A Week at the Lake with My Sister


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"You thought Paul would be a good boyfriend because I hadn't told you about his gaming addiction."

"Yeah. Not nice of you to leave that out."

"I know this will sound crazy, but I was going to take care of you. When you found out about Paul's gaming addiction and soured on him as I had done, I was going to offer to share Brandon with you. We'd share him equally. I know that sounds crazy, but I needed you to be Brandon's girlfriend. If Brandon and I were constantly going out just the two of us, it'd be weird. Particularly as we wouldn't be dating anyone else when we easily could. And it's really important to me that Brandon and I go to movies, restaurants, concerts, etc. But it wouldn't be weird if I tagged along with Brandon and his girlfriend who was my long-time best friend. That was my end game - sharing Brandon with you. It'd be a bitch getting Paul out of the picture, and you'd have to put up with his bullshit for probably the whole summer, but you're such a great friend I thought you'd be willing to do it."

Joanna laughed. "I don't know if I'm that great of a friend."

"I know. I can be absolutely evil at times. No way I should have expected you to do that. I'm glad I came to my senses and sent Paul home instead of initiating the swap. Things between you and Brandon have worked out great ever since. You're now quite the happy couple."

"We are," said Joanna dreamily. Then she asked with concern, "You're not going to tell Brandon we agreed to swap boyfriends, are you?"

"Of course not! Brandon doesn't need to know about that. I've learned my lesson from last week - I'll never do anything again to hurt your relationship with Brandon. My friendship with you is the anchor of my life. It makes me happy to see you happy, and Brandon makes you happy. I think I'll enjoy living with you and Brandon because I'll get to see how happy you are together every day."

"And it makes me happy to see you happy."

"And right now, I'm happy Paul is out of my life. The evenings at the lake were a lot of fun, but it sucked being with him all the rest of the time. It's great not having that drama anymore."

"I really enjoyed those evenings. I also enjoyed planning them with you, deciding with you what sexy clothes we'd wear, and getting dressed up."

"And braiding my hair! You came up with the best braiding designs."

"Thanks. And I enjoyed that too." Joanna was silent for a moment. "I think part of the reason I was willing to swap for Paul was that making out with him was so hot, but now I realize that why making out with him was so hot was the mood in the room; you were totally into making out with Brandon, and it was infectious. I doubt I would have enjoyed making out with Paul if we had been in separate rooms."

"Yeah, it was hot with all four of us making out in front of each other. What gave me the courage to make out with Brandon as I did was that I knew you were fine with it. Brandon resisted, and it was hot breaking through his resistance, but I wouldn't have been able to break through his resistance if you hadn't been there letting him know you were okay with it."

"I wish we had done it one more night," said Joanna wistfully. "Did you consider not sending Paul home so we could have had a replay of Thursday night on Friday?"

Kaitlyn made an awkward face. "Not really. I was too done with Paul. And if I had made out with Brandon again, I was going to fuck him. Which would have been fine if he was my boyfriend and you were Paul's girlfriend, but it wouldn't have been fine for Paul to fuck you if you were Brandon's girlfriend. So even a scenario where we made out for a while and then went to bedrooms so Paul couldn't see exactly what Brandon and I did wouldn't have worked."

"You're right. That wouldn't have worked."

* * * *

When I got up, the people who posted the ad had responded to my reply, and I filled out their paperwork. I regularly refreshed the page all day and eventually something closer to what we wanted popped up. It was a little more than the budget I had set and was kind of out in the exurbs, but it looked like a nice, fairly new complex and the sublease expired at the end of August. I replied to the ad. I eventually got a response and made an appointment to see the apartment that evening.

Joanna, Kaitlyn and I went out to see the apartment. As we drove, we discussed how we were going to split up the responsibilities. Kaitlyn asked Joanna, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to do the cooking, pay the bills, make the shopping list, and keep the calendar for the apartment."

Kaitlyn asked me, "Do you want to do any of those things?"


"Fine. I think that's a lot. So how about Brandon and I try splitting the rest? We should make up a list of all the responsibilities and make sure that they are all assigned fairly evenly."

"Okay," I said.

Kaitlyn had a pad. She and Joanna brainstormed on responsibilities. I drove and listened.

When we got to the apartment, a woman in her twenties opened the door. "Come in. I'm Collette. And this is my son, Trevor." Her son looked three years old. She walked us around the apartment. "I broke up with my boyfriend this weekend, and he's moved out. I can't afford this apartment on my own, so I'm going to move in with my mom."

