A Reality Bender's Story Ch. 03


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"So be careful." Samael said, then suddenly Mateo was in his kitchen sitting at the dinner table, still eating.

It was here he thought about his own wishy washy tendencies for the day. What had started as a means to make his mom slash new slave happy with a request became sexy texting (he was sure partly due to the blood pumping from being shot at) including a promise of things happening in the nude. But then it's as if his mind was feeling guilty... Or was it he wanted to but didn't? That's why he didn't sense the guilt.. it wasn't there even though he knew on some level it should.

Later that night, it became too boring to worry about. Having made a commitment in text without thinking, he now had to come up with said commitment. But oddly it wasn't difficult when he approached it with a fine point head. Driving a nail was simple if you let it be, so he did the same here.

She wanted to be controlled, he was sure she wanted sexual satisfaction with that but wouldn't move on it unprovoked, though that was all theory. With what he did know though, he could move and not move too hard on her or his own desires.

So firstly, he walked to her door and simply opened it. Honestly. 19 years. 19 and he had never once done that. Looking in and seeing his mother surprised at his arrival, but biting her lip and not objecting was quite a hot feat.

"Mom, I have a proposition for you. It's to see what kind of new toy I got here, admittedly I'm not entirely sure myself so it's better to figure it all out." Mateo said, sinking into a practiced monologue. When he had decided to give her the ultimatum, he knew he wanted to sound every bit the voice of power she wished for and so planned accordingly.

"I will help you have sex with a man of your choosing, enough so to provide at least a single good quality orgasm hopefully, or you can choose to walk with me on this leash - in the nude." Mateo said, smirking a bit at the end, "The walk won't be short either, but I imagine the sex wouldn't be so win and lose some."

She opened and closed her mouth a few times, ready to speak he sensed, all though what stopped her he wasn't aware of. So he began to reach out. You would swear the moment he touched her mind's very peripheral aura she did a full bleaching with how quickly everything he would have found evaporated.

Obviously he scrunched up his face, or at the very least made one, because suddenly her eyes were narrowed and more calculating. Mulling it all over with one hundred percent of her computing power. But he was doing the same if he admitted - it was like she had suddenly become aware of his power and even beyond that, knew how to avoid being read.

Sensing she needed to not fight his mental scanning while being able to think, he backed away, "Let me know Mom."

With that he walked by the bathroom, and felt his body stop. He thought about it like that because, he didn't tell it to stop. It just did what it wished. There behind the cracked bathroom door he could hear the most beautiful singer he knew, doing just that while in the shower (also just so happening to be the only place she would do that) and letting steam out... With her scent.

You always hear about wolves or other predator species picking up the scent. Whoa boy let me tell you. Mateo sort of downplays everything he does so as to allow himself normalcy. But you can't kill a nose like the one he has. It was already potent, and then with his powers finally activating his senses enhanced savagely.

He could taste cherry and a soft saltiness. Suddenly and out of nowhere. He recognized it but still couldn't move away. His sister Cherry was inside that bathroom, showering or bathing, in the nude, and washing herself with that organic stuff she was always raving about. He could taste their scents mingling.

Suddenly he knew he wanted that door opened.

But without pressing a controlling line, how could he barge in and have his way?

Snarling deep in his throat he walked away from the bathroom. No thought drove his steps other than: walk. Move. Get away.

A run. When was the last time Mateo had went on one? So without a need for proper clothing or gear, he simply pulled his shirt over his head then bounded for the door. In short order he was halfway down the block and picking up speed.

Need I go into great depth to explain his enhancements stretched this way as well? Like a gazelle he sprung and leaped, but with the speed of a damned cheetah. Running had been a sort of past time he did for a while with his friends but they all stopped for one reason or another. This run he had developed would mop the floor with his old run in distance, speed, reach and all the rest.

Slowly he was still coming to terms with his weeks in absence. What they had done to his body. The coma he had entered looking like a decent athlete with good genes, too exit it with a rockstar body and unimaginable everything else.

