A Hunting We Shall Go: Wendel


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"You just wait until I get you in the sack the next time."

"Oh goody!" She runs her wet finger quickly into his ear again and laughs. The horsing around eases off and she's quiet for half an hour. Then she says thoughtfully, "Are you going to take me with you when I'm big and fat?"

"Of course. I'll be proud to walk by your side, no matter haw big you get."

"I bet you won't let me sleep on the console like this then."

"It'll make a difference?"

"Well sure. My belly will be out like a whale and I won't be able to curl up like this. I'll have to lay on my back and the other truckers will think you've got a ..." She starts giggling and can't finish. Mike just looks her way and she sticks her tongue out at him. He laughs as she flops on her back and spreads her legs, knees bent and her ass towards the windshield. Laughing, she pantomimes with her hands a large protruding stomach and Mike can't help but break up with her. He thinks that it is a good thing the console is about four inches lower than the dash and windshield. Other truckers could see her but passing cars would only see her knees. Under her ass the diesel purrs.

When they pull into the city Mike suggests she may want to get out with him so she better get dressed. She goes back into the sleeper and comes out brushing her hair in a sweater and skirt. She throws a fur coat down on the passenger seat. With her long stockings he figures she's at least got a garter belt on under the skirt. He chuckles.

When he pulls in around the terminal the spotter instructs him where to put the trailer and he backs it in at a door. He glances around but Trudy is out of sight in the sleeper. She knows better than to appear up front on a weekday around the terminal. Mike's truck has a prominent company sticker on the windshield that says, 'NO RIDERS' so he knows he's pushing his luck if she's too obvious and so does she. They know that a lot of drivers have 'friends' in their trucks on the road but no one flaunts it in front of the bosses.

Mike checks with dispatch and they have one long box for the coast. He hooks up and prepares for the long run home. With any luck he will get into Chilliwack and stay with Trudy for a few hours before going on in to the terminal at POCO.

They head home and the weather cooperates. The only place they run into any foul weather is on the Coquihalla. They pull into Chilliwack about two thirty in the morning and Mike stays with Trudy for the rest of the night.

He wakes to Crystal's giggling, so much like her mother's. He sneezes and shakes his head to wake himself. He smiles to see Trudy's daughter in a night dress sitting on the bed beside him. He sees some movement out of the corner of his eye and sneezes again. He turns and catches Trudy's hand with a feather in it. She's been tickling his nose while he was asleep. He pulls her arm and catches her against his chest, then covers her mouth with his. Crystal laughs and climbs on his shoulder as he holds her mother in a tight embrace. Suddenly he realizes that neither of them have anything on under the covers, and he feels an overwhelming desire to possess her. She feels his need pressed to her and suggests to Crystal that she take her kitten and let them get up. Crystal calls, "Come on, Rowe. Let's go and let them have sex." She giggles as she leaves with the cat.

Trudy mumbles, "That kid is getting far too... Oh Mike! OH! For God's sake, don't stop! EVER!"

But they have to eventually and Mike gets up with her for a shower. Over breakfast he gets talked into taking Crystal to school in the truck and he does. Then it's on to POCO; to deliver the load to the dock. Mike parks the tractor and cleans it up. It's Thursday morning, almost noon and he heads for home and lunch. He calls Marlene on his way between Mission and Abbotsford. She's happy to hear his voice and says she has news for him. Hurry home.

Mike unloads his briefcase and bag from the car and takes them to the side door. He goes back for the garbage and laundry. Garbage goes into a can by the step and laundry goes over his shoulder to free a hand for his briefcase. He opens the door and goes in picking up his bag on the way. Marlene is waiting and takes his briefcase from his hand. He drops the laundry so he can put an arm around her. Holding her, he looks into her eyes and grins, "So your period hasn't started, eh?"

She beams, "How'd you guess? It should have started last night but no sign of it."

"I could tell by the sound of your voice on the phone and now, by the look in your eyes." He kisses her and she melts against his chest so he drops the bag and surrounds her with both arms. In a few minutes she takes the laundry up the stairs to the kitchen as he pulls off his boots. He slips on his slippers by the door and picks up his briefcase and bag.

As he comes into the kitchen she says, "Lunch will be in about fifteen minutes. I'll take your laundry downstairs. Just put your bag by the stairway and grab a coffee. I'll be right back."

