A Ring Named Ezzie


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"I didn't mean That! I just meant alone. Maybe a nice walk, or I can paddle you around the lake." I say.

I can see her face soften. "I would love that."

"Ok what time should I be at your house?"

I show up the next morning at the appointed time with a large box for coffee and a large box of donut holes. I know Mr B loves his coffee, and I am not above a little brown nosing and bribery.

Karen greets me with a hug and a kiss. Her Mom smiles at us and her Dad just gives me a blank stare.

"Ezzie, what is Mr. B's problem with me?" I ask her.

"He is afraid you will both go back to different colleges in the fall and his little girl will wind up with a broken heart again." Says Ezzie.

"Thank you Ezzie." I need to try and talk to him. I think.

Mr B actually breaks my train of thought. Almost as an order he tells me. "Ben, come help me with the canoe."

We walk out to the garage to get the boat out of the rafters. I am just tall enough to pull it down so we can put it on the car. I turn and look at Mr. B.

I figure shooting straight is my best option. "Mr. B. Did I do something wrong?"

"Excuse me." He says to me with some tone.

"Ever since I took Karen out. You have done nothing but glare at me. Why?" I ask.

He walks up to me. "You have to ask why?"

"Yes sir I do. I have had feelings for Karen for a long time. My Mom said she and Mrs B talked about both of us having feelings for each other and would we ever act on it."

"Exactly!" He says a bit loudly. "Do you think I want my daughter to settle down with someone afraid to ask her out."

I try to defend myself. "Wait a minute. After high school we were both afraid we would lose touch going to different colleges in different states. We didn't, we stayed in touch and talked a lot. That next summer she came home with a boyfriend. I wasn't going to risk ruining her happiness. Last summer said boyfriend broke her heart. I helped her put it back together by being her friend. That you thanked me for by the way. Would you want me to hit on her when she is hurting like that?"

I take a breath and stare at him. "This is the first summer we are both free. I jumped at the chance and asked her out. Please don't ever confuse my kindness and compassion for weakness. I have never done anything but put Karen's feelings first."

Mr B just stares at me. I think he is shocked I spoke to him like that. "Ezzie what's he thinking?"

"He is shocked you had the nerve to talk to him like that, but also surprised he was wrong about you. He never saw it that way. He is kind of proud of you for standing up to him." She tells me.

Mr B's expression softens a bit. "So are you going to help me put the canoe on the roof?"

I suppose that's the closest to an apology I am going to get. "Yes sir." We each grab an end, carry it to the car, and tie it to the roof.

As we finish tying it down Karen comes out of the house, and Mrs B calls her Dad in the house.

Karen wraps me up in a tight hug. I look down and it looks like she has been crying. I push her back a bit and look down at her. "Hey why are you crying?" I ask.

"Me and Mom heard you telling Dad off. Your voice kinda carried." She says.

"Oh shit Karen. I am sorry. That was just meant to be between the two of us." I say.

She looks up at me. "Was it true? Is that why you never asked me out?"

"Karen, I couldn't last summer. You needed a friend more than anything else. The summer before that you were happy as could be. I couldn't ruin that." I say softly.

She reaches up and pulls my head down to hers and kisses me. She gives me a soft simple kiss. She breaks the kiss and pulls my forehead to hers and she looks me in the eyes. "Thank you."

I am confused. "Why are you thanking me?"

"For always being there for me. For always caring for me. For always protecting me. I love you." She says to me as we stand there holding each other.

"I have always loved you, and you are welcome." I see a tear trickle down her cheek. "Aaww Karen please don't cry."

She steps back, sniffles and wipes her tears. "They are happy tears."

Her Mom chooses this moment to come out of the house. As she walks to us I ask Ezzie. "Where is Mr B?"

"He is staying in the house. Mrs B told him to stay there." She says.

"Huh? Why did she do that? I ask.

"Mrs B thinks he is a stupid idiot. He was insulting to you and Karen thinking like he was, and she is afraid he ruined the plans for today. Mrs B just wants everyone to have a good day today and is hoping you will still go." Ezzie says

Mrs B walks up to us. "Are you kids ok?" She asks softly.

Karen turns to her Mother and hugs her and starts crying. I just hear her say "Mom.."

Her Mom just hugs her. Karen steps back. "Mom, I love Ben."

Mrs B just smiles. "I know honey." She looks at me.

"Mrs B, I think you know I have always loved her." I say.

She opens her arm up to invite me into the hug. The three of us share a hug for a moment. We all step back. Karen looks at me and then her Mom. "Mom, we are not going."

