A Test of Survival


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Mr. Baker was alarmed. "What are you doing?"

"You promised to protect me, right? I would feel safer tonight with you protecting my most sensitive areas."

And then she promptly fell asleep. After some conflicted thoughts Mr. Baker decided that this position was necessary to make this girl feel safe, and he embraced his role, cupping her right breast and vulva. Then he also fell asleep.

Occasional movements throughout the night led to Amelia feeling good for a bit, as Mr. Baker's penis rubbed her clitoris; and then Mr. Baker felt good as Amelia's vulva rubbed against Mr. Baker's penis for a bit; but neither orgasmed during the night.

* * * * * * *

The next morning they awoke after a deep sleep. The fire had been reduced to embers. Mr. Baker was briefly alarmed when he discovered that his penis was covered in Amelia's discharge, but after examining Amelia's hymen and discovering that it was intact, he concluded that he did not penetrate her, which relieved them both. He also concluded that he did not ejaculate during the night, although he wiped a little bit of pre-cum from Amelia's clitoris, which she enjoyed deeply.

After realizing that he had spent the evening touching all of Amelia's private parts, Mr. Baker's sense of justice arose in him, and he allowed Amelia to handle his penis. She explored his shaft, his foreskin, his glans, and his scrotum, until her curiosity was satisfied and Mr. Baker was fully erect, dripping wet with pre-cum. She also knew that Mr. Baker had not gone to the extent that she had in handling her own private parts, so she allowed him to touch her in return, and he did exactly that, caressing her vulva and clitoris and her beautiful breasts until she too was dripping wet. Mr. Baker didn't realize the effect he was having on her until he heard Amelia take a deep breath, at which point he stopped immediately and Amelia was left slightly disappointed.

Mr. Baker rekindled the fire in order to get them and their clothes as warm as possible before they headed out. Although the warmth was nice, the cabin had no food, and both Mr. Baker and Amelia were ravenous. As soon as they were decently warm, Mr. Baker and Amelia dressed each other intimately, and then Mr. Baker put the fire out. Amelia hopped on to Mr. Baker's waist, Mr. Baker zipped up his coat, and they went out into the cold.

And it was still cold. Although a few cold drafts had gone through the walls of the cabin, it was nothing compared to the full force of negative thirty-five degree weather. It was even colder than the first two days.

Mr. Baker and Amelia both shivered upon being hit by the cold wind. But this time there was no shyness. Mr. Baker, with his arms inside his coat, caressed Amelia's back and her butt. Amelia, without any hint of modesty, held herself as close to Mr. Baker as possible. Mr. Baker wrapped his scarf around both of their heads, in such a way that their faces could touch and they could whisper into each other's ears to encourage each other as necessary.

The intimacy between the two of them gave both renewed strength. Mr. Baker would do anything to ensure that Amelia made it through this experience alive, and Amelia was just as determined to see Mr. Baker survive. They walked several kilometres through the snow in record breaking time.

Eventually, they stumbled upon a logging road. They cheered to each other when that occurred, for they knew that all logging roads eventually lead back to the main highway. Mr. Baker and Amelia briefly went back into the bush to urinate in privacy before returning to the road. This time Mr. Baker allowed Amelia to unzip his pants and grab his penis to guide his stream, while Mr. Baker made no attempt to avoid Amelia's vulva when he pulled her leggings and panties down while she urinated.

It took five hours of following that logging road downhill, such that it was late afternoon by the time they reached the highway, but they managed to reach the Carrier highway, and there they waited for a passing vehicle. They waited 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes. At the 45 minute mark a passing car drove by and they attempted to flag it down, but the car thought they were hitchhikers and left them without slowing down or stopping. After another 15 minutes another vehicle passed, and they stepped out onto the road to block its path, but the car just swerved out of their way and left them behind as well.

Now they were getting worried. It had been 54 hours since they last ate. Sitting still on the side of the road had made them very cold, and the hunger added to their feelings of cold. At last, ninety minutes after reaching the highway, they flagged down a car which stopped. The car was unwilling to pick them up, but they asked the driver to call 911, and the driver promised to do so the moment they made it within cell tower range.

They waited two hours in silence, wondering if the driver had forgotten about them. Not a single car drove by. Amelia began shivering violently inside the coat, and Mr. Baker also shivered. He grew deeply concerned about Amelia's violent shivering and pulled her closer to himself, fearing for her life.