"Do you want me to pour you a cup, too?"

She grins and says, "Make mine milk."

He laughs and says, "Right on, my love."

Mike whistles a merry highland jig as he pours her milk and his coffee. He sits his bag by the stairs to take up to the bedroom later for unpacking. He sits and stirs his coffee as she reenters the room. She comes and stands behind him, rubbing his shoulders.

"I guess the run couldn't have been too bad. You made decent time and you don't look worn out. Did you stay at Trudy's last night."

"Yeah, we got in about three so I spent the night. Then I had to drive Crystal to school in the truck. She thinks that's great fun. It makes her day." He pulls her around to sit in his lap. "So, how have you and the kids been?"

"They are going through reviews pending winter exams. It won't be long until Christmas holidays for them. And Jan needs a new pair of skates. She's simply outgrown those ones of Shelly's. Trudy called," she grins, "so I knew you spent the night. She said to tell you that the Copes and Mierycks are lined up for tomorrow. She wants you to call her."

She reaches for her milk and takes a long drink from it. She turns back to him and with a mischievous look on her face, kisses him with a milk mustache. He just slips his tongue around in her mouth and out across her lips and laughs. They gab for a bit and then she gets up to put on lunch while Mike takes the phone and calls Trudy.

"What's up, my love?"

"I've got the interview with the Mierycks and Copes set up for seven tomorrow evening at Barry's place. I'm trying to set up the rest for Saturday. Do you remember who cleared Carol's name for us? I went over her interview and can't figure why we decided she was not the poisoner. Did we talk to a lady in the mall who knew her or something? I vaguely remember someone telling us she wasn't the poisoner and we accepted it. I must be getting senile but I can't remember who."

"Just a minute. I know what you mean. I think it was a lady in the parking lot as we were leaving for your place. I'll check with Marlene." He calls, "Honey, do you remember Trudy and I talking to a lady after we left the store the other day who knew Carol?"

Marlene looks puzzled and says, "I don't think so. Didn't we go right from the store to Trudy and Cookie's place? I didn't see anyone in the parking lot."

"Now just a moment. I know we talked with a woman about her. It must have been in the store. That must have been it. Right after our interview with Barry." He speaks into the phone, "Didn't you record our conversation with that woman?"

"I thought I did but I can't find it. Well, I'll try to get Carol to the Saturday meeting with Marilyn and John Currie. That should liven things up." She giggles, "I'll also get Dave and Linda Ferguson to that meeting. They can help us keep the peace. I'm going to try and have Marilyn host the meeting at her place."

"Good luck with that. You'll have enough trouble getting John there without also trying to get Carol to come. Try getting Wayne to bring her. That might work."

"Yeah, I'll do that. What about Les?"

"I think we have enough for that meeting. If nothing is resolved we'll have to give him a closer look. That could give us as excuse to go back to the nudist camp."

"Sounds good. I'm all for the hot tub again. I should be able to safely go in now for a little while."

"Uh, Marlene won't."

"She's pregnant? Why didn't she tell me?"

"Her period was only due last night and no show, but we have our fingers crossed."

"Does that help? I never tried that?"


"Sorry. Tell her I'm rooting for her."

"Does that help?"

They both break up laughing and Mike has to explain to Marlene what was said. She just grins and shakes her head. Mike says, "You had to be there!"

Marlene says, "I guess I was!"

And Mike has to explain what Marlene said to Trudy while he's chuckling. He ends up by saying, "Maybe we'll catch Les on Sunday if the weather's decent. How's that?"

"I'll see if I can set it up. Take care, Master." He can hear the merriment in her voice and says, "Behave yourself, Mistress. I'll be seeing you."

"On Sunday for sure. Ta ta."

Mike hangs up grinning and goes to eat his lunch with Marlene. After lunch she cleans up while he unpacks. He gets out of his work clothes and takes a shower. Then, in his robe he goes down and gets coffee to take to the office.

Before he can get into anything Marlene comes in from the laundry room. She comes around the desk to look over his shoulder and takes a sip of his coffee. She has a troubled look in her eyes and he notices when he looks around at her. He turns and takes her in his lap. "What's the problem, gorgeous? You looked so happy at lunch. What's troubling you?"

She bites her lip and looks down, "You don't suppose this could be Jeff's child, do you?"

"You didn't use protection?"