I see Mrs B's face drop. I speak up. "No Karen, it's ok. I don't want to be a part of the reason a family thing gets canceled. I think in his own way he was trying to protect you, which is all I have ever done. I can forgive and forget if he can."

"Ezzie, can you make Mr B forgive me, so we can move forward?"

"I don't have to Ben. He knows he is wrong. He doesn't think you were afraid to ask her out. He knows you two love each other." She tells me.

I yell into the house. "Mr B, anything in the house that needs to be in the car before we go?"

His head appears in the kitchen window. "Not in the house. I need the blue cooler in the garage and my fishing gear. Can you grab it?" He asks.

"I got it." I yell.

Mrs B looks at me and mouths "Thank you." Before turning and heading into the house.

I head into the garage. I head to the back wall where the fishing gear is. Karen follows me in. When we get to the gear I take it off the hooks and turn. Karen is right in front of me. Her hand pushes on my chest pushing me against the wall. She pulls a small toolbox in front of me on the floor and stands on it. She is now just a little taller than me.

She grabs my face in her hands and kisses me hard. I have the fishing poles in one hand, but with the other I reach around her. My hand lands on the waistband over her shorts. She moans into the kiss as I slip my hand into her shorts and squeeze her bum.

Karen pulls back from the kiss. She reaches back and gently pulls my hand out of her shorts. She pulls my fingers into her mouth and sucks on them while smiling at me. She pops her mouth off my fingers and steps down off the toolbox.

"You blew it you know." She says.

I am dumbfounded. "What did I blow?"

"If we didn't go I was planning on taking you to my bed the second they were gone." She laughs. "Now you have to wait another 24 hours." She turns and walks out of the garage giving her hips an extra wiggle as she goes.

I just stand there for a moment. The taste of her lips on my tongue. The feel of her mouth sucking on my fingers still in my head, and a raging hardon. I just moan. "Fuck Me!"

I walk out of the garage and put the fishing stuff in the trunk. I sit on the wall and pour a cup of coffee and pop some donut holes in my mouth.

I am trying to get Karen out of my head so my hardon will go down. When Mr B comes over and pours a cup of coffee. Yup, there it goes. It's gone.

He just looks at me for a minute. He then reaches his hand out to me to shake his hand. I take it, and we shake hands.

"Ben, I don't say it often, but I was wrong. I hope you will forgive me?"

"Ezzie, is he being honest?" I ask.

"He is. Mrs B told him to come out to you and actually say it or his daughter would never forgive him."

I laugh in my head. "I will take it."

I shake his hand. "Of course sir. You were just looking out for Karen."

Mrs B and Karen come out of the house. I see Mrs B kiss his cheek. The house is locked up. We take the coffee to go and get on the road.

We are about halfway there when Mr B gets a call. It's a business call. He is talking to someone about a service contract. It doesn't sound good.

"Crap". He says as he hangs up the phone. "I am not getting the Reynolds's Contract tomorrow. John can't get the numbers down. I know they won't accept the proposal, and I have slashed it to bare minimums."

I think of Ezzie. "Mr B are you meeting with them Monday? Let me come with you. I am a real people person. I bet I can get them to agree."

Karen smacks my leg and gives me a look. "What?" I think. "Oh no. Monday. What did I do?"

Karen sees my thoughts on my face. She knows I screwed up. She rubs my thigh.

"Really Ben. I don't think so." Says Mr B.

"Mr B. I promise you. I can help. I am a quick study. Give me the contract tonight. I will know it forward and backwards by the morning. I can do it." I say.

In my head. "Ezzie, can you make him agree to give me a chance please."

With just the slightest pause. "It's done Ben. You do realize you had plans for Monday right?"

"Ugh. Yes Ezzie. I wasn't thinking. I wanted to help Mr B to prove I am not a bad guy. Is Karen mad at me?"

"No, she does understand but is Very disappointed." Ezzie says

Mr B. Speaks up. "Ok Ben. If you think you can help I will give you a shot. It's not like you can hurt my chances."

"I promise Mr B. I will not let you down." I say.

I see Mrs B reach over and rub Mr B's thigh and smile at him. I look over at Karen, and just mouth to her "sorry."

She smiles and shakes her head at me. I reach down and give her thigh a squeeze. She pats my hand to reassure me.

The rest of the ride is done in relative silence. We get to the cabin and get out. Karen runs to her Uncle Ray and hugs him. She takes him by the hand and pulls him to me.

"Uncle Ray, this is my boyfriend Ben." She says.

I put my hand out and shake his hand. He tries to squeeze it tight. I squeeze back and never blink.

