A Matter of Revenge


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Jason shook his head and said sardonically, "I might give that a pass, maybe later."

Bren laughed merrily and said in a jocular tone, "Oh, spoil sport. After the photo shoot I was getting dressed to come home and had a great idea. I took my panties back off and signed and dated them with a red marker the salesman had on the desk where he had been working. Then I ceremoniously presented your wife's autographed panties to the salesman as a battle trophy. Just a little memento to remember his fun time screwing your wife.

Bren shrugged and said spreading her arms wide said, "And that's about it, Honey. I came from the salesman's bed straight back home to chat with you."

Jason shifted his weight sitting up straighter as he observed acidly, "Well, you have certainly had a busy time."

He went on in a steady, decisive voice, "Ok Bren, we're even. I can't whine about you screwing two men when I've been screwing Kate. It's an eye for an eye; we are fair and square now."

Jason and Bren had fought to a bloody stalemate on the Field of Mars in the eternal war between the sexes. However, the female of the species has always been the acknowledged master of psychological warfare. The wife was about to rout her husband's army on the mental battlefield.

Bren gave a weary smile and said quietly, "Oh Honey, you don't realize the half of it, do you? I didn't just set out to hurt you in revenge for you hurting me. Your wife set out to publically humiliate you. It turns out Marc and the salesman came together in a perfect storm for my purposes.

"You can't just up and quit working for Marc in a pique because he screwed your wife. He has put the paperwork in place to make you a junior partner effective 1 January with the start of the new fiscal year. That is worth millions in the long run. That's your golden goose; you'll never get another chance like that. You are going to have to swallow your pride and work for the man knowing that he fucked your wife and also knowing that your wife conspired for, agreed to, and thoroughly enjoyed the fucking."

Bren chuckled, "Well, having my husband become a rich junior partner is certainly a consideration when I weigh divorce or no-divorce."

Bren went on quietly, "The salesman from Peoria was just a lucky pickup. I couldn't believe my good fortune when I put two and two together while we had our first drink. I told him up front I was your wife. If anything, that just redoubled his ardor to get your wife in his bed with her legs spread.

I'll play your Mati Hari here. Here's some intelligence I gleaned from our pillow talk between fucks. Our salesman from Peoria represents a major equipment manufacturer. They really liked working with you on this deal - and that's not to mention their representative really liked screwing your wife. He's going to be coming back to you with many more commissions in the coming months and years. Your current deal with him is for just at two million dollars; bigger ones are coming. This is a major financial boon for your company. You are once again going to choke down your pride and work with another man who fucked your wife to her delight. You simply can't afford not to.

"From now on you will be wearing an itchy hair shirt. You deal with Marc every day and will be seeing a lot of the salesman from now on. Every time Marc and the salesman are with you, they are going to be thinking they have one up on you. Unfortunately, that is true, my dear; they do. They both fucked your wife behind your back, and she loved it. C'est vrai!"

Jason looked at his wife in dismay. He had not thought through everything. Bren obviously had.

Bren smiled cynically as she continued, "Honey, you know those boys will try bed your wife every chance they get. I had a great time with those two. If I divorce you, I'll say yes to their propositions without hesitation.

"But if we stay married and swear faithfulness again, you will always have to worry that I might give in to their pursuit of my ass. You can never be a hundred percent sure about me any more. Who knows? Maybe we have a fight; maybe you get busy and I feel neglected; or maybe I'm just horny and want something a little new. I might very well end up welcoming them between my thighs when you aren't looking, and you would never know."

Jason interjected, "Bren you were always faithful until I cheated first. I will trust you in the future. Always. I am still all for us staying together."

Bren gave her husband a warm smile, "Why, thank you Jason, that means a lot. I have every intention of being faithful - if I say I will. I really do."

Bren shrugged, "But we both have seen how the temptations of the flesh can trip up even the best intentioned of us humans. You will never be hundred percent certain in the future; nor will I."

She became more thoughtful, continuing quietly, "The folks that saw me with Marc and also Francine who saw me with the salesman are going to spread the gossip about me screwing those two all over town - from your barbershop to the country club to the office to the VIP box at the football stadium. Everyone is going to know.

I'll get off pretty easy with some people calling me things like naughty girl, trashy little thing, and perhaps nasty names like slut or whore. But pretty much, folks will just grin, wink, tell me "tsk, tsk," and laugh with me, not at me.

