A New Mental Image


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My Dearest Thomas

I hope you don't mind but I have been in touch with your parents and they have kept me updated on your outstanding progress. I always knew that you would be successful and from what they tell me, you are well on your way. I also need to tell you that 18 months ago I started a counseling program for my sexual problems. Progress was slow at first but analysis eventually revealed some obscure issues from childhood plus a hormone imbalance. I know that sounds like bullshit but they helped me end the slut whore nightmares that had possessed me. All I have now is my work, the wonderful memories of our life together and of course the stark knowledge of just how badly I fucked everything up.

I know I have no right to ask but my therapist has suggested and I hope you will agree to reestablishing some kind of relationship with me. I miss you so much not just sexually but as a friend. You were my best and only true friend for all of our lives. The day you left a part of me died. I had no-one to confide in, no-one to listen to all my crazy ideas and no-one to just generally share life with. My stupid lust fucked up the best thing in my life and I am willing to die to fix it, to fix me, to fix us. I realize that it is presumptive of me to attempt to involve you in my rehabilitation. Presumably you have moved on and forgotten the dumb fucking slut that once was your best friend. Maybe you've got a wife or serious girlfriend now and perhaps even a family. Part of me hopes that for your sake that you have been able to move on and find happiness..

Even if you have moved on I would like to be able to at least become a pen pal. We have always given each other good solid advice on day to day matters and I so miss that in my life and career. For instance, my clerkship is winding down and the associate justice that I have been clerking for will be happy to write me recommendations for in and out of state law firms. Where should I go and how can I evaluate all the possible choices. I know what you are thinking right now. She should go to Hell and Why the Fuck should I care. Just Joking?

If we could just civilly chat back and forth it would mean so so much to me and I hope to you also.

I will always love you


Needless to say I had a lot of mixed feelings as to how to handle this invitation to reestablish a rapport with Claire. Generally when I thought of her there were flashes of the good times but usually I just had the image of her being spit roasted on our bed. Of the half dozen women that I had had sex with since I left Claire, I found that none of them had really rung my chimes. Oh sure I got off but I can't say it was too much better that my own right hand. That said, I love women's bodies and it's fun to play with boobies, suck nipples and clits but the important thing is the mind and brain attached to the body. Haven't made that connection yet.

I thought about just ignoring Claire's email but late one lonely Saturday night I sent her the following.


I too have gotten regular unsolicited updates on your career from my folks. I don't think they ever have given up on us. I debated not sending you anything but I guess I do owe you a few lines as we were once great friends. Speaking of friends, friends make an effort not to fuck each other over don't they? Sorry, couldn't resist being snarky.

I don't know if we can return to being just friends. The sex thing always gets mixed in somehow. Remember Junior High. We got pissed when someone else snuck in a kiss. How much worse do you suppose was watching you get spit roasted in our bed? That created an image in my mind that has stuck with me in crystal detail.

I quit writing this for a while to have a few belts of JB. I reread the first part of this and it sounds like sour grapes bullshit. Get over it Tom.

Starting Over Hello Claire

Sure I'll swap emails with you. I think that I can trust your professional opinion more that the folks down here. To be fair, I have been treated just fine by Anderson but only because they want to hang on to me. It would be nice to have an objective outside opinion on my contract here and on a few other things. Hows that for being an adult? Will forward copies for you to review. Thanks in advance.


Our exchange of emails went on for the next year and for the most part stayed on a professional and adult level. We did not talk about our sex lives and I refrained from making snarky remarks about her alter ego. Our topics did however get quite personal as was only natural since we had known each other for almost three decades. The topic that got the most attention was what Law Firm she should join. She had received glowing recommendations from her Associate Justice and big name firms were recruiting the shit out of her. One of the biggest and most prestigious had offices in Chicago, NY, San Francisco, Houston and Kuwait. That was the one she picked. The deal was she would work in Chicago for the first year and then could transfer to any of the other domestic branches. If she wanted Kuwait, she would first have to work in Houston. We discussed her joining the Houston office and if working in the same city would be a problem. My adult side said no problem. My wronged lover side thought it could be a fucking big problem.