"So you want to take my little Karen away from me?" Uncle Ray asks.

"Take her away? No sir. I would say share her." I say as an answer.

He laughs and looks at Karen. "I might like him." He then looks at me and smiles. "I might."

I take a chance. "And I might like you. It's hard to tell from a hand squeeze...I mean handshake and a simple introduction."

Karen slaps Uncle Ray's arm. "Play nice Uncle Ray. I like him a lot."

He puts his hands up in defeat and surrender. "Ok Ben, let's see how the day goes."

"Fair enough." I say.

"Ezzie what is he thinking about me?" I ask.

"He isn't sure. He wants to talk to his brother."

"Thank you Ezzie." I say.

"You are Welcome."

Karen takes me by the hand. "Come on I want to show you around."

She takes me down close to the waters edge. There is a gravel patio with a fire pit and chaise lounges. She points to one. "Sit." She says.

I sit and she climbs half beside me and half on me. I look at her, and raise my eyebrows. "Are you sure?" I ask.

"I am snuggling with my boyfriend that I love." She says.

I just smile. "Yes ma'am." I look out. It is beautiful here. I wrap my arm around her. "I am picturing you and I on a blanket naked under the stars."

She smiles. "I was picturing you and I naked in my bed Monday morning, but nooo. You have to volunteer to help my Dad."

I feel horrible. "Karen, I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to help."

She puts her head on my shoulder. "I know, I am just frustrated. I guess we can wait 2 more days." She looks up at me. "If you make plans or volunteer for something on Wednesday I swear I will cut your dick off."

I laugh. "Wow. You can be Mean!"

Mr B and Uncle Ray come up to us. They flank us and sit down. I have a flash of Jurassic Park and being hunted by raptors.

Karen looks from one to the other not even bothering to move. "Hi guys can we help you?"

Ray takes the lead. "We thought you would talk to Benny boy."

Karen doesn't budge. "So talk." She says.

"Yes, by all means gentlemen, what can I help you with?" I say.

"Well Benny boy." Ray starts.

I know he is trying to get under my skin. "Ezzie, does Ray have a nickname he doesn't like?"

"Shortie. He definitely doesn't like that." She tells me.

I interrupt him. "Ray with all due respect please call me Ben or Benjamin. I am not a child to be called Benny boy."

"No problem Benny boy." He says.

I turn to Mr B. "Mr B can I help you?"

"Well Ray and I were talking. You are doing finance and business in college right?" Mr B asks.

"Well close sir. A Bachelors in Financial Analysis with a minor in Business Management." I say.

"We want you to look at the two proposals I wrote up for Reynolds and talk to us about them. What would you offer and why do you think you can get them to say yes." Says Mr B.

"What do you think Benny Boy?" Asks Ray.

I turn back to Ray. "I think you get the respect you show people....Shortie."

His face says it all. I turn back to Mr B. "Mr B I would be happy to review that information for you. That is if Karen is ok with me doing it during what is supposed to be a fun family BBQ?"

All eyes fall on Karen. "Umm I guess an hour or so would be ok."

"Great! Mr B I will have Karen send you my email. I will sit right here and review it." I say.

Ray is pissed. I don't need Ezzie to tell me that. He looks at his brother. "$100 says he fails you."

"Chump change!" I say out loud.

"Oh really." Says Ray

I turn back to Ray. "Yes Shortie."

Ray pops. "My name is Ray."

"And mine is Ben. You didn't want to call me Ben after I asked nicely. I thought Shortie was a good nickname for you." I say.

"Ezzie, how pissed is Ray?"

"Very Ben. He wants to hit you, but won't in front of Karen." She says.

"Good." I smile in my head. "I will let him stew."

"I will put up $500. If I fail that's $250 to each of you. If I succeed, I get this lovely cabin for the Labor Day weekend. To be clear, that's the Friday before with a 3pm check in and a check out of 3pm Monday."

"Deal!" Ray answers. "You will never do it."

"Not to say I don't trust you Ray, but I did just meet you." I pull out my phone and hit record. I do a video of Karen and I. "Karen is our impartial witness. Myself, Mr B and his brother Ray have made a wager. If I don't land the Reynolds contract for Mr B in the morning I have to pay out $500 or $250 to each of them. Should I win. Well Uncle Ray is giving me this lovely lakeside cabin for the Labor Day weekend. 3pm Friday to 3pm Monday. I agree to these terms." I turn the phone to Uncle Ray.

He scowls. "I agree."

I turn it to Mr B. "I agree."

