A Taste of Chaos Ch. 01


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Serenity pulled her legs behind her head leaving herself incredibly exposed. Damiex grabbed his cock and slid the head up and down her dripping slit as he looked over her. Her eyes were wild with lust and his teasing of her as she whined out. He placed his head at her opening and slowly pushed in stretching her out wide. Serenity's eyes fluttered and she groaned low in her chest in pleasure at the sensation as he pushed deeper and deeper without stopping. She felt him at the entrance to her womb and then he pushed through as he buried himself into her completely. Her eyes rolled back and her pussy clenched hard as she came while he held himself inside of her buried to the hilt. Serenity screamed and shook her head wildly back and forth as Damiex held her pinned in place letting her ride out her climax. A while later she began to calm down and was panting as she stared at him in lust. He was smiling wickedly at her looking slightly smug.

"That was the last slow thrust you will get for now. I hope you're ready for what you asked for because you will most certainly be getting it gorgeous. If you need to hold onto something then dig into my arms, but otherwise your at my mercy now."

With that he pulled back and then slammed himself forward driving her into the bed as she howled and clawed at his arms as he set a driving pace in and out of her. Serenity was screaming her head off in ecstasy, the pleasure so intense and so extreme that it bordered on pain but she liked that even more as her sin for lust overtook her and dragged her under. She lost herself to the ride and time lost its meaning as she simply kept climaxing over and over.

Damiex had been holding back building Serenity to the absolute peak and she was ready to be sent over the edge. His balls boiled and it became too much and he buried himself in her womb and unloaded into her as he roared out his release. He watched Serenity simply come apart as she sprayed a huge fountain of ejaculate into the air as she thrashed and flailed and bucked about and wailed like a banshee cumming her head off. Every time Damiex spurt into her her wail would climb in octave and once again Damiex could hear glass breaking somewhere in the distance before she finally passed out and collapsed.

He chuckled to himself satisfied that he gave her what she needed as he slowly pulled himself from her and unfolded her legs and dragged them up onto the bed. Even unconscious she was still trembling so he simply held her protectively to his side and relaxed.

The Empress along with Devotion and Seduction had paired off at the start and summoned a section of pillows and furs for their play zone so they could watch the show as they pleasured one another. Damiex had released his aura as he did when he had sex and it had effected everyone in range including them. They watched and fucked and came for the next hour until they were finally tired and had cuddled up and relaxed as the show that Damiex and Serenity were putting on started coming to an end. When Andromeda watched Serenity cum and Damiex erupt inside of her and her reaction she jumped at the wail and was alarmed.

"What the Hells was that?!"

Ariel and Lunara laughed at her reaction before Ariel answered. "He does that to all of us females. Though this is only the second time that he made someone break glass. I heard it somewhere down in the hall. But that is what he does to us every time, he's a handful. That was an orgasm."

Andromeda shook her head, "I know what an orgasm is, I've had countless over the ages and some of the finest lovers in legend. That was something else however, I've never seen any woman ever react like that to sex in my life. Just what is he and where did he come from anyways?"

Seduction shook her head and laughed. "No, that was fucking. Pure animal unadulterated fucking. He can be an incredibly gentle and intimate lover and give the sweetest lovemaking, but he was made to fuck and he does it like no other. He absolutely can fuck us stupid which is really hard to do to a demon of lust."

Ariel jumped in. "And we don't have any answers to where he came from. We've been learning more oddities of his as well this past week. He's a very gifted fighter and is progressing at an astonishing rate especially with the help of Durandal. But his magic is overwhelming, he inherited that from the previous Lord but its even more than that now. He commands 15 Dominions but his magic is raw and chaotic, it's dangerous. We have all had to be very careful so he doesn't unleash, it would be devastating."

Lunara nudged Andromeda and pointed. "Look she's coming around. Looks like she is still feeling the aftershocks since she's shivering slightly. Ooooh that's nasty look at that she's digging his seed out and licking her fingers clean, fuck that's hot! She's going to find out it tastes better than what she expected. Look she's feeling it now!"

Andromeda blinked at her, "What do you mean?"

