Abigail's Demon, Ch. 03


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She slumped down, putting her head in her hands.

"When Kate asked you if you were seeing someone," Odal said, "did you say 'yes' because of me?"

"Yes. No. I don't know. I wasn't really sure what to say, so I panicked."

"I'm not a relationship, Abigail," Odal said. "I'm a tool."

"You really are sometimes," Abigail muttered.

Odal gave her a wry smirk.

"I just mean I'm a thing for you to use. A means to an end. A way to get what you want."

"I don't really see you that way," Abigail protested. "You're not a thing. You have feelings and emotions and all that stupid shit."

"But I'm not a person."

Abigail sprawled out on the table.

"I desire you to be a person."

"You know it doesn't work that way."

"Don't care."

Odal stood up and walked around behind Abigail, embracing her.

"Thanks-- hey! My phone!"

Odal was typing. Abigail tried to grab it from her but she held it above her head, still typing one handed, not even looking at what she was doing.

Abigail got up, following her around the table as she typed.

"How are you-- unf-- doing that," Abigail complained, jumping up to try to grab it from her hand.


She blinked. Odal's towel-wrapped breasts were right at her eye level.

She stepped back. Odal was hovering above the floor.


She grabbed the towel, thinking (for some reason) that she would be able to pull Odal back down. So when the inevitable happened, she just stood there for a minute, holding the towel in her hand, staring up at the floating naked woman in her kitchen.

Odal leaned down, handing her phone back.

"There you go."

Abigail blinked at her, then looked down at her messages.

-Kate, I'm sorry I upset you. I have to admit you kind of caught me off guard and I panicked a little. Can we talk, please? Come by my place at eight?

She looked back up.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Do you trust me?"

"You just stole my phone and floated away to keep me from taking it back!"

"Yes, I did. But do you trust me?"

"Mnh," Abigail grumbled.

"What was that?"

"Okay, yes, fine, I trust you! Probably yet another one of my shitty life decisions, trusting a Sumerian demon I summoned out of a 99-cent second hand paperback!"

"I can fix this. I promise."

She drifted closer until she was right in front of Abigail, then reached out and wrapped her arms around Abigail's neck, looking down at her. Abigail's chin was in her cleavage.

"You're lucky you're so cute," Abigail muttered. She pressed a kiss to the swell of one breast

"Hey," she said after a moment, "how long can you stay up there? Can you go higher?"

In response Odal drifted gently upward

Abigail caught her hips.

"Stop there."

She looked up into soul-aching brown eyes, pillowy lips pursed in a small smile, and that curious head tilt that made funny things happen to Abigail's chest. Not her nipples. Deeper. Well, her nipples too, if she was being honest. The little buggers were drawn to Odal like magnets.

"Did you have something in mind?"


She slid her arm between Odal's legs, curling it back toward herself so she could lift her thigh. With some effort she managed to hike it up on her shoulder. This put Odal's belly directly in her face, and she took the opportunity to stick her tongue in the demon's belly button.

"Hey, you have a belly button," she remarked over Odal's yelp and giggle.

"It's for show," the demon said. She lifted her other thigh without Abigail's help and rested it on her shoulder, crossing her ankles behind Abigail's shoulder blades.

"Hey," Abigail said again. "Does it bother you when I call you 'demon'? Cause if it does, I'll stop. Galallu. I'm saying that right, right?"

"Close enough," Odal said with a smile. "While I'm not exactly a demon in the strictest sense, it's also not entirely inaccurate, and I don't mind you calling me that, because I know you don't mean it hurtfully. From you it's like...'babe', or 'sweetie'."

"But 'succubus' is out, huh."

"Mm...same thing, really. Not quite right, not quite wrong, don't mind it from you."

Abigail kissed her belly.

"Odaliskimm-- Odaliska-- help?"

"Odaliskammakalizimmu. If you break it up into four sections it's easier to remember. Odalis, kamma, kali, zimmu."

"Odalis, kamma, kali, zimmu."

"Very good," Odal smiled. "Here's a fun fact: the term 'odalisque', which refers to a female slave or concubine, comes from my name."

"I've got your legs wrapped around my head and you're giving me trivia," Abigail said.

"Well, not much is going on down there at the moment. I just thought I'd pass the time."

Abigail reached up and grabbed a double handful of galallu ass. Odal yelped in an absolutely delightful and moistness-inducing fashion, squirming on Abigail's shoulders.

She reached around and patted Odal's thighs.

"Open," she said.

"Ooh, bossy. I like it," Odal purred, and complied.

Before Abigail's eyes was a swirl of the finest, silkiest pubic hair she had ever seen. She pressed her nose into it and inhaled.

"You have this scent, like a flower, but I can't place it," she murmured.

"Girimsai," Odal breathed, shivering. "I don't think it's around any more."

"Well, one still is," Abigail said, pressing her lips to Odal's mound.

