A Polish Adventure


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"Eileen, I'm always happy to see you and even if only a few hours have passed since we were together watching ugly politics, it's a pleasure looking at you. Allan, you are a very lucky man!"

He nodded "I know and I'll make certain that I'll stay that way!"

Maureen looked at me for a moment with a question in her eyes. I shook my head, telling her that our past did not exist anymore and that I was hers -- and Jenny's -- alone.

We sat and I looked around. The view was outstanding: in front of us was the Opera House, well lit up; on the other side was the Harbour Bridge, with a Ferry coming in from Manly to dock at the quay. Night had fallen and the illumination of these landmarks was good enough to show how much work had gone into making this part of the city beautiful. There were few tables and I wondered about the varying illumination; when I looked at a table next to us, I saw that they had finished their choices and the illumination above the table dimmed. Clever! You saw what you wanted, and then the dimmed light made the evening more enjoyable.

We chatted a bit, commenting on today's events, Dom Perignon was served (after all, we were millionaires) and the chef appeared. He did not know how he should address us: a Minister in the current government or a Count; in the end, he talked to a space between us, as he presented the menu. They had a ten and a six-course fixed menu and we discussed the offerings. Common sense appeared and we chose the smaller offer.

We all had the smoked eel cream garnished with caviar continuing with the champagne, but there was a lively discussion on the Fresh Water Marron, a big Western Australian crayfish. To our surprise, the sommelier suggested an Old Kent River Diamontina Sparkling Wine. Its light gold bubbles with its lively bouquet of white fruits and a balanced smooth mouthful acidity. It matched the marron beautifully. The second course was easy: Black smoked pig demanded a soft red and a Portuguese Bairrada was satisfying. Then the discussion started om what to drink with the cod and the duck. Allan and I escaped to the bar to wait and see what we would be told to drink. I saw that Jenny was heavily involved in the discussion -- she had learned her wines perfectly (as with all other matters she was interested in). We had a McCallan and when we were called, the discussion had ended in a compromise. The duck came with an Oregon Drouhin Pinot Noir, and the Cod with a Tyrrell Vat 47 Chardonnay; as expected they had chosen perfect matchings. The dessert was the famed guava Snow Egg and the ladies selected a German Dr. Loosen Riesling Eiswein. This was a fabulous dinner, made even better by the lively discussion we had on everything in this world, with some emphasis on our Polish adventure.

Allan started. "James, this has been quite a ride for you and Jenny. Do you realize what you have done? You destroyed a duly elected government, there will be temporary political chaos in Poland, and most probably their political and strategic direction will change. Can you be certain that it will be for the better?"

I considered his question for a moment.

"Allan, we had no choice. The Prime Minister decided to take our company -- and probably without any payment. He threatened to throw us into jail and told us what they would do with Jenny! He placed drugs in our car (at least he tried) to get us condemned. There was no other way! As far as politics are concerned, we'll just have to wait. The only certainty is that there will be change. Let's hope that it's for the better."

He nodded and smiled.

"James, you are considered a brilliant businessman, rich and successful. This will take you to another level. You defied a government and won! There will be consequences not only in Poland, but also in Europe. Even here you will be looked at with different eyes. The business will probably accept it with a certain detachment, but our politicians might be afraid that you'll try something similar in Australia if things don't go your way. Be careful, my son! And before I hear some protests from this table, we know that you did it with the help and support of your wives!"

There was a quiet 'Hear, hear' from my two ladies and slowly we reached the end of a beautiful meal. Allan looked at me: "You're the millionaire; you pay the bill."

Looking at the bill, he was right: one needed to be a millionaire to pay this bill! The food was expensive, but the value charged for the wines was vastly exaggerated. But it was a one-time event, and the occasion justified this. We asked for our cars and obviously, Allan's Bentley arrived first -- hierarchy had to be observed. We got into Maureen's BMW and the driver took us home safely.

We thanked the driver and went up to our bedroom. Maureen passed the children's rooms, but they were soundly asleep. Jenny smiled.

"My love, I agree with Allan: we helped you, but it was your drive and determination that finished it. I'm so proud of you!"

