A Lucky Accident at The Supermarket


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"I'll cum in your mouth in a minute if you keep that up," he said. "But I would prefer put it in your pussy." With that he lifted her up by her forearms until she was standing, then kissed her before moving his hands to her waist and undoing and unzipping her jeans. Just as she had done before, he fell to his knees, and removed her jeans and panties quickly, together with her shoes. She was breathtakingly beautiful, standing before him dressed only in her lace topped hold up stockings.

He stood, and gently lowered her down onto the bed. She just lay there looking him in the eyes all the time, without saying anything. He quickly knelt on the bed and bent down to kiss her labia and run his tongue up and down her opening. She opened her legs and pulled her knees up a little, to give him easier access. As he sucked on her engorged clitoris, she moaned, and her first words were, "I want you, I want you inside me, please make love to me."

He moved in between her legs and putting his hands on the bed either side of her, he leaned forward until his cock grazed her opening. She reached down and took hold of him ready to guide him into her very wet and willing pussy. She whispered, "Please fuck me gently, you're quite big and I've not had much sex lately. I promise that once I get used to you, you can fuck me as hard as you like."

She held him against her pussy lips, she was very wet, and his cock had beads of pre-cum on the head. She rubbed him gently up and down her opening and his first few inches slipped into her as he eased slowly forward. She moved her hands to his waist and pulled him down a little closer, causing him to slip in a little further. She loved the sensation of his thick cock gently forcing her open.

He drew back a little then pushed forward again, slowly, gently so as not to force her open too quickly. He needn't have worried, the combination of their natural lubricants enabled him to slide all of his eight glorious inches into her without causing her any distress.

"That's wonderful," she said, her next words were cut off as he covered her mouth with his own, kissing her deeply.

He began to work his cock slowly in and out of her, pulling back until only his cockhead was inside, then slowly sliding the whole member into her warm wet tunnel until their bellies met. He began to rock his hips a little from side to side as he continued his thrusts and withdrawals, so she felt him on different pressure points inside her.

She was arching her back, as much as she could with his weight on her, and her head was pushed back into the pillow. She loved that feeling of him dominating her, feeling that he had ultimate control and she couldn't stop him having his way with her, even if she'd wanted to.

She had a small orgasm as he continued to thrust slowly, and she could feel another coming from deep inside her. She was moaning and gasping now with each thrust as he started to pick up his pace. She looked into his eyes, and in a half shout she cried, "Oh God, it's so good. Fuck me hard now, please fuck me hard, take me, make me yours."

He began to pound into her, almost withdrawing completely before ramming back in hard against her cervix. She wrapped her legs round him as he pounded her. He knew that he would not be able to keep this up for long, before he would unleash his hot cum into her, but he wanted her to cum properly first.

"I'm going to cum soon," he grunted.

That was the catalyst for Lisa's own orgasm to overwhelm her. She screamed, "Yes. Yes. Oh Christ, yes. Cum in me, I want your come in me now."

He felt the rush as his hot cum shot up the underside of his cock and exploded into her pussy as he bottomed out in her. "Oh fuck," he said, "Oh fuck, it's in you."

"Let me have it all," she cried, "Fill me, fill me."

As they both came down from their orgasmic highs and lay quietly, Lisa began to realise what she had done. She was a married woman, cheating on her husband who, for all his faults (and there were many), was still her husband. She suddenly felt ashamed, she'd intended to flirt with David, but that was all, she'd just wanted to have a little fun hadn't she?

Lisa pushed David off herself, "I have to go," she said, "I'm sorry this should never have happened."

Close to tears, she jumped off the bed. Reaching for her clothes she started to dress but as she was putting her bra on, she realised that she was dripping his cum from her pussy. She rushed into the bathroom to clean herself up taking her clothes with her. As soon as she was dressed, she ran out of the flat, down to her car and drove home.

David was deflated, he liked Lisa a lot and it was his fault that they had ended up on his bed. He had made the move on her, and now she was terribly upset about what they'd done.

He dressed and waited a while until he she'd had time to drive home, then he phoned her.

She picked up the phone without checking the incoming number. As soon as he said, "Lisa, I'm sorry". She said, "I don't want to talk." And hung up.

He tried to call her back, but she wouldn't answer the phone. He thought of going round to her house, but he didn't want to cause an embarrassing fuss on her doorstep, that wouldn't help matters. He liked Lisa very much and he would have liked to have her as a friend, but that was out of the question now. "Let's face it," he said to himself, "I did want her as more than a friend, but going too far too quick has ruined everything, and left her very upset as well." He resolved to leave things to cool down for a day or two and then try to contact her again.

On the Wednesday of the following week Lisa was at home waiting for Pete. He had telephoned her on the Tuesday afternoon and told her he was back in the UK, but he wouldn't be home that night. "Why not." She had asked.