But finally, in the distance, they made out the sirens of an ambulance. They flagged the ambulance down, and a couple of paramedics hopped out and escorted them into the back. The paramedics could hardly believe who they were when they gave their names.

"Aren't you the teacher and student who were taken from the school?"


"They arrested the guy who did it, but he refused to say where he took you. He implied you two were dead, so people stopped looking."

The paramedics rushed Mr. Baker and Amelia to the hospital, where a number of police officers were waiting to interview them. The doctors intervened first and insisted that they be given medical treatment before an interview, as they were suffering from severe hypothermia. After their core temperature had risen out of the danger zone, the police asked Amelia questions.

"How did you survive?"

"Mr. Baker invited me inside his warm winter coat."

"Did he sexually assault you?"

"Of course not."

"Did he force you to undress?"

"Yes, once, when we were in the cabin."

"Do you want to press charges?"

"Of course not. He was following basic first aid principles. I was cold, soaking wet, suffering from hypothermia. He was supposed to take my clothes off and dry me off."

Amelia proceeded to give an extended description of everything that had happened on their adventure, except for the parts where they touched each other's private parts. She carefully omitted anything that might make Mr. Baker look bad.

The police were puzzled and interviewed the doctors next.

"Doctors, is that true?"

"Yes it is. Mr. Baker did everything he was supposed to. The only way Amelia would have survived this experience is if Mr. Baker had shared his coat with her. Undressing a hypothermia patient who has wet clothes on is First Aid 101. He was also correct in examining her nude body because she could have had gangrene from frostbite and he would have needed to amputate. Sleeping beside someone who is cold is a great way to warm them up. He did everything by the book."

The police stopped by Mr. Baker's room shortly thereafter. "Well, Mr. Baker, it looks like you're going to avoid sexual assault charges."

Mr. Baker breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a little bit of guilt based on how everything had played out, because he knew how dangerous it was as a teacher to have any sexual contact with a student. He could have gotten fired or worse.

"In fact, apparently I'm supposed to commend you because you followed your First Aid training to a T. You made no mistakes, and that is why Amelia isn't dead."

"I'm glad Amelia is alive."

"We are too. But surely you understand that this can't happen again."

"I do understand that."

"Good. We'll be off, then."

Following the departure of the police, Amelia requested to be moved into the same room as Mr. Baker, and since they were both suffering from the same condition, the doctors agreed that it made sense to do so.

"Mr. Baker?"

"Yes, Amelia?"

"Thanks for saving my life."

"No problem, Amelia. I'm glad you're still alive."

"Also: thanks for not taking advantage of me in the cabin."

"You had me convinced for a bit that you really wanted it."

"There's a part of me that really did want it. That part of me is wet right now. But it's as you said: I am not my vagina. My vagina may find you really attractive, and may become sexually turned on just from looking at you, but I understand that you're a married man, and that I need to find a boy my own age to go on sexual adventures with. I was really just afraid that I would never get that chance."

"I'm glad you understand that."

"That said, I will never forget the intimacy that we shared that night in the cabin."

"I won't either."

"When I said I've never felt closer to another human being as I did to you that night, I wasn't lying."

"I know. I've never felt that close to anybody, either."

"Even your wife?"

"I love my wife, but I've never been close to dying with her."

"Yeah. There's something about almost dying that brings you close to people, you know?"


"So after we go back to school, do I have to treat you like a teacher again?"

"Officially, yes."

"That's disappointing."

"But I think I can make an exception for you. It's not every student that gets to go on a life-threatening adventure with me."


"As long as you keep it on the down-low, it'll be our little secret."


* * * * * * *

The following Monday, Amelia was sitting in Mr. Baker's Physics class.

"...and that is how to measure the current flowing through the electric circuit."

The bell rang.

"Please make sure that you read section 6.4 for tomorrow's class."

Amelia hung around after class.

"Mr. Baker, can I get some help?"

"Of course, Amelia."

Amelia chatted as the students filed out of class. "How do you know the reading of the ammeter is 26 milliamps?"

Amelia ignored Mr. Baker as he gave her a thorough explanation of how to read an ammeter. As soon as the last student left the classroom, Amelia interrupted Mr. Baker.

"I think I need a hug."

Mr. Baker's eyes darted quickly at the doors to see if there were any spies, and then quickly hugged Amelia.