Ariel smiled at her. "His cum not only makes you climax but it's like all of your favorite flavors all together at the same time, plus it's also intoxicating and highly addictive. It makes you feel drunk lost in pleasure. Luckily it only lasts for a short time, but it's just another thing unique to him. Your daughter got quite the husband."

Andromeda laughed at that, he certainly was interesting. "Yes, yes she did the lucky bitch. I'm happy for her though. You two are very lucky as well it seems."

Ariel and Lunara smiled and nodded. "Yes we are at that."

* * * * *

They met shortly in the grand dining hall for a feast to celebrate and Damiex found himself on his throne with Serenity in his lap, The Empress on his right, and Devotion on his left. Everyone was eating and enjoying the festivities Damiex was talking with Andromeda.

"So Damiex I do have some news for you. The location and date of the conclave has been set and it is in two weeks at the Gardens of Greed. Now you know how long you have to prepare for, do what you can."

Damiex nodded, "Thank you for letting me know. I will be prepared and let the chips fall where they may, but I'll give them one hell of a fight if they want it. I do appreciate that I'll have you and the Plains of Pride as an ally going into this."

Serenity took advantage of the lull in the conversation to slide down his body and drop to her knees under the table. She fished out his cock and took it deep down her throating moaning and sending vibrations through his cock as Damiex sighed in pleasure.

Andromeda raised an eyebrow and smirked at him. "She certainly is enthusiastic isn't she? Quite the demanding mate you have now, she never was this way before she met you. I'd say you've had a corrupting influence on her." She chuckled at that.

Damiex smiled broadly as Serenity bobbed in his lap urgently coaxing his seed from him. "Yes she is demanding, I'll have to keep a firm hand on her at times." He wrapped a hand in her hair and made a fist and started pumping himself into her mouth driving into her throat as she drooled and moaned. Damiex caught a blush creeping up Andromeda's neck and onto her cheeks as she watched him violate her daughter. Seems both mother and daughter have quite the king side he thought. Serenity was working him hard and he could feel it coming on until he exploded down her throat as he held her tight to the base of his cock before letting her pull off as it filled her mouth and she swallowed it down moaning and trembling in climax, drunkenly sucking on the head never spilling a drop.

Serenity came out of her haze and tucked him back in his pants and then climbed back up into his lap and snuggled into him before kissing him deeply and smiling.

"Thank you love that's just what I needed. I had a craving for dessert and decided to take it here. It was delicious by the way." As she licked her lips slowly.

Damiex just grinned at her. "I'm glad you enjoyed your treat, maybe that will tide you over for a little while now."

Serenity smiled innocently. "Mayyyyyyybe."

Andromeda burst into laughter. "Good luck taming that one, there's her Pride coming out too."

Serenity smiled wickedly at her. "I don't know what you're talking about mother. I am entirely at my husband's beck and call. His every desire and pleasure my duty to provide. There's just nothing that says I can't take my own advantages when presented with them either."

Ariel who had been listening quietly while they talked broke in giggling. "My Lady you do and I'm sure always will. No one is going to be surprised by this. I'm sure we will all have quite some fun together."

Serenity winked at her. "I'm sure we will."

The party lasted several more hours before Andromeda and the Sins of Pride and their entourage left to head back to their own Circle. There were still several hours in the day so after a short trip to the bath where it was now Ariel who sucked him down and got her own desert as Serenity washed him, they headed to the training grounds once more. Serenity had been adamant that she train right alongside her husband and had been brought up by the greatest teachers and masters in the Plains of Pride as its Princess.

When they reached the grounds Damiex motioned to Alizay and she quickly left and came back shortly carrying a bow and quiver set. Damiex turned to Serenity and smiled as Alizay approached.

"I had been told that you favored the bow and had trained as an arcane archer channeling your magic through your bow. I'm sure you have your own masterwork one, but I pulled this one from the vault earlier specifically for you. Think of it as a wedding present and I hope it keeps you safe. Thank you for choosing me Serenity, I love you and I'm glad your by my side."

