All Comments on 'A Wife, A Secret Life and Discovery'

by Cagivagurl

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

"What the hell did you expect? What about the affair, Ava, are you sorry for that?"

Surprisingly, she shook her head as she played with her food. "No, this will sound harsh, but I'm not sorry for my relationship with Reed. I know that sounds cruel; however, I think it has been good for me, and good for us, you and me. So no. In that regard, I'm not sorry. I am, however, very sorry for not being honest with you right from the start. That is what I am truly sorry for."

"Unbelievable." I snarled angrily. "That is your apology? Before she could speak, I hissed. "Slut"

Her face darkened, her scowl a picture of grim determination. "Ian, I am no slut. I have never had sex with random people. I might have deceived you, cheated. That I will accept, but I am no slut. I know you were merely trying to hurt me, but don't you dare ever... Call me that again."

====> so let's dissect this a bit. His loving, wonderful wife of nearly 23 years has a 18 month long emotional affair with the dominant asshole Reed, including constant dirty talk and sexual teasing and promises and then she caves after talking to Jodi about their by marriage, she has a real emotional connection with Reed, involving intimacy and affection and probably some love (though she denies it), and then six months of probably five or six lengthy sexual BDSM encounters, each ranging over days, and well she isn't sorry for the affair.

Way to play straight out of the anti-reconciliation playbook. /golfclap. She even digs herself deeper with, "I am glad I had the affair and it made our marriage better". Yeah guess what that also kills reconciliation. Just as the millions of wives divorced from cheating husband's who try those lines. Ava is literally playing the part of cheating husband on pages 2 and 3. She works hard. She is arrogant, selfish and feels entitled, is going through some sort of mid age crisis and except for the BDSM angle, she is practically playing the part of a cheating spouse with no remorse othrt than their wife found out.

But oh let us not forget thr rest of quoted passge when he calls her a slut, but he is being mean and is totally inaccurate.

Excuse me? In what parallel universe does any of this make sense? As an aside in yhis and other stories, this author appeards to have a problem with the cheated upon male partner getting angry. Grow up. There is a whole world of difference between blind rage and righteous fury. Who wouldn't be pissed off. Adult conversations? Give me a break. She lied for two years.

That leads to thr next major boondoggle. She lied for two years. Especially for six months while on kinky f$ck "work" trips with Reed. She would talk to her husband of 20+ years on the phone, then hang up and bang Reed. She was clearly in love (least to some degree) with Reed as per the evidence from Callum and the MC's own observations. She was affectionate, enamored, intimate and clearly in lust with Reed. But she never lied to him. Wtf? Oh yeah had he asked her directly if she was cheating, she would have said yes. Good for her. Good luck proving that and she artfully avoided any discussions about her newfound preferred sexual kinks, planned to continue the affair, take it to her grave but hey while she was being "deceitful", she NEVER lied to her husband. Balderdash. Never mind that after when they are dating again, she lies to him multiple times when she ambushes him with Jodi, or tries to set up the two of them to have a lunch without her present.

The problem is she is an exceedingly good liar that pulled the cloak over her husband's eyes for a long time, living a double, secret life and lies to get her way at a drop of her hat.

On top of that she keeps defending Reed, who is an asshole (clearly). And ironically enough her new bestie, Jodi, implored her to be honest with her husband, but she ignored said advice meaning (wait shocking twist incoming), she lied. Oh wow. That is so unexpected. /sarcasm off. Open marriage may not be for most people (i.e. see pair bonding) but it isn't cheating and adultery, which Ava was clearly engaged in but not one bit sorry about. Huh? And oh yeah she is secretly upset with her husband for NOT recognizing that she cheated the first time (by which point she was hooked to the S&M sex with Reed), because let's see, she is an irrational bitch. But hey not a slut.

To be fair the back end of the story is interesting and as always the author writes well. But how the heck does the story get so easily from pages 2 and 3, to the conclusion, which just kind of ended, as if the author ran out of story or interest? On pages 2-3, even ignoring some of her later antics (i.e. lies) to get her way, she literally says most of the top 10 things NOT to say to an aggrieved spouse post discovery of adultery if therr is to ne any hope of reconciliation. Seriously. But hey she is just being honest, right? Well at least now. Apparently. But guess what, being honest at that delicate, fragile time, is probably not a wise move, given the sh$test she made of their marriage. And if that is how she really feels because what she discovered about her new sexuality (though he doesn't learn about the why for several pages and more than 2 months in the story timeline), then guess what: 0.0001% chance of reconciliation, unless husband is a willing cuckold. Yes this is fiction, but again her post discovery discourse was mind boggling and really hurt her husband on multiple levels.

So yeah only in fiction does their relationship get from pages 2-3 to the end of the story. 4 stars for the writing. Though have to say if Ava had been male and played those cards, the wife of the story would torch the cheating husband. That is how this author rolls.

AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

I enjoyed the story and though it was complicated, I was very glad that he stuck to his guns & did not allow Reed to hook back up with Ava. Maybe I am close-minded but I totally understand his 'stubbornness' as some might say in regards to Jodi's husband. I am not sure Ava really comprehends why Ian was so upset but..... Que Sera, Sera.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

I reread the story again. The Sadist has little respect for Ava and her husband. The Satist's wive is a completely loser who wants to live off Ava's money as does the Sadist. It's such a pathetic story let Ava get to 65 yrs old her ass and tits hanging to her belly button and her cunt and asshole worn out from being tied, flogged, and fucked by others he will introduce her to the BDSM community. A pathetic whore who Ian does not need. The authors wants Ian be totally cuckhold by Reed, Reeds, wife and others not mentioned so far. The entire story is so lame. Ian is the only one who has class and style. Reed upset he cannot go to the family function I should think he should have his knees broken and more. What a loser. This entire story is all about Ava being the mother hen and whore, slave, slut to Reed and his wife. There is no self-respecting husband who would put up with Ava.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

At the party Jodi in indignant and says her Reed is a tough guy who could beat up Ian. I would have marched her slimy cunt out the door and kicked her down the drive way. Who does that woman idiot think she is one of his slut whores too. Life is not all sex and all Ava wants is the girls, Reed who will enslave her and turn her out to be a BDSM whore. Ian cannot be what he is not and Ava has lost her perspective. Ian should go after half of Ava's assets. You know Reed and Jodi are already working hard to take control of Ava's money. God this story is so weak for a wife who's a big time executive to comprehend. Ian runs fast to some island for half her millions for Adultry and live again.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

How long before Reed and Ava are back together in Ians bed as Ian builds them a Dungeon. Ava will be one Molly and probably Heroin with in the year at some weekend Dom/Sub orgy. Ava will be strung out and fucked silly by all the other Doms soon enough and Owned, collared and tattooed. I'm imagining Ava will be blackened and whored out soon enough. Ian has got to move along there is nothing to see here. Reed wants her money and her body and Molly, meth and smack will be in Ava as soon as she is a full time slave.

RedRachaelRedRachael20 days ago

I’m sure something happened at the end of this but I stopped after page 6. It was the same discussions and arguments over and over. They could just copy and paste from earlier in the story.

OlefishermanOlefisherman17 days ago

The author if she wishes could call the the mental health hot line and get the number of a good shrink she needs help and 5th Don black belt is no match for a baseball bat from behind when he has no warning or a stone in a Sox or a thousands of other things that could befall him. Being a5th Don means that if you hurt someone you can be charged with a higher crime also. So beware of what you write.

HighBrowHighBrow15 days ago

These femdom fantasies gaslight the readers. This author is a good writer but writes total feminist propaganda in which the wife dominates and abuses the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymous13 days ago


She'll NEVER be satisfied. Just another cheating bitch who's into SM. Jodi is a snake in the grass. Are all your male characters fucking wimps?

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Reed needed to meet a truck once or twice, Jodi needs to be told to get the hell out of his life and bitch wife needed to be hurt and dumped. You must have been fucked over by some bad men to be such an Extreme feminist.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

BS from you again, why do I read this.?

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

This is definitely one of your worst stories. Your wimp/cuckold trend is undeniable, isn't it?

doctrptdoctrpt4 days ago

She will never be faithful. She simply cannot be honest enough, and you created scene after scene where she lied through omission, or directly lied, to Ian. Your writing is clear, pictures created first rate. It's too bad that no man in your writings can stand for himself and walk away from the shit worlds you create for them. Real men would...

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

tl,dr: 1* same old, same old from Cagivagurl.

Another Cagivagurl story that is well written in the sense of more than competent dialogue and character development, but revolves around a completely clueless husband and a cheating wife who tries to excuse her cheating with the worn out excuse that "you didn't know I was a cheat so it didn't hurt you." Oh and the perennial, "I am not a slut" and "I never lied to you." Of course she did. Indeed, Ian asked her the very morning that she was flying off to get fucked by her lover whether she was "seeing her lover." Her response, "I don't like that you even asked me that question." That was her chance to say, "Yes, actually I am." Instead, she acted as if she was insulted.

And the constant repetition of the same old excuses, repeated over and over again,coupled with her anger that hubby wouldn't let lover boy attend a party and the insulting wife of the asshole Reed who gets into Ian's face. These stories are always the same: slut wife who regrets nothing, unknowing cuckold who "overreacts" and just needs to open up and accept his being cuckolded and, of course, never tells the children that mumsy has been fucking other men.

One last observation: this author is promoted by a female writer who loves this kind of shit and puts a heavy thumb on the scale by inviting him/her in every writing challenge. Lighten up Babe and start inviting some other new writers to contribute.

1* for repetitive dialogue, wimpy male character, a hateful wife and a theme that for this writer is so overdone that she/he should put a fork in it. Try writing a strong male MC who has the self-respect not to accept the shit his wife has poured on his head.

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