Eventually we started talking on the phone and the carefully crafted verbiage of our emails yielded to the more free form structure of the late at night phone call. We both fessed up to occasionally dating others. Claire said that hers were not intimate and I told her that some of mine had been but that none of them had gone anywhere. It was at that point that she came right out and asked if there was any chance of us getting together in the future. I told her that honestly I didn't have a fucking clue because of that image in my mind I told her that I would probably always love her but that I just couldn't eradicate that image. To that she just said "Then it's time for a new mental image." and ended the call.

I called her back several days later and just got her machine. Same two days after that. Finally two days after that she called. It was a quick conversation and the only thing she wanted to know was my on call schedule for the next week. It was important for her to know when I would be available for an uninterrupted twenty four hour period. It turned out that the following weekend was one of my rare off weekends from 5 PM on Friday to 5PM on Sunday. She then implored me to just go with the flow with the events she had planned. She promised that if I went along with the scenario that I would be pleasantly surprised and that it would all make sense. She told me that a woman by the name of Rosemary Jeffords would be picking me up in front of the hospital at five on Friday. She also gave the woman's her cell phone number which I was to use if my schedule changed.

The time until Friday crawled by slowly as I wondered just how she planned to change the image. Luckily the meeting day was very busy with three discharges and one new workup. Nevertheless at 5 I was waiting at the main entrance of the hospital in my scrubs and lab coat when a limo pulled up and a handsome woman got out and extended her hand to shake mine. She introduced herself as the Jeffords woman and I was to get in.

"Dr Anderson I have been commissioned by an individual of our mutual acquaintance to coordinate a unique scenario, sort of an adult one act play. My client asks that you cooperate with an open mind and that everything will become clear by the end of the evening. You will be asked to play a role that the client has selected for you and that the client hopes you will relate to and embellish if possible. Are you in agreement?"

I nodded yes as the limo pulled away from the hospital entrance. Opening a bar compartment MS Jeffords opened a champagne split and poured a glass for me. She then spoke a few quiet words into a mike and the driver darkened all the windows and closed the privacy barrier between us.

"Dr. Anderson. As you may know I am engaged in the business of providing female talent for a number of wealthy individuals in the Middle East. They have the absolutely highest standards as to physical attributes of the women chosen. I have a subject at a nearby hotel who I have almost ready to ship out. Her lab work has been done and is ready for your review. Our regular doctor who needs to perform the pelvic exam, test her sexual reflexes and perform a general physical is deathly sick but I need to move this girl along within 24 hours. Is there any way I can prevail on you to fill in for him? You will be generously rewarded for you efforts and we will be able to return you to the hospital by 9 PM. There is only one caveat. Some of the girls we send over get cold feet after they have accepted a significant retainer. Therefore these women need to be gently restrained as this one has been. Knowing that, are you interested in working with us?"

"Well, you know my specialty is Oncology and its been a while since I have done a pelvic exam but I think I remember how. If I can have another glass of that excellent champagne I just might be amendable to your offer."

With that she spoke into the mike again and the limo made a turn while Jeffords opened another split. As she poured, the windows cleared and I saw that we were pulling up in front of the ZaZa Hotel, an older but elegant establishment fairly close to the Anderson Center.

After the limo stopped, the driver opened out door and as we got out, handed us off to the doorman. MS Jeffords escorted me across the lobby and within seconds we were headed to the top floor and her suite.

It was a richly decorated group of rooms and the bedroom featured a raised platform bed upon which the nude form of slight figured woman reclined. Reclined is perhaps not quite accurate. Fastened would be a better description as her four limbs were attached to the 4 corners of the bed with shackles and chain. She looked to be about 5 or 5'2" and maybe 100lbs. Her head was in a black bag which was fastened around her throat.

MS Jeffords then handed me a chart and I opened it and read. The test results showed a 29 yr old female and I was right on the height. Weight 102, bloods and other tests all with normal ranges for a woman of her age. Never pregnant, normal breasts, up to date on all shots for domestic and boosters for international travel. After gloving up and lubing up the appropriate finger I moved to do the pelvic exam. Her pubis was completely lasered or waxed and was a carbon copy of a once familiar pussy I had had some experience with. I did however note that the initials TA were tattooed on the delicate white inner thigh high up against her outer lips. As I inserted my finger into her vagina I noted that she was abnormally tight for a woman of her age and presumed experience. Glancing back at the chart I noted that under known surgeries it indicated that she had undergone a reconstructive vaginal procedure. When I gestured for Jeffords to come over and I pointed out the note in the chart she said

"That's standard procedure for our export girls. Our patrons like to believe that they are experiencing nearly virginal girls and so we give them a number of revirginizing stitches a few months before the trip to tighten them up as if they were 15 again. Perhaps you'd like to test her sexual reflexology as long as you are gloved."

