation and reciprocal treatment was just more affirmation that Dixon had been a selfish dick.

"How was that?" Meghan asked a moment later as she pulled away, using her finger to collect the last of his cum from the corner of her mouth where she'd dribbled.

"I think I'm one lucky bastard," Wyatt teased breathlessly, watching in amusement as she blushed slightly. "Now get that beautiful ass up here and sit on my face so I can return the favour," he commanded, reaching down to help her to her feet.

Giggling, Meg did as he instructed, kneeling over his head, her fingers on the headboard as his large hands settled on her ass. Her laughter ceased immediately the moment his mouth touched her, replaced by a throaty moan. She spread her legs wider, sinking lower, bringing herself more firmly against him. She bucked against him as his tongue passed deliciously over her clit. She rocked against his tongue, taking advantage of their position, one hand gripping the lip of the headboard as the other gripped his wrist as he squeezed her ass, her nails digging into his flesh as he buried his tongue deep.

Wyatt was living for her reactions, every shift of her hips turning him on. He used his free hand to tug on her thigh, bringing her closer, eliminating what little breathing room he had left so he could seal his mouth over her completely, pressing open mouthed kisses to her sex as he traced patterns over her with his tongue. He released her thigh in favour of reaching up under her loose tank top to roll a nipple, enjoying the sounds she made and the way she bucked erratically as he pinched and pulled and tweaked.

Meg was in heaven, experiencing more stimulation than she'd ever had with Dixon. She arched her back, undulating her hips back and forth over Wyatt as he lapped at her. She was so wet she was surprised he wasn't drowning. His tongue was working overtime on her though and he was strong enough to lift her off him if he really needed to breathe right?

She moaned again, closing her eyes, mind going blank, all her insecurities melting away as he grazed her clit with his teeth, his own groan vibrating through her. "Oh fuck yes," she whispered, tossing her head back on her shoulders as she pressed down against him a little harder.

Christ, if he hadn't just cum, he was sure he'd be hard again, she was so fucking beautiful and responsive and perfect. He took great pride in how wet she was right now, after all, the wetter the woman the more desirable the man right? He could do this all night, happily. Fuck, he could probably cum just from her moaning and mewling with his own hand.

Meghan was lost, adrift in a sea of sensation, it had never felt this good before, in this position she could back off or press harder and move so his tongue touched her at exactly the right spot at exactly the right time. She kept her head back, closing her eyes, his teeth grazing her again when a wicked thought hit her. She wondered if she was brave enough to take control. She would have never dared with Dixon but, screw it, this was Wyatt, and he was nothing if not honest. If he didn't like it, he'd stop her.

Reaching down with one hand, she thread her fingers through his hair gently before closing around a fistful. Her other hand braced against the center of the headboard as she rode his tongue, her hips picking up speed as she felt the pressure of her orgasm building.

Wyatt was both shocked and further aroused by her aggressiveness. Who was this woman? What had happened to his timid little Meg? She was holding his head, directing his movements, using him for her own pleasure. This was incredible, she was incredible. Hearing her shouting and moaning and groaning in ecstasy was the best thing he'd ever fucking heard. He never wanted it to end. He'd tongue fuck her like this for hours if she wanted. Hell, she could fucking suffocate him and he wouldn't fucking move if she was enjoying it. She groaned gutturally, her inner thighs spasming violently around his head and shoulders as she came hard, her pussy unleashing a tidal wave over his mouth and chin as her body jerked uncontrollably through it.

Licking his lips as she lifted off him and tumble down to the mattress beside him, Wyatt frowned. There was something...off? About the taste of her. Not in a bad way, but after practically bathing his face in her cum, he couldn't help but notice she had tasted a little different. She was saltier? Almost...metallic? "Hey, you getting your period?" he asked, disappointed she most likely wouldn't want to fuck again until it was done.

Laying on her back, her head at his knees, her feet against the headboard, Meghan frowned as she came down off her orgasm high. Period? Nibbling on her lip, she tried to remember the last time she'd had her period. It'd been...before she'd left Dixon.