Obviously now he comprehended what had happened with the magic and Old Powers flooding his body. Without this step he wouldn't have anywhere near a physique capable of doing what he one day would or at least could.

It didn't change how different it was. To him it had been less than 48 hours it all had occured. Even if to everyone else he had vanished for a far more extended period.

Now with everything going so fast too. Shake my damn head indeed.

Pausing after quite a distance, he sat on a bench near the trail he was moving along. Dragging his phone out of his pants pocket, he quickly sent his mother a message.

Change of plans. Went on a run. Rain check on the decision.

Now free to move as he saw fit, Mateo once more let his mind range from the present to the future, to the past and all between. That's the fun of a run or a jog. You don't have to exist. You just let your mind cycle what it wished.

Left foot then right, then left again. That's all you gotta focus on.

Which was why such amazing outcomes as solving his own Realm business come to be. Instead of creating something somewhere, like a pocket universe just for him, he decided when the time came he would change the inside of the house. From wall to wall, ceiling to floor and all in between, he would be God to it all. To shape as he saw fit.

That was the plan anyway.

Not to mention the realization that, yes, he was going to be with his mom. But just like with everything that he did, he needed to slow his mind, cool himself. Let it happen as it happened.

Next he also established that just the scent of his sister alone was the most enticing thing he had ever experienced. How he would be able to continue to live with her if she smelled like that he wouldn't know.

Plus he decided taking Samael out of the jar every so often could be useful. That can of worms needed to be opened so that Mateo could know what to expect in the future. And not in the same ultra fast fashion he already went through.

A vibration in his pocket had him pause once more. Checking the screen he began to get hard quickly. Chula had decided that point to send him a not so safe for work photo. Though from the looks of her asshole fully exposed in a mirror, her pussy lips ever so delicately and lightly peeking from beneath the swell of her cheeks, she wasn't at work so that was beneficial.

Hi Master. She capitalized the M and everything in the accompanying text. It wasn't just a title to her, but a title ya know what I mean? Nothing artificial, it was real. It made him wonder how much of what had happened was strictly her being close enough to smell him.

Hello my sweet Chula. How have you been since we saw each other?

As if she was ready for the question, he got a notification instantly that he was receiving another attachment. For those horny men who know in their heart of hearts they're about to see boobies, they know where Mateo was coming from as he got excited at this fact. When it opened he could see her delicate flower spread open now, placed with perfection in mind between the thick tanned thighs, at the perfect valley, leading to an ass so large it couldn't be real.

The thing he spotted most though was her pussy was still red. She had done this sexy missionary picture to show fully that his treatment of her had been raw and real.

I feel so amazing, sir. How about you? She replied with the picture.

A whole lot is going on quickly recently. To much sometimes. I mean hell I don't usually go around catching the eye of every little piece I see at the theater. He hoped she would laugh at that while he checked his location on his Maps app.

A bit of a shock hit him beyond the photos he was receiving. In what would have usually been around a three mile jog had left him a full county over. From his point back to home the app calculated at around 27 miles instead.

He was so in the zone he couldn't tell when he had crossed into uncharted waters? So freaked out that noticing the burn was... Difficult...

Wait. Was it? His body felt fine. A bit winded sure. But fine. Fit enough to make it back without much issue that was sure.

Was that why? Another symptom of the changes? He hadn't felt tired from improved muscles, and had noticed that the trees and people passing him were going far faster than before, so maybe it also altered the physique itself a bit which boosted speed. Dodging between trees had proved with the speed came actual agility - his reflexes were just as on point even with the speed gain.

Glancing back to his phone and once more into reality he noted another message from his little Spanish delight. Chula now had sent him a photo aimed backward over her shoulder to expose she was nude, gifting another ass shot, but this time also in it were inward turned feet clad in thigh high soccer style socks. Red stripe at the top and all.

Yeah. She got his attention again. So he ran far. Oh no. Poor guy. About this helpless and needy slave though.

Chula you are beyond words in only the best ways possible. I promise you. At that text he sent her another with his address and the command to be there as soon as she could.