Serenity took the bow and quiver and her eyes widened in disbelief. "Is this what I think it is????"

Damiex nodded, "Yes, it's Conquest's Bow, from the Rider of the First of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, the original War. May it see our enemies fall before you my Lady of Lust."

Serenity shivered hearing her husband call her that, it was so new to her and she loved it. But she was amazed at his gift to her and couldn't believe she was holding such a relic.

"Thank you so much I love it and can't believe you gave me something like this, it's incredible! I have something for you too, a wedding gift as you said. I had it crafter just for you from one out our master-smiths. They named it Blood Command."

Serenity opened up a pocket and pulled out a heavy necklace. The thick black chain was shined to perfection and a set of three blood diamonds cut to look like drops of blood hung from the chain and glowed softly. She fastened it around his neck and stepped back.

"It allows you to give psionic commands a handful of times a day. I wanted something to protect you and to give you an edge and came up with this."

All of the Sins had been listening and their eyes went wide with the implications as they thought about it. Ariel was the one to voice what the were all thinking.

"That could be a devastating weapon when used right as well as a powerful shield. Imagine being able to make your enemy drop their weapon, or freeze for a moment. That is deadly."

Everyone nodded at that including Damiex as he thanked his wife for his gift. "Thank you love, this is wonderful and I appreciate it. I'm sure it will save my life many times over and I will owe it to you."

Serenity smiled at him, "It looks wonderful on you and you look so sexy. Keep it always on, you never know when you might need it love."

Damiex nodded before they broke up and got into their training. He was training with Durandal against a number of training dummies. While Durandal could cut, pierce or slice through anything he had to will her to do so and was practicing willing only certain strikes to pierce or cut through. This was especially important during sparring as he didn't want to hurt his partners or destroy any of their gear. Besides depending on the item that could have catastrophic results, some things were so powerful that if they were destroyed the resulting explosion could level anything around it if that happened. So for now Damiex was only practicing against dummies.

While Damiex was getting in practice with combat training and swordplay, Serenity was getting used to her new bow and learning its secrets. Devotion, Maturity and Seduction were working with Damiex and Serenity was working with Aspiration, Fire and Desire since Serenity was an arcane archer and more caster based.

The hours rolled by and eventually training was brought to a halt. They all shuffled into one of the attached baths and Damiex grinned as his two shower buddies this time were Alissa and Amaranda, it seems that the rest of the ladies had decided it was time to bring the last two of the Sins to his bed. Alissa and Amaranda were very attentive and flirty as they teased and cleaned him up driving him wild. When he couldn't take it anymore he went to reach for them as they danced out of his grasp and giggled at him.

"Later lover boy, save that for tonight." Amaranda teased him as she and Alissa smiled at him wickedly.

"We finally get to have our own taste of you and we want you at your best, so let's go eat and then you can take us to bed." Alissa teased him.

When they were done Alizay once again dressed him in an outfit she had picked out and they made their way to the dining hall. Damiex noticed a new slightly smaller throne was next to his at the head table and wondered just how often his Lady of Lust would actually use it. For tonight she answered that question by curling up in his lap once again while he made himself comfortable on his own throne. She always seemed happiest when she was somehow touching Damiex and always wanted to somehow be in contact with him. He didn't mind though and it made her happy so he let her do it whenever she wanted.

Now that Serenity was the Lady of Lust, Alizay had explained to Damiex that she was personally responsible for him as Lord as well as Serenity as the Lady, and she saw to their every needs as they are and Alizay served them both and watched over them. Serenity had spent half of the time feeding Damiex himself and showering him with affection as she gave little kisses between bites as well as other small things like stroking his arms or teasing his neck or ears. He found himself just relaxing and enjoying her affectionate attentions as he yanked up with fuel. He smirked to himself thinking tonight would be a long night with the attention of five gorgeous and horny women, two of whom he wanted to leave an amazing first impression with.

After everyone had their fill Damiex and his ladies made their way back to his rooms as the doors closed behind them.

"Alissa, Amaranda, you two are up first tonight and I'm gonna rock your world. Strip down and let's get the first one out of the way since it's always the fastest. The rest of you ladies enjoy and entertain yourselves for a while until we join you later."

