A Little Growing


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"Honey! Are you okay?" Mom asked as I shivered through my orgasm.

"Stomach pain." I huffed.

"You're not feverish, but you should grab a Powerade out of the fridge and sip on it over the next thirty minutes." She grabbed the edge of the covers like she was about to throw them off. I grabbed hold to keep myself covered.


"I don't have any shorts on," I said. Mom looked over and saw my soild shorts on the floor.

"I told you to throw these in the wash. I'll take care of it." She said, picking them up inspecting the wet spot. "I don't know what this is, but it's already starting to dry," She licked her thumb, rubbed the crotch, and sniffed them.

"Give him some privacy, girls." She shooed them to their room and closed the bathroom door.

"Dylan," She said softly, "I know your body is going through changes. You and I both know what this is on your shorts." My face burned. "Honey, until your hormones settle down, you may need to masturbate to relieve the pressure and keep this from happening again. I just assumed you were already doing it. You know how to, right?"

"Yes, I am sorry. I'll take care of it." I was so embarrassed. She looked down and noticed her robe was slightly open.

"Son," She asked motherly, "is this what got you worked up a moment ago?"

"Please just go," I begged.

"It's okay. Do you have any idea how many young men stare at my chest at the hospital? Kat and I have large boobs, it's just part of the deal. Trust me, I am used to it." She shrugged and left my room.

The next day mom woke us up before leaving for work and reminded us to go get the paint and supplies from the home improvement store. I decided to jump in the shower before the girls had a chance.

"Hurry up pee-wee, we've got to get moving," Shelby called out. I got out of the shower and they were both in the bathroom at the sink. I wrapped the towel around me and headed to my room to get dressed, Kat snagged it off of me as I passed by.

We got dressed and picked up the paint and supplies and headed back home. To my surprise, the girls helped. We started with the kitchen, moving everything out, covering up the countertops, wiping down the walls, and taping off the cabinets and trim. I was standing on the ladder when all of a sudden my shorts came flying down.

"We almost forgot," Shelby laughed, "step out." She pulled my shorts and underwear off tossing them down the hall, leaving me with my shirt and tennis shoes on. "My god, it's just so small!" She snorted.

With all three of us working we got the first coat on most of the kitchen when Kat accidentally dripped on Shelby's shoulder which started a small paint fight between them.

"Hey! That paint's going to soak threw to my bra!" Kat pouted. "I have an idea." She looked over at me with a smile. She turned around and pulled off her shirt and then her bra, and then took the paintbrush to her chest. She finally turned around to reveal her paint-covered tits. "Now I can go shirtless too." She winked at me as my penis inflated looking at her mostly bare tits with just a swath of light blue paint covering her nipples and dripping down her large breasts.

"Looks like someone still hasn't had enough." Shelby grabbed a fresh paintbrush and rubbed it over my penis, and balls turning my semi-erection to a full-blown 80-degree throbber. I moaned and shivered with pleasure, and she pulled the brush away.

"Shelby please," I panted, and she tickled my balls with the bristles again.

"I'll keep going, but if you touch yourself I am smacking your balls."

"Okay," I groaned. Shelby kept brushing my little dick and balls it felt amazing, and like it wasn't enough at the same time.

"It's just so hard," She smiled.

"Keep going," my knees buckled, and she immediately stopped as a small stream of precum dripped from my dick. "Please, just a little more," I whined. She dipped her brush in my paint cup and painted my balls and swiped my dick.

"Now you literally have blue balls." She laughed and went back to the wall she had been painting. Just one more brushstroke would have sent me over the edge, and my mind was dizzy lust drunk.

The girls moved on to the hallway while I finished the kitchen. By the time I was ready to move on, I looked down the hall to find both sisters with their tops off and light blue tits. Shelby's small perky breasts looked so different compared to Kat's large boobs, they were still sexy, just in a different way.

We painted the hall, and they kept adding more layers to the paint already on my dick, I am pretty sure I stayed hard for almost 2 hours straight. By the time we finished the hall the kitchen was dry, so the girls went back to do a second coat while I worked on the half bath, there wasn't room for more than one person in there anyway.

By the time I was getting started on the second coat in the half bath, Shelby had gone to take her shower. A few minutes later I header her coming down the stairs.

"Guys!" Her voice cracked with fear. "I think the paint stained my skin." I stepped out to see her standing in the hall with a pair of loose-fitting shorts and no top, her modest boobs on full display, but there was an obvious blue hue to her skin where she had pained her nipples.

