A Night at the Theater


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"Calm down, hon," I said soothingly. "I'm sure there was some method to his madness. But the show is over now, we're done with him. Let me grab you something from my room, and we'll just get the hell out of here."

A moment later I draped my robe around her, not even bothering to have her put her arms through the sleeves in our 'haste.' I also made sure that the hem dragged a bit on the ground (as expected, given our height difference), and that the 'knot' I tied was no such thing. Then: "Come on, Marie, let's blow this joint, head home, and forget all about it."

I took her by the elbow and ushered her to one of the theater's side doors. "No one uses this exit, it should be quiet. No fans. From here it's just be a quick jaunt to my car, and then you'll be safe." I checked quickly to make sure the door would lock behind us, then opened it and bustled her through.

Outside, we stood on a slightly elevated platform in front of the side entrance, surrounded by a small sea of journalists and paparazzi who had been tipped off by some anonymous caller (wonder who that could have been?) a short while earlier. The door latched shut behind us. We were blinded by a flurry of flash bulbs. "Tom, the press, what the hell are they doing here?" Marie sounded confused and desperate—she had thought her ordeal was over. She tugged uselessly on the door handle in a rising panic.

"Don't worry," I whispered, "they don't bite. A few more minutes and it will all be over. Head down those steps over there, my car's right down the street. Hurry now! Run! We've got to move fast!"

She followed my directions, lurching forward abruptly, but of course I was standing on the hem of the robe. The belt I had 'tied' with such care easily fell free, the robe gaped open, and she just leaped right out of it. Feeling the cold night air on her skin, she froze, and again the cameras flashed, immortalizing Marie in all her naked glory—from the hint of clit poking out of her still engorged pussy, to the dried semen that glinted all over her body like Hollywood tinsel.

Now it was time for my final monologue. I cleared my throat. "THIS IS THE END MARIE!" I shouted loudly, mugging shamelessly for the journos, as she craned back over her shoulder to stare at me, bewilderment written on her face. "I'm done with it! I've tried to be supportive and understanding, but now you've taken it one step too far! I refuse to be a part of your sick exhibitionist fetish anymore!" Video-cams lit up, recorders clicked, pens scribbled frantically. "I just can't do it. If you want to show your body to anyone and everyone, to take who knows how many cocks in one day, to let casual acquaintances ejaculate inside you while the theater-going public watches, that's your business! But I can't be a party to it any longer!"

Hell, I thought, that should get me some play on TMZ. I picked up the robe, shouldered past her naked form, and strode off toward my car, leaving her alone on the platform. I looked back only once, and saw that she was still standing there, hunching slightly against the chilly breeze, transfixed by the glare of flashbulbs, wincing at the barrage of shouted questions that echoed and reechoed off the alley walls, seemingly immobilized. She hadn't even had the presence of mind to try to cover herself up. Instead, she just stood there, dazed and confused, mouth agape, tits heaving, legs akimbo, pussy hanging out.

That was the last time I ever saw Marie. I made it to the airport and jetted out of town before the sun was up. I still have the robe as a memento. I did wonder how Marie got home, though, stuck in an alley, in a crummy New York neighborhood, late at night, surrounded by a bunch of jaded press men, bare naked and without a cent. The paparazzi would be happy to drink in her naked form for as long as she cared to stand there, but I doubted any of them possessed enough chivalry to spare her an overcoat or car-fare. Did she jump a stile and take the MTA (now that's a mental image)? Did she flag down a cop and give him a blow job so he wouldn't book her for soliciting? Did she spread her thighs for some passing cab driver? That's a story I wish I knew.

* * * * *

Well, that was all a long time ago now. If you follow the showbiz news (or Mr. Skin, for that matter), you can probably guess the name Marie goes by these days, with her platinum rinse and high-end boob job. Turns out I did her career a real favor. Any woman who is a pretty good actor, with fine looks and great skin, and is also willing to strip, open her cunt wide, get fucked and creampied by multiple men in front of hundreds of people, and finish off by confessing her exhibitionist tendencies, fully naked, at an impromptu press conference, is going to catch the eye of plenty of Hollywood moguls. In Vegas that's what they call a winning combo. And once they've sucked you into their machine, and money is no object, they know how to glam you up. She's the living proof.