"In contrast, the real scorn is always reserved for and heaped on the poor cuckolded husband. Ironically he is the innocent party - well, not in your case, but your and Kate's affair is not on the gossip radar like my affairs are about to be. The ridiculed and scorned cuckolded husband has been standard fare in our culture since the time of Chaucer and Shakespear and even before. It makes no sense; it's just how it is.

"You might as well get ready for people laughing behind your back and sniggering at the water cooler. They will be whispering clever bon mots like: 'you hear the boss is pounding his pile in Jason's cute wife's ass,' or 'there goes the guy whose wife screwed two guys while he was home babysitting,' or 'that salesman from Peoria is a slick willy but bet his willy is slick after he visits Jason's wife.'

People are also going to be saying nasty things about your virility and machismo also. Things like: "not man enough to satisfy that hot wife of his, she needed a real man, he can't control his wife, she's not getting enough at home so she's going shopping, heard his dick is tiny and she's a big dick girl' ... you get the picture."

Jason laughed ruefully, "Yes, I get the picture. You have certainly extracted your painful pound of flesh.

Bren smiled, "I fear there are more aspects of this. When you become junior partner in January, everyone is going to assume it was because I screwed your boss. The same with the salesman. Everyone is going to assume he is suddenly bringing all this lucrative business to you because you are providing him your wife as his personal commission. Whether that is true or not does not really matter. This is what everyone will assume and gossip about."

A slight blush crept into Bren's cheeks. She went on quietly, "Looking back, I am a bit embarrassed. I all but stripped and screwed Marc and the salesman right there in the bar. I was just so mad at you, I could spit. I wanted everyone to know I was cheating on you. I might have overdone it a little. I fear we are quite the scandalous couple now, and we will be fodder for the gossip mongers for quite some time."

Jason smiled, "What is done is done. I am sure your indiscretion with my boss does no harm in assuring my junior partnership. The same with the salesman. He may not be coming to us because of you slept with him, but it doesn't hurt. He certainly will be well disposed towards us."

It was Jason's turn to laugh and tease his wife, "Maybe I should put you on the payroll and give you a title like Director of Client Affairs."

That elicited a genuine smile from Bren. She teased, "Whoo, I like that. When can I start?"

Jason reached over and patted his wife's shapely leg saying, "Let me tell you a story that is germane here and that I think you will find amusing.

"When I was four, my mother took me to a playground near our house. When mom said it was time to go, I wanted to keep playing so I threw a tantrum. Mom's patience was at an end. She jerked me up, bent me over her knee, pulled my britches down around my ankles, and proceeded to spank my bare bottom right in front of all the kids and adults there. The whole place went quiet, and everyone watched the drama. Two boys I had been playing with a minute before were laughing and pointing. A little girl with big, round, brown eyes watched my spanking while she sucked her thumb. Then she pulled her thumb out and started laughing and clapping her hands. That's when I lost it and burst into tears.

"The pain of the spanking didn't make me cry. It was the humiliation of my bare bottom being spanked in front of everyone that reduced me to tears. Even at that young age, the girl laughing at me hurt the worst. It's a painful memory to this day."

Jason laughed, "My Dear, that is exactly what you have done to me today, and I got the message loud and clear."

Bren laughed also, enjoying hearing a story of her husband's boyhood, "Poor baby. But you got your just desserts. You should have listened to your mother.

"Well, history repeats itself, doesn't it? This time it's your wife rather than your mother who pulled your britches down around your ankles in public and tanned your butt until it glowed. Your spanking at my hands will provide much amusing gossip around town for quite some time. And once again, you got what you deserved."

Jason sat back in his chair and exhaled. "Well Bren, now for the really important question. Did this revenge affair do any good? Do you feel any differently about staying together now? I really hope so"

Bren sipped her cognac and reflected on her husband's question before starting her reply in a quiet voice. "I set out to hurt and humiliate you."

Bren suddenly giggled and sputtered out, "I hate to say it, but I actually enjoyed giving you the blow by blow description today. I guess it was revenge for my hurt at your and Kate's betrayal, a catharsis for my anger, maybe I was just indulging the cruel streak all women hide but that slips out from time to time, or maybe it was some combination of these. For whatever reason, it was fun."

Bren got herself back under control, sighed, and went on thoughtfully, "But now that I have done my worst to you, it doesn't really change anything. I didn't want to go to the marriage counselor feeling like I was a trick down so to speak. In the end, I guess screwing those men and humiliating you were just a salve to my pride, which doesn't accomplish anything useful."

Bren took another sip of cognac and continued quietly, "But I was unbelievably furious with you and Kate. I was in a rage. It was like an iceberg was stuck in my chest and would not go away. It just sat there and seemed to get bigger and colder every day. There was no way we would have been successful in marriage counseling the way I felt."