"Shit!" Kat laughed, we looked at each other and ran upstairs. Kat peeled off her shorts exposing her short-trimmed snatch, and we both got in the shower together.

We lathered up and rinsed off as quickly as possible knowing we had both been wearing the paint longer than Shelby. I was so focussed on washing it almost escaped me that we were showering together. Almost, but not completely. My eyes fixated on Kat's tits and watched her voluptuous body as she washed. But as the soap disappeared the blue stain was even more prominent on her boobs. I looked down as I washed the soap off my junk, my dick was almost as blue as the walls.

I softly caressed Kat's breast rubbing her tit with my thumb, my heart was racing, and while I knew it was wrong I just couldn't stop myself from touching her soft flesh. Her nipples were erect and almost felt rubbery, I ran my hands down under her boobs, lifting them and feeling their weight. Curiously she didn't stop me, she arched her back sticking her chest out letting me feel her. I took both her large breasts in my wet slippery hands circling her hardening tits.

"These are the first tits you've touched right?" She smiled, "You'll always remember your first." She said quoting Shelby from the day before and then turned around taking my hands and placing them on her soapy breasts wiggling her butt against my dick.

"You can Jerk-off on my ass," She sighed letting go of my right hand and I furiously yanked my short dick.

"Well?" Shelby asked walking as she came through the bathroom door. "Oh my!" She gasped taken off guard by seeing her brother and sister, naked and grinding in the shower together. She pulled back the shower curtain and pointed at my hard blue dick and burst out laughing. "Keep going horny Smurf."

Shelby crossed her arms under her small boobs and shifted her weight to her left leg watching me jerk my Smurf on Kat's thick butt.

"Oh shit!" I slid my arm between her breasts pulling her to me as my orgasm released all over her ass, I leaned over her grinding on my sister as I continued to erupt. My legs felt useless, I nuzzled her neck and kissed her thanking her over and over again. Finally spent, Shelby helped me step out of the shower as I grabbed a towel and went to my room to dry off and wound up falling asleep.

I felt the bed shake and opened my eyes to find my mom sitting beside me wearing her scrubs. She rarely wore them anymore so they drew my attention, but it was the fact she wasn't wearing a bra that stood out, her large milf tits pressing against the thin material were prominent.

"The girls were downstairs cleaning up when I got home," She spoke softly and placed her hand on my forehead," they said you still weren't feeling well, but that you did a lot of work today."

"I... I'm fine, just tired," I assured her.

"Son," She paused, "Shelby said I should probably check on you. She told me she came in a while back and you were so worn out she couldn't wake you up. And..." She paused again, "well, she said you were on top of your covers naked. And she was concerned about something she saw."

My heart started racing and I looked at her with wide eyes and fear.

"Can I take a look?" She asked peeling back the covers, not letting me answer.

"Mom!" I pulled the covers back up.

"Dylan, I've been a nurse for a long time, I promise you don't have anything I haven't seen," She said sternly and yanked the covers down filing them to my feet. Her eyes widened as she looked at my small, shaved, blue dick.

"Well," She smiled unprofessionally, "I haven't seen that before." She laughed and then I heard Kat and Shelby laughing as they stood just inside my room.

"See mom," Shelby said as she composed herself, "That's not normal, is it?" Mom didn't seem at all upset about my sister's being in my room while she inspected my penis.

"Why is it blue?" Mom asked taking my penis between her fingers inspecting it and getting a better look at my blue balls.

"I guess it was the paint, I... I must've spilled some paint."

"But, why is it so small?" Kat leaned over mom's shoulder pointing at my little dick.

"Please tell them to leave," I asked mom.

"Well, too late now they've already seen it. Besides we're all family." Mom brushed it off. "Come on, let's see if we can wash this off any better. She took me by the hand and led me to the bathroom sink. Shelby and Katie followed right behind.

Mom turned the water on and grabbed a washcloth, and rummaged around the sink finding a bottle of exfoliating soap. I was naked in front of my mom and both sisters when mom soaked the washcloth and wiped it over my penis and testicles. She then ran her hand under the water and lathered up the soap, that's when I realized she was going to wash my penis with her bare hands. She knelt in front of me and slathered my groin with the soap, pumped out a little more down the length of my short shaft, and started rubbing.

My little penis sprang to life, getting as hard as I've ever been. My sister's and mom watched with great joy as my penis stiffened in my mother's hands. She worked the soap on my dick with her hand being careful to not masturbate me. My little guy stood straight up pinned against my tors. Mom moved to my scrotum as she rubbed her hand around my balls,

"Mom," I whimpered as my breathing became more strained.

