A Principal's Job Description

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A naive principal is overwhelmed with requests.
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Note to reader: All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age, even if not specifically stated.

John Pearce walked into the main office of the school. Today was the first day of him taking over the position of high school principal. Over his 20-year career he had started off a simple teacher, but through hard work and keeping his head down, he became a department head followed a number of years later with a promotion to assistant principal. Last week he was suddenly offered his dream job of principal which he gladly accepted. He probably could have reached this level sooner had he spent more time kissing up to the school board, but that wasn't his style. 'If I can't earn it with hard work, I don't deserve it,' John always said.

Principal Pearce was not an imposing man. He stood at only 5 foot 1 inch and was shorter than most of the young women in the high school. He was very skinny due to the frequent nature walks he took but lacked any muscle tone or strength. Last month he celebrated, alone, his 46th birthday. He was unmarried and had little in the way of romantic relationships. The school was in a small town and it was difficult to find a date who wasn't a former student, parent, or relative of any current student. Any such relationship would be very improper in his eyes. Let's join him from his perspective as he begins his likely uneventful first day as a high school principal:

"Good morning Janet! I'm very excited to work with you ensuring we are giving these future leaders a great education," I said walking past her desk outside my personal enclosed office.

Rather coldly, Janet responded, "Mr. Pearce, you have a large number of people looking to set an appointment to speak with you."

"My door is always open, no appointments needed. Tell them to stop by whenever they want and I'll happily address their concerns!"

I was determined to be known as an honorable and effective principal who the students could feel free to confide in. I entered my office, sat down at my computer and started writing up an email to send to all of the teachers and staff, outlining my goals for the semester.

About twenty minutes later I was finishing up the email by pasting in a variety of smile face emojis when Janet buzzed me.

In her usual dry voice, she stated over the intercom, "Mr. Pearce, a Mrs. Richard here to see you."

Pushing the intercom button, I replied, "Ah! Please invite her it."

Mrs. Richard is the president of the school board and mother of three including the current student council president. The Richard women were apparently very ambitious go getters. Having her show up today was excellent as I meant to set up a meeting to introduce myself to her and the other board members. Mrs. Richard burst into the office and slammed the door behind her.

"Welcome Mrs. Richard! It's very nice...," I started to say while getting up to shake her had when she interrupted me.

"I need you to fire Frank off of the school board."

Taken aback I sought clarity. "Frank? You mean Mr. Danvers? I haven't actually met him."

"Frank is a small dick moron who won't honor the deals I arranged with him. Fire him now." She was very agitated.

"Mrs. Richard, please sit down and let's talk. As you are well aware, I don't have the power to fire anyone off of the school board. They are elected by the people," I calmly educated her on.

"All you men are the same. God forbid you do anything for a woman without getting anything in return."

With that the mother of the student council president stood up and pulled her shirt over her head, revealing a black lacy bra that managed to barely cover the lower half of her very amble bosoms.

"Mrs Richard, what are you doing? Please get put your shirt back on this minute. I am an educator," I protested.

She was obviously confused and didn't understand my role. Having a school board president showing off her underwear in my office was a scandal I didn't welcome.

Reaching her hand to the front of her bra she began fiddling with it while looking around the room.

"Ah, I understand. You are just like your predecessor and have hidden cameras in here. You need to put on an act in case this ever comes out you can save face."

She finally got her front clasp bra undone and revealed her massive tits to me without any hint of shyness. She continued.

"At least when you get tired of jerking off to this video and post it on Pornhub under the MILF category, don't tag my social media to it. Be better than Frank."

I stood up from my chair. "School board president, I promise you as a shaper of young mind, there are no cameras in this office and there is no need for you to undress."

As I pleaded, I realized I was starting at her nipples while speaking. Looking her in the eyes, for the most part, I continued.

"Also I'm not lying. I don't have the power to remove school board members. Take your case to the voters!"

Mrs. Richard began walking around my desk towards me, her naked tits swaying as she did so. I was shocked at the sight and backed up in response, tripping into my chair. She got on her knees right in front of me.