There a silent 'Hear, hear' from Maureen when she joined us. But then the mood changed. They looked at me.

"Brilliant businessman, you'll have an important decision to make."

Jenny turned to her. "Maureen darling, I agree."

They considered me, then Maureen hugged Jenny. Both smiled and the look in their eyes was full of love and lust.

"Count de Winter, who do want first? Her or me? Both? Remember 'Anywhen and anywhere'? "

It was a difficult decision and I knew that whoever I chose, I would be in trouble with the other. Allan had mentioned that I was brilliant, so I took the coward's way out.

"My loves, when I look at Maureen, I want her, but when I turn to Jenny, I want her, too. I'll go and get some champagne, and you resolve this question."

There was a bit of disappointment in their eyes, that I had dodged their trap, but they knew that I would not -- or could not - choose. My love for both was equal for both, and even as a jest, I could not prefer one to the other.

Jenny grinned "One day we'll get him...."

When I walked away I heard her laughing at Maureen. "Do you want to throw a coin, or try 'scissors/stone/paper'? Three out of five?"

They giggled, and I ran away before I would be getting involved. When I came back with a bottle of Great Western, it seemed that they had come to a conclusion.

"James, you will first undress us, then we'll do you, a glass of champagne, and the fun will start ....."

I took out the bottle from the icebox and served us. Maureen was impatient.

"James, do your duty!"

They stood before me, with an excited smile on their faces. I moved the two little strings off her shoulders and opened the little hooks of the bustier. One touch and it fell, showing her firm and full breasts. I touched another hook, and the skirt followed the bustier. There she was in her nude beauty, a beautiful woman and all mine. She smiled satisfied. "Now Jenny, please, dear ...."

Her face was an archetype of simplicity and loveliness, eyes sparkling in anticipation. She took off her makeup, except for the most minimal of lip gloss. Her hair had been brushed to a luster I had often seen before, framing her face perfectly. Her sensuous smile spoke volumes to me, promising amazing things, but at the same time conveying a depth of tenderness I had always appreciated in the past.

Jenny was smiling also, waiting to be uncovered. It was easy, too: push down her dress over her breasts, open two buttons on her back, and she was nude also.

I admired them and grinned. "Going commando?"

They nodded happily. Whenever I looked at them, I wondered why God had given me their love. Both were beautiful: Maureen with her luscious red mane, Jenny with her black straight hair. Maureen had green eyes, Jenny blue ones, that changed their color to a duskier hue when she was getting excited. Maureen had a slightly fuller face; Jenny's was a bit straighter. Both were smiling joyfully, and they were so beautiful that it took my breath away. My eyes caressed their bodies: young and firm even after having our children, breasts high and proud, waiting to be worshipped, narrow hips leading to their inviting and already wet pussies, one shaved completely and the other having a narrow strip of red hair. Long, long legs that cried to be touched. They were beautiful and they knew it. I served the champagne and toasted them. Then the fun started. I looked at them: two wonderful, beautiful women, and all mine.

"James, Count de Winter, your countess is waiting to be admired and venerated."

That told me who they had decided would go first.

"Countess, the admiration I admit, but veneration? Adoration yes, but how and where do you expect to be worshipped? A temple with Greek columns, but which style? Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian? Priests chanting your blessings, crowds admiring your benedictions?"

Before I could go on, she hit me (I wondered why women who lose an argument, always hit their man? Something to discuss later).

"James, shut up! You know what I meant and what I wanted. By the way, I still want it and you better start your admiration! That was what you agreed to?"

I conceded that she had a valid argument (and a powerful arm) and picked her up. Two steps forward, and I laid her on our bed. Jenny had watched, amused by our words, but when I turned to her and picked her up, too, with the same destination, she was satisfied.

When I settled between the two, Maureen pulled me over to her side.

"Just a little bit of veneration?"

I looked at her and gave in.

"I will not chant your blessings, but I would be very happy to receive them. Maureen, you have blessed me with your love since we met a long time ago, and there is nothing in this world that would ever make me forget it."

I bent down and kissed her softly.

"I love you now and forever, and we'll always be together, side by side, two but one."