"No, not like that." Amelia pulled Mr. Baker into the Physics storeroom, then hopped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, and pressed her cheek into Mr. Baker's cheek. Amelia was wearing a skirt, and as she spread her legs for her teacher a dark crimson set of panties was revealed, albeit only briefly, as her breasts were now blocking the view. When Amelia noticed Mr. Baker glancing down, she leaned back and lifted up her skirt, to give Mr. Baker a better view.

"Don't let anyone catch you doing that."

"I wouldn't dare put you in trouble, Mr. Baker. But I miss the way you held me as you carried me to safety. Can you hug me like this every day?"

"I miss holding you like this, too."

They held each other in a long embrace. Then, Amelia turned around, leaned back into Mr. Baker, and guided his hands to her breasts and vulva, under her clothes, under her panties, as she remembered the night by the fire.

"I miss being held like this too."

"I miss holding you like this, Amelia. But you can't relive the past."

"I can't relive the past. But I can remember it."

Mr. Baker held Amelia for a few more seconds, squeezing her bare breast and vulva tightly, and then released her.

"You shouldn't do that again, Amelia. The walls of a school have eyes and ears."

Amelia smelled herself on Mr. Baker's fingers.

"We're not lovers."


"But we were intimate. Will we always have this?" and Amelia returned to the spoon embrace of her teacher.

"We'll always have our memories of that night by the fire."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you."

"Even when I find a lover, you'll always be my cabin man."

"You better get to your next class now."

"Do I have to?"

"I didn't save you to become a failure."

"Okay..." Amelia sighed. "Tomorrow?"

"Yes. Tomorrow. And no... 'touching.' Just hugs."

"And spooning."


"And I'll be wearing my favourite pair of panties tomorrow. I want you to look. I'll make sure that I'm wearing a skirt, and I'll make sure my legs are spread wide for you."

"Do you know how hard it is to see up a girl's skirt from my desk?"

"I'll wear a short skirt."

"No, you won't. I'm the only person who gets to see your panties; you had better be covered up well enough that no one else can see."

"Okay, fine, a knee-length skirt. But if you can't see them in class tomorrow, let me know so that I can show them to you in here later."

"You're going to be late to class."


"Deal. Now go!"

Amelia smiled at Mr. Baker, and left for her next class.

* * * * * * *


At the hospital, Amelia explained to her parents what had happened, and Mr. Baker had explained to his wife what had happened. They told their families everything except for the sexual touching. Both the parents and Mrs. Baker were a little disappointed, but understanding, especially after the doctors came to Mr. Baker's defense.

As Mrs. Baker put it: "I guess I can live with that if that was the reason why I'm not a widow today." Amelia's parents had similar sentiments.

In the week after their release, Amelia began asking her parents if she could sleep over at Mr. Baker's house. When Amelia's parents worried that sleeping over at an adult man's house was inappropriate for their precious eighteen-year old daughter, she replied that he had a wife; and that they should show some trust in the man that saved her life.

Amelia got the sleepover she asked for, and many more in the months to come.

At Mr. Baker's house, Amelia took to the practice of sleeping completely nude, and wandering nude from the bedroom she was staying in to the bathroom. Mrs. Baker protested the first time, until Amelia reminded her that Mr. Baker had already seen her nude, and the only one in the house who hadn't seen her nude was Mrs. Baker herself. That reasoning was enough for Mrs. Baker let down her guard, and soon enough the three of them were taking baths together, playing video games together, and thoroughly enjoying each other's company. Mr. Baker and Amelia did keep to a policy of "no hugs while naked" when Amelia was over, however.

With all of the "extra tutoring" that Amelia got, Amelia passed Mr. Baker's class with an A. She went off to university, but came back to visit frequently.

Meanwhile, both Amelia and Mr. Baker testified at the stranger's trial. The testimony was carefully crafted to avoid any questions about what happened after they had been abandoned in the wilderness, as neither of them wanted to embarrass their school or themselves on the public record, and it was irrelevant to the actions that the stranger was on trial for. With the added testimony of the many witnesses at the school, the stranger was quickly found guilty of two counts of attempted murder, and sentenced to ten years in prison.

However, during the victim impact statements, the stranger finally gave his motive: "I wanted to prove that you Christians are not what you claim to be. You claim to be all 'pure' and look down on the rest of us sinners. Yet they're just as dirty as the rest of us. I bet she's pregnant with his child, and they're covering it up so that 'hero' teacher can continue being a hero, and look good to the community."

Amelia stood up and stared the strange man down: "I'm not pregnant."

