A Slave in Imperial Rome Pt. 05


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Alonia was sitting back on her knees, her eyes looking wild and, I hoped, as aroused as I was. I pulled her over by her hands and laid her on her back. Rebekah leaned over her cousin and kissed her on both cheeks while stroking her hair. Positioning myself, I sank my cock deeply into Alonia and began to thrust now knowing that I would soon release into her body. Her body felt wonderful around my manhood.

Rebekah then did something I had never felt before. She reached her hand behind me and began to fondle and caress my balls. It was like a bolt of lightening flashed through my body, the feeling was so intense. In seconds I was pushing as deeply as I could into Alonia as my seed was pulsing into her body. I shouted my praise to the gods for these two women as I collapsed onto the bed.

In minutes our three bodies, all entangled fell into a wonderful sleep. My last thought was that my slave had forgiven me.


Our departure was just days away and Rebekah and I were walking through the crowded streets near the Forum. Our cart was left at a stable on the edge of the inner city along with our horse. As close as we were to the centre of the Empire the streets were full of sellers of all kinds of merchandise, from cooking utensils to sandals. Our destination was a dress makers shop that was set within a row of other clothiers.

Mother had decided that the simple slave tunics Rebekah wore would not be appropriate if she was to act as a translator to the Legate. She envisioned local dignitaries and allies of Rome who were not Latin speakers would be meeting with the delegation. She was also aware that Rebekah's presentation and performance would reflect both on myself and our family.

I found the address and we were admitted into the very tastefully furnished shop of the proprietress, a woman named Agamenia. Mother said she dressed all the wealthiest women in Rome as well as herself. It was my first time in a shop such as this and I didn't really know what to expect. Fortunately, mother had sent a description of what Rebekah would need as well as her size and shape.

"Good afternoon. Master Marcus, I presume? I am Agamenia, your humble proprietress."

"Yes, I am Marcus and this is Rebekah. Thank you for kindly seeing us."

"I assure you it is my pleasure to take care of the son of one of my favourite customers. Your mother is well, I hope?"

"Yes she is fine and she sends her regards."

"Likewise, please send her mine. Now lets have a look at this girl of yours. She is a slave, correct?" And without waiting for a reply, Agamenia continued on, "Yes, yes, she is quite small so the measurements were in fact correct. I have several dresses and tunics prepared for her. Also a cloak to protect her from the weather on your upcoming voyage as we are moving into fall weather."

"Thank you. All that sounds good."

"Well now, does she speak Latin? My dear, please take all your clothes off." Rebekah looked at me and I nodded. She pulled her simple tunic over her head and stood in her undergarment.

"My gods dear, what have they got you in? Take those rags off and don't worry, we will get you something much more appropriate for a slave of your master's family." Rebekah removed her simple undergarment and stood naked before the proprietress.

Agamenia walked around Rebekah taking measurements with a length of marked tape. She hummed and hawed and then looked directly at me, "She's a pretty one, isn't she? I'll have her looking like a princess in no time. I also notice there are bruises and stripes on her rear. I hope she will behave. Her skin is so delicate its a shame to see her marred like that."

I felt terrible at this and mumbled, "Yes, she was punished but I don't believe she will misbehave again. And yes, she was in fact the daughter of a tribal ruler before her capture." I hoped to draw her attention away from the marks of the cane.

"Well my princess, I will return shortly with the dresses I have made so far." With that Agamenia swept out of the room through a doorway into the back of her shop. I sat in a chair and drank in the site of my naked slave. She was in fact, very pretty. I also noted that her body was filling out into delightful curves and her visage was glowing with health, a welcome change from the early days of her captivity before her purchase by our family.

Agamenia returned with fabric over her arm followed by a servant girl carrying more garments. The first dress was made of a lovely blue fabric that fell from below her breasts to her ankles. The trim on the hem and sleeves was a beautiful gold coloured fabric. The neckline showed the beginnings of her small breasts. She looked stunning in the dress. I took her by the hand over to a polished surface where she could see her reflection. She gasped when she gazed into the mirror and she whispered words in her language.

