A Matter of Trust Ch. 01

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Nathan's flight home takes an unexpected detour.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 09/05/2022
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Author's note:

This is my first story that I have written for this site and the first of this multi-part series.

I have always been drawn to longer series that tell a complete story, not just a sexual adventure so if that is all you are looking for, be warned that this isn't that type of story. There are some sexual adventures in this chapter, but future chapters will deal more heavily into that. In this first chapter I will try to build a setup, back-story, and character development as much as I can as this goes along.

I am actively working on the first few chapters of this story, although I currently do not have an editor, so I am trying to make these as cohesive and comprehensive as I can with the limited resources available to me.

All characters involved in sexual activities of any kind are eighteen years or older.

None of these events or characters are real, sorry.

Please rate and comment.



Chapter 1.

"So, what time does your flight leave in the morning?" Jackson asked.

"7am. I should land in San Diego shortly after noon."

"Great! We can't wait to have you back home buddy. Emily is looking forward to meeting you in person finally."

"Yeah, I am really looking forward to meeting her as well. Sorry I didn't the chance before you got engaged and started planning a wedding."

"It's ok man. With you being deployed and with all that happened, we understood. Just glad you're still with us and able to make it."

"Ha... thanks, me too."

"Hey man I got to run for now. We have some stuff to finalize before the wedding this weekend, but hey I will see you tomorrow at the airport. Emily told me to take you out to get some real seafood, not that lame east coast crap you call seafood."

"Looking forward to it buddy. I have a few more things to pack and I'm ready to go. I'll see you at the airport." and with that I said goodbye to my best friend.

I had met Jackson when I was about 5. They had moved in next door and my family and I went out to greet them. We were then introduced to the couple's twin children, Jackson and Candace. They were about 2 months older than me and it was nice to have someone my age to be able to hang around with. As we grew older, I became really close to Jackson and he quickly became my best friend. We would always do things together and since I was an only child, he became like a brother to me. We would always go camping, fishing, bike riding, play baseball, have sleepovers and stay up way past our bedtime trying to play video games all night after our parents went to bed.

Then one rainy afternoon, tragedy struck. I was 14 at the time and the school received a phone call from the sheriff's office that my parents were involved in a car accident and were killed. I ran home crying and later on Jackson brought me to his house and told his family what had happened. They notified my aunt and she rushed on the first flight out to come help me. Between the 5 of them, they helped me through one of my darkest times.

My aunt and their parents sat me down about two weeks after the funeral and talked about what was going to happen to me. My aunt explained that I would be going to live with her back on the east coast and that I would be moving as soon as she was ready to go and finalized the sale of the house and my parent's assets, leaving me dad's old car as a way to get around when I became old enough to drive. Their parents had offered to let me stay with them so that I could finish out my schooling here. I asked my aunt if that was ok and she seemed to jump at the idea. I guess the thought of being a parent of a teenager scared her.

Ron and Barbra Parker quickly became like a second mom and dad to me. They looked after me, they took care of me, they helped me with my schooling, and got me back on track.

I'd like to say that I was the star quarterback back then, tall and muscular that all the guys wanted to be and that all the hot girls wanted... but that was Jackson, not me. He was just over 6'2" tall, with short sandy blonde hair, deep blue eyes, and rugged good looks. He was the star quarterback that was going to take the team to state for the 3rd year in a row. He had the looks, had the girls, and was the popular one in school. I was the skinny, tall, lanky kid that was just over 6' tall, and if I weighed 160 lbs. that was generous. I had long chestnut brown hair to my shoulders with brown eyes. I didn't have the rugged good looks that Jackson had; I was the skinny nerd with acne problems that everyone picked on. I was the one that everyone thought was a pushover. I was the one that everyone made fun of, except Jackson.

As we got older, Jackson grew to become the Adonis that he was, yet I stayed that scrawny little teenager that seemed to get lost in his shadow.