Blanching, Meg blinked at the ceiling, her mouth growing dry. It wasn't possible. Her D&C had gone horribly, she wasn't able to get pregnant, she reassured herself. The doctors had told her it would take a miracle for her to be able to conceive again. Pushing herself up on her elbows, she glanced down at her belly and then over at Wyatt. Meeting this man had been her own little miracle though hadn't it? They'd been having unprotected sex multiple times a week...for months. Excitement welled within her. Could she really be pregnant?

Wyatt watched in confusion as Meg flung herself from the bed, tugging on her pants as she looked around wildly for her socks. "Meg?" he asked in utter confusion, her behaviour reminding him of the night they met.

"Sorry Wyatt, I gotta go do something, that was amazing as always," she reassured, kissing him swiftly on the mouth before heading for the door.

"Nah, not again," Wyatt protested, snagging her wrist as she turned away, holding her in place. "You're gonna talk to me. Why are you leaving? I thought we were having dinner?" He insisted.

Smiling down at his nakedness, Meghan nodded, "rain check, I'm sorry but this is really important, and I don't want to get you all worked up if it's nothing," she attempted to reassure him, only succeeding in spiking his suspicion.

"No. I don't like this secretive shit Meg, just tell me what's going on, is this about Dixon? Did I trigger you or something? I know that wasn't exactly the sexiest thing I've ever said to you." He apologized, trying to think of what he could have done to make her want to leave so abruptly.

Hesitating, Meg allowed him to pull her towards him. Sitting down beside him, she glanced up at him, regret in her eyes, "you didn't do anything. Listen, I-" she faltered, her hands wringing together as she fret. She trusted Wyatt, didn't she? She could share this with him couldn't she? Holding her breath, she debated for a long moment before opening her mouth. "Two years ago, I...I got pregnant," she explained, actively fighting to keep her voice steady as wetness gathered against her lash line at the admission.

"I...miscarried - near the end of my second trimester," she forced out, each syllable heavy on her tongue. "There were complications...removing..." Closing her eyes, Meghan balled her hands into fists on her thighs, her nails biting into her palms as she fought against the memories. "It was awful," she whispered, "they told me....I'd-" she exhaled, the words obviously difficult for her, "I'd never have children," she whispered brokenly.

Wyatt frowned deeply, unsure how to comfort her as he listened. "That's why I said it was okay for you to cum inside me that first night; because I...can't have....kids," Meg continued, her words warbled with emotion. "But, your comment...it made me realize I haven't had my period since a week or so before we met."

Eyes widening in comprehension as he did a mental calculation, Wyatt stared at her in confusion, debating what to address first. She'd just dropped another bomb on him, he could only imagine how devastating losing her child had been. He'd never even thought to ask why they weren't using protection; he'd just assumed she was on the pill. "Meghan -" he began, about to tell her he was sorry for what she'd experienced when she cut him off.

"Am I pregnant?" she guessed his words, "Maybe. It's highly unlikely though, I probably just missed it due to the stress of all the bullshit Dixon is putting me through with the separation. I just, I want to take a test, now. As soon as possible. To know for sure, so it doesn't drive me crazy," she explained, her eyes glassy as she forced her pain back into the compartment in her brain she locked it in.

"I'll drive you to the drugstore, you'll take the test here, and we'll have dinner as planned," Wyatt offered, standing up as he tugged his jeans back into place, not sure how to feel about glossing over her loss. If she didn't want to talk about it though, he wouldn't push, he was sure she'd talk to him about it one day when she was ready.

Scrunching her face in uncertainty, Meghan shook her head, "you don't have to do that Wyatt, we agreed to keep things light and casual." She reminded him, confused. She'd spent weeks convincing herself he meant everything he said, to trust in his word.

She'd been desperately trying to keep her heart closed to him because he'd wanted 'casual', if she didn't, it'd be all to easy to fall in love with him considering how well he treated her. And then she'd be right where she started again, pinning over someone who didn't really want her. No, Meg was insecure, but she wasn't actually stupid. After the night in her bed, when he'd taken the time to reassure her of her beauty, she knew she needed to arm her heart against the battering ram his words and actions presented.