Agamenia also approved saying, "Delightful my dear and I don't see any need to alter the dress. Marcus, your mother was very accurate in this slave's dimensions. Take that off now and try on the next." Agamenia draped another beautiful dress over Rebekah's head, this one in a light yellow with a flower design. It went beautifully with her long dark hair. Her eyes were aglow with delight.

"Rebekah, you look lovely in these dresses. Are you satisfied with them?"

"Master, never in my life have I seen such beautiful dresses. They are even more beautiful than the elegant women's gowns at your party."

"Princess, it's because you are more beautiful than they are," I replied, smiling at my slave. It was wonderful to see her glow like this.

Agamenia also had two simple but elegant tunics for everyday use and two pairs of new sandals to go with the outfits. One dress had to be adjusted and I decided to pick it up on our final trip through Rome just prior to departure. The proprietress then had a naked Rebekah try on several undergarments. I was pleased to see her radiate delight with the much more fashionable garments. I learned that slave women obviously react the same way as free women to more elegant clothing. Finally, the clothing so far was wrapped up and a servant of Agamenia was instructed to take the bundle of new clothes and Rebekah's old tunic as she was wearing one of her new garments now, to the stable where our horse and cart were waiting.

We had two more stops to make. The Legate wanted to discuss another item with me before we sailed. Arriving, we were shown into his private study.

"Marcus how good to see you," Titus Aurelius greeted me with a warm handshake. "And I see you have brought your little companion. Good, I would like to discuss her knowledge of accounting. My accountant is needed here on my estate, as it turns out, more than on the mission. Do you think she has enough grasp of the principles and the language to do the simple financial tasks that will be required to keep the accounts of our mission. What say you?"

"Sir, I believe she is more than capable of maintaining our accounts and if necessary I will guide her as well."

I turned to Rebekah who was waiting several steps away and asked, "Rebekah, the Legate has asked if you would be capable of managing the accounts for the Mission. I believe you skills with numbers and our language are sufficiently developed. Do you feel ready for this?"

She looked surprised by the discussion. Her wide eyes went from myself to Titus and back. She bowed to both of us and said, "Master's, I am bound to do as you wish and I will try my best to fulfill this role."

Titus then asked, much to my surprise, "But do you wish to do this task?" For any citizen to even ask a slave if they wished to do something was unheard of. Coming from an elite Roman citizen, one who owned possibly hundreds of slaves, this was astounding. I looked at Rebekah, who seemed as shocked as I was.

"Master Legate, if it pleases you, I would like to do this task. I enjoy working with numbers." Rebekah was at her most outwardly submissive self. I knew the fiery defiant girl was not far below the surface but I sensed she knew it was in her best interests to agree. And besides, I really did see in her an enjoyment in working with numbers and accounts

"Well Marcus, I guess that settles it. Our diminutive and I might add, very pretty translator, is now the mission's accountant as well. Thank you both." I dismissed his comment about her appearance. However it was clear he liked Rebekah in his presence and this new role would keep her closer to him. I would not be far away when she was with him.

Titus moved over to his desk and picked up a folder of papers. He handed them to Rebekah and said, "Here you are my dear. Please review with your Master and we will all discuss them, probably on the boat as we sail to Judea. There are expenses already and then a projected budget, approved by the Senate.

"Marcus, you will be helping guard our money along with our military guard. You will also be one of my closest advisors."

We had not discussed my specific role on the Mission so his evident confidence in me was very encouraging. I replied, "Thank you Sir, for your trust in both myself and my slave. We will try our best to fulfill our roles."

With this Titus blade us farewell and Rebekah and I began our way to the next meeting before we returned home. This one I had no idea why I was being asked to visit. Lucilla, one of the young women who had attended the going away gathering at my parent's villa, had sent a messenger inviting me for refreshments at her parent's home. I was uneasy in that I'm sure she heard of the incident with my slave and two of the other women. She may have even witnesses some of it. I could only guess what she thought of Rebekah.

A servant guided us into a lovely garden in the courtyard of Lucilla's home, or rather her parent's home. She was already seated beside a small table with one other chair. Rising to greet me she warmly held my hand saying, "Marcus, thank you for taking the time to come and visit at my parent's humble home.