Candace had also changed as she grew older. She was a knockout. She was around 5'7" tall, almost shoulder length straight sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes. She had a soft slightly oval and rounded face with a smile that could warm a frozen man. Her toned body and slender hips looked absolutely perfect to most guys that saw her. She could rival any of the girls at school for her beauty and if judged in a contest, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, she would win. She had this quiet reserve to her yet always seemed popular and had many friends in school. She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen.

As I ended the call and got up, I stretched and realized that we had been talking for almost 2 hours and I still had some things to finish packing. I walked over to the fridge to grab a drink and a quick snack as I needed some much-needed sleep soon. I grabbed a glass of iced tea and made a sandwich.

I sat down on the couch of my small base apartment and turned on the television, trying to find something, anything on the tv to watch for a bit, although I suspect that it wouldn't take long and I'd be out like a light. After finishing my meal and finding nothing exciting to watch, I decided that I was going to just hit the sack and finish packing early before I had to go to the airport.

I walked down the hall to bathroom to take a piss, getting myself ready for bed. Standing there I started to ponder just what all was in store for my time back home. Mostly I had just planned on going to the beach and maybe go walk around the shops and downtown district as I didn't want to stray too far from my hotel. I needed to re-familiarize myself with the city as it had been almost 8 years since I had been back. I left shortly after graduation when I enlisted in the Marine Corps, now coming back a much older and wiser 26-year-old. Just the thought alone made me chuckle.

I wondered if maybe I might meet a cute girl at the wedding. There are always at least 1 or 2 hot single girls at weddings and women love a man in uniform. Sure, I have dated a few women over the years and I was far from a virgin, but mostly I kept to myself avoiding any real relationships and focused on my service to my country. I started to think about the shy, nervous kid asking for a date for senior prom...


It was a few days before the prom and everyone was busy making arrangements. What tux would they wear, what dress was the girl wearing, should I get a limo, what corsage should they get? I only had one thing on my mind, asking the girl I always had the hots for to go with me. Tiffany Marks, the girl that every high school boy with a pulse dreamed of being with. She was tall with long wavy platinum blonde hair, slender hips and long tanned legs, deep hazel eyes and the fullest red lips I have ever seen with a smile that seemed to draw the attention of everyone in the room.

So here I was, standing in the hall waiting for class to get out. I had checked my breath, slicked my long hair back, stood up as tall as I could and was going to make my move. I was going to finally ask Tiffany Marks to the prom; the girl of my dreams. The only girl I thought that could rival Candace in the entire school. As the bell rang, I saw her come out of class and that's when I made my move...

"Tiffany? I was wondering, would you like to go to prom with me?" I lowered my head down and asked the blonde goddess.

About a minute went by and I heard her answer, although it was not the answer that I had hoped for. I looked and heard Tiffany and 2 of her friends laughing at me.

"Me... go to prom with you... the skinny reject that couldn't even make the JV baseball team?" She laughed.

I dropped my head in shame and heard the entire hallway join in with her. Soon everyone was taking pictures, pointing and laughing at me. The only other time I felt that low was when I got the phone call that my parents were gone. I felt like I wanted to cry, like I just wanted to run away and hide from the world. Suddenly, despite the fact that I was a little over 6' tall, I felt like I was only about 6 inches.

"God Tiffany, do you have to be such a bitch all the time?" I heard a familiar voice say.

Looking over my right shoulder, coming out of class, was Candace. The only girl that compared to Tiffany and she knew it. Around the same time, Jackson had rounded the corner, heard the hallway laughing at me, saw my obvious distress, and walked over to me asking if I was alright.

"I'm fine..." I said, trailing off

"Excuse me, just who the hell do you think you are talking to?"

"Bitch, I'm talking to you." I heard Candace as she started to lay into Tiffany. "You know, not everyone is beneath you. You're not better than everyone else just because you've slept with half the football team"

"What the fuck did you say to me?" Tiffany screamed. She went to grab Candace, but Jackson quickly jumped in the middle of it, keeping both girls at bay. "Fine then, if he's so special then why don't you be his date? You wouldn't want to be the one giving the nerd a sympathy date because you can't get a real man."