Looking to the now darkening night sky, he sent one last message, to his mom this time, warning of his new girlfriends impending arrival.

Phone back in his pocket and away he went. This time though he pushed himself. A leisure run had produced a savagely drastic change into distance run. If he put that burn on, opened the floodgates, or started up his Lambor-feeties and let loose, how much faster was he? He could run a mile in about eight minutes a few weeks ago.

With little to focus on other than burning up the pavement, Mateo simply ran until he reached home. Catching his breath for a moment gave him a chance to not gasp at the time it had taken when he checked his phone. 22 minutes was all it took and he had run that far home.

Things were still different every time he stopped to think. He kept expecting a bit more time to mull things over and just kept not getting that chance.

Too much had occured in only a small window of time.

Wiping sweat from his brow as he went through the front door, he ducked to the sink to quickly wash his face then turned and looked at his mom who had appeared in the doorway. She was silent so he matched her as he took a sip of water in his hands.

She still looked puzzled. That quandary where you simply cannot decide which decision to go with. He was sure only part of that was what was on her mind though. Thus he gave her continued privacy.

"Got your message." Jewel said finally.

"Great. Yeah, sorry I haven't had a chance to introduce you two before, or even Candy for that matter. Been kind of hectic and it came on fast." Mateo figured admitting it all out there, but avoiding that this woman was under at least partial effects of his abilities and had basically warped her perspective to include his happiness as a goal, well it seemed smarter to do.

"Well, it's ok with me obviously, sir." She said with a smile. One he believed as well. She wasn't the type to be jealous of that sort of stuff, he could tell already. Plus she was his mother and wanted him social and happy.

"Ok, thanks Mom." He walked forward and kissed her temple. Elvish ears picked up the sharp intake of breath she gave off. She liked the touch. Maybe something else. He'd move on that soon.

Mateo needed to get out of the house. As in job. As in return to that thing already. Mental note for soon, call the boss. Get it rolling.

Pausing along his way to the stairs and inevitably his room, once more Mateo noted her scent. Candy. Sweet as can be he would swear. Her smell was strong, womanly, with that good musk. Yet sweet and fruity, Earthy a bit. All coming together to be a damned good attractant.

She was just lounging on the couch. He could see through her eyes with literally no issue. As if her mind would never block him out. Pretending she knew his mental caress was fun, but he had to shoulder past. Ignore the tight, impossibly tight, t-shirt she wore and just a pair of cloth booty shorts. Ignore her.

Turning on his heel he fell. Just crumpled. His mind's eye had been observing while he tried to pretend like he wasn't. When he moved for climbing the stairs she noticed him finally and shifted a miniscule amount.

However that amount was just enough that it revealed a soft partial outline of her pubic hair. Red as the fire atop her head, but shaped obviously, and kept trim. Nothing more. But it had suddenly been in his mind.

The distraction was real.

When he picked himself up to his knees and was about to rise wouldn't you know what was suddenly at eye level. Yeah. His short sister had come over to help him up.

Instantly her scent became a bit muskier. Ah. So there was those pesky pheromones kicking in. It was a first that he noticed his odor actually doing the effecting, but after gathering the Intel he had, it became obvious she was getting turned on being near to him. That was the difference he found.

Hmm, do emotions have different smells? Mateo wondered, trying to push his mind away from his sister as he stood up. He ignored her offered hand, and smiled then placed a kiss on her hair before basically running upstairs full tilt.

Inside his room was a sanctuary. It was in here that he could have safety from the bad thoughts. Ok obviously part of him didn't want to get away from them. It wanted to act on them. For now though Chula would be here soon.

So soon in fact, he had only enough time to finish that face wash with just a quick pits, privates and face shower. A run made him sweaty. He didn't need to embarrass himself by being sticky so a rinse off plus the addition of his body wash to help mask his odor.

Pausing as he exited the door, a towel around his waist, he noticed there was Juanita at the top of the stairs talking with his mom. When both noticed him around the same time, each began appreciating his wet form while blushing simultaneously.