His reply had totally unsettled her. "I have some people to see and some things to arrange. I have to do them before I see you. I'll be there tomorrow morning and we need to have a serious discussion."

"Oh, my God," Lisa had thought, "He knows. But how could he, was he having me watched? Has one of our neighbours been watching me and reporting to him? What am I going to do?"

She wouldn't tell David, he was the sort of man who would take responsibility, and insist on being with her when Pete came home. She knew that Pete could be unpredictable, and he might get violent. No, she must face him on her own.

When she saw Pete's car come into the drive her heart started to beat like a drum. She was frightened. Should she just come out with it and confess what she had done, before Pete accused her?

When Pete let himself in, she noticed that he didn't bring his luggage in with him. This was a bad sign she decided, he just wanted to get on with it. She went to say something, but her mouth was dry, and the words wouldn't come.

He looked at her with no emotion showing in his face. "Sit down Lisa," he said, "I have something to say to you, and I want you to let me say it all before you reply." She opened her mouth to say something, but he continued before she could start. "Lisa, things haven't been good between us for some time, and I've been having an affair with Sharon for the last six months.

"We've been having sex at every opportunity, and while we were in Africa we've been living together as if we were man and wife. We're in love, and we want to get married. I want a divorce as quickly as possible as Sharon is pregnant with my baby.

"If you agree to a quick no fault divorce, I will sign over my half of this house to you, it is all paid for and worth at least half a million pounds. I suggest we split our cash holdings and investments 50/50, which should give you more than a further half million pounds.

"I know this will be a shock for you, but I think it is better to make the split immediately. I'll be moving in with Sharon straight away, and I'll arrange for my personal things to be collected as soon as possible, everything else in the house will be yours. Now it's your turn."

For a moment Lisa looked like a deer caught in the headlights, then her eyes narrowed. "You rotten two timing, bastard." She hissed, "I knew there was something going on between you and that bitch. You've been fucking her behind my back for all those months.

"Oh, too fucking right I'm going to divorce you, and I'll get a lawyer to make sure that I don't miss out on anything in the settlement. From here on in you can talk to me only through my lawyer, as soon as I get one sorted out.

"I suggest you remove anything of personal value to you today, because I'm just likely to take it out into the garden and smash it or burn it once you've gone. I'm going out now and I don't expect you to be here when I get back."

With that, she grabbed her jacket and went out slamming the front door behind her. She got in her car and drove to a girlfriend's house a couple of miles away.

By the time she got to her friend Jane's house she was shaking like a leaf with delayed re-action. Jane sat her down at the table in her kitchen and made her a cup of strong tea. "Right, love, get that down you and tell me all about it."

Lisa told her friend about the conversation with Pete, she didn't say anything about her and David.

Jane was sympathetic but practical, "Jerry will be able to help you find the right lawyer," she said. Jerry was Jane's husband, he was a conveyancing solicitor and dealt with property mainly, but he knew plenty of other lawyers who dealt with family matters. I'll give Jerry a ring and get him to recommend someone, then you can make an appointment and get things going. I'll come with you to the solicitor if you need support.

Lisa thanked her friend but told her that once she had the name of a suitable lawyer, she'd be able to deal with making sure her interests were properly covered.

When Lisa left Jane, she realised that she had not had any breakfast, it was now time for lunch, and she was hungry. She thought about her lunch with David a few days ago and decided to see if he was home, she would invite him to join her, and if he agreed, she would explain her actions when she rushed out of his apartment the last time they were together.

She drove to David's apartment building and rang his doorbell. When he came to the door, he was surprised and pleased to see her, but before he could say anything she said, "David, I owe you an explanation. I'm sorry the way things ended between us the other day. Can I buy you lunch and explain everything to you, please?"

"I'm so pleased to see you again," he said. "Please, come in. I'll change into some decent clothes and join you. Where are we going?"

"I thought we might go to the pub you took me to last week," she said. "I did like it there, and we can find a quiet corner so that I can explain things. When I've finished telling you everything, we can part on friendly terms, or if you want to, we can remain friends and continue to see each other."

"Give me five minutes," he said. "I've been so looking forward to seeing you again." With that he rushed into his bedroom and emerged a few minutes later dressed in a clean shirt, slacks and polished shoes. Grabbing a jacket from where it hung on the back of a chair, he let her out of the door and followed her downstairs to her parked car.

"Don't ask me anything for the moment," she said as she let him into the car and got into the drivers seat. "Wait until we get to the pub, and I get a stiff drink inside me."

When they got to the pub, they found a table well away from the bar, and consequently in a quiet area where they could talk privately. David went to get drinks, a vodka and tonic for Lisa and a beer for himself. He brought the drinks and a lunch menu back to the table and sat down beside her.

"Ok," he said. "We can talk, but before you say anything, I want to apologise for being so presumptuous at my place last week. I should never have kissed you and caused the problem."

