A Sibling in Need Pt. 02


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The two of them were silent for maybe half a minute, neither really excited about facing reality.

"Unless, we're going to commit to this thing all out and just cancel our friends and family, move away somewhere and just do our thing," Summer said finally, just throwing it out there as a pie-in-the-sky idea.

Cole's head was down, this was hard to face all of a sudden. "Yeah, I thought about that. I don't mind quitting my job and I bet we could make a lot of money camming as real siblings who fuck."

"What?!" came Summer's startled response, her eyes huge. "You'd do that?"

"Summer, you're not the only one who gets turned on by the taboo. I've had a huge crush on you for awhile now. It's been a fantasy of mine."

"Wow," she said, still stunned.

"Well anyway, I've looked into it. Incest is a very popular search in the porn world. We could do well," Cole added. "You asked what I wanted and my answer is you. I want a family with you, but I also don't want to lose mom and dad, or my cousins and all my friends."

Cole was done talking, just looking at his sister in wait of her reply, but she was sitting there dazed.


Summer shook her head out of the daze that it was in. "Right, I'm sorry. I was thinking about the camming idea. Isn't that crazy?"

"It's out there but we could do it if we ever wanted to switch things up," Cole replied.

"Right. Well, I'm with you," she said, finally getting back to the topic at hand. "I don't want to --- wait! did you say you want to have a family with me?"

Summer's eyes were wide again, her face all lit up in honest amazement.

"Yeah," Cole said seriously.

"OhmyGod, Cole!" Summer screamed and tackled her brother down to the bed, smothering him in kisses out of nowhere. Cole rolled her over and the two made out for a minute before breaking apart.

"I guess that means you're down?" Cole said with a chuckle.

"Duh," she said.

"But you just said we have to normalize?"

"I know, I know," she said, now straddling Cole's lap. "I guess I want to eat my cake and have it, too."

Cole just lay there under her not really understanding where her mind was going with this. What could she possibly be thinking?

"I know this is probably crazy, but I'm thinking we could both date but still, you know, be US as we are now," Summer looked down at Cole, hopefully.

Cole thought for a moment. Was this even possible? Not just the fucking-your-sibling-behind-everyone's-back part, but the having-a-secret-family-with-your-sister part. Could they get away with that? And was that even how he wanted to have a family with his sister? The more he thought about it all, two things he knew: 1) he wasn't willing to cut out his family and friends for a secret life with his sister and 2) that he wanted Summer to have his baby at some point. This he had to have.

"Summer, are you telling me you're willing to get married to someone and then fake a pregnancy with them only to have a baby with me?"

"Cole, think about it!" she admonished him. "It's the only way! Because I want to have your baby, too. It turns me on so much just thinking about it."

"You're so naughty, Sum," Cole said, smiling.

"I know!" Summer said as she broke out into a massive laughing fit. She was legitimately psychotic, but Cole loved her anyway.

Cole and Summer laughed and wrestled on the bed, Cole kissing his sister all over before finally they stopped and returned to their life-defining conversation.

"So, we're going to do this? We're going to start dating other people and you're," Cole pointed at Summer here, "going to get married."

"You are, too," Summer interjected.

"Uh, not anytime soon. sweetheart," Cole replied.

"Yes. Yes, we're going to do this," Summer said, taking her brother's hand again. They were both sitting up against the headboard, side by side. "I want you, Cole. Always. That will never change."

Summer looked in his eyes so deeply that Cole knew she truly believed that. And that was all that mattered to him, that she wanted it with all her heart. They both leaned in for their most passionate kiss they shared over the last four months at the same time.

Summer broke away, her eyes still closed, completely flustered.

"By the way, Ashley wants you."

Cole just looked at her, a little startled. Summer nodded several times.

"Yup. Stop acting like you're surprised. Oh, and I'm going to Paris in like nine days now."

Cole blinked. "You're going to Paris?"

"Uh huh," she agreed. "For work. I wanted to bring you, but I can't. It's just one week." This last part she added quickly, as if to make Cole feel better. But there was also a tone of sadness there.

"Well," Cole finally came around to saying. "That will be amazing. You'll have a good time. I wish I could come with."

"I know," Summer agreed. "Me too."

Summer started to settle into bed, lowering herself onto her pillow.

"But," she added, "it'll be the perfect chance for you to start seeing Ashley."

"Summer," Cole said her name in a deliberate way, drawing out the syllables, admonishing her for the statement.

"Cole, just do it," Summer replied facing the ceiling. "We need to--"

"Normalize," they both said at the same time.

Chapter 9

On the eve of her departure to Paris, Summer pressed the lock button on her key, heard the chime of her car alarm and strode off down the sidewalk to the nearby restaurant where she was meeting Ashley for lunch. It was a Friday in the early summer. The sun sat high in the sky and Summer felt a nice, cooling breeze whip over her light blouse from off the bay. It was 77 degrees and Summer dressed casually, a pair of blue jeans that hugged her legs and ass with a white, short-sleeve top and her hair up. She carried a purse on her right hand.