"Sweet words, honey-tongue. How long do I have to float here before youAAH--,"

Odal broke off, shuddering as Abigail drew a long, languid swipe of her tongue up her folds, lingering at their apex. With one arm still wrapped around Odal's thigh, Abigail brought her other hand up to tease the folds apart, soft flicks of her tongue alternating with the gentle pressure of her fingertips.

A dewdrop of moisture was there, and she teased it out with her fingers to catch it on her tongue.

Then she snorted. Silent laughter shook her as she rested her forehead on Odal's belly, patting her leg with her free hand.

"Abigail," Odal said archly, "I've told you I'm here to fulfill all your desires, but if you're going to laugh at my pussy, I'm going to develop a complex."

"It's-- it's not that-- you st- you t-taste like maple syrup," Abigail wheezed.

"Well!" Odal said. "If SOMEONE had come home and licked it off me like they were SUPPOSED to, and, I don't know, maybe warned me that their tub didn't drain properly..."

Abigail raised her hands, as well as she was able, in surrender, still chuckling.

"You're right. I was being selfish. Now it's my turn to make it up to you."

"Hm...while I'm all right up here indefinitely, you might find bed a little more comfortable than standing in the middle of the kitchen."

"You are wise. Hey, uh...you're pretty strong, right?"

Odal paused.

"Yes," she said grudgingly. "But people tend to find it intimidating."

"Could you like...lift me? Could you carry me?"


"Will you?"

"You'd...like that?" Odal asked.

"Yeah, I think I would."

"Okay. As long as you're not going to get weird about it."

"Odal, sweetie, I get weird about everything. But please, I really want you to carry me to the bedroom like a brushing bride and lay me down on the bed."

"Fairly certain that's 'blushing' bride," Odal frowned.

"Whatever. Please? Pretty please. I desire it."

Odal huffed.

"And you're not going to be bothered by the fact that I can smash your bones to powder."

"Well I wasn't until you put it like that."

"See? This is why I don't like to talk about it."

"Odal, it doesn't bother me that you're bone-powderingly strong. Powderingly? That's a word, right?"

"Bone-smashingly is probably what you wanted there," Odal said.

"Ooh, yeah, that IS better. It really doesn't bother me, I swear. It is intimidating, I'm not going to lie. But at the same time it's...comforting? I guess? Like you could protect me from anything. And knowing that you have that strength, but you're nothing but gentle with me? That's big. Not sure I can even words how that do feelings."

"You're a very peculiar girl," Odal said with a small smile.

"Hey, that's my line."

"All right, then. Walking or flying?"

"Ohhh shit...flying. Flying, please. Yeah. Please?"

Odal drifted back from her, letting her legs slide down Abigail's shoulders. Abigail held her calves for a moment as she backed up, enjoying the feel of the firm muscle under the soft skin.

And then without warning the demon flipped around in midair, barreling into Abigail at speed, scooping her up in a bridal carry that had Abigail shrieking in surprised delight and mild terror. She did a tight circle of the kitchen as Abigail wrapped her arms around her neck, pressing her face into the hollow of Odal's throat.

It took a little awkward maneuvering to get her down the hall and through her bedroom door, but then Odal was settling her down gently on the bed and hovering over her, smiling.

"That was sort of fun," she murmured.

Abigail looked up at her, breathless and flushed, panting.

"It was amazing," she breathed. "YOU are amazing. Now bring that flower up here and let me stick my honey-tongue in it."

"Smooth," Odal giggled. She drifted up until she was hovering upright, heels tucked up to her butt, and drifted down, settling one knee on either side of Abigail's head, looking down at her. Her eyes glazed over.

"Oh," she said. "You...this is...hnnh."

"I haven't even touched you yet."

"Oh but your desire...to please me...it's ah-- intoxicating. Wow."

Abigail pressed a kiss to the apex of her folds, holding her lips there for a moment. Odal squirmed on top of her.

"I've never felt anything like this," she said. "This desire of yours...it...it's...Abigail. I think I'm...I'm...,"

She broke off, hunching forward, fists pressed into the mattress. Her shuddering shook the bed. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she flushed red.

Then, after a tense few seconds, she slumped, panting.

"What...what just happened?" Abigail asked.

Odal was gaping down at her, eyes wide, mouth open in an O of surprise.

"Did...did you just come?"

Odal bit her lip.

"Maybe a little," she said in a small voice.

"Holy shit. I did that. Me. I'm the new queen! I made a sex demon come just by sitting on me! ALL HAIL THE NEW QUEEN OF PUSSY EATING!"

"Abigail. Shut up."

"Ooh, bossy. I like th--,"

Odal pressed a finger to her lips.

"Shh. I need a minute to process this."

Abigail watched her for a moment. She had a cute little frown line between her brows when she was thinking.

"People must desire you all the time," she said after a moment. "How could this be new?"

Odal came back from her musing and focused on Abigail.

"People desire me to use me, not to please me."