His mom was in her robe, not sure what else underneath.

But Juanita, his sexy Chula, was dressed in the tightest jeans that could possibly fit her thick thighs, ripped strategically along the front of the legs. Up top was a camisole and exquisite make up. Her eyes popped like polished emeralds beneath it all.

She noticed his awestruck pose and blushed deeper. With the one side of her hair long and pixie cut, while the other was shaved short to the scalp, as well as thick thighs and an ass that simply didn't quit, she wasn't everyone's cup of tea. But she was his for sure.

Oh did he mention her sexy size 6 sneakers? God she was sexy.

Offering his most dazzling flash of pearly whites, he moved for the bedroom opposite their direction. Stepping inside he went and sat at his desk, closing a few things and finishing a few lines of code he had produced for a game he was developing on the side. Nothing super special, just a small app for the stores. Make some cash for himself and his company maybe.

When he noticed the breathing just past his ear, he glanced and saw Chula there reading his coding. Figuring it offered him an extra second or two, he added a few more digits to the screen.

"You need to really test this before you put it out. It'll be pretty easy to exploit trust me." She said softly before kissing him on the cheek with a blush and a smile.

"Well, maybe you could help me give it a run through. Crack down on it before it's even released." Mateo said as he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her down onto his lap. Instantly she snuggled close and rested her ear against his chest as he held her close.

"Bet." She said then giggled, "Don't tempt me. I'll move in, sir."

Knowing just how outlandishly fast he was moving in life already he offered a chuckle before pinching her ass, "Not just yet lover, we barely know each other." He offered a wink.

She blushed as if regretting her comment. He chuckled again and then poked the tip of her nose lightly.

They sat like that talking for an eternity after that. His plan had been sex, or something along the lines, but instead he had found himself more curious about her with each question he asked. It was easy to ask, just as it was obvious she held ease with answering.

Deeper than their first conversation, considering their being alone versus the first meeting, this one seemed to uncover a bit more between them. He admitted to missing out on knowing his history, something he hadn't really delved into until recently, so she was the first in hearing it really.

She admitted to having faulty relations with her family thanks in part to her lifestyle. Another factor being bisexuality in a traditional Catholic family. They didn't accept it at all. So she was shunned despite holding zero ill will toward any of them.

The worst thing is not even days prior to their finding her sexual stance they had all been vastly loving and warm. A week befor, they had paid for her cars repairs. Which was not a cheap penny either.

By the end of it they were spooning on his bed as they slept.

Dreams scorched through his mind however. Memories of a time when all of it was new, when he couldn't cancel out anyone's thoughts. Then a time when he became the bullied kid of the neighborhood, thanks to Heterochromia and the different shade of hair. Eventually the dream cascaded to the present, only made it all seem like a man watching a TV show.

Gone was the personal connection.

He could see now the mistakes he had made. Letting his mother do what she did, as well as claiming her. Leaving the house without knowledge of what was out there. All the way to sex with Chula, which now revealed that several people had gotten offended and wanted to make complaints.

His subconscious had reached out while his mind was at work, switching off their focus on his events. By the end of that little romp, he had effected the minds of more than a dozen people. All without planning, or forethought.

What if one had been evil? Someone bent on his power? All they would have needed to do was follow the essence of his power back to the source and take control themselves while he wasn't prepared.

Blinking against the sunlight streaming through his eyes, Mateo stirred a bit as he woke. The last thing he had seen, was into his mother's mind as she had bleached it (that's what he decided to call it). She was wondering if he was able to read minds, wondering how he had powers.

But not how as in oh, no, magic, how did that happen.

She wondered how it was still there. As in had it removed when he was a child.

Rolling out of bed was simple, a nudge from his mind sent Chula back to sleep as she reached to climb free. He wouldn't have his rudeness be her reason for waking.

In seconds he was up, fixing his hair then brushing his teeth. With the basics to his morning finished he went downstairs without even fixing his clothing, or taking in his state of dress for that matter.
