A Shepherd in France Ch. 02


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Chanel looked down and saw her dress had ridden up when she ran. She grinned back at the blonde. "I wasn't going to tell you as I was admiring the view but so is yours." They both pulled their dresses back down to cover themselves and grinned at each other. As Catherine headed back she pulled the dress up to show her ass and smiled cheekily over her shoulder. Chanel just shook her head.

Catherine went back to the group as quickly as she could, keeping her dress from rising as it did before. She lost her smile when she saw Ben sitting on the ground. Gabriella was kneeling beside him holding the pocket square from Daniel's jacket pocket against Ben's right side. He was wincing in pain.

"What happened?" Catherine barked.

"Chanel's aim around Ben wasn't so good. It hit him too!" Gabriella growled. Flashing lights approached.

"It's... just a flesh... wound," the man hissed. Daniel giggled then looked immediately sorry but Ben gave him a big smile and mouthed 'Thank you' to him. Daniel smiled nervously back.

"Remember everyone, Chanel did all the shooting!" Catherine said looking into their eyes and received nods. Daniel looked troubled.

"What's wrong?" Cat asked him.

"Should I delete the movie I shot?" he asked.

"You caught that on video?" she gaped. He nodded.

"Hell no! I want to show that to my father! He'll be so proud," she grinned. "But give the memory stick to your sister in case the police want to see your camera." He smiled and moved to Miriam.

"Is Shakir dead?" Ben asked.

"Very," Cat responded.


The police arrived and soon ambulances were brought in. The paramedics looked after Ben and he'd just been grazed on his right side half way down his torso. Stung like a bitch and it would scar but definitely not life threatening. They treated the wound and put a proper bandage on it. The paramedic peeled back the bandage on his left side and looked at Ben in surprise. Then he saw the multitude of scars including the three old bullet scars.

"Are you a soldier?" the man asked as he put a new bandage on Ben's left side.

"No, just unlucky. But I compensate by being lucky in love." He tilted his head towards the open doors of the ambulance. Standing outside were seven worried looking people all staring in at Ben. The man smiled.

"May I go?" Ben asked. The paramedic nodded and had him sign the release form. Ben climbed gingerly out of the ambulance and was gathered into the embrace of his family.

"Not the result I was hoping for but it will have to do," came a voice behind them. Chief Inspector Favreau was standing next to the ambulance with Chanel who was looking relaxed. She smiled at Catherine who smiled back.

"What were you hoping to get? A confession?" Ben growled. The pain was making him a little testy.

The Chief Inspector frowned. "No, but a list of his clients would have been helpful."

Catherine suddenly remembered she was holding the cell phone. "Maybe it's on his phone," she said as she moved forward to hand it to the man.

"This is Rachid Shakir's phone? How did you get it?" the man asked.

"Catherine ran over after the shooting to see if I got him. She must have picked it up then," Chanel said.

Cat nodded with wide eyes. "He was dead. It was horrible!"

"Yes, sorry you had to see that," Favreau said, missing the byplay between the two women.

"I have to get this back to the techs. Thank you! I hope your vacation goes a little more smoothly from this point on," the Chief Inspector said as he prepared to leave.

"Does this mean Karen and Penny are no longer needed as witnesses?" Ben asked.

Favreau paused. "I still have some questions for them. They may have witnessed Shakir performing transactions with customers. They may be able to identify them. With Shakir's death they no longer require police protection but I will need to speak with them." He hustled away.

Catherine handed the black heels to Chanel who sighed looking at them then slipped them back on. Then she took her purse back. "I have to go to the station and fill out some reports. Firing my weapon within city limits. Killing two suspects. Paperwork! Bah." She smiled at Catherine. "I still have to get this dress back to you. Can I see you tomorrow?"

"You'd better!" Catherine growled playfully.

Chanel quickly glanced around but saw they were being ignored. She stepped forward and planted a sensual kiss right on the blonde's lips drawing a moan from her. She pulled back and smiled at the dazed and dreamy look on Cat's face. "Until tomorrow." She strode away in the annoying shoes but she was walking on clouds.

Ben and Gabriella walked up behind Catherine. "Hey, get a room," Gabriella teased.