I suppose, after our last night together, Marie may have figured she had nothing left to hide either. Even I was surprised how darn many camera angles got posted to the web. And the resolution! Why, in some of those vids, it feels like you right there in Marie's cunt, alongside my dick. Of course, I don't need to tell you—you've seen them. I was disappointed that my supporting role got so little critical acclaim, though. Somehow I ended up portrayed as the co-dependent, enabling loser who had been hen-pecked into going along with Marie's wild, turn-it-up-to-eleven exhibitionist proclivities. How could it be that I'd fucked her brains out in public—sprayed my seed right up inside her womb on a livestream—and I was the one who ended up as an object of public pity? And then, before long, I missed being pitied, because no one even remembered who it was that had fucked her up on stage anymore.

Anyway, as I'm sure you know, Marie went on to parley enthusiastic full-frontal nudity and 'extra mile' attitude into a series of prominent and well-paying feature film and prestige-TV roles. Meanwhile, my career flamed out. These days, I'm lucky to work as an extra in a Go Daddy commercial. Life is so unfair.

I think the reason I brought up this ancient history with Marie is that she's been on my mind recently. In fact, I've been trying to get in touch with her—you know, for old times' sake. Heck, I thought maybe she'd even want to reignite the flame. Her agent says she's out of the country on a shoot, but I'm expecting her to give me a call any day now. She'll probably suggest we meet for cocktails, and we'll catch up, shoot the shit, remember the good times. Maybe there's a part for me in one of her movies, too. You never know. It'd be a hoot to work with her again.

I will admit we didn't part on the best of terms; but really, once you get some distance from it, our night at the theater was kinda funny, right? A real lark. Crazy youth. Yeah, I bet when she calls me, she'll bring it up herself, fake-mad probably, and we'll reminisce about that wild night together, and how dumb we were back then, and we'll start to laugh, and pretty soon we'll just both be in stitches. Yeah, that's how it will be.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Very erotic - nicely done! Love these forced naked on stage stories!

mirafridamirafrida8 months agoAuthor

Thank you for the comments KRDC and anonymous readers! This was one of my first stories, and I haven't gone back to read it for a long time. As I recall, it is a rough one, and I suspect now I would not only have done some things different technically, but perhaps contemplated sanding down the hard edges a bit as well.


The fact is, my head simply does tend to run toward harsh scenarios and unsavory characters. I do my best to balance exploring that impulse (fictionally), with also creating stuff that works for a certain range of readers beyond myself.


At any rate, I'm glad you found elements in this story that made it of interest to you. Honestly, one thing I try hard to do (despite not being the most creative person), is to avoid writing stories that are totally predictable or boring.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

In my view, this story is neither sexy nor erotic, but ingenious in its own way. It's not sexy/erotic, because it depicts essentially a public rape in disguise, pretending (at first) to be 'just' a cruel way of breakup. Rape has usually nothing to do with sex per se, the sexual disguise only concealing the - in this case psychologically - violent act to humiliate and destroy a person. In the scene outside the door of the theatre it finally becomes clear that this is not about sex or an especially cruel breakup, but about total destruction, intending to kill the ex socially, even casually risking physical harm happening to her. It's ingenious, because the writer happened to create an utterly despicable character, but quite believable, even not really over the top (at first), while the mc slowly unfolds his abysmal meanness, only to become a whiny worm and then totally delusional in the end.

I find your story well and truly admirable, mirafrida, but I'm not quite sure if it was intended to be how I read it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Liked this very erotic story, but I'd have preferred omitting its 'dumping the girl' aspect because of the sheer cruelty described. Instead, the focus should have been on the irreversible conversion of this hitherto wholesome girl into the shameless slut. Thanks for the fun read.

KRDCKRDCover 1 year ago

Thanks mirafrida. I have sent you a private message giving my email - will appreciate your sending the disappeared Winner story please.