She glanced at me and I saw a lonely tear appear on her face. Then she kissed me back with the same emphasis -- love, not lust.

"James, darling, I missed you so much, but when I started to be sad, I always remembered what you gave me. Remember what you told me a long time ago when you had to travel?"

She began humming in her lovely mezzo-soprano voice.

'When I need you

I just close my eyes and I'm with you

And all that I so want to give you

It's only a heartbeat away

When I need love

I hold out my hands and I touch love

I never knew there was so much love

Keeping me warm night and day.'

There was another tear in her eye, and she hugged me tightly. Suddenly, she grinned mischievously. Looking over to Jenny, she saw her watching us with a loving smile.

"Jenny, my love, you know how James feels about me, but you know that he feels the same about you. We are not two, but three -- and we're one all the time."

Jenny nodded, satisfied by Maureen's confession. Then Maureen turned back to me.

"James, all this is wonderful and warms my heart, but this was not the idea for this night. Tonight we want to have fun, receive your love, and show you ours."

She stretched languidly, looking invitingly at me. I knew that we would have fun, lust, and love tonight. Bending over to her, I whispered "Do you know what you want, or should I do what I want?"

She smiled "My love, I want you to do whatever you want to do, and I'm certain that whatever you do to me -- or with me -- will be exactly what I want, too. I've given you my heart, my soul, and my body -- there's nothing more to give. Please love me, darling."

"Maureen my love, I have been away such a long time, that I've to be reacquainted with every inch of your body!"

I kissed her wavy red hair and then slowly worked my way down to her toes: passing her lips, her shoulders, her neck, her breasts, where I remained for a while on her tight pink nipples. She moaned approvingly, playing with my hair while I sucked gently and kneaded her firm globes, progressing to digging into her navel (which she said tickled her) and passing on the outside of her hips went down all the way to her little toes. She protested, so one hand moved back up, doing some advance scouting for my tongue, and I began to stroke the moist lips of her pussy.

"James, please don't tease me. I want you ...."

I ignored her and continued my attack. I let my tongue enter her slit and tasted her. She was ready: a first small gust of her juices escaped and wet my mouth. She pushed her pussy into my mouth. Her desire was visible.

"James, don't tease me. I want you now!"

Another gust invaded my mouth and her back arched as she came. Her moans had increased in volume and she trembled as she held me close.

"James, I want you NOW!"

Her need was getting urgent and I conceded to her command. Her clitoris had come out now, and when I licked the edge of her outer lips, she pushed her hips up and pulled my face down onto her. She squealed when I invaded her slit and increased her force, pushing my tongue deeper into her. She gasped with her pleasure and her body seemed to go rigid. A deep moan escaped her and a flood of her juiced jetted onto my face. When Maureen got really excited, she squirted and now I was the happy recipient of her explosion. She needed a few minutes to relax, and when she came back to reality, I smiled at her.

"That, my love, was the starter. Now I want the main dish!" She spread her legs wide and pulled me up. "Now, my love, make love to me."

I entered her easily and her face showed her feelings as I guided the head of my shaft into her, feeling her inner lips close around my penis and when she released them, I pressed gently, and her pussy yielded easily, sliding smoothly around me until I hit bottom.

She grinned. "I told you I don't want to do anything, so it's your turn to take me and satisfy me."

Her grin vanished. "Darling, that doesn't sound right. Please love me as only you can do, both emotionally and physically. I want you to fill me up, to take me over the hill, and to let me know that I'm yours in every way."

She closed her eyes and I started to move, slowly at first. Suddenly she reached over to Jenny, who was watching us. "Darling, hold my hand. This is not only for me, but it's also for us."

Jenny nodded and bent over to kiss her and then started to fondle her breasts, adding an occasional kiss to her stiff nipples. I blew her a kiss, thankful that she participated and did not feel abandoned, and then focused on Maureen. Despite her surrender, I continued to go easy on her, starting with a slow, gentle rhythm that didn't go too deep. Her legs came up, giving me better access, which I took as a further invitation, starting to go deeper and harder. As I did, she pulled me closer with her legs and wrapped her arms tightly around my shoulders, kissing me passionately and I was happy to return the sentiment.