Damiex hear a chorus of giggles and "Yes my Lord" from the ladies. Clothes flew in all different directions as Damiex stripped himself and stood in front of the two new ladies that were kneeling in front of him looking at him like a piece of meat. They dove in without hesitation and two mouths and two tongues and four hands began to suck and lick and fondle him as he groaned out his pleasure at the intense sensations. He could hear moans and squeals of pleasure coming from the bed as the other three ladies played and started to bring each other off. He looked down at his two fellatrix to see their eyes closed in pleasure listening to their sounds of bliss as they traded his cock back and forth as they buried him in their throats as they moaned and panted in their need.

A while later Damiex groaned out in warning, "Here it comes!"

Alissa and Amaranda put their faces together and stuck their tongues out as they both teased the head until he erupted and began to coat their mouths, tongues and faces in his essence. When his cum splashed across their tongues and began to fill their mouths their eyes rolled up and they began to shake as they cried out in climax. The effects of his cum hit and he watched two lust crazed ladies slobber all over his cock between making out with each other drunkenly as their mouths and tongues searched out every drop of his delicious offering. The entails came out of their haze and stared up at him amazed.

"Fuck your cum is delicious, I could drink a gallon of that stuff with every meal! I've never tasted anything like that let alone how it affected us. I've never climaxed from drinking cum let alone got intoxicated off of it!" Desire expressed as Alissa nodded in agreement.

Damiex chuckled, "I'm a bit unique as we've found out though we don't know why."

Alissa leaned in and licked his throbbing cock again having never gone down. "Yes you are sexy, though we all quite like it. We ladies benefit from that quite spectacularly as you've seen. I wouldn't change a thing even if I could."

Damiex helped the ladies to their feet and led them over to the bed where he placed Amaranda on her back with her legs spread wide and Alissa face down on top of her with their pussies squeezed tight against one another as their nipples rubbed against one another.

"Now you two ladies have to keep each other occupied and entertained while I fuck your brains out. Let's see which one screams the loudest."

Alissa and Amaranda began to grope and kiss each while Damiex ran his cock up through one pussy and through the other before reversing and moving down again as he teased both of them making them wonder who would get his cock first. He grabbed Alissa's tight and pale ass and kneaded it making her moan. He spread the cheeks and watched her pussy open as it squeezed and winked trying to pull something in that wasn't there. He lined himself up and pushed into her drenched channel and began to push deep inside of the snow maiden. Alissa broke the kiss and arched her back as she began to chant.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkk. Ohhhhh you're gonna make me cum already, fuck........ YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! MORE pleassssssssssssse!"

Alissa started to tremble as her orgasm seized her twisting her insides as she rubbed herself against Amaranda torturing her clit sending her even higher as Damiex steadily fucked her rotten. After a minute he pulled out and without warning slammed his cock to the hilt inside of Amaranda's grasping cunt. Amaranda screamed as her juices gushed out of her soaking his balls and puddling under her ass on the bed as she started her own series of climaxes.

"FUCK YES! Pound your cunt my Lord, fuck me rotten!"

Damiex chuckled to himself, Amaranda certainly came by her title honestly, her desires were consuming her and he loved watching the two sexy women fuck each other as he fucked them. Every minute or so he would switch off and go back to the other as they fell into a rhythm with Damiex brutally fucking the succubus and snow maiden one after the other as their bodies writhed and bucked against each other in a constant state of orgasm. He had been building to his own orgasm for a while now and this one was going to be big. Damiex buried himself inside of Alissa as she felt him swell and stretch her further, the end of his cock pushing against her cervix as she felt him unload into her and begin to fill her with his cum. Her core detonated and she screamed an ear piercing wail before she sprayed pints of her own cum onto Amaranda below her in the biggest climax she'd ever had. Damiex pulled out and slammed into Amaranda as he kept pumping his seed into the two of them. Desire reacted just like the snow maiden as she exploded too and sprayed her own cum into Alissa with their screams dueling one another for the right to be the very loudest.