In fact there was nothing humble about the elegant city home of the very prominent family that Lucilla was the only daughter of. She was possibly a year older than me, which was very old for a Roman patrician woman to be unmarried, particularly one from such a prominent family. She was also very pretty in a tall sturdy way. I found her very appealing and wondered why she had not married.

"Lucilla, it is a pleasure to visit. Thank you for inviting me."

"Marcus, the pleasure is mine. I see your personal slave accompanies you. Let me call for a servant to take her to the kitchen for refreshments. She looks worn. Have you had a long day?"

"Yes, and thank you for that kind offer. I'm sure she will appreciate your kindness." Lucilla rang a bell and a very pretty young servant appeared out of nowhere and led Rebekah away.

I was curious about this female servant. I believe she had accompanied Lucilla to my parent's gathering and I had seen her several other times over the past few months, always by Lucilla's side. I decided to ask, "Lucilla, the young woman servant just now. She is very lovely. I see that she is often with you. Is she your personal slave?"

Lucilla gave me an odd smile and then replied, "Yes, my parents purchased her when she was just a child. Her parents were from Carthage and perished during a military action. She was brought to Rome and they gave her to me as a companion and servant."

"I see." Lucilla motioned me to sit down at the table. We chatted for some time about the current state of our families, the rumours and gossip of the social elites as well as the current state of the Empire. Lucilla was also interested about the purpose and goals of the mission to Judea. It was a pleasant conversation but I had the sense that there was some other reason I had been invited to Lucilla's home. After the better part of an hour there was a quiet moment in our talk. Lucilla spoke first.

"Marcus, there is something else I would like to talk about and I don't know how to begin. So I'm going to ask you something first. Your slave, the one with you today. At your going away gathering I saw from outside the room her reaction to the other women, Julia and Servilla, I believe." I stiffened at the mention of the incident. She saw my reaction and continued, hurriedly, "I'm sorry to bring this up. I don't want to upset you but please tell me. What is your relationship with this slave?"

I was surprised and displeased by this question. There was no reason for an elite woman to question my relationship with a slave. It was unheard of. Sensing my mood she quickly added, "Marcus, please, I'm so sorry to upset you. I don't intend to but there is something I want to say to you about her, and possibly myself."

Now I was more perplexed than annoyed and also curious. I calmed myself down and replied, "She is my personal companion and servant. I value her intelligence and service highly. For the few months I have owned her I have come to highly regard this slave. But please tell, why does she interest you? She's just a slave."

"Marcus, I sense there's an attachment between you and her and while we pretend that our slaves are just like trained dogs and not really human, in our rational minds we know they are more than that. I too have an attachment to a slave."

This was an admission that is seldom spoken aloud by citizens. My curiosity increased at her statement. I asked, "Lucilla, please tell me more of your 'attachment'. I am curious. Is there a male slave you speak of?"

She slowly sipped on her fruit drink and an uncomfortable silence descended on our meeting. She set her drink down and leaned towards me and said, "What would you think of me if I said that my 'attachment' - she hesitated as she emphasized the word - is to a female?"

I sat back in my chair and stared at her. I reached back into conversations with friends in the past and I remembered it being whispered that sometimes women lay with other women, out of choice, but I never knew of anyone who had done so. And if a female friend had done so they would never ever admit to it. Roman elite women never did such a thing.

In our society I was well aware that some men would dominate their male slaves in such a sexual way. The very thought was distasteful to me but I knew that they sometimes mounted a male slave into his rear passage or had the male slave suck on his manhood to completion. The act was never reversed. The slave was always the submissive partner.

Lucilla's admission was shocking. I did manage to keep my composure and finally replied, "Lucilla, I would not judge you for that. Nor would I ever speak of this to anyone else. May I ask who is this female?"

"Marcus, I appreciate your confidence. I was trusting that you would keep this between us. And to answer your question, it is the girl whom I called to take your slave to the kitchen."

"I see. The girl was very pretty, I could tell."

"Thank you. I find her enchanting, beguiling even."

I reflected on this admission but the piece I was missing was why I was being told about what most Romans would consider very deviant behaviour. I had to ask, "Lucilla, I am unsure as to why you are telling me this?"

"Marcus, there is a reason, but first, may I ask you a question."