"See mom, it's not normal," Shelby said again.

"Well, it's just a smaller one. You should know that by now, some boys have small penises, and some men have large cocks." She stated. I didn't miss her saying I was a boy with a small penis while indicating men have large cocks.

"Mom," Kat said lowly, "I think I got some paint on my boobs, do you think that will get it off?" She asked motioning to the soap.

"I am not sure," Mom said while scrubbing my balls with the grainy soap. "It looks like all this is doing is making Dylan excited, but you can certainly try." With that Kat looked me in the eye as she pulled her top off exposing her sensually large chest.

"Kat! I didn't mean right now in front of your brother. You're not a little girl anymore."

"But, what about Dylan, you're washing his dick in front of us?" She pouted.

"He's just a boy, boys are girls are different. I don't know it's just how I was raised I guess. Girls were to stay clothed and modest, while all the little boys would run around naked with their little willies flopping all over the place."

"So, should I put my top back on?"

"No, it's fine, he's seen them now. But, my it's odd how you got paint right over each nipple." Mom teased. "It's a miracle any paint made it on the walls with all the spilling going on." Mom grabbed the washcloth and wiped the soap off. I looked down and saw that the blue was a bit paler than before.

"Mom?" Shelby asked while watching me watch Kat scrubbing her tits in the adjoining sink. "You and Kat look a lot alike, and you've always said I look just like dad's sisters. Is dad like Dylan?"

"Oh no," Mom disabused, "Your father is a much longer, much thicker. No, I am afraid Dylan takes after my brother."

"Uncle Greg has a small penis?" Kat asked shocked.

"He's a good-looking man and loves aunt Julie, but unfortunately he never developed much where a woman needs him to. But they've learned how to make things work." My face was on fire, my thoughts all over the place, I was embarrassed... no humiliated, felt like a kick in the stomach to hear my mom talk like this about having a small penis, and I wanted her to keep touching me, I wanted her to rub my little penis and make me cum right in front of my sisters.

"Greg was so small we all called him Greg the Head because that's all you could see when we'd go swimming, just his little dick head sticking out from his body, no shaft at all, poor boy." She laughed. "Dylan, you might even be a tad bigger than Greg, last time we measured he was just over 3 inches fully hard."

"I guess none of you are kids anymore. I'll tell you the truth. Your cousins, Madison and Madaline, aren't Greg's biologically. They're your half-sisters, your father is their father." She shared having stopped washing my balls moments ago.

"Mother?" Shelby accused, "Dad cheated on you?"

"No, no, no! He didn't cheat, we all know that your father visits aunt Julie to help keep her sexually satisfied. It's not cheating, it's called cuckolding. Your uncle Greg is a cuckold. Greg and Julie are still intimate with each other, but every so often she just needs more than he can give her, so your father goes over and gives her what she needs."

"Oh my god! Isn't that embarrassing for uncle Greg?" Kat asked.

"At first it was, I was there the first few times. But, he learned it's not his fault he has a small penis. It's like when dad calls an electrician to fix something, it's not embarrassing that your father can't do it, he just knows his limits. Same with Greg. And Dylan, it's something you'll need to learn too." She said and took my little dick in her hand again. "It's not your fault, don't be embarrassed, just learn your limits."

"But mom," I nearly cried, "How am I ever supposed to get a girl when I am too self-conscious to even try to have sex?"

"Well, look for a girl with no experience, and get really good at licking pussy." She said with a little smile.

"Ooh, yes!" Kat snapped, "I know a good licker is a keeper. Right, Shel?"

"I actually, have never had a guy do it before." Shelby shared.

"Well, still how am I supposed to get good at that?"

"We can teach you," Kat smiled, "By the time we're done, you'll have all the confidence and skill you'll ever need."

"Katherine Lilly!" Mom snorted, I hadn't heard mom use Kat's real name in years.

"What!? You're the one saying all this about uncle Greg, I mean I'll never be able to look at him the same."

"It'll be fine, I think he'll enjoy hearing that you girls know. It's all part of his small penis humiliation fetish. He loves to be teased. Not all small men do though, so be considerate when you meet a small dick man." Mom shared like leading a master class on sexual deviancy.

"How about you Dylan, do you like being teased?" Shelby asked already knowing the answer. Mom and Kat looked over at me and every heald still waiting on me to answer.

"Yeah, yes." I breathed.