The apartment was nice. It looked only a few years old with marble counters and a well-laid-out kitchen. The master bedroom had its own bath. The second bedroom was an adequate size, and the second bathroom was down the hall from it. It was on the third floor and had a view of the parking lot.

Collette said as she showed us around, "The complex has very nice amenities. It's got two pools. One is family-oriented with a big shallow end and an outdoor kitchen. The other is for adults. There's a large fitness center and a nice clubhouse. They host events at the clubhouse regularly."

I looked at Joanna and Kaitlyn. Both of them had been nodding positively the whole time we walked through the apartment. I said, "I like it. What do you think?"

"I like it too."

"It's what we're looking for."

We made the arrangements with Collette. She'd arrange with the office for us to take over the sublease. We'd come up Saturday morning and sign all the paperwork at the office. She'd start moving out after that. She hoped to be out by Saturday afternoon. She'd then give us the keys, and we could move in.

As we walked out to the car, Joanna started bouncing for joy. "It's happening. It's actually happening." She kissed me. "We're going to be living in a place of our own."

* * * *

I got Saturday off from work. Dad rented a U-Haul while Kaitlyn, Joanna and I went to sign the paperwork to take over the lease. When everyone got back, we cleared almost everything out of Kaitlyn and my bedrooms. Once we had that done, we drove over to Joanna's apartment and got her stuff, which was mostly clothes. We drove back to our house and waited for Collette to call. Mom kept saying, "I'll miss you two so much" and "Your bedrooms look so sad now".

I said, "If you'd like, Mom, the three of us will come over for dinner once a week."

"You would?"

Kaitlyn said, "That's a great idea."

Joanna added, "I can show you what I've learned about cooking, and you can give me more lessons."

We quickly settled on Sunday night for us to come over for dinner.

When Collette called, the five of us went over to our new apartment. Mom and Joanna organized the kitchen while the rest of us concentrated on the bedrooms. We didn't have any furniture for the living room or dining room, but we'd buy that eventually. We ate delivered pizza as we worked. A little after nine, we had things well enough in hand that we wished my parents goodbye. Joanna and I put things away in our bedroom and bathroom until ten.

I said, "I'm tired."

"Me too."

"Let's go say goodnight to Kaitlyn and then hit the sack."

We went over to Kaitlyn's bedroom and each gave her a hug before heading back to our bedroom. I stripped down to my boxers. Joanna stripped down to her panties and put on a nightshirt. Would we make love tonight?

When we got into bed, I said, "Is my naughty girl happy to be sleeping with me again?"

"I'm too tired to be naughty tonight." Joanna crawled over next to me and put her head on my shoulder. "But I'm very happy to sleep with you tonight. This is like a dream come true for me." She kissed me on the cheek. "I love you."

I kissed her on the lips. "I love you too."

We cuddled a little more before drifting off to sleep.

* * * *

Sunday, I went back to work. While I was working, Joanna and Kaitlyn bought a used dining set and a couch. When I got off work, the three of us had dinner with my parents. That night, Joanna and I made love for the first time in our new place.

Over the next week, we did a variety of things, always all three of us. Monday, we went to the adult-oriented pool, swam and talked to some other adults. Tuesday, we used the fitness center. Wednesday, we went out to a movie. Thursday, we used the fitness center again. Friday, we went back to the pool. We spent a lot of time during the week sitting around the dining room table with our electronic amusements, talking and relaxing. It was very comfortable living together.

Saturday, Joanna had dinner waiting when I got home from work. It was a pasta, ground beef and tomato casserole that was one of my mom's old reliables. Kaitlyn made salads and biscuits. It was a good dinner. Afterward, we went to the pool and relaxed for a while. On the way back, Joanna said to Kaitlyn, "We might as well leave our bikini tops on and just change into shorts. I'll wear those terry cloth short-shorts if you do too."


We changed and headed to the dining room table as usual. Joanna got there first. She took two of the chairs and put them facing each other about six feet apart. She sat down in one as she indicated to Kaitlyn that she should sit down in the other. She then said to me, "Your naughty girl would like you to kiss her neck and shoulders tonight."