"I'd be more than happy to go with Nate. Any of the girls here would be lucky if he was their date to prom." Candace replied.

'Maybe this wasn't going to be such a bad day after all.' I thought. I had no idea that Candace even noticed me outside of being her brother's nerdy little friend, but here this beautiful woman was sticking up for me in front of the whole school, her reputation be damned, she was not going to let someone hurt me. I always secretly admired Candace to the point that I had a crush on her at one point growing up, but never thought that it would ever be returned in kind, so I brushed those feelings off, but they never truly went away.

I slowly turned to walk away to ponder the events that just happened. I wanted to just crawl into a hole somewhere and keep myself away. I reminded myself that I only had 3 more months to go then school would be over with and I wouldn't have to deal with this shit anymore. As I started to walk down the hall, I felt a hand being placed on my left shoulder.

"Hey Nate, are you ok? I'm sorry about Tiffany. She can be such a bitch." I heard Candace's voice say as I slowly turned around to look at her. I noticed something change in her. She seemed concerned. She always looked like she was happy, like she hadn't a care in the world. The last time I saw this look on her face was the day I found out my parents were gone.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, hoping to put on a brave front, even though I felt like I was about to break into a thousand pieces. Typically, talking to girls wasn't typically high up on the totem pole of things to accomplish in fear of this exact scenario that had just occurred.

"Good!" she said; the smile slowly re appearing on her face. "So, are you going to ask me?"

"Wait, you were serious?" I asked, completely shocked of the fact that such a beautiful woman made the point of asking me to ask her to prom.

"I would love to go to the prom with you if you would have me as your date." Candace replied, slightly blushing and giving me a hint of seductiveness in her smile

'Holy Shit, is this girl flirting with me?' I thought. I could see her kind of giggle and the smile that could warm the room came back. "Candace, would you be my date for prom?" I nervously asked.

"Pick me up at 7." as she turned to give me a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

I felt like I was on cloud nine. I was the luckiest guy in the world and nothing was going to tear me down. My luck seemed like it might possibly turn around for the better, which is until later that day I found out the truth. One of the guys in history class pulled me aside and told me what was going on. He said that he told me because he felt a sorry for me after this morning's hallway incident and didn't want me to embarrass myself any further. Somehow Tiffany had found out that I wanted to ask her to prom and decided to make a fool out of me. This was all a little game Tiffany had set up with a couple friends and now it seemed that they had drug Candace into their little charade. I wasn't going to end up going to prom with a hot girl as my date. I was set up. I was a pawn, again. I was the one being made fun of and it never seemed like it was going to end.

As prom night arrived, I had decided to bail. I wasn't going to go knowing that one of the two most beautiful women in school had agreed to go to the prom with me only as a joke and that when I got there, I would be the laughing stock of the entire class as by now everyone knew. I quickly jumped in my car and took off down to the beach. I walked down to the pier and sat under it, knowing my life was never going to be anything that I would consider lucky or good as far as women go. To my surprise Jackson found me after a little while and I watched him slowly walk down the beach and under the pier, heading towards me.

"Hey you alright buddy?"

"Does it look like I am alright? Candace and Tiffany have decided they needed to make a fool out of me in front of the whole school!" I screamed.

"Honestly Nate, I had no clue they were setting you up like that. If I did, I would have stopped it, I swear."

"I know Jax, it's not your fault, but there isn't a damned thing I can do about it. I don't look like you; I'm not as popular as you..." I trailed off.

"Man, fuck them. You're awesome and my best friend. Candace already knows that I'm pissed at how she treated you. Mom and Dad aren't too happy right now with her for that but I swear Nate, I didn't think she'd be as big of a bitch as Tiffany is." he said with a pissed off look in his eyes.

"It's fine man. You go enjoy your prom. Your dates probably pissed enough as it is. Don't sit here wasting the night away with me." I told him, hoping that he would just leave me alone.