"No need for the glove anymore" I said removing mine and bending over the girls form. Grabbing the firm globes of her butt, my tongue stroked between her lips and teased the firm little clit out of its hiding place and into my mouth. On a roll I then inserted two fingers in that tight little vagina and found the g spot. The woman began moaning and thrashing about within the limits of the arm and leg restraints as she passed from explosive orgasm to explosive orgasm.

As I worked on her nether regions MS Jeffords removed the hood and revealed the sweating flushed face tormented by climax after climax. As she panted she moaned "fuck me, please fuck me!"

Obliging the poor woman I shucked off my lab coat and scrubs and rubbed the drooling head of my cock the length of her slit back and forth in her wetness. Then with one experienced lunge I speared into the vagina of an old friend. It was every bit as tight as it had been when I pushed into it for the first time some years before. Tears poured from our eyes as our tongues tangled in a wild frenzy of lust and love. I could not possibly last this first time and within 30 seconds I was rearing back and pumping her full of my pent up semen. Her pussy milked me like a gloved hand as I released.

As we fucked Jeffords had released Claire's bonds and her legs were now wrapped around my waist clutching me in a vice. Her arms clenched me fiercely as her nails dug into my back. I stayed hard after that first explosive almost angry cum but then suddenly it was if a tremendous weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I was at peace with Claire and the world. I slowed my thrusts into her receptive body as she relaxed in my arms and her sobs turned to moans and then the soft purrs of contentment and love. Unspoken as of yet and still loving each other we licked the salty wet tears from each other's faces and then touching tongues we moved back into the softest french kiss of all time. Behind us I heard the door close as Jeffords left.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"My therapist sweetheart"

We moved back into a long kiss and she trembled in a modest orgasm and then in a soft tentative voice asked "Will you take me back? No secrets ever again. Please?"

"Of course and now let's make a baby."

We practiced baby making quite diligently for the rest of the weekend and luckily my beeper didn't go off once. The ZaZa room service was excellent and kept us nourished as we got reacquainted. I can't say that the spit roasting image ever completely disappeared but it did get put away in cold storage and was replaced by many more images of present day love and passion and children. We stopped at three but even then we kept up practicing just in case. The three kids are blond haired, blue eyed carbon copies of Mom and Dad.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The horrible image lingering in your mind is bad enough, but how do you get past the complete and utter betrayal, disrespect, and the lying? I just don't see how it's possible. If you really love someone, you would confide in them about a problem like that (that she is a slut and needs help) instead of hiding it and betraying your partner over and over again behind their back. And if you can't then your relationship isn't worth shit anyway. I'm noticing that this isn't the first story this author has written where the female admits she's a "degenerate slut". Probably a kink or something.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nope! That's what I would have responded to her first email! Not only NO, but HELL NO!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The end reveals the author to be simply abject. Slaves to be sold with vaginal reconstruction ! It is a crime.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

An average interesting story, perhaps, too much documentation on unis and miscellaneous trivia. Females who have enjoyed total sexual enjoyment, have highly sensitive bodies, and can orgasm with great relish will always need extra attention and are easily seduced. Claire was never going to be satisfied with one man. 3*, nothing we all haven't read before.

MarkT63MarkT63about 1 year ago

RAAC/CUCK stories suck... 2 stars...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Stupid story, Tom needs therapy for taking here back……

Finn80561Finn80561about 1 year ago

I never enjoy a story where a cheater gets off with no real consequences. Never reconcile, never forgive. Cheaters cheat. Always and forever. Hormones don’t excuse anything.

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

Absolutely pathetic MC. Half the planet has a vagina. be a fucking man, go find one who hasn't betrayed you.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Well I think that’s quite a story, bit short for my liking but nice character and plot line

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


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