"Oh, didn't you like it then?" Asked Lisa, with just the hint of a smile.

"Of course, I did," replied David. "I loved it, but I hated myself for leading you into something that you obviously didn't want to do."

"No, you didn't do that." she said, "I wanted it as much as you did, but I'm married, and married women shouldn't go to bed with their friends. It usually ends up in tears, and the friendship is lost. The thing is, I've suspected that my husband might be having an affair, and I was angry and dismayed about that at the same time. Then I went to bed with you, and suddenly realised I was no better that he was if he was cheating on me, and a damned site worse if he was innocent. I felt so guilty and so disappointed with myself. I just had to run away from you. I've been regretting it ever since."

"That makes me feel worse," said David, "Thinking of you agonizing over what we did, and regretting it so much."

"No," she replied, "I felt guilty and disappointed with myself, but my regret was about running away from you and not talking it through sensibly, so that we could still be friends."

"Well, I hope we can still be friends," he said. "I like you very much, and I do enjoy being with you."

She took hold of his hand and looked steadily into his eyes. "I think we will always be friends," she said. "And when you've heard what I have to tell you, I hope we can be much more than friends."

She told him about the telephone call from her husband, and what he'd told her when he came to the house that morning. She told him that her friend, Jane, was going to help her find a solicitor to work on her divorce, and that she would be free of her failed marriage as soon as the divorce could be finalised. She told him that she hoped that she and David could now explore their relationship fully, without her married status being any barrier to them becoming closer to each other.

"I'm sorry that you've had to go through that with your husband," said David. "But I'm so glad that we'll be free to let our relationship take us as far as we want. I am already very fond of you Lisa, and I was so sad that my actions might have pushed you out of my life.

"Believe me when I say that I'm not going to pass up this opportunity to convince you to become a permanent feature in my life. I know we've only known each other a very short while, but you are already very special to me."

Her eyes were sparkling, now with unshed tears of happiness, as she said, "David, darling, I haven't felt as close to anyone as I feel to you, for a long time. I so want to continue exploring this relationship with you, and I'm also glad that circumstances now allow us to do that, without any feelings of guilt or remorse.

"David, I don't want to spend any more time in the house, and the bed, that I shared with Pete. Would you let me come and stay with you for a while, until I can sell up and find another home. Then, if things work out well for us, perhaps a home that we could share."

David couldn't have worn a bigger or brighter smile than he was wearing now. "It will be a bit of a squeeze," he said, "But I would love you to come and share my apartment, for as long as you can stand it. I think I'm falling in love with you Lisa, only time will tell if I'm right, but I have every hope that I am."

With that he took her in his arms and kissed her, oblivious of the other diners around them.

"Hey, we'd better have lunch," he said, with a grin. "I've a feeling that we're going to have a busy afternoon and we need to keep our strengths up."

After lunch, and after first going to Lisa's house to get some of her clothes and other personal items, they returned to David's apartment. Within minutes they were making warm and gentle love in his bed.

All that afternoon they enjoyed each other. In the evening David put together a scratch meal with a chilled bottle of wine, and that night they spent the first night of the rest of their lives, making love and sleeping together.

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OPrimeOPrime11 months ago

Oh, hold your nose. A story about a husband and wife cheating on each other. The wife's boy friend recently out of a relationship with his cheating girl friend. Now he is cheating with a married woman. What is not to like about this sad story?

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 2 years ago

Very well done Bravo!

BaggyUKBaggyUKalmost 3 years ago

Stranger things have happened i suspect. Quite liked it despite her cheating before knowing for sure hubby was...maybe that's what made the story feel quite real and possible if not probable. Thanks for your work.

lbeachamlbeachamalmost 3 years ago

Wow. It seems this could never happen, but then again maybe. Humans can be very selfish and stupid. For everybody married, trust but verify continually. It has worked for me for 45 years. I always sleep soundly without a care.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

She had no problem with cheating even before she knew her husband was doing the same. They deserved each other.

GarySmith69GarySmith69almost 3 years ago

At least they both got what they wanted freedom from each other. No love lost here.

ctdansctdansalmost 3 years ago

I like how she had the remorse or guilt when she realized she was in fact no better than her husband. She lucked out that his affair was true and he wanted a divorce. Also she lucked out she held her composure enough to not blurt out that she had just cheated herself.

Love at first sight may be true and has to be in this case. They go from meeting in a parking lot to sex to love in lightning speed. That is hard to believe but plausible.

This guy does have to be careful as she is the type to cheat on her husband, She has to be careful as he is the type to bed married women.

Impo_64Impo_64almost 3 years ago

Nothing interesting in here...A cheating husband, a cheating wife and a divorce! The question: why did these two got married? Will the lover be stupid enough to marry a cheater? 1*

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