A Simple Foolproof Plan


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That evening, I waited for Lucas to get home. I was nervous and not sure how to tell him. If things had been going great with us, it would have been easy. 'Guess what?! We're pregnant!'

But things weren't great between us. He was barely talking to me, not touching me at all, staying late after work, and generally acting like married man with a girlfriend. Dad was right, though; we didn't have any moral high ground. But I still deserved to know what kind of home I was bringing this child into.

When he came in, for once not late, I said as happily as I could, "Hey, baby, how was your day?" He looked across the room at me and gave me an upwards head nod. Like I was some stranger on the street. He headed to the bedroom to change.

"Lucas, are you mad at me?" I asked.

He stopped. "What? No, I'm not mad."

"Ever since I got back, you've been acting differently. You barely talk to me, you have no desire to fuck me, and you look at me like you want to slap me."

He decided to feign ignorance. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just t--"

"Tired?" I finished his sentence. "Well, having a girlfriend in addition to a wife is a lot of work. It's exhausting. Is that what's going on?"

"I didn't say that!" he protested.

That sounded guilty, so I pressed. "It's not what you said, it's how you're acting. And the way you're acting, either you're mad at me, or you're fuckin' around. Which is it?"

"It's nothing!" he yelled.

"What, did you get tired of me sweatin' you about getting me pregnant, so you went and got some li'l twinkie who's not so demanding? Is that it?!" I demanded. "Let me guess," I continued, "'You don't love her. She means nothing to you.' Sound about right?"


"Who is she?" I pressed, convinced I was onto something. "Do I know her? How long have y'all been fucking? Did you fuck her in my bed?!" I yelled.

"No! It's not like that!"

"Then tell me! What was it like?" I was angry, but my anger was dwarfed by my guilt... here I was, carrying my own father's child, while accusing my husband of cheating.

"What was it like? It was like not being expected to breed on command, goddammit!" he yelled at me. "Sex with you now ain't about love or even about bein' turned on! It's a fuckin' FARM CHORE! So yeah, it happened. I ain't mean for it to happen but it did, and it was fuckin' AWESOME! No expectations except to make her ass cum, and I damn sure did that!" He stood there, glaring at me, breathing hard.

I plopped down on the sofa, floored by what he just said. Luke had no idea the depths of my emotions right then. To him, I was a betrayed wife, plain and simple. There was so much more at play here than even I knew at the time.

Deciding to stay on plan, I said, "Well, you better decide what you want to do, because now, I'm pregnant."


"I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant? How?"

Surprised at the question, I snapped, "You're the one with a wife and a side-piece, and you don't get how fucking causes pregnancy?"

"Who's dick you been riding?" he asked, his face an angry sneer.

"You!" I screamed. "Yours! You used to fuck me, remember? That day we got back from the cruise it was my last day ovulating. We had our little welcome home party, and you must have finally gotten the job done. Congratulations on finally becoming a man!" I spat.

One moment I saw his surprised face, and the next, my world exploded in stars. That sonofabitch slapped me so hard he almost knocked me out.

He towered over me, his face twisted with rage. "I CAN'T GET YOU PREGNANT!" he roared over me. "Three years of working on radar systems in the Air Force fried my balls, making me sterile. I've never been able to knock you up! So if you're really pregnant, then you've been fucking somebody else!"

"WHAT?!" I screamed at him. "You were sterile the WHOLE TIME?! I TOLD YOU THE FIRST TIME WE MET THAT I WANTED CHILDREN! Were you that desperate to fuck me?"

"Yeah," he admitted. "Yo' ass was fine at the time, and I wanted to hit it."

"Then you should'a hit it, quit it, and let me go find what I was actually looking for, selfish motherfucker. Why would you lie like that?"

He shrugged dismissively, and said, "I figured we try for a couple years, then you'd finally give up and let it go. But no, yo' ass don't know how to let shit go!"

That. That did it. That casual dismissal of my lifelong dream, as if only his wants and desires were important... mine could be shelved. I really wanted to hurt him. "Awwww, poor baby," I taunted. "I guess you didn't count on me finding a real man who would fuck me a million times better than you ever could, huh? A real man who would give your wife the baby you just couldn't. You nutless fucking cuck!"

This time I saw the arm go back. I swung my foot up and kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. As he bent down in pain, I grabbed my purse and ran out of the house to my car, headed for my dad's house.

I was beyond upset, ugly crying and swerving all over the road. I pulled into a parking lot to pull myself together. A few minutes later I got back on the road, going just under the speed limit. I didn't want to have an accident, and I also didn't want to be pulled over. I'm a black young woman who is very upset and emotional. A traffic stop probably wouldn't end well. So I drove slowly and carefully.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally made it to my dad's. I walked in to find my mom and dad arguing.