Suddenly, my heart was pounding in my chest. Joanna and Kaitlyn were dressed the same, just like the nights at the lake house. And now Joanna was asking me to kiss her neck in front of Kaitlyn, just like at the lake house. What was Joanna planning? She wasn't planning on doing something like at the lake house, was she?

I moved behind her and kissed down the right side of her neck and then across her right shoulder. I could taste the pool water on her as I did so. It was a struggle to go slowly. I wanted to see what Joanna had in mind. By saying naughty girl, she implied that she wanted to do something naughty tonight. She was going to want me to kiss Kaitlyn's neck and shoulders like I was kissing her, right?

When I got to the end of her right shoulder, Joanna said, "Now go do the same for Kaitlyn."

I looked at Kaitlyn as I walked over toward her. She had a look of anxiety and confusion. I guessed that Joanna hadn't told her what she was planning.

I pushed Kaitlyn's hair aside and kissed her neck. She gasped like the first time I had done it. I kissed a little lower on her neck and then again a little lower. I felt that sexual electricity between us beginning to build. I could taste the pool water on her too. It was good to feel her skin again with my lips.

Joanna asked, "Are you enjoying that, my best friend?"

Kaitlyn said in a controlled manner, "Yes."

"How much?"

I was kissing along Kaitlyn's shoulder now. She said a little angrily, "I love it, okay? I've loved it every time Brandon has done it to me."

When I reached the end of Kaitlyn's shoulder, I looked over at Joanna. She waved me back. I walked over to behind her. She said, "Take off my top, Brandon," as she raised her arms. I grabbed her bikini top and pulled it upward. I took it off her and dropped the damp top onto the floor. "Now play with my nipples while you do the other side."

I moved Joanna's hair and kissed down the left side of her neck. I brought my hands around in front of her and put them on her tits. As I reached the nape of her neck, I squeezed her nipples between my fingers. Joanna sucked in her breath. "That feels so good. It feels good to be naughty again. I like being naughty."

I slowly kissed along her shoulder, wondering how naughty Joanna wanted to be tonight.

Joanna reached up and scratched my head as she said, "I'm going to tell you both a secret tonight. You'll both probably think I'm a terrible person. I'm not as innocent as I seem."

When I reached the end of her shoulder, I started walking toward Kaitlyn. She had a hungry look now. I thought back to the last time we had had naughty time at the lake house, when Kaitlyn had told me she wanted to fuck me. She looked like she wanted me again.

When I got to Kaitlyn, she raised her arms in the air. I grabbed her bikini top and pulled it off of her. She dropped her arms, and I moved to her neck. As I did the first kiss, I cupped her tits with my hands. They felt so big in my hands. I loved their shape and feel. It was wonderful to feel them again.

Kaitlyn moaned as I kissed down her neck and squeezed her tits. She was allowing herself to get much more into it this time.

Joanna said, "The first time I went to your house, I thought it was the best house in the world. It was the kind of house I wished I had grown up in. And I loved your mom. I loved how she treated me. I was over with three other girls, each of whom had been over to your house lots of times. I was so envious of them. I wanted to come to your house all the time. I wanted to be your best friend. But how could I? I was this nothing-special poor kid."

I was torn. I wanted to hear what Joanna had to say. I felt she was sharing something important. But at the same time, I wanted to concentrate on kissing Kaitlyn and feeling her tits. When Paul had gone home, I had assumed the naughtiness was over, and I'd never get to touch Kaitlyn again like this. But now I was, and I was enjoying it immensely.

"And I became your best friend. Aren't I your best friend?"

I was almost at the end of Kaitlyn's shoulder now. She answered dreamily, "You are my best friend."

I finished kissing Kaitlyn and started walking over to Joanna. She got up and stood next to her chair, facing away from me. When I got to her, she said, "Get to your knees, Brandon." I dropped to my knees. "Now pull down my shorts slowly."

I grabbed her terry cloth short-shorts and slowly pulled them down. As I did, Joanna sexily wiggled her ass back and forth. She was having fun. She was enjoying driving me crazy.

"You're so naughty, Joanna."

Joanna laughed as I stood up. "I am. I'm totally naughty." She indicated I should sit down in the chair. Once I sat down, she straddled my lap and said, "Suck on my tits, Brandon." I latched onto on her nipple. "Now squeeze my ass." I squeezed her ass with both hands as I sucked on her nipple. Joanna ran her fingers through my hair. "That feels so good. You're the best lover I've ever had, Brandon. You know how to touch me, how to get me excited." She continued running her fingers through my hair. I switched nipples. "But being naughty makes it all so much more exciting for me. I love being your naughty girl."