I stop the video. "Mr B please send me the documents."

"Ray. Thanks for the place to have an end of summer party."

"Yeah I doubt that." He says as he stomps off.

They walk away and Karen looks at me. "Are you crazy? Calling him Shortie? He hates that. How did you know that?"

"I didn't. I guessed. After all, he isn't that tall." I say.

"Ben!" She says, sounding exasperated.

"Karen, he was disrespecting me. You reap what you sow." I say.

"But Ben, Dad has been trying to get Reynolds for a while. They want it too cheap." she says.

"Yeah I figured the way you Dad was talking." I stroke her cheek. "Karen I promise you. I have this." I say

"If you don't, you are out $500." She says.

"Nope, that $500 is going to food and drink for our Labor Day Party here." I say with a big smile.

Karen is worried and concerned. So far today I have had a run in with her Dad over her, and now Uncle Ray over the Reynolds contract I promised to get signed.

I get the contracts from Karen. Mr B had problems figuring things out on his phone. Karen was able to have him send them to her, and then she sent them to me. Almost immediately I went to Mr B. with questions about his labor and parts cost so I could make a fair comparison

I then took some time and looked up industry labor costs, vs costs in our region, vs costs in our state. I looked at the term, the rates, bonuses, and penalties. I compared everything. While I was reviewing everything I watched Mr B and Ray hop in the canoe to go fishing. I watch them go and Uncle Ray gives me a dirty look. I don't have to ask Ezzie. I know now he is more aggressive than Mr B, but I refuse to be intimidated. Especially with Ezzie on my side. All he has to do is look at me sideways and I can have him thinking he is a little girl in pigtails.

I fine tune the contrat. I adjust the one time visit charge to favor Mr B, but lower the labor cost per hour. Most of the work is maintenance, quick in and outs. On paper it looks like the per hour is in favor of Reynolds, but when you work out the 4yr term and the anticipated number of visits. The loss on labor be offset by the visit fee. I change the parts cost to just above cost, but it's a small concession to give and make it look good against the labor & visit fee. Finally I want to hook Reynolds for a longer term. I change it from four to five years and put an Early Termination clause in it.

In all honesty it's a very fair offer. There is a little give here, with some take here. It looks good on paper so Mr B & Ray think I am in their corner. Well to be honest I am in Mr B's corner. I am not sure of Uncle Ray.

I am all but done when I hear a splash and a yell. I look up and Ray has somehow flipped out of the boat. I don't even think. I run down to the shore. I pull off my shirt as I go, and kick off my shoes at the shore. The boat is probably a little under 50 yards from shore. Not too far, but far enough to take a moment to get out there. When I get there Uncle Ray is still splashing in the water. I try to grab him, but he is yelling that he is ok. It's clear he isn't. He is trying to hold on to his fishing pole and swim while in shorts, t-shirt, shoes & a full fishing vest. It isn't working

"Ezzie, make him calm down and accept my help please."

"Of course Ben." Says Ezzie.

He relaxes, and I am able to put my arm around him and swim us back to shore. We get to the shallow water where he can walk, and he pulls away from me and walks to shore. He walks to the small patio area I was in earlier and plops down in a chair.

About this time Mr B brings in the boat. He claps his hand on my shoulder. "That was amazing Ben. Where did you learn that?"

"Sir, I have been a registered lifeguard since my freshman year. It's my part time job at school." I say.

Mr B's only answer is "Wow."

I walk up to Ray. "Uncle Ray, are you Ok?"

I may have asked Ezzie to make him relax, but he still isn't my #1 fan. "I am fine. I didn't need you saving me."

"Well you needed to drop the pole at minimum, and or maybe kick off your shoes and vest. They were weighing you down. I was happy to be able to help. Oh and by the way, you are Welcome." I say.

There are a few faces I don't recognize. I guess some new people have arrived. Karen comes running down from the house with towels. She tosses one at Uncle Ray, and comes to me trying to wrap me in a towel. I take it from her and dry my hair and head. I rub my shorts to try and dry them, and hand it back to Karen as I walk to the beach to grab my shoes.

Karen hugs me from behind as I stand there just looking out at the water. "You were amazing Ben. Thank you for pulling him in."

I hold her hands to my chest "Karen you don't have to thank me."

"Yes I do. If something had gone wrong I would have lost my Uncle and my Father would have thought he was to blame for the rest of his life. So yes I am going to say Thank You to you." Karen tells me.

Karen sighs behind me. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Truthfully?" Karen asks.

"Of course." I say as I take my hands and hold hers to me so she can't let me go.