"I'm telling you, that's what happened," she was saying.

"Bullshit," he spat back. "Ain't a man in the world going to spend the night at an attractive woman's house, while her husband's out of town, and sleep on the fucking couch! That's just not going to fucking happen!"

Mom saw me. "Sierra! What are you--"

Dad saw me, and his face dropped as he got a good look at me. Apparently, Lucas' knuckle had hit my cheekbone just right, and now it was swollen and bruised. He ran to me, hugging me tightly. He guided me to the sofa and sat us both down, still holding me.

"Baby, what happened?"

Mom said, "Dexter, we're in middle of something! Can't you fawn over her once we're done?!" she said, throwing up her hands in frustration.

Holding me protectively, dad looked around at her. "Do you not see that our child is in distress?"

"SHE'S NOT A FUCKING CHILD! She's a grown ass woman who runs to her daddy every other day, and you're never too busy for her ass! You know, all I wanted was somebody to look at me the way you look at Sierra. Luckily I found it!" She spun on her heel and walked away.

Dad looked at me with tenderness, and asked, "Tell me what happened, baby."

After a moment I was able to speak. He knew it had to have something to do with the pregnancy. I glanced in mom's direction, but he just nodded as if to say, go on. "I was going to tell him that I'm pregnant. But he's been acting weird for the last couple of weeks, so first I asked him what was going on. Long story short, he's sleeping with some girl because she doesn't expect him to get her pregnant. I told him he needs to decide what to do, because I am pregnant. And then he told me..."

This was the hard part. Dad waited patiently for me to continue. Finally, "He said that working on radar systems in the Air Force had made him sterile. That he was never able to get me pregnant. He's been lying about it all the whole time."

Dad sat back, shocked. "Well, I didn't see that coming," he said.

"So!" said my mother from the doorway. "You're pregnant, and your husband can't you pregnant." She seemed almost gleeful. "Then who's the father? Do you know, or are we gonna have to take your slutty ass on Maury to find out?" she continued, grinning like a cat at a cornered mouse. "Well, who is it?" she prompted.

Neither of us spoke.

Dad was holding me possessively; I sat next to him, sitting as closely as I could... As if I was trying to climb inside his shielding embrace. We didn't realize it at the time, but his hand was protectively over my stomach, right where our baby would grow. We couldn't have looked more like a couple if we had tried. That fact was not lost on my mother. We watched in slow motion as the triumphant smirk on her face was replaced by a look of sheer horror and disgust.

"You. Fucking. Slut!" she spat the words out like bitter bile. "You wanted a baby so bad that you fucked your own father to get it? And you? You fucked our daughter?! What the fuck is wrong with you people? I knew you two were too close!"

My mother just sat there looking at us as if we had suddenly turned into giant tentacle monsters. I guess that to her, that's exactly what happened. Dad and I both remained quiet. The fact that we didn't both suddenly deny it, was all the proof she needed.

"You both are going to jail! And I'm damn sure not going to raise that little bastard while you're in jail! The little web-fingered retard!" she vowed. "Well?! Say something!" she snapped.

I was too terrified to talk. Dad said, "Nothing ever happened between us before this cruise. They'd been trying for a kid for years, but nothing had happened. Sierra figured, despite all his big talk about it being all her problem, she thought he thought he was fine, but he actually couldn't get her pregnant. The plan was, since Lucas and I look so much alike, the baby would come out looking like him or her, that no one would ever know. And they live happily ever after. Who knew he was shooting blanks and lying about it." He shrugged and simply said, "Who knew?"

Mom snapped, "What is this, fucking Scooby Doo?" She grabbed her phone and declared, "You'll have plenty of time to reflect on that, in jail, you perverted fucks!"

Dad stood up to talk to her, but the door burst open. Lucas ran in, saying, "Baby, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have hit you!" He saw me sitting on the sofa and walked towards me. I cringed away from him. Daddy immediately walked over and put himself between me and him.

"Yeah, you should'a!" crowed my mother. "You should'a beat her ass! Do you know who the father is of that bastard she's carrying?"

Luke stopped in front of dad, but turned and faced my mother. "Who?"

"Him!" she pointed at dad. "Her own fucking father!" she said, pointing her finger at us with each word.

Lucas' face quickly returned to mask of unbridled anger he wore earlier. Dad must have known it was coming, because as Lucas' fist was swinging wildly at dad's head, dad easily caught the arm mid-blow, twisted, and Lucas was on the ground on his knees.