She whispers, "We never did. He thinks he's sterile but his doctor only said he had a low sperm count. Oh Mike!" She presses her head to his shoulder. Mike holds her and feels the movement of a deep sob.

Softly he says, "You had an affair for eight months and you didn't get pregnant. Nina didn't get that way either in all the years they've been married. I don't think it's likely that this can be his child. You put it out of your mind, now."

She blubbers, "But if I thought of it, Trudy will, too. It will always be a question in her mind and maybe, even in yours. I feel just sick. You'll stop loving me and I love you so much."

Mike holds her and rubs her back; "I'll never stop loving you, no matter if it's proven to be his by blood tests. You're my baby long before it was thought of. Cheer up and have another drink of my coffee. You're going to have to go to milk soon enough."

She raises her head and a slow sad grin spreads across her face as she takes the cup. "I'll have to go and get you more."

"I got a better idea. Let's go to bed until the kids come home."

"Oh Michael, let's."

They go to bed and make love. It's both exhilarating and melancholy. Now a shadow hangs over her happy news.

Later that night when she is giving the kids their bath, she comes down to Mike on the couch in the living room and sadly sits by him. He turns from the TV and looks at her. She says, "It's started. I got a showing when I was bathing Jan and the flow has started now. Oh Mike, I don't know whether to be happy or sad."

He slips her arm around her and she lays her head on his shoulder. She stays like that for a few minutes and then says, "Come on and tuck the kids in with me, please."

They get up and go upstairs.

Friday is quiet around the Claymores with Marlene in a sad mood and Mike trying to be supportive. He gets around after an early supper to put his papers in order for the evening meeting at Barry's. As he's leaving she kisses him and says, "Stay over at Trudy's tonight. There's no sense in you coming home."

"We'll see. Good night, dear."

He drives to Chilliwack and picks up Trudy. She slides across the car seat and puts an arm behind his neck. She runs her hand up through his hair and says, "How does it feel to have three of us up the stump at the same time, lover boy?"

Mike grins sadly and shakes his head, "She's not pregnant. Her period started last night. She's in a very down mood today."

"Oh! I'm sorry. She really wanted to have another one. Maybe it's for the best though. She was with Jeff last month. That would have occurred to you sooner or later and I'm sure she thought of it."

"It did and we discussed it. I could handle it." They drive out Yale Road and Trudy is quiet, watching the scenery go by. She rests her hand on her stomach and pats it as she bites her lip in thought. Her other hand is still up behind his head.

As they near the Mierycks she becomes all business and checks the recorder. She organizes his briefcase and checks for pads and a pen. She peeks through the lens of the camcorder at him and he sticks his tongue out at her. She giggles and checks for more recording tape. Next she goes over the Polaroid and attachments, ensuring the daters are set correctly.

Mike pulls into the long drive and drives back over a bridge to the yard and graveled turnaround. Two cars and a pickup are parked there already and Barry stands on the porch waving them in. He calls, "Hi Mike, Trudy. The Popes are here already and the party's begun. Come on in."

Mike says to Trudy, "Party?"

"They work together well and decided to make a party out of it. Who was I to argue?" She shrugs. "Do you think they have a hot tub?"

"I suppose you brought a bathing suit?"

"Hell no, who needs it?"


She giggles as they go up the steps and join Barry.

He leads them into the house and offers a drink. They decline but ask that the others do as they please. Mike suggests they get the interview over quickly and then they can party. He asks if they can use the kitchen for the interrogation and Barry agrees. He asks that John and Peggy come to the kitchen. After introducing Trudy and John, he begins.

"I guess you remember how this works, Peggy? Trudy will be taping or videotaping our conversations and taking notes as she sees fit. If she has any questions she's free to join in. Do you have any questions, John?"

"Where'd you find a cute assistant like that? I'll bet Marlene doesn't know?"

"Uh, they are friends. Now, can you outline for me how you saw Wendel as your wife's boss?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you resent the fact that he was her boss and not the other way around?"

"Store politics! I have a business to run and I didn't pay any attention to them."

"Didn't you visit her for lunch and such at the store?"


"And didn't you hear the rumors of what kind of a manager he was?"

"Well, sure. It was common news that he was incompetent."

"How did that make you feel: your wife working for an incompetent manager? After all, she has the qualifications to fill the job herself."