I continued sucking on Joanna's nipple while squeezing her sweet ass. And then Joanna pulled my head back, saying, "Kaitlyn's turn."

Joanna got off of me, and I walked over to Kaitlyn. She was standing next to her chair with her back to me, just like Joanna had. I got down on my knees and slowly pulled down her short-shorts. As I did, she swayed her hips sexily. When Joanna had wiggled her hips, it had been silly fun. With Kaitlyn, it was an erotic show.

Once Kaitlyn had stepped out of her shorts, Joanna said, "Kaitlyn, Brandon is overdressed. Would you please take off his shorts?"

Wordlessly, Kaitlyn dropped to her knees in front of me. She grabbed my shorts and slowly pulled them down. The whole time, she stared at my rock-hard cock that was a few inches in front of her. The last time at the lake house, she had said she wanted my cock inside of her. And she wanted me to cum inside of her. I had no doubt that was still her desire.

Once my shorts were off, I sat down on the chair. Kaitlyn immediately straddled me. I sucked her hard nipple into my mouth while I squeezed her firm, well-rounded ass.

Joanna said, "After that first visit. I tried to spend as much time as I could with Kaitlyn. But she wasn't that interested in me. And why should she? And then one day, it happened. She said something about you, Brandon. Something like, 'He's so good-looking. No wonder he always has a girlfriend.' She was immediately embarrassed by it. She added, 'But he's such a jerk at times.' I could tell she didn't really mean the last part; it was just something to deflect away from that she thought her brother was very good-looking. After we parted ways, I thought and thought about it. And I came up with a plan. I'd regularly ask her about you. I'd try to get her to say complimentary things about you. And I'd let her know that I thought that was fine. I'd be the one friend she could talk about her brother with. That was how I could get Kaitlyn to want to talk to me."

Again, I was torn between wanting to pay attention to Joanna's story and to focus on enjoying Kaitlyn's body. Was this a one-time thing? Was this the last time I'd get to suck on Kaitlyn's tits and squeeze her ass? Did I want it to be the last time? I loved Joanna, and I wanted to be with her forever. But I also loved Kaitlyn and lusted for her.

Joanna said, "My turn."

Kaitlyn got off of me. I stood up and walked over toward Joanna, who was standing in front of her chair. She said, "Get down on your knees and take off my panties."

I dropped to my knees, grabbed Joanna's panties and slowly pulled them down. I'd lived with Joanna for a week now, but there was still something magically about seeing her pussy. I could smell her sexual excitement. Yet at the same time, what most filled my head was the prospect of seeing my sister's pussy this close very soon.

After Joanna stepped out of her panties, she sat down on the edge of the chair and spread her legs wide. "Eat me, Brandon." I shuffled over to Joanna and brought my mouth to her pussy. I parted her pussy lips with my tongue and took a lick. I was not surprised to find that she was very wet.

"That's it, Brandon. Show your sister what a great pussylicker you are. Make her jealous that you're eating me out and not her. You know she wants you to lick her pussy like this."

I attacked Joanna with relish. I slurped up her juices as quickly as I could. I had learned the subtle signs she gave to express her sexual pleasure, and she was giving off a lot of them. And the more my tongue pleased her, the more I wanted to give her more pleasure. At the same time, I wondered what was next. Was I going to eat out Kaitlyn? I had never gone that far with her. Why would Joanna want me to go that far now? But it would be almost cruel of Joanna to leave Kaitlyn high and dry after having her watch me pleasure her.

When I shifted my focus to her clit, Joanna responded by running her fingers through my hair. I continued my feverish assault until she suddenly clamped my head with both hands. She quietly came as I slowed my tongue work. I could feel that my face was coated with her juices.

I stood up, and, to my surprise, so did Joanna. She gave me a small push. "Go on. It's Kaitlyn's turn."

Kaitlyn was standing also. I walked over to her and dropped to my knees. I had hoped Kaitlyn would be wearing some sexy panties, but she was wearing a plain pink, cotton pair. Another sign that tonight had been a complete surprise to her. I grabbed her panties and began pulling them down. Kaitlyn's bush was much more trimmed back than Joanna's and a lighter shade of brown. I couldn't smell her excitement, but that wasn't surprising as my face was coated with Joanna's juices.