Dad leaned down and said, "This ain't the train you want to ride, son. Okay?" Lucas finally nodded. As soon as dad released his arm, he tried to hit him with the other. Dad sidestepped the blow, making Luke miss and fall off balance. Dad's right hook came around, connecting solidly with Luke's temple, and he dropped like a felled tree.

He looked at me, holding his hand out for me to take. "Come on, baby girl. Let's go." I took his hand and we walked towards to the door. He stopped and turned to my mom one last time. He simply said, "We'll talk tomorrow, when everybody has a chance to calm down."

Mom snapped back at him, "Ain't nothin' to talk about! I want a fucking divorce!"

Dad said, "Then we'll talk about that tomorrow." We walked out into the night together.

The world had just blown up. Just like Daddy said it could. I had no idea what we were going to do. I've never been so scared in my life. I looked over at my father as he drove, but from the look on his face, it looked like we were just heading out for a gallon of milk.

"What are we gonna do, dad?" I asked in a small, scared voice.

He looked at me and smiled. "Sierra, do you love me?" he asked.

"With all my heart," I answered, squeezing his hand. "After all," I added, "I'm carrying your baby." It still felt amazing to say that out loud. "Do you love me?" I asked. "I mean, LOVE me?"

"With everything that I am. So I want you to believe me when I tell you, it's all going to be okay." Somehow, he must have known that that's exactly what I needed to hear. As soon as he said the words, I felt a lot of the stress leave my body.

We went to my house, and quickly packed two suitcases full of all the clothes I could grab. When I threw those in the car, I saw two other large suitcases already in there. On the way out of the house, I grabbed the wooden shark I got in St. Maarten. Minutes later, we were heading south on I-85. As we got near the airport, dad pulled off the highway and we stopped at the Westin hotel. We checked in there, and dad brought up my two bags so we could re-pack them.

By this time, we had been gone for almost an hour. Dad's phone rang. It was Jax. Dad answered immediately.

"Hey, son," he answered. "I'm with Sierra. Lemme put you on speaker." He pressed a button and laid the phone down.

"I just got off the phone with mom. So the shit hit the fan, huh?" said Jackson.

"Yeah, I guess so," said Dad. "What did you hear?"

"That you and Sierra were fucking and you got her pregnant."

"That's it?"

"Yeah, pretty much. What, am I missing something?"

"Did she ask if you knew?"

Jax chuckled and said, "Hell, that's how she told me. She started with, 'Did you know your father and your sister were fucking? You know he got her pregnant?' I mean, right off the bat."

"What did you say" dad asked.

"I said what we talked about. That y'all was acting kinda close, but you two were always close. But I didn't actually see anything, but I kinda suspected. She asked me why I didn't say nothin', and I told her, 'That's not something you say without absolute proof, and I didn't have any.' That got me off her shit list, at least for now."

"Good. I don't want any more relationships ruined," said Dad.

"So is there something else I missed?" asked Jax.

"Hey, Jax," I said.

"Hey, Sie, how you holdin' up?" my brother asked me.

I looked at my father and said, "I'm with dad, so I'm okay for now. Anyway, the reason everything blew up is that apparently, Luke is sterile, and he knew it all along. When I told him I was pregnant, he slapped the fuck outta me and it went downhill from there. I ran to daddy and mom figured us out from there."

"Shit! That asshole put his hands on you?! Plus, he lied about his own fertility?!" exclaimed Jax. "I don't know what's worse!"

Dad spoke up. "We are, Jax. We're worse. Look, son, I'm not gonna try to pretend that what we've done is anything other than unforgivable. But that does not change the fact that I love Sierra like this, and I plan to be there for her and our baby. That's right... our baby. But no matter what, I'm still your father and Sierra is still your big sister, and we both love you. We hope you can still love us, too."

Jax sighed and said, "I actually made my peace with all of this on the cruise. You can really thank Marcus for that. But yeah, it's your life, and I still want to be a part of it."

I answered, "I'm glad to hear that." Dad agreed, saying, "Thank you, son."

Jax asked, "So what's the plan? What's next?"

Dad answered, "The plan is for us to go there tomorrow and talk to your mother. Obviously, she wants a divorce, and I'll make that happen as painlessly as possible. Same for Sierra and Lucas. We'll talk about that, and I'll try to get her to keep from involving the police. If I can't, then we'll be moving away pretty quickly."

"Damn," he said. "Where will you go?"

"We'll contact you once we're settled, not before."