"Be reasonable. I don't have that kind of time or energy to convince that many men. Also in this town the majority of the voters and women and my days of muff diving are mostly over."

She grabbed hold of my pants and aggressively pulled them down along with my boxers. Embarrassingly, despite her being a parent of students in the school district, the site of our naked breast had caused my penis to become quite engorged which was now completely exposed in front of Mrs. Richard's face. She looked up at me and I expected for her to be greatly offended at my erection.

Instead, she asked, "Do you want a tit job or a blow job?"

Shocked, I tried to diffuse the situation. "Mrs. Richard you are a married woman! Think about your daughters' futures. Studies show growing up with divorced parents is hard on their development. You don't need to do this. Let's get dressed and discuss out your concerns logically."

My ability to mediate and resolve a crisis was my biggest strength.

"You bastard, this really hurts my neck when I do this." Without gving me a chance to ask what she meant, she put my penis in between her breast while simultaneously inserting the tip in her mouth.

"No, that's not...." was all I could say before the wave of sexual pleasure hit me.

I couldn't get any more words out as I watched her skillfully and confidently rub my penis up and down in between her breast while her lips moved in tandem surrounding the upper portion of my sexual organ. She must do this very often with Mr. Richards to get this skillful with it. I felt guilty being the second man ever to have done this with her. She stopped giving oral for a second and spoke again to me.

"Is there a certain angle you want me at to make sure cameras are capturing this?"

I came to my senses and was able to respond. "There are no cameras! Please Mrs. Richard.." But she gave me an annoyed looked and resumed her oral stimulation of my penis.

How could I ever face her daughter after this? I will forever be the man who tempted her previously devoted mother into doing this sexual deed. The power of this position must have been too intoxicating for her to resist. I must put in policies to ensure this can never happen again. Mrs. Richard's breast had become drenched in saliva and, though it was embarrassing for me to admit, pre-ejaculate from my aroused penis. I worried she would notice and be very mad at me for getting such a shameful fluid on her. She stopped again, but didn't address her soaking breast.

Instead saying, "To be clear, you will have Frank removed by the end of the week?"

I took the opportunity to back up in the my chair, causing my penis to pop out from between her breast causing them to jiggle back and forth.

"As principal, I am responsible for staffing decisions within the high-school only. The school board has the power to actually remove me, not the other way around. You know this Mrs. Richard. You've been on the board for a decade!"

She stood up from her knees and towered over me in my chair. He naked breast were heaving heavily as she was out of breath from her previous actions.

"A very good show Mr. Pearce. No one can say you let a small thing like stroking your dick in between my fantastic tits break the virtuous principal character you are playing. You are really going to make me do it aren't you?"

She then began removing her pants, putting her tiny pink thong on full display for me. For a woman in her early forties, she wore provocative underwear very confidently. Breaking from the distraction, I spoke up.

"I'm not making you do anything Mrs. Richard! Please put your pants back on. I'll happily review the entire school district leadership structure with you."

Almost as if she was doing the opposite of what I asked, she pulled down her thong putting her shaven vagina on display for me to see. Again, she was a confident woman for her age. I couldn't resist staring at her nude crotch as I felt the air conditioner flow air over my penis still wet from her mouth.

"Where do you keep the condoms?" She asked breaking me from the trance her naked vagina had me in.

"What? I don't have any condoms." I was confused as to why she was asking.

"What kind of high-school principal doesn't keep condoms in his office?"

I then understood what she was asking for. "Wait! No, we can't do that. We are in a place of learning. We would be setting a terrible example for all of the young minds here."

"You're the pervert who is recording this, don't put this on me," she said taking a step towards me. "You are really going to make me fuck you barebacked aren't you. You are such an asshole, but I really respect that. Where do you want to cum? Tits, mouth or ass?"

I began to panic and she started to climb on top of me.

"We cannot have unprotected sex Mrs. Richard. Or even protected sex! What we did before with your mouth and your.. ahem.. chest was a mistake. Let's not use that as an excuse to make an even bigger mistake!"

In a single motion, she lowered her hips causing my bare penis to enter her unprotected vagina.