Glancing down at her, Wyatt pinned her to the bed with a pointed glare as he pulled a fresh t-shirt from his dresser. The fuck was she saying? Was she trying to shut him out? "I see you four times a week, we spend every weekend together, we text everyday. Hell, I'm pretty sure my dog likes you more than me. Pretty damn sure we're past being 'casual' Meg."

As the seconds ticked by and she just continued to stare at him blankly, his annoyance grew, the drawer slamming closed as he turned to face her, his hurt taking hold of his heart like a squeezing fist. "Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, okay, we never talked about it, but I mean, fuck, I have a key to your damn place!"

"That was one time, because of an emergency at the clinic -- to let Hobson out!" Meghan protested weakly, "I just forgot to ask for it back..."

Wyatt arched a brow at her, her indifference squashing his rage as pain flared to life in his chest, "whatever Meg, you justify it however the fuck you want in your head; but you just told me you might be carrying my kid, you really think I don't care about you enough to want to be part of that?" he beseeched, wondering if she even knew him at all.

Her face growing fierce, Meghan folded her hands over her abdomen, furious at him for not being honest about his feelings for her, "if I am, I'm keeping it," she spat, letting him know in no uncertain terms she meant what she damn well said.

Both brows arching, Wyatt's forehead creased with the vehemence of her assertion. "Pretty sure that's something we're supposed to decide together," he told her softly, an edge of steel in his voice.

Tears welled in her eyes before slipping over her cheeks, tumbling to her chest, her frustration making itself known, "I've always wanted children, Wyatt! My whole life! Losing -" she sobbed, "Don't you see? This might be my only chance!"

Sighing, reminding himself this wasn't Sonya, and he didn't need to be aggressive to be heard, Wyatt lowered himself to his knees in front of her, his heart wrenching at the desperation in her voice. "I'm sorry sweetheart, I'm not trying to make you cry, but you hurt me, trying to leave me out of something so big. I know we haven't talked about what we are, but I thought I'd made it obvious, I really care about you Meg, and a baby is a big deal, for me too, I don't appreciate you telling me I have no say in something that would change my life drastically." He explained calmly, brushing her tears away with his thick thumbs.

Nodding, tears still streaming down her cheeks, Meghan lifted her hand to squeeze one of his, anchoring herself to words, hoping he meant every syllable but deciding to give him an out just in case. "I care about you too, I'm sorry, I just feel very strongly about this. It doesn't have to change your life, if you don't want to be a Dad, you don't have to, I can parent on my own. If I'm pregnant, it's my fault for not thinking about protection." She whispered, daring herself to hope.

Frowning, Wyatt just stared at her for a long moment, pissed that she would even suggest he'd father a child and then just fuck off. He hoped it was her strong emotions making her talk like that and that the depth of the relationship he thought they shared wasn't as one sided as he was now worried it was.

Perhaps Ryan was right, and he should have manned up and asked for a commitment weeks ago? He regretted not communicating his feelings sooner, now though, was not the time. "Let's just find out if this is really a thing or not first, okay?"

"Okay," she whispered, sounding much more hesitant now then she had the night they'd met.

~ ~ ~

"How long?" Wyatt asked from the other side of the door as he heard the water running while Meg washed her hands.

"Two minutes or so," Meg replied, opening the door.

"It's gonna be okay sweetheart," he attempted to reassure her, pulling her in for a fierce hug.

Wrapping her arms around him, Meg nodded as she pressed her ear to his heartbeat and closed her eyes. In truth, she was petrified. She desperately wanted to be pregnant, but she was also terrified, what if she lost it again?

"I put on the pizza, it'll be ready in fifteen, think you can manage a couple bites?" he offered as he stroked her hair gently, holding her tight to his chest with the other hand on the center of her back.

"No, I feel sick, my anxiety is so bad right now I'd just end up throwing it up," Meghan declined, wrapping her arms around his torso, hugging him back, grateful for his support as she was still trying to puzzle out what their relationship was to him.