"Okay," said Jax, though he sounded unsure. "Just call me tomorrow and let me know you're still alive, okay?"

"Okay, son," dad laughed and hung up.

I asked, "So what is the plan, dad?"

While we re-packed my suitcases neatly, dad explained his plan. He started with, "Your mother was right about a couple of things. Incest is a crime in Georgia, and if she reports us to the police, these bible-thumping god-fearing Southern Baptist hypocrites will happily pursue us and throw both of us in jail. We could deny it, but your mom was also right about the baby. As far as the law is concerned, our baby is just proof of our crimes. The court will force a DNA test, and we both know what it'll show. Then they'd take the baby, too."

"Fuuuuuck..." I whispered. I didn't know the stakes were this high.

"I know," he acknowledged. "But for as horrific as that sounds, there's a simple way out... just leave."

"Leave? And go where?" I asked. "It's illegal everywhere, isn't it?"

"Nope!" he said. "There are several countries and even two states where there are no laws against incest, as long as everybody's of age, and it's consensual. You still want to be here with me?" he asked.

"More than anything. I know it's wrong, but this is what I want," I said.

"Then for right now, my choice is St. Maarten," he said.

"That island we went to on the cruise? With your friend?" I asked.

"Exactly," he said.

"Not that I'm complaining about moving to a cruise destination, but why there?" I asked.

"Lots of reasons," he said. He ticked them off: "Half-owned by the Netherlands, half-owned by the French. Both countries have no laws against consensual adult incest, so we can live and love openly. Our child will be just another kid. Plus, there's a pretty good likelihood that there are other women in your same situation. I know of at least one."

"Who?" is asked. "Oh, duh! Your friend's daughter, right?"

"Yeah, Cassidy," he said. "And you'll like her. She's like you; funny, outgoing, can't keep her hands off her dad," he laughed. After the incredibly tense evening we'd had, laughter felt amazing.

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"I'd love to leave tomorrow morning, but we need to finish things before we disappear. I've been talking with Marin, and he has a lawyer friend who is discrete. He's familiar with this kind of, umm, situation. We'll see him in the morning, sign simple divorces, talk to your mother and Lucas, and then, we disappear."

"Just like that?" I asked. It sounded, well, almost too easy.

"Pretty much," he said. "Look," he added, "Either your mom is angry and vindictive enough to call the cops on us, or she isn't. If she is, we leave immediately, and we all get divorced through lawyers, over long distance. If she doesn't, we settle things first, and then leave. Either way, we leave here together. I've done my research, and I've put a few things in place. This is going to work out," he said, closing my neatly packed suitcases and taking them off the bed.

"What about--"

"It's all arranged," he said, knowing I was over-thinking it all.

"My passp--"

"I have it packed," he assured me. "Come on. Let's take a shower before bed." He walked to the bathroom, leading me by the hand, like his good little girl.

In the shower, we lovingly soaped each other down, sharing a single washcloth between us... rubbing me down, then him, then me again. He took special care to wash my flat belly, covering it with kisses and getting soap in his mouth. As he knelt to wash my kitty-kat, his fingers kept finding their way inside me, making me lean on him for support and I rode the small tremors generated by the sublime pleasure of being back in my man's loving arms. Throwing away all pretense of washing, he renewed his delicious attack on my yearning sex. On his knees in front of me, he pushed two, then three fingers up into my dripping, honey-filled quim, and two more slick fingers into my tight, almost unyielding starfish, the dual intrusion making moan loudly, and the incessant, relentless pumping in and out of my enthusiastically responsive body quickly launching me to my first cum of the night.

After my orgasm, he led me on shaky legs, to the bed where he dried me off, and pushed me back and captured my stiff, throbbing clit in his gently sucking lips. He sucked it ceaselessly, his tongue battering it like a tiny boxer's bag, pausing every now and then to lick my butthole, making me practically purr in delight. Before long, his erratically changing, yet never-ending assault on my clit had me cresting yet again, cumming hard enough to wrench his neck with my thighs. As soon as I relaxed again, he came up and lined his hard, thick cock with my empty, waiting coochie, and hurriedly pushed himself all the way inside me. After two mind-blowing orgasms on his fingers and tongue, I was beyond wet enough, and the welcome intrusion felt divine. He was home, inside me, where he belonged. Apparently, the intensity of the evening had gotten to him as well, and he rightfully took it out on me, fucking my willing and pliant pussy like this was the last time he'd ever have it. After a shockingly short time, he tensed up, squeezed me breathless in his familiar orgasmic bear-hug, and I felt him pouring into me, his blessed seed. God, I loved this man!