Mrs. Richard was surprisingly lubricated, soaked even. I slide in with ease. But I was taken with guilt that I was the 2nd man to ever penetrate her after being loyal to her husband for some many decades. She took complete control and was vigorously humping me as I sat in my chair. The sexual stimulation was almost overwhelming but my desire for do this job honorably was stronger. I managed to speak up.

"Mrs. Richard, this path won't take you to where you want."

Ignoring me, my apparent sexual partner let out a loud moan that I was worried would carry to the main office. She followed it up by a serious of louder moans and quickened her pace humping my penis. All of a sudden her breathing stopped and her face scrunched together tightly. She finally took a breath and resumed humping me at her previous pace.

"God damn you for making me cum on camera," she said looking very red in the face.

"There is no..," I said before stopping myself. There was no point in arguing about that.

"Did you decide if you are going to cum on my tits, ass or in my mouth? I'll even let you cum on my face. It's rare for me to let that happen," she said while keeping her rhythm going.

"I don't need to cum anywhere! Now that you've... reached a level of sexual satisfaction... surely you have come to your senses and understand we don't need to continue." I pleaded as her large breast bounced in front of me.

"You seriously are going to insist you cum inside me? I can still get pregnant you know, and I'm a devote catholic meaning I'm not on birth control. You are playing things very risky here principal," Mrs. Richard said while picking up her pace.

I began to panic as I was starting to approach my own level of sexual satisfaction.

"Mrs. Richards, I'm nearing my, ummm, limit if you understand what I mean. You have to get off me. We are risking a pregnancy if we continue like this."

I continued to plead while my penis got ever closer to ejaculating into this woman's fertile womb.

"This is getting tiresome principal, just unload your seed in me already," she said indifferent to my pleads.

"I'll ejaculate on you anywhere else. Your bottom, face, bosom, mouth. Wherever you want just not in a place where we risk creating a child together! I'm seconds away!"

Again I was ignored and to my horror I unleashed all of my sperm into her vagina. She continued to pump on top of me almost as if to ensure she got everything out of me. When it was clear I was fully finished, she climbed off of me and started getting dressed, beginning by pulling her thong over what may soon birth my child. I was in a post-ejaculate haze and couldn't speak to what had just happen. Mrs. Richard's however seemed very clear headed and spoke up.

"I've done everything you demanded of me. I expect you to keep your end of the bargain and have Frank removed from the board in the very near future. Also I'll be visiting you in the future to discuss firing the superintendent."

As she was putting on her final piece of clothing I quickly pulled my pants back up, covering myself just before she opened the door out to the office.

I sat at my desk not sure what to do in response to the events that just occurred. Do I resign my position? Do I inform Mr. Richard? Will Mrs. Richard become my wife? I lost track of time in my worries until Janet buzzed into the office.

"Sir, Ms. Boggs is here to meet with you."

Before I could respond Ms. Boggs walked through the door and closed it behind her. Ms. Boggs has been our school's calculus teacher for the past four years. She joined our school district fresh out of college. She is unmarried and as far as I know has no current boyfriend. She seems to be dedicated to the job and has no time for dating which I admire. My worries about my interactions with Mrs. Richard faded as I was presented with the prospect of helping one of our star teachers.

I stood up and shook her hand. "Ms. Boggs it is great to finally meet you. I'm very excited to be the principal of a school with great teachers like you in it."

She smiled, "Thank you for the kind words Mr. Pearce."

"What can I do for you today," I said enjoying the professional conversation.

"I wanted to touch base with you in regard to the unique state of my teaching position."

Confused, I asked, "I'm not sure to what you are talking about? Are you not our school's calculus teacher?"

"Oh, I am. I guess the previous principal didn't brief you on it. I don't have, what you would refer to as a teaching degree nor a teaching license."

This was shocking news to me. "What? But you've been teaching here for four years!" I took a breath, realizing there were ways to fix this. I continued, "Okay so what do you have? An advanced math degree? An equivalent degree obtained overseas?"

Ms. Boggs shook her head no.