"I mean I am kind of using you? I haven't done dishes or cooked or dressed myself in the last few days. And I did just make you fly me around my apartment."

"That's not quite the same thing...or at least I don't think it is. It mustn't be, or I wouldn't have had that reaction. Right?"

"All I know," Abigail said, "is that this is, by far, the longest conversation I've ever had with someone who was sitting on my face at the time."

"Well you'll forgive me if I'm a bit shocked that you made me come just by looking at me."

"No, you're right. I am fucking amazing. Please continue."

"You're ridiculous. Maybe this will shut you up for a minute so I can think."

Odal reached down and laced her fingers through Abigail's hair and pulled up. This had two effects: one, Abigail winced a bit, because she wasn't used to having her hair pulled; and two, she performed said wince with her face plastered into Odal's now-dripping pussy.

"Mmln," Abigail retorted wittily.

"Yes, shh. Make yourself useful."

Abigail was more than happy to oblige. The fact that Odal could carry her while flying and yet still manage to be gentle even while pulling her hair sent a sort of warm ripple through her, exacerbated by the knowledge that her desire was having such a powerful effect on her. All her tension seemed to melt away as she set to the task of pleasing her lover; she lapped contentedly at Odal's ruffled folds, enjoying the salty-sweet taste of her juices mixed with the syrup. Nothing mattered but the delectable flower before her. She reached her arms around Odal's thighs again, pulling her close, reveling in the way Odal's hands tightened in her hair as she flicked her tongue lightly over the demon's clit.

"Oh, Abigail," Odal purred.

Abigail's body responded immediately to her honeyed voice, a pleasant warmth pooling in her lap and suffusing throughout her entire body. Her tongue probed inside, tasting, enveloped in moist heat. Spit and juices ran down her chin, collecting in the hollow of her collarbone.

She wanted more.

She wanted to bathe in Odal's essence. She wanted to drink the demon's love. And the demon's body, designed for her desires, obliged. Liquid filled her mouth, warm and salty. She swallowed, glutting herself. It ran down her cheeks, into her hair, filling the room with that musky flowery scent.

Girimsai, she had called it.

Another flow of liquid, and Abigail drank. Her t-shirt was sticking to her chest.

Odal cried out. Her thighs clamped against Abigail's ears, and she rocked against her mouth, making the most lascivious squelching noises.

She froze, shuddering, pressing down on Abigail's face until Abigail was starting to find it hard to breathe.

Abigail pressed forward. She could not do much else.

Odal bucked once, twice, three times. Abigail had a brief flash of the demon's strength ripping her head off, but she kept going, her tongue beginning to get sore, but her only concern being Odal's pleasure.

"Abigail!" Odal cried, her body tensed and trembling, back arched, head thrown back. And then the tension released, and she let out a shuddering breath, collapsing backward, knees in the air, her butt resting on Abigail's chest. She lay there for a moment, gasping, then slowly pushed herself up and turned around so she could lie next to Abigail, head resting on one hand.

"You're a mess," she murmured, still lightly panting.

Abigail just stared up at the ceiling, drawing breath into her lungs.

"Wow," she finally said. "Worth it."

"You...enjoyed that? You're drenched."

"I really did. See, I told you I make everything weird."

"I was not expecting that. Neither my, mm...release, nor your rather enthusiastic enjoyment of it."

"Guess it was just my turn to feed off you."

"Abigail, honestly."

"What? That was good. Admit it."

"I will do no such thing."

Abigail turned her head and looked at Odal. She hoped her eyes were sparkling, because it sure felt like they were.

"I really like making you come. A lot. It turns me on to hear the sounds you make. And when you say my name? Forget about it. I'm gone."

Odal gave her the curious head tilt. Then she smiled.

"It was wonderful. I don't think I've ever been eaten out with such masterful skill. I hereby relinquish my crown. You are truly the queen. The wet, sticky, dripping queen of eating pussy."

Abigail thrust her fist into the air.


Odal giggled, idly wiping wetness off Abigail's cheek.

"What will be your first royal decree, my liege?"

"Bath. Queen needs a bath. I have pussy juice in my ear."

"There's something I don't think I've ever heard in my three millennia of existence," Odal smirked. "You'd better get up before you stick to the bed."

"Carry me to the bathroom, peasant, your queen commands you."

"You're a tyrant."

"A sexy tyrant."

"That's not--," Odal began, then sighed. "As you command, my queen."

"You love it," Abigail smirked.

"Gods help me. I do."

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THBGatoTHBGato6 days ago

More please! Please, when will there be more? So much awesomeness here. Love it.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImagination24 days ago

Wow! This is the best one so far. Luxuriate in the bliss of success as long as you like. We will wait anxiously the next chapter.

CarchariasCarcharias24 days ago

Don’t know if Literotica lets me post links, but try this. You need an account to see her stories. And have the correct filters turned on/off. If you don’t have it set to show explicit stuff I don’t think you’ll be able to see