"Certainly." My curiosity was burning.

"You know that in our society it is not unheard of for a citizen, even an elite Roman, to become very close to a female slave. After all, they are just a man and a woman, and for one reason or another the man takes a liking to the female. It may be her beauty or her intelligence or both, but it happens. But you know that this relationship can never lead to marriage, don't you? Even if the female is freed your parents would never approve."

Of course, I knew this to be true but I never dwelt on it. Marriages in our society were mostly arranged to cement alliances between families. I, myself, was lucky that my parents had not already forced me into such an arrangement. I also knew that my father's patience would not last forever. I answered, "Yes, I am aware, but what has this got to do with you and I?"

"Marcus, I will be candid with you. This may not apply to you now but I see in your eyes when you look at this girl, who is your personal slave that you may feel something for her. She seems very pretty and I can see that there's a spark and intelligence behind her eyes. I saw this at your parent's gathering. What if one day you decided she was the woman you most wanted? But you would also know that you could have her anytime you wanted but you couldn't marry her. What would you do then?"

"That situation would not present a problem. I always assumed she would become part of my household after my marriage. I would keep my slave."

"Oh Marcus, how many Roman women do you think would allow a beautiful slave like yours anywhere near your bed. If you were allowed to keep her, your Rebekah would be banished from the home and into the fields with the other slaves. Your intimate relation with her would most likely be over. Never underestimate the power of a new wife to manipulate the situation as she sees fit. Men only think they control the home."

I sighed deeply and thought for a moment as to who really ran our home. Oddly enough, the answer I came up with was my mother and our slave Maya together. Father made many decisions about the running of the estate but within the Villa it was the women who subtly ruled.

But my original question hadn't been answered so I asked again, "Lucilla, what does this have to do with you and me?"

I was shocked by her reply, "Marcus, if you and I were to marry I would let you keep your slave. She would be allowed into your bed as much as you wanted and she would be an intimate part of our household. And for me, I would be allowed to keep my slave. I love this girl and I can't see living without her."

When I recovered from the shock of this proposal I choked out, "Lucilla, I appreciate your honesty. I am so new to having Rebekah that I don't really know what the future holds. But you're right in that I am very much enjoying having her for many reasons.

"I wonder though, would you and I live as man and wife?"

"Of course, I like you a lot and our parents would expect us to have children. I would enjoy sex with you and raising our children with you and with our slave partners.

"Marcus, today I simply wanted to sow the seed of this idea. When you come back from Judea, perhaps we could talk again."

I looked at this lovely woman, trying to imagine making children with her. And having Rebekah at the same time. And then there was Alonia. I smiled at the size of the household I would have to support.

We embraced as we parted, Lucilla wishing me well on the mission. As Rebekah and I guided the wagon back to our villa, my mind wandered to the offer Lucilla had made. Yes, it was an interesting offer.


To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow. Really good!

Horseman68Horseman68almost 3 years ago
And More Better.

Super. I am savoring this great story and much anticipating where it may go. Bravos again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

marcus is quite a lucky one in case of alonia and lucilla having them in harem although i hate harem as it distracts from the pure romance between 2 persons but you have been a genius at keeping romance and harem working well with each other

but still i hope rebekkah remains no1

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Lost it. Started as slavery, has turned into slush.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

the story is good.

release the part 2. it's been 2 months

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Cerrotorre is possessed by the spirit of George rr Martin. We might have to wait for a year before the next installment is out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Can't wait for the next installment

What a sexy and interesting story. Can't wait for the next installment.

darkness2269darkness2269over 3 years ago

Wonderful story and looking forward to the next part!

Vintage_DMVintage_DMover 3 years ago
Do you know how to keep a turkey in suspense?

NO ??? I'll tell you the day after the next installment is posted !!! Great storyline and great character development. Time in Judea promises to be interesting and the return to Rome even more so.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I check in every two three days to see if you have written the next part.

I can't believe I am so into an erotic story. Its brilliant. You're brilliant for writing it. I really like this new twist with lucilla. Hopefully in the future installment we will see more intimate scenes with alonia and Rebekah both, and then perhaps with lucilla and her girl and the two judeans as well.

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