"Good, that does make things a little easier. But, Kat... maybe you're right" Mom said as she wiped all the remaining soap off my junk. "Come," She took me by the hand and grabbed and led me to Shelby's bed calling her to join us. Shelby and Kat came to the bedroom, and mom told Shelby to take her shorts off.

"You need training," Mom said to me, "And you deserve to know what it feels like." She pushed my sister to the full-size bed and had me sit on my knees. She told us not to think about each other as siblings, just as people and to enjoy the feelings.

Shelby spread her legs open and moved her rear to the edge of the bed, my face was just inches from her shaved sex. I had seen pron, but this was the first cunt I'd seen in the flesh, and it was beautiful. Mom instructed me to use my fingers to spread her lips open, and then imagine the little nub is like ice cream, and lick it. Shelby covered her face with her hands as I moved in, her scent was powerful but not unpleasant, I moistened and flattened my tongue then slowly swiped her clit with an upward lick.

"Oh shit!" Shelby quivered sitting up and looking down at me.

"That's a great start," Mom beamed with pride. "You're a natural. Now kiss her clit, use your lips and suckle her bud like a tit."

"He's never sucked a tit, mom." Kat shared and sat on the bed beside our sister.

"Well, I am certain you can help with that. Girls like us have more than enough to go around."

"Oh god!" Shelby smiled and pulled me deeper inside her. I stuck my tongue as far into her wet twat as I could, and slid my right thumb up inside her while I slipped and moved my mouth to her labia toying her feminine folds while finger fucking her.

"That's very good, baby," Mom encouraged. "But slow down a bit," She was right I was rushing wanting to make Shelby cum as quickly as possible. "Now, this may seem weird at first..." She said as if anything we had been doing was normal. "Get your pinky nice and slick, and slide in her butthole. And listen to Shelby, let her tell you what she needs."

Shelby started directing me more telling me where to lick, how fast to work her cunt with my hands, and when to suck her hard. Over the next several minutes I worked hard to please her and do exactly what she asked for.

"Oh my god!" She started chanting, and wrapped her legs around me, she grabbed my hair and held me to her sweet opening. "I am going to, I am going. Oh, FFFFFFuck!" Shelby convulsed clamping me to her cunt riding my face and hand, I felt her clamp and release my fingers over and over, as a flood of juice flowed over my face.

"Oh my god," She laughed letting go of me, "I may need to look for a small dicked man when I get serious about marriage."

"As long as he knows how to share," Kat added. "A tongue is nice, but it's no replacement for a big thick cock." She pulled me up on the bed between them as they cuddled against me. "Play with it," Kat encouraged, and moved her body so my face was buried in her breasts. I reached down and jerked my little dick, my face covered in Shelby's cum, my mouth on Kat's tits, and my mom sitting over on Kat's bed.

IT didn't take long, I was so on edge. I jerked my small penis for just a few strokes and I could feel it cumming. I tensed up and grabbed Kat's large breast and shuttered with a loud moan as my little willy shot its load.

"Now girls," Mom said breaking the silence, "You always want to take care of the little guy, it's not fair to leave him deprived for too long. But, a little teasing can be fun." She got up and pulled some tissues off the nightstand, then sent a shock through me as she grabbed my dick and worked the remaining cum out, wiping it up and cleaning me off. "Maybe you girls could invite a few friends over this weekend, Dylan could use a variety of practice partners." She turned off the lights, "And let's not tell your father about all this quite yet, remember we leave early in the morning, so I'll see you when we get back," She whispered and closed the door.

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walkindatdogwalkindatdog3 months ago

I thought this one was multi-chapter, so i wasn't sweating running out of run time on this one. Then it just ended! WTF, dude?!

maybeimbyemaybeimbye4 months ago

I loved this, this story need a sequel!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I'm not usually into these type of stories, truth be told I accidentally ran across this.

I love this story! Having a little fellow myself my heart raced through a lot of this and the reveal of the family situation made it even better. I hope the mother gets more involved in the future!


Shade333Shade333about 1 year ago

Hoping to see a part 2. This story has lots of potential.

OOAAOOAAover 1 year ago

Fantastic story!!! Really HOT 🔥🔥🔥!!!! Please, go on soon 😉

lfweberlfweberover 1 year ago

Definitely a great story I can relate to. Love the small dick humiliation and teasing. Dylan being shaved by his sisters was the ultimate humiliating moment.

Can’t wait to see what’s next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I need more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please update this soon! I love how most of the characters in your stories overlap!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sisters teasing is bad enough but to hear you have a small penis from mother who is a nurse is devastating. "Look for a girl with no experience, and get really good at licking pussy." is sound advice.

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