I could see in her eyes that she definitely enjoyed herself, and I thought that perhaps a different position would be even more pleasurable for her. Hooking her right leg with my arm, and lifting it onto my shoulder, I changed my angle, causing her to become a bit more vocal. A few more delighted moans wafted around the room. Suddenly I turned her around and she was now flat on her stomach, arching her back and supporting herself on her elbows. She collapsed flat, trying desperately to catch her breath.

I still covered her with my body and when I started to move away, she protested. "Stay, darling. I want to feel you over me, holding me, protecting me."

It was a wonderful feeling to hold her tight, but I was still needing my part. I slipped out, turned her around, and eased back in again. I allowed myself to be selfish and started to push my shaft in and out, slowly at first, but then ended up thrusting into her vigorously. First, she moaned softly, then a bit louder, and then louder still. By the time I was ready to come, her eyes were open, and she had become an active participant. I reached heaven and jetted all I had deep into her, she received me with her eyes closed, but her arms tight around my neck. She pushed up once more and then she came crying my name. Now we were together again.

This time she agreed when I moved to her side, turning her on her side, looking at me. She was happy and her smile was loving.

"My love, that was wonderful and I'm happy that you finally let go. It is nice to be looked after all the time, but you've your rights also, to get what your body needs. Am I right, Jenny?"

Jenny had been beside Maureen, holding her hand. Now she came up and looked at us. She nodded.

"James, you're a wonderful husband, looking after us, always putting us first and even when you want to take us, you're always so considerate. Please put this into your mind: Occasionally we want to be taken by our man, we want to feel that he is possessing us and that he's the man who we want to feel in us, taking us to levels we would not normally go."

She looked first at me and then at Maureen. She seemed to know what Jenny was going to say and nodded emphatically.

"James, let me take me as an example: I don't want to be taken in my ass every week, but the occasional episode does me a world of good, and I'm certain that you enjoy it tremendously. So don't worry -- even if I have to sit down carefully once in a while, I do enjoy it. And one word more: whenever you take us, we know that you love us and that we'll always be the center point of your life. Am I right, Maureen?"

Maureen nodded once more. "James, she's absolutely right. Sex is not everything, but it's an important part of our life. So enjoy us, since we definitively enjoy you!"

Jenny looked down. "Maureen, you are leaking! Let me clean you up!" She moved down and wiped the white cream off Maureen's pussy and licked her finger.

"Maureen, I know that you taste good, but when James adds his part, the taste is even better!" Then she came to my side.

"Let me see how George fared. The poor guy had to work hard the last days -- and nights. Hi, George!" She lifted the limp penis and looked at it.

"He's still barely alive. Let's see whether I can get him back to active status, but first, he has to be clean."

She lifted my shaft to her mouth and licked it carefully until all traces of my visit to Maureen had vanished. She was disappointed, however.

"James, he doesn't want to cooperate. Can you do anything about this? Here's a beautiful young woman kissing your penis and there is no reaction! Are you getting old?"

Maureen laughed. "Jenny, dear, I can assure you that James is not old; at least not yet. He might be tired and exhausted, but old: no. How can you even ask this? Was he old the last days?"

Jenny blushed. "No, he was wonderful and ready at any moment I wanted to have him."

Maureen smiled. "You see, you're using the wrong terms, my dear." Jenny sighed, gave George a few more kisses, but even trying half-heartily, George felt that there was not enough force available -- the mind was willing, but the flesh exhausted..

Jenny came back to my side again and kissed me. "Well, darling. Under these circumstances, I wish you a good night."

Then she smiled also. "My love, you know that I was just teasing you. I still feel the consequences of our last night together and I'm very happy, but, as you told me months ago, teasing is an art form and this family tries ... no, succeeds in it."

Maureen whispered, just loud enough that Jenny could hear it. "James, what have we done to wake up this woman? Remember when she was the little girl needing love and doing everything to please us? And now? Did you realize she doesn't say 'Í' or 'me' anymore, it's 'we' and 'us'! She takes us for granted!"

Jenny sat up. "Maureen, how can you say this? I don't take you for granted; I love you and I still will do anything to please you! Don't you understand this?"