"Okay, maybe later yeah?" he coaxed, thinking she really should eat something.

"Mmmmh," Meghan acquiesced non-committedly.

"Wanna come sit on the couch with me?"

Sighing, she shook her head, "just stay with me, just like this?"

Tilting his head back to stare up at the ceiling Wyatt exhaled heavily, "tell me what to do to make you feel better? What can I do to make this easier on you? I don't like seeing you so upset."

Meghan chuckled self deprecatingly, "turn back time and have me marry you and not Dixon?" she offered darkly.

Glancing back down at the top of her head, Wyatt arched his brows in surprise. Maybe he didn't need to worry about his feelings being one sided? That was a relief since it'd only taken him the walk to the elevator, when they'd left for the drugstore, to realize there was no choice in this. It hadn't been a hard decision.

He was almost forty, he'd never been averse to being a father, and he was ready for the responsibility. This kid would mean the world to Meg and he wasn't taking the opportunity to be a mother from her. Whether they worked out as a couple or not was irrelevant, she was responsible and kind and would make a good mother with how nurturing she was. He could certainly do worse for a co-parent.

Besides, he was inclined to think they could make it as a couple. He'd envisioned their future a few times before this already. He was month to month and her house was already for sale. They'd buy something together, and if things continued to go well, when her divorce to Dixon was finalized, he'd marry her -- if she'd have him. He frowned at the possible rejection, hoping he hadn't misread her feelings towards him.

Maybe marriage would happen a little sooner than he'd originally intended, he'd hoped she might love him first, that it wouldn't just be a marriage of intent, but it was important to him that his kid have his name. That the mother of his child, have his name. He was just old school like that. He was going to tell her...all of his intentions...whether that stick turned out to have two lines or not. He sucked in a deep breath, steeling himself against her possible rejection.

"Sorry, that was a bad joke," Meghan murmured as the seconds ticked by and he just continued to hold her in silence.

Wyatt shrugged, figuring there was no real harm in revealing his feelings now, testing out the waters considering how wrong he'd been early about her perception of their relationship. "Nah, I get a little pissed sometimes that we couldn't have found each other earlier, would've been nice to avoid Sonya and Dixon entirely," he muttered. "She definitely made me appreciate the fact ya don't yell, or hit me, or throw things at me though. Makes me more grateful for you than if I hadn't met her first."

Meghan's eyes welled with tears, reflecting on how much abuse Wyatt had put up with. "You didn't deserve any of that, nobody does," she whispered.

Shrugging, Wyatt kissed the top of her head, "and you didn't deserve the way Dixon treated you either. You're intelligent, and beautiful and the fact he ever made you feel otherwise infuriates me."

Nodding, Meghan pulled out of his arms, unsure how to respond to the sincerity in his voice. "I'm gonna look."

Wyatt watched silently from the doorway as she flipped over the test on the edge of the counter and stared down at it. "Well?"

Meghan turned to look at him, a mixture of elation and horror on her face, "I'm pregnant."

The side of Wyatt's mouth quirked into a small smile, "okay then. Guess we're gonna be parents. Can I tell the guys we're official now? Ryan won't get off my ass about it," he teased, trying to lighten the mood as she burst into relieved tears.

"You want to date me?" she whispered between sobs, a flurry of emotions fluttering inside her.

"I wanna marry you, actually," he told her seriously.

She stared up at him, her face full of surprised hopefulness, "why?"

"Like falling for you, wanting to be your man? That's a Hobson's choice Meg," Wyatt confessed, his grin widening as she threw her herself into his arms, hopeful that meant he was going to get everything he'd ever wanted.


Pt 2 inspired by the song: Stickwitu cover by Jackson Breit

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So well written. I love the way it evolved. Healing the damage and finding each other without being sappy. You are very talented and I am enjoying all of your stories immensely.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Disgusting story. Cheating assholes all around. Pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Such a sweet story! Wonderful that two people so damaged by previous relationships can find healing through each other - 5 stars!

emmy40emmy40over 2 years ago

Beautiful story! Loved the character progression, pacing, and development of their relationship.

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