"Not going anywhere man. Looks like you're my prom date tonight." he said as he stood up in front of me. "Nathan Walker, May I have this dance?" he asked as he slowly turned and bowed to me holding his hand out.

We both broke out in a fit of laughter. I knew that he would have to sort things out with his sister and his prom date for that matter, but for now he couldn't leave his best friend hanging. As we made our way up the beach, we decided to stop at a little taco stand to grab a bite to eat. I placed my order and while waiting for Jackson to pick up his food, I noticed a group of guys in camouflage clothing. The three of them were heading down the pier to the small front door of an office building. The office was a recruitment center for the Marine Corps.

"Hey Jax, I'll be right back." I hollered as I followed the men down the pier.

"Hurry back man, the food's going to be cold"

I ran down after the guys and was met by a tall, broad-shouldered man in a dress uniform. His dark skin and chiseled cheekbones made him look menacing and he stood tall, seeming to tower over anyone that was near him, even though he and I were near the same height. I introduced myself and talked to the gentleman for about 15 minutes. He handed me some brochures and vowed that if I decided to enlist that he would make a real man out of me.


As I contemplated the past events of my life, I realized that I was just standing there holding my dick staring off into space, as I had long finished taking a piss. I quickly tucked it back away and washed up, getting ready for bed. It was getting late and I knew that I had a flight in the morning so I quickly turned in.

I awoke the next morning feeling a little groggy, wishing I could smash the fuck out of this alarm clock and go back to bed. Maybe when I get back from my leave, I'll take it to the range and send a couple rounds through it for waking me up, but as I came to, I remembered why I was up so early and jumped out of bed.

I headed down the short hallway to the bathroom and began brushing my teeth and washing my face, getting ready to shave off the little stubble that had grown. After shaving and finishing up, I threw on an old pair of dark faded jeans, a long sleeve dark grey t-shirt, my socks, and boots. Looking myself over in the mirror, I was happy with my current attire and at how far I had come. No longer was I the skinny, tall, lanky kid with the long hair and acne problems. My acne had more than cleared up; my hair was cut short. I had gotten some tan to my skin tone so I wasn't so pale, put on some muscle since finishing basic training and my body had much more definition to it. On my left arm, in the middle of the side of my bicep, was the eagle, globe, and anchor tattoo, about the size of a baseball. My weight had jumped up to around 220 lbs., and while you could see muscles now instead of the skin and bones there was before, I was in much better shape than I previously looked. I finished getting ready and gathered my things to meet the cab to head to the airport.

The cab ride was fairly smooth, as there wasn't much traffic this early in the morning for a Tuesday and I arrived at the airport on time, checked my larger bags and quickly got in line for security. Everything went okay with only a minor hiccup with the metal detector and I arrived at my gate, patiently awaiting my flight to take off.

After about an hour, I boarded the plane, placed my carry-on bag in the overhead compartment, grabbed my headphones, and settled in to get ready for a long flight. I'd probably connect to the plane's Wi-Fi and watch a movie or listen to some music.

I sat in my seat looking out the window when the plane took off, thinking about how good it was going to be to see Jackson again and spend some time with my best friend before he begins his new life with Emily. A couple hours into my flight though, I noticed that the turbulence had picked up and the plane began to shake rather steadily now. The fasten seat belt sign had come on for the 4th time suddenly there was an announcement over the intercom:

"Ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. Due to the severity of this storm, we will be making an emergency landing in Denver. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause and will get you all to your destination as quickly as possible."

Great, just great... This is the last thing I needed was for my flight to get grounded and being stuck in a city I had no purpose being in. I turned to look out the window and was met with nothing but darkness. The storm had apparently taken a major turn for the worse and it was snowing heavily outside. The grey clouds mixed with the heavy white flakes shone with the flickering lights of the plane. Thankfully we landed without any incident and I grabbed my carry-on bag, slowly making my way off the plane. As I approached the terminal gate, I heard the attendant give another passenger the bad news.

"I am sorry sir, but the airport is going to be shutting down due to the storm. There will be no more flights in or out today."