"At least a community college degree? We could enroll you in classes to finish out the few hours you need to complete," I said becoming more desperate.

She laughed in response, "Ha, I was kicked out of my catholic high school my junior year and haven't been a student since."

"How is this possible? I've seen our test scores, the kids do very well in calculus. How are you managing this without a degree? Are you self taught in calculus?"

Again, she laughed, "Oh I don't know shit about calculus. I have the kids watch Youtube videos of calculus lectures given by people who actually understand this stuff."

My despair was growing worse by the minute. "But what about when the student come to you for help. Surely you can't just rely on these videos."

She sat down in a chair I keep in the corner of the office. "Ah, see this is where I really got things figured out. Every year I identify 3 or 4 lesbian students or some 'straight' girls who are kidding themselves. In exchange for me getting them to squirt on the regular they agree to tutor the other students."

She sat back in her chair crossing her arms and looking very proud of herself. I stared at her with a shocked face. She looked at me confused but then spoke up.

"Oh shit, that sounded bad didn't it. All of the students are 18 years old. I even make them show me their birth certificates. I don't want to get in trouble you see."

"Ms Boggs, I'm going to have to fire you."

"What, for what?"

"For so many different reasons. But let's start with the fact that you are having sex with multiple students every year," I calmly explained.

"Yeah but it's lesbian sex. We go down on each other, 69, use toys and strap-ons, mutual masturbation. Things like that. No risk of pregnancy. In fact I think I prevented a pregnancy last year but convincing one student to breakup with her boyfriend. She got really good at licking my pussy," she explained giving me details I never needed to know.

"Lesbian sex with student is not allowed," I yelled again before worrying about sounds carrying into the main office.

Ms Boggs sat up in her chair. "Oh I get it. If I were letting 18 year old male students cum into my unprotected pussy over and over until I get pregnant, that would be fine. But having one female student rail me with a strap on while I lick the pussy of another isn't allowed? That's discrimination!"

"In both scenarios I would fire you! Any sexual relations with a student is grounds for being fired, regardless of gender or sexual orientation." I said making the situation crystal clear I hoped. Ms Boggs was quiet for minute.

"I know it's off topic but once me and a few of my lesbian tutor students all wore vibrating panties and gave our remotes to the other. A student and me both ended up having an orgasm during her parent teacher conference. It was funny. Sorry, I know that's beside the point but it's a great story I had to tell."

I was silent not knowing how to continue for a minute. Finally I spoke up again.

"You also don't even have a teaching degree and apparently don't even know calculus! You have no value as a teacher to this school!"

"That's not true, I am a fantastic teacher to these young ladies! When they turn 18, most of them can't even make themselves cum. By the end of the school year they can make four blinded folded ladies sitting spread-eagled on my desk experience multiple orgasms during free period," she told me while imitating the position with her legs.

"Ms Boggs, please stop describing your inappropriate relations. Let's move on to your resignation." I did not need to hear more stories about my student's exposed vaginas.

"I understand Mr. Pearce. I've been sitting here describing all of perks of the job I get to enjoy. But what about you? What do you get out of it. I'll offer you the same deal I offered the previous principal," she said with a wink.

Worried I was about to get into a 2nd deal where I impregnate another woman I spoke up quickly.

"Ms Boggs this isn't about you needing to offer me perks. Please keep all of your clothes on!"

However, she made no move to remove anything and instead continued talking fully clothed.

"As I'm sure you are aware I have cameras stashed all over the girl's locker room and showers. I even have a camera in the shower drain so you I get some shots looking right up their cooters! All of the young ladies I'm recording are of course 18 year old."

"Dear lord in heaven..," I said to myself before she continued.

"I do get recordings of some of the female teachers and staff too, but they are far less likely to masturbate in the shower or experiment with each other in the locker room."

I began hitting my head on the desk, but she continued. "This footage makes up the majority of my Onlyfans content that I post frequently. For about 29.99 per month people can get exclusive videos of almost all our senior glass girls fully naked and in some cases exploring their bodies. I offer a 59.99 tier if they also want access to videos of me and my female tutors masturbating to the hidden footage."