"She has! He was an asshole, to put it plain. But that was up to Frank. If I thought ill thoughts towards any of them, it would have to be him, not Wendel."

"Why do you think Frank gave Wendel preference?"

"I always figured it was discrimination. The men get the top jobs and the women take what's left. If it weren't Wendel it would have been Barry, or some other guy. When they make her Associate, it'll be when they have a female Manager or at least when Frank is gone."

"Peggy. Do you agree with him?"

"No. He doesn't work at the store so he doesn't know, first hand. We had a female Associate and John has forgotten. It was while Frank was here, too. I'm sure it was Wendel's wealth. Money turns Frank's head. It's one of his flaws. Otherwise he's a fine manager. He may never get into this position again."

John speaks up, "Hold on there, I heard Philip and Frank making disparaging remarks about the new female manager in Burnaby when we were at this year's hunt. They laughed and I thought they were a pair of chauvinistic pigs."

Peggy laughs and says, "Bertie? She is an ass. She was a token advancement back when the chain was trying to impress the libbers. I don't know how she hangs on her job. Your mistaken, John. Frank is fair and promotes on ability and seniority."

Trudy pipe up, "If Frank is so fair and Wendel was blameless, how come everyone hated Wendel?"

Peggy says, "HE was a prig. He thought he was really something and could bed any of the girls in the store if he wanted. He laid a few of them and settled on Marilyn. At that time she was the sharpest looker at the store. He even propositioned me! Sorry, dear. I know you didn't know that."

John fumes for a few minutes as Mike says, "Why didn't you go along with it? You might have been a boss at the new store."

"If that's what it takes, I'll never be, in any store."

Trudy again: "What did Carol think of his shenanigans?"

"I suppose she knew. You can't work in the same store and not hear rumors. She never said anything, though. At least, not to me and I often lunched with her."

Mike: "Didn't you discuss the store and work with your husband?" He looks first at Peggy, then at John.

"Sometimes. Not in any great detail. John has his own plumbing business and has enough troubles of his own. I think I listen more to his than he hears of mine." John nods to agree. Mike looks at Trudy and she nods.

"I guess I have no more questions for now. Could you give us a few minutes and then send in Barry and Henny?"

Peggy agrees and they exit. Trudy says, "He's not involved. I'm not so sure about her. She's ambitious and knows she's competent. How far would she go to get into management? Do you think she turned him down?"

"You mean he might have chosen Marilyn over her? Better looking or better in the sack? Is that what your thinking?"

"Something like that. I don't know." She pauses and ponders over it. "She's very intelligent."

Barry pokes his head in the door, "You ready for us?"

Mike looks up and says, "Come on in and bring your wife, Barry. You know my assistant so Trudy, this is Barry's wife, Henny. Henny, my able assistant and note taker, Trudy Garneau."

Henny crosses to Trudy and shakes her hand. She says, "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

Trudy smiles and says to Mike, "I don't have any questions for this couple." Mike nods and speaks to Henny.

"It was nice of you to let us barge into your home and conduct these interviews. Thank you very much. Just so the other couple won't feel picked on we better run through the formalities. Do you socialize with other store employees often?"

"It depends on how busy we are and what's going on at the store. Sometimes it seems we are always partying and other times we seldom see anyone for months."

"Did Carol and Wendel frequent your get-togethers?

"No. Oh, I shouldn't say that. She did show up for one but didn't stay. She was with a school chum of ours, the Knox girl. She's a weird one so I wasn't surprised when they left early."

Trudy exclaims, "Knox? I know that name. Wasn't that the girl we were talking to in the store who cleared Carol's name? Her name was something Knox, I'm sure of it."

Mike looks puzzled as Henny says, "Wendy Knox. Word is she's become a recluse. Lives out by Vedder Crossing someplace."

Mike says, "Hmmm, she's a friend of Carol's. Trudy, make note of that name and we'll see if we can contact her. Maybe some of your contacts out at the base will know where to find her. Barry, are you bucking for management of the new store?"

"I've been recommended but I'm actually thinking of deferring to Peggy. She's more qualified than I, even if I do have seniority. I wouldn't mind being her Associate Manager. I find I can learn a lot from her."

"That's a refreshing outlook. More in tune with the other Zellers store management people I've met along the way. Well, once again I'd like to say thanks to you folks. I think we better go and find more likely suspects somewhere else."