Bren snorted, and continued in a wondering tone, "But now it's gone. I am still angry at you two and hurt. But that absolute fury I had is gone."

Jason laughed and observed humorously, "I think all of that hot sex you had today and the effort you expended tanning my behind must have melted the damn thing"

Bren smiled, "Jason, I think you might be right. Anyway, now I feel like I can go into this counseling thing on an even keel."

She paused, thought quietly for a minute, and then continued, "And I think we will be successful now. It will take work on both our parts. So maybe today really was necessary for me to get over my fury at your and Kate's betrayal rather than actually getting revenge on you per se."

Relief swept over Jason. It was as though his wife was tugging his pants back up over his burning fanny after the mental spanking she had administered. When he was a little boy, a decisive spanking tended to be the end of the issue. Maybe it would be the same here. The pain would go away with time, and the public humiliation would eventually fade into the background.

Jason came out of his reverie and realized that Bren was busily texting. "Who in the world are you texting at this hour?"

Bren hit the send button and looked up smiling. "Why don't you take the kids to the beach tomorrow; they'll love it. I just invited Kate to come over for lunch. I'll make a quiche and salad, and we'll have some wine. We'll each confess our sins, get drunk, have a cry session, and then makeup. She's too good a friend to lose over stupid mistakes with some man, even if that man is my husband."

Bren stood up and stuck her hand out to pull Jason up from the chair, saying, 'Come on Baby, let's go to bed. It's your turn, now. You can reclaim your wife's well-used body. It's time to start rebuilding."

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AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

He was stupid. She was just vindictively brain dead. The whole town knows she was slutting. She seems to revel in it like it was a badge of honour, without even a thought that it could get back to her children.

And he was totally without honour. Staying with her with the junior partner job bringing in lots of money seems to be his goal, no matter his professed love for her.

In the end, she is a slut and he is just a wimpy cuckold.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This got stupid right after he fucked Katy the first time.

Then worse as he doesn't end the everything as soon as he gets the promotion offer.

He has no reason to do anything except quit his job and leave. What's the point of money if you're unhappy?

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker606 months ago

Well, that went very poorly, unless you are a true cuckold. I get the idea this entire detail oriented recall of his hateful wife getting laid was chiefly for the true cuck crowd. About the only thing left for him to do was get his 45 out and eat a bullet. Perhaps he should have given his boss a nice high velocity gift as well, before his own meal. Now that’s a perfect RAAC after this cuck drivel

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

First off the Husband was wrong to fuck the friend. But he did not smear the affair in her face. Women are vindictive sluts, I say sluts because all women are gold diggers and sluts always looking for something better. I have no respect for any woman. Hell i even hated my mother as she cheated on my father as he lay dying from cancer. She is dead now and I diidnt even go to her funeral, fuck her. So to all women who are and always will be sluts fuck you.

danoctoberdanoctober6 months ago

Time for the husband to split from the wife, quit the job, and move on. That's the way part 2 should go if there was one.

I like this writers stories for the fact that most of them could followup with a heck of a part 2 revenge 😉 tale.

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson7 months ago

This really needs a sequel

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundasson7 months ago

Mmmm, disproportionate revenge. She's not only over-balanced the score maritally, but also destroyed him professionally with his employer, his business contacts, and his local reputation.

If he's any sort of man he would resign immediately and leave town.

If he's about to be promoted to VP, he's valuable to the company. A competitor would snap him up, and he could then start wreaking revenge on his ex-employer.

It would be up to his wife whether she followed him or not, presumably he would make the offer.

HighBrowHighBrow8 months ago

Not bad Femdom agitprop, but too long by half.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Bullshit. Bren, the marriage just didn't work out. If you need to get in touch with me, call Kate.

Cracker270Cracker2709 months ago

I don’t know when a story has made me squirm around in my chair like that. Still and all it was a great job, easy five. But unlike other stories I have liked I will not be rereading this one. Once is enough.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

So he lovingly took her hand and led her to the bedroom suggesting she relax in a nice warm bubblebath which he prepared for her before he brought her another large cognac. The coroner ruled it an accidental drowning due to her passing out from the alcohol and heat and sliding beneath the bubbles. They didn't shave her head at the autopsy so never noticed the bruising from Jason's handprint on the top of her scalp. Jason and Kate took the kids and moved across country where they lived happily everafter. A year later the paper in their new town didn't even mention the curious death of a former football player from their old hometown. Seems he had fallen into moving parts of some of the machinery his company produced.

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