The stranger laughed. "Oh, so you had an abortion? Wow. The Christians spend so much time and money trying to deprive the rest of us of abortions, but if they are in need themselves they'll take one every time. You Christians are the world's biggest hypocrites."

Amelia was now enraged. "I did not have sex with Mr. Baker. And if this is what it takes to prove you wrong, then I'll go through with it. Is there a doctor in the court?"

A doctor quietly stood up in the back of the gallery.

"Conduct a virginity test on me and prove to this wicked man that I have not had sex."

Ordinarily the doctor would have refused, on the grounds that virginity tests are incredibly inaccurate; but given that the goal was to get justice for two victims, he went with Amelia into the judge's chambers, where Amelia sat on the edge of a desk, pulled her panties off, and spread her legs, revealing an intact hymen to the doctor. Amelia and the doctor returned to the court.

"She is clearly a virgin, and has never engaged in sexual intercourse with any man."

The stranger flew into a rage, while Amelia smiled triumphantly as he was dragged away to prison.

But afterwards, Amelia and Mr. Baker found a private space to chat about the trial.

Amelia was shaken by the strange man's words. "Are we hypocrites? I was supposed to be pure for my future husband, and instead I've allowed you to look at me and touch me down there. I've let you hold me down there until it felt good. Maybe he was right: we're no different than everyone else."

Mr. Baker comforted Amelia. "We're not Christians because we're perfect. We're Christians because we believe in a higher standard. One that we sometimes fall short of, but one that we believe in. We do not criticize people who fall short; we lift them up, so that they know that the community is there to help them, not hurt them. We believe the world would be a better place if people loved their neighbours and lived pure lives.

"In that cabin, we put each other first. And if that isn't love, I don't know what is.

"Besides: if you think you've ruined yourself sexually for your husband, let me tell you that you're in for a surprise. You haven't orgasmed yet, you haven't been penetrated yet, and I didn't even rub you sexually. The most I did to you was no different than what the doctor did to you an hour ago; the only reason why that felt so much more special was the emotional bond we built up over our three days in the wilderness. You still have a lot of sexual adventures to go on with your future husband. You have not been ruined; you are still pure."

With relief and tearful sobs, Amelia let out all of the emotions that had built up since her wilderness adventure. Her shoulders heaved as she dampened Mr. Baker's shoulders. Mr. Baker held her tenderly.

After several minutes, Amelia began to calm down. She stepped back and looked Mr. Baker in the eyes: "Thank you, Mr. Baker, for everything." She hugged him tightly one more time, and departed.

Mr. Baker and Amelia remained close friends for the rest of their lives, never shy about hugs and nudity.

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robobrainrobobrainabout 2 years ago

I am an atheist and this was a really good read. 4/5 for me. I probably wouldn't read it a second time, but it is what it is.

My only critique is the epilogue. The whole story was great, and the epilogue felt out of place. Like really, what kind of a wife would allow a hot 18 year old to prance around her home like that with her husband. Also, that virginity test was completely unnecessary, and I am surprised the gunman didn't say the doctor was lying because he was also a Christian. I'd have ended it with the gunman wanting to check her hymen himself, and Amelia allowing him out of pride, and then he completely loses his shit finding the hymen intact, and then overpowers the cops, and then proceeds to rape her.

robobrainrobobrainabout 2 years ago

I am an atheist and this was really good read. 4/5 for me. My only critique is the epilogue... What kind of a wife would allow that, and the virginity test was completely unnecessary. I am surprised the gun man didn't say the doctor was lying because he was a Christian too. I'd have ended it with the gunman wanting to check himself, and Amelia allowing him out of pride, and then he completely loses his shit finding the hymen intact and proceeds to rape her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A refreshingly human story with a happy ending. So what if perverts and atheists are disappointed? There are plenty of other stories which include rape, humiliation and cruelty for every closet pervert with delusions of adequacy. The story is erotic and reluctant but actually has real love at its core. I really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It was written so poorly that I didn't get past the first three or four paragraphs. Walked into the school with a gun and took a student and teacher, couldn't happen in todays hyper safety precautions concerning schools. Then marched them through foot deep snow for an hour, they'd have succumbed to the cold and exhaustion long before the hour was up. From there it simply became absolutely unbelievable. Two stories, one follower. I have a suggestion ... QUIT. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Honest to god - This is one the best Erotica I've read. The whole story from start to finish was 10/10.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is barely anything. Great if you want a small tease.

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