Cat squeaked as she became aware of her surroundings once more. She blushed at her friends and they gathered her between them and the group made their way back to the hotel. They'd had quite enough excitement for the night.

Chapter 19

It was decided at breakfast the next morning that this day would make up for the missed shopping trip to Nice. The women in his party plus Chanel would leave shortly after breakfast. The new members of their party, Karen and Penny, had to stick around Cannes as they might be called upon by the police to identify Shakir's customers though both claimed he locked them in their room when he did his business dealings. As they heard Ben was going to relax up on the rooftop pool deck they were delighted to join him. Daniel also wanted to play in the pool so he was staying behind as well.

As she wasn't in her room when he called Ben left an invitation with the front desk for Margaux to join him. He booked a cabana next to the pool and two extra lounge chairs so the ladies could get some sun.

He saw the group off on their shopping extravaganza from the lobby and Chanel formally apologized for the injury she'd caused him the previous night. He assured her he wasn't upset and wished them all luck. He grinned seeing the excitement on Catherine's face. She rushed back and gave him another kiss before she skipped after her group. He and Daniel headed for the roof.

Ben settled himself on the large queen sized lounge bed in the cabana but left his shirt on to avoid the stares his scars drew. Daniel made straight for the pool. He had the young man in his line of sight and there was a lifeguard on duty so he felt comfortable resting his eyes occasionally. It was during one of these restful moments when he heard a lull in the normal background conversation level from the other guests. Curious, he opened his eyes and saw Karen and Penny walking towards the cabana in their new swimsuits. They had their new 'Hollywood' shades on and their bikinis were straining to contain their ample breasts. Each had a colorful and sheer wrap over their bikini bottoms and he saw their shoes had heels that were still a little higher than might be practical for beachwear. From their smiles he could tell that they were both happy so he just smiled back at them.

"Are these for us?" Karen asked, pointing to the two lounge chairs before the cabana. Ben nodded and they set their stuff down between the chairs. Ben wondered where they'd got the beach bag but knew the resourcefulness of the ladies he was traveling with had likely taken care of it.

Ben relaxed once more and let the soothing sounds of the pool area take his tensions away. The last major worry he'd had was getting identification for both Karen and Penny. He'd contacted his lawyer back in the states and left him a long detailed message on beginning an identity search, discretely, and to get started on establishing some identification for both. He authorized the man to bring in any resources he deemed required. That taken care of he hoped he could just enjoy the rest of his vacation.

A waiter came by and Ben ordered some pineapple juice. The waiter spent far more time with the two ladies and he finally left with their orders.

Ben was beginning to nod off when he heard a noise.

"Bennnnnnnnnnnnn," said two voices, almost in harmony. It was the almost part that was jarring. He opened his eyes and looked at Karen and Penny who were both smiling at him.


"Could you put sun tan lotion on us?" Karen asked while Penny had a coy smile.


Both ladies froze in surprise. That wasn't the answer they were expecting.

"No? Why not?" Karen asked with a pout.

Ben sat up and looked at the two ladies to ensure he had their attention. "Because I'm defining our relationship in terms of what you need not what you want. You are both beautiful young women but you've had half of your lives stolen from you by a... very bad man. I'm willing to help you regain what was taken from you but if you accept my help we will do it on my terms. Unlike how Shakir treated you, from me you will only receive honesty and respect. I expect the same from you. You aren't pets. You have far more potential than that. If you accept my help you will have a say in all matters that concern you. My role in your lives will not be that of lover. You won't flirt with me. You could think of me like... an uncle-"

"Father," Penny blurted, her eyes welling with tears.

Ben smiled gently. "Sure. Father works too. I will protect you, guide you, and support you until you are able to take your lives under your own control. But like I said it's your choice." He looked at the two ladies and saw Karen was having more difficulty with the idea than Penny who seemed completely onboard.

"Something you need to say Karen? You can say anything you want to me," he said gently.

"I- I liked it. Just the being taken care of part. Not having to make decisions!" her voice was a little shrill from fear.

"Come here," Ben said and Karen rushed to crawl up the lounge bed and press herself against his chest. She was trembling.

"I'm not throwing you into the deep end to see if you will sink or swim. We will do this together, work out how much autonomy you can deal with every day until you are comfortable with taking charge of the important things in your life. When you have control over that, well, that would be the optimal time to find a boyfriend. He'll have to endure a grilling from me but if he survives my interrogation then he may be worthy of you."

Both women were grinning by that point and Penny rushed up onto the bed to hug him.

"Am I interrupting something?" said a frosty voice.

Ben looked up to see Margaux standing rigidly at the end of the lounge bed. He sighed. "Karen, Penny, this is Margaux De la Cruz. Please tell her what I just told you."

Karen looked a little confused but she spoke first. "He won't rub suntan lotion on us and won't be our lover."

Penny seemed to get the message a little clearer. "Ben will help us get our lives back but as a father would." She beamed him a loving smile.

"Thank you. Now I think you can put on your own lotion and help each other do your backs." Ben shooed them off the bed. The two ladies grinned and moved quickly back to their lounge chairs.

Ben looked at Margaux who was struggling to regain her composure. She frowned and her bottom lip started to tremble. "Come here, please," Ben said.

The woman gracefully sat on the edge of the bed. "Closer." She slid forward a few inches. Ben sighed and leaned back against the inclined cushions and lifted his left arm across the top of the pillows. "Climb up here and tuck yourself against me so we can talk. You'll feel better."

Dark brown eyes looked deeply into his then she moved closer and slowly lowered herself to the cushions and his side. Once her head was resting against his chest he felt her exhale and begin to relax.

"It's beautiful up here. I was just lying here listening to the sounds of the breeze and the water lapping in the pool, the kids playing and the happy murmur of the other guests talking and... I felt at peace. I've had a few moments like that on this vacation. I treasure those as I've had so many moments in my life that were the direct opposite of them. I'm learning to cherish the important moments." He moved his left arm down and cuddled Margaux a little tighter against him. "This feels like one of those moments too."

"You've just seen the ugly monster that lives within me. It is so eager to destroy every chance at happiness. How can you say you want me to be with you when you've seen its evil?" she said quietly, her voice trembling.

"You think you are the only one carrying monsters inside? We all have them to some degree. The trick is to recognize them as separate from who you are. Don't be defined by their actions and impulses. Own them, understand them but deny them their ability to make life decisions. To truly love someone is to accept them, monsters and all."

Margaux pressed her face against his chest and breathed in deeply. Her body was relaxing.

They lay on the lounge bed together for a time, neither speaking, both enjoying the simple comfort of human contact. The waiter returned with the drinks and Margaux ordered one for herself. Once more the waiter tried to flirt with the ladies but both glanced at Ben and saw his raised eyebrow. They turned back to the waiter and politely denied his request to meet them later. Dejectedly the man moved off.

Margaux chuckled. "You are doing it again!"

"What?" he asked with a smile.

"Unconscious Dom behavior," she looked up at him with a knowing smile.

"Not this time. That was a 'you're not ready for dating and he's not worthy of you' look. Dad stuff," he rumbled.

Margaux pushed herself up on one elbow to stare into Ben's eyes with surprise. "You're serious! You're really going to treat these women like your daughters?"

"It's what they need most right now. The stuff they've gone through? They didn't deserve. The stuff they missed out on? I can help with that."

"How? How can you afford to do all this? You told me you were a semi-retired mechanic?" she asked incredulously.

Ben snorted and began to laugh. Once he got control of that he smiled at her confusion. "Mechanical Engineer. I make stuff. Solve engineering issues. Invent things to make other things work or work better. I get patents on the things I make. I get royalties for those I license others to manufacture and sometimes I sell the design outright."

"You're rich?" she said with a quiet intense voice.

Ben looked around. "I do alright."

"So you're not after my money," Margaux smiled as she rested her chin on his chest to look up at his face.

He grinned. "No. I'm not."

"You're some kind of millionaire playboy?" she teased.

Ben snorted. "Definitely not!"


The waiter arrived with a wireless phone. "I'm terribly sorry to interrupt but you have a call."

Ben and Margaux sat up and he took the phone. "Ben Shepherd."

"Ah, Mr. Shepherd. This is Marcus from the front desk. You have visitors. The Noskov family? They say you rescued their twin daughters. Shall I send them up?"

"To the rooftop patio?" Ben asked.

"Yes sir, they could meet you in the restaurant," Marcus indicated.

"Uh, sure, ok."

"Very good sir. They will be right up." The phone went dead. He handed it back to the waiter who nodded and left.

"Uh, I have to go greet the family of the twins I... found the other night. Could you give me a moment?" he asked. She nodded with a smile and Ben walked over to the elevator doors.

When they opened four people were inside. First was a shorter man, maybe 5' 4" but broad in the shoulders and fit. His hair was either prematurely greying or he was slightly older than Ben. He had a square jaw and sharp blue eyes which took in the surroundings before he stepped out and allowed his family to follow.

His wife was tall and slim. A good twenty years younger than her husband and at least four inches on him. She was lovely and had lips made for smiling though she looked a little strained and tired now. Then came the two lovely girls, blond like their mother and likely to inherit her height and looks. Their eyes were currently scanning everywhere but stopped when they spotted him. The two began to chatter immediately and point excitedly towards him.

Ben stepped forward awkwardly and smiled. "Hello, I'm Ben Shepherd." He held his hand out.

The man stopped and looked up at him. Something passed across his face and the man's jaw flexed. He shook Ben's hand then he pulled him into a fierce hug which caught Ben by surprise. Then the wife joined the hug and the kids right after. Ben was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. The man was the first to recover and pulled back. He dabbed at his eyes with a handkerchief. His wife stepped back and Ben patted the two girl's heads then with a word from their father they joined their mother.

"I am Nikolai Noskov. This is my wife Galena and our girls Mika and Roza. They are our miracle children and more precious to us than anything in the world. We had almost lost hope of ever finding them again. I cannot express the gratitude we feel for your rescuing them and bring them back to us."

Ben was squirming under their admiring looks so he tried to deflect. "It was the police who really rescued them and brought them to you. They deserve your praise more than me."

"Your modesty proves your quality of character!" Nikolai gushed. "It is almost lunch time, please let me buy you lunch!"

"Oh! Uh, sure but I should bring my companions if we are going to have lunch," Ben said.

"Please bring them!" the man said with a smile. They walked to the entrance of the restaurant and Ben asked for a large table. The host nodded and led the Noskov family to the table while Ben went to gather his people. He got Daniel out of the pool and let the two ladies know it was lunch time.

"Margaux, would you please join us for lunch. This family is very nice and wants to show their gratitude by buying lunch. They invited all of us," Ben asked.

She saw the need in his eyes so she nodded and he relaxed. She wondered what caused his discomfort.

The group followed Ben to the restaurant and over to the table. Nikolai and Galena stood and tried not to gawk at Karen and Penny and everyone shook hands and said their hellos as introductions were made.

Ben leaned forward to address the parents. "Karen and Penny were captives of Rachid Shakir since their early teens. I found them locked in a bedroom off the room your children were kept in." Nikolai's and Galena's faces went white. They were looking at the potential, eventual end result of their children's abduction.

Karen looked upset. "Why are they looking at us like that?"

"They don't mean to upset you, it's just that the idea of losing your children for such a long time is horrifying to a parent. I should have found a better way to make that introduction. My apologies." Ben felt terrible for making everyone feel bad.

"Mr. Shepherd is right. We would have missed our daughters very much and are so grateful this was prevented!" Galena said diplomatically. Karen felt better but Ben saw worry in Penny's eyes.

Talk quickly made its way to occupations and Ben learned that Nikolai's company, which he ran with his brother Andrei, touched on a lot of different industries. Ben realized that he'd done work with the Noskovs before.

"I designed a new drill bit for one of your mining companies. Reduced the creation of dust which meant less water needed to control the dust, less pollution, less energy consumption for pumping, less cost." Ben smiled.

"That was you?" Nikolai said incredulously.

"Yes! I saw the request on the engineering boards and thought it looked like a good challenge!" Ben beamed and Margaux finally, truly got what Ben did for a living.

They ate lunch and talked about travel, Ben having only France to mention but Margaux and the Noskovs had travelled far more extensively.

When lunch was done everyone stood to say their goodbyes and Ben noticed Nikolai was still nervously scanning the room.