I am mystified why the moderators pulled the story. I don't remember from the original version anything that can provide clues on possible reasons. Given today's crazily oversensitive world, I can only think it may be to do with extreme allergy to even a whiff of racism. But I have seen stories in Literotica that touch on racism far more overtly. These are only fantasy stories after all, and I feel sad if there is this kind of censorship.


mirafridamirafridaover 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you for your interest, anonymous reader. You are correct, the new Winner has come and gone. It was published for about four days, then cancelled by the moderators for reasons that remain unclear to me. If you would like to read it, send me your email via the author-feedback function.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hi... responding to the author's below comment to expect a new version of 'Winner'. I did see it appear briefly about 2 weeks ago, but since then it has suddenly disappeared before I could get to read it. Any idea what has happened there? Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thank you mirafrida for your positive uptake to my comment. Your comments/responses are all well taken.

A dark aspect to a story certainly enriches it usually, and is of course encouraged. In this particular case, as you aptly put it, "bit too far toward bleakness" is the issue. In great stories of this genre, as most of yours truly are, the female lead will undergo various shocks to her system and various humiliations, but a part of her will also end up with some kind of personal gain, awakening or feel good experience coming out of it to look back upon "fondly". Marie was simply consigned to the trash bin.

I am very happy that you plan to "return to the theater at some time" in another story. There's few better reading than having a modest, prudish or ultra-conservative female utterly mortified by seeing her stripped of all clothing in front of a sizable audience, and then perhaps publicly fucked for good measure :)

It is great you have rewritten Winner, and I look forward to its release. I confess I too found the language style of the original version quite jarring on the nerves. I am glad to hear this aspect has been taken out, for the story plot was definitely a good one that deserved better.

Thank you again mirafrida!

mirafridamirafridaover 1 year agoAuthor

Hello Anonymous commenter - thank you for your feedback! This was my second story, and definitely strikes me as awkward in some respects. Broadly speaking, I think I share your critiques.

I totally agree that the action is clunky and could be much streamlined.

The question of darkness is one I struggle with. The nature of my fantasies nearly always has a dark tinge. Given the things that tend to happen in them, and my desire to maintain a degree of 'realism,' darkness can be hard to avoid. Still, I try not to write things that feel downright mean-spirited to me - both because in real life, I'm not actually a dark person, and also because I know many readers are looking for something just a little bit more redeeming.

Anyway, it can be a difficult line to walk. "Tom" (the narrator in this story) is despicable, of course, but as a character, there are also a lot of things I like about him. Still on balance - yes, this is one story that may veer a bit too far toward bleakness.

I don't really expect to ever rewrite this one. In some ways Conquest of the Americas was a re-do of this general scenario that I was much happier with. Still, I can definitely anticipate returning to the theater at some point, because it pushes all my buttons.

On a semi-related note, the other story of mine that I have feared perhaps went too far down the path of mean-spiritedness was Winner. For that one, I did thorough rewrite a month or so ago - both to take out the dialect that readers seemed to universally hate, but also to make some modest tweaks that I hope pulled back on the harshness just a tad. It's been in the moderators' review queue for 2+ weeks, but hopefully it will come out some time in the not-so-distant future. If you found the execution on Winner disappointing but liked the setup well enough, it might be worth a second try when the moderators release it.

Oh, and for the benefit of the supportive commenter 3 years ago, I can confirm that despite its shortcomings, I did get off many times while writing this ;) Thanks all!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very sensual stage scene that is very sexy and nicely done. That part, which is the fleshy bit of the story, is a great read.

But the male character is far too dark a character, and it would have improved the story a lot if his psychopathic aspect was omitted. Maybe the couple/relationship factor could have been removed altogether, so that a such sadistic break-up angle wouldn't have to be present.

Of all your many nice stories, I think this is the only one where the male had no redeemable qualities whatsoever and is devoid of a single likable aspect. In all of your others the male character shows (or has) some quality that is admirable or one can identify with.

Also the props used on the stage could have been better thought out - especially the mirror, chair and the way they are placed, since it is hard to see how they cannot obstruct the audience view very significantly. A few errors/typos there as well.

With these little improvements would have made a really great story. Thank you.

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