Summer turned the corner and saw Ashley sitting at a table out on the patio underneath the awning. Ashley waved and Summer smiled as she closed the distance. The two hugged and kissed each other's cheeks in greeting before sitting opposite each other. Ashley was already half-way through a Bay Breeze and handed Summer the drink menu noticing that the waiter was making his way over having noticed the new arrival.

"It's so good to see you, babe!" Ashley said cheerily, her beautiful teeth showing as she smiled wide.

"You too, Ash," Summer replied. "What are you drinking? I kinda feel like some wine. God, it's been forever since we've done this."

"I know! You're always in the gym and I'm working crazy hours. We have to make this more of routine, though!" Ashley offered.

"We will. When I get back let's make sure we're doing this every week. We can even try to get Nat and Steph to join, you think?" Summer wondered.

"Yes! That's such a good idea!" replied Ashley. "I can't believe you're going to Paris! That's going to be so amazing."

The waiter came over to the table.

"It's only a week and I'm going to be working the entire time," Summer said sadly.

"Can I get you anything to drink, miss?"

"Uh yes, can I have a glass of red wine. Something local. Maybe this one from Napa," Summer said pointing to the name on the menu.

"Absolutely. And would you like another Bay Breeze love or are you okay?"

"Actually, why don't you bring a bottle of that red wine she ordered and two glasses?" Ashley said confidently.

"Oh perfect," Summer replied and the waiter nodded and headed back for the bar.

"So you're not going to have time to get out and see the city?" Ashley asked with empathy.

"Well, hopefully I'll have my nights pretty free," Summer replied. "It'd obviously be nice to walk around, see the Eiffel Tower, walk the Champs-Elysees, do some shopping but I doubt I'll have more than a day off."

"Still, you'll be in Paris in the summer. Enjoy it, Summer!" Ashley stated.

"You're right. I'm sure I will," Summer returned. "It is my first trip to Europe and I've always wanted to go. It's going to be a sort of trial experience for me. I want to go back and do a real trip with Cole or you and the girls if we're all able to get the time off.

"That'd be fun, right?"

Ashley could hardly contain her interest in the idea.

"Absolutely! We get six weeks at the hospital and I might be able to link four weeks together as long as I know three-four months in advance I should be able to get the time off," replied Ashley. "Ohmygosh, that would be so amazing! Where would you want to go?"

"Well, Paris and southern France. Nice and Monte Carlo. I think we have to do Italy. Rome and the Amalfi Coast."

Ashley screamed.

"The Amalfi Coast would be AMAZING! My friends' family went a couple years back and had a fabulous time! I've always wanted to go!" Ashley said, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

"Anywhere else you want to go?" Summer asked as the waiter returned, setting down the bottle of wine and their glasses. He removed the cork and poured them each a glass.

"Are you two ready to order?" the waiter asked politely.

Summer looked at Ashley who glanced again at her menu, clearly showing signs that she hadn't decided and Summer had barely taken in the offerings herself.

"I think we need a couple more minutes, sorry," she responded looking up at the waiter.

"No problem. I'll give you two a couple more minutes."

Ashley was perusing the menu, seemed to decide on her order, then looked up again before responding to Summer's question.

"I've always wanted to see Italy so I'm with you on Rome and the Amalfi Coast. If we have time, maybe Venice, too. I think Spain or Croatia would be fun. Oooh maybe Greece?"

Summer agreed. "What do you think about Amsterdam or London?"

They both sipped their wine. It was a full-bodied Cabernet. Quite good.

"Amsterdam is so pretty! Yeah, we should do both of those cities as well," Ashley agreed.

The waiter returned and the girls placed their orders.

"Let's shoot for next spring, okay?" Summer said.

"Perfect!" Ashley answered.

They each sipped their wine, contemplating the idea of the trip.

"How's Cole?" Ashley asked without betraying her interest. It was stated flatly, without emotion. "Is he still living with you?"

"Yeah," Summer replied, drawing out the single syllable as if it was becoming a drag. "He says it's going to be another month or so before his building is fixed."

"Oh," Ashley said. "Yeah, that has to be frustrating. You like having him there, though?"

"Definitely," Summer answered. "I love him, you know? But I do miss my privacy," she lied.

"I know what you mean. I love living on my own," Ashley said.

Summer picked up the wine bottle and refilled each of their glasses which finished the wine off.

"It is nice. Not having any one in your way I mean," Summer stated.

"I wouldn't mind having Cole in my way," Ashley said, emphasizing the word 'my.' "He's so sexy."

Summer finished the sip of wine she took while Ashley was talking and gave her friend an annoyed look.

"What?" Ashley asked exasperated. "He is! You can't tell me that even as his sister you don't realize that he's sexy.

"What is he, 5-foot-10 and 190 pounds? I'll bet he's shredded underneath his shirt. Gorgeous face with those eyes and his hair. And I just love his smile."

Summer rolled her eyes. She really was playing her part well. Ashley wasn't picking up on anything that would suggest Summer also had the hots for Cole.

"Oh this looks fabulous!" Ashley said as their food was finally delivered. Both dishes were hot, their dishes fresh off the grill apparently with a very appetizing presentation as well.

"Well, he's not seeing anyone at the moment, you know?" Summer replied after a few bites of her dish.

Ashley's mouth fell open in shock while she had her fork approaching her mouth for a bite. There was no way she heard her friend correctly from across their small table.

"Are you serious?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah," Summer insisted, a small smile now spreading across her mouth as she took in her friend's surprise. "I thought I told you this already?"

"Trust me, you didn't," said Ashley, starting to actually believe that her current crush was single. It seemed absurd to her. Someone that gorgeous with a fun personality and quality career. She had her bite of food and finished chewing before asking a follow up question.

"You don't mind if I ask him out, do you?" she asked.

Summer had her wine glass in her hand and paused before taking another drink to answer. She was ready for this question and knew what she must do even if deep down it turned her stomach in knots just thinking about it.

"No," came Summer's short reply. She thought about adding, "He told me he thought you were pretty," but decided against it. Leave that to Cole. Probably not the best idea to betray his feelings in any way before they even start really talking.

"Yeah, give him a call," Summer added and forwarded Ashley Cole's contact info from her phone.

The two friends continued to eat and drink their wine while discussing current events in their lives. Ashley was fresh out of nursing school and was currently applying to a handful of the major hospitals around the Bay. She had recently taken up yoga classes again and suggested Summer join her when she returned from Europe. Summer noted her interest and asked her friend to send her the class schedule when she got back. Eventually, they finished and said goodbye with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

As Summer got to her car, she texted her brother. Forwarded Ashley your phone number. She's going to ask you out.

Okay. Was his response moments later.


The next afternoon, Cole pulled up at the departures curb at San Francisco airport. Both he and Summer got out of the car and after pulling her luggage out of the car and setting it down on the walkway, he stopped and assessed his sister. She looked good in her casual dress. A pair of black Lulu Lemon leggings clung to her toned lower half and a long-sleeve fitness top hugged her curves while showing off a ribbon of her strong core. Summer had her hair in a braided up-do. It was probably Cole's favorite hairstyle of hers.

He smiled. "Have a great time, sis!" said Cole. "I wish I was coming."

"I know. I will," she said and fell into his arms. They hugged for nearly half a minute before breaking apart. Cole bowed his face to hers and kissed her. It was a lover's kiss. Passionate but not overly long or aggressive. Chaste in its simplicity.

"Bye Cole," she said. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Summer," Cole replied, still smiling at his sister. "Safe travels."

With that, she strode to the automatic entry doors and slipped into the airport terminal and was gone.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

So Cole with the whore Ashley while the dumb bitch sister goes abroad

PhineasNPhineasNalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Middleson and Anonymous91, this is my story. I believe in normalizing and how hot it can be when siblings fuck despite having a wife and husband. And you never know, maybe one of the siblings decides they can't handle the other fucking someone else and they tell them so? I have plenty of ideas. All future chapters of this story will be posted on my Patreon pg. Head to patreon and eroticabyphineas to subscribe and find the new chapters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As others have said, not thrilled about the direction this part took, but still looking forward to the next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Waiting for the next installment.

MiddlesonMiddlesonalmost 3 years ago

I enjoyed the first part and the direction it was heading then you went and ruined it with the second part with the need to normalize. The bit about rent and expenses made it sound like a business transaction between the siblings. It started to seem like a fuck buddy situation. I cant see a situation where two siblings take a huge step in becoming lovers and not be willing to try and sacrifice at all costs to building a future together. I enjoyed your story telling and writing but feel let down and disappointed with this turn in direction. I really hope another part comes along to right the ship where siblings figure out they cant let go of jealousy and stay monogomous to each other with a future

Anonymous91Anonymous91over 3 years ago

What the hell. I loved the first part. Now "Normalize" Crap. You don't know about incest love.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
the story needs to continue.

they need to end up together, maybe the family accepts the together? Maybe she finds out while in Paris she is pregnant?

Vedaire69Vedaire69over 3 years ago

why do people gotta ruin a perfectly good storyline by suddenly wanting 2 people that are perfectly good together getting others involved rated 1 get the acts together and stop this stuff sheesh

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Enjoy but slightly dissappinted

In my honest opinion the normalizing plan sucks. I don't see how they could do that when it seems like they're so in love with each other. It's a different idea but seems a bit to late in the timeline to introduce it. Other than that I think the story is awesome.

dikupinyadikupinyaover 3 years ago
nice but...

unbelievable. they are that much in love but she wants to push him at her friend? I feel like if he loved her he would not sleep with her friend, and she would not sleep with someone else either. If the love is that strong, [and bro/sis love is usually very strong.], they will remain faithful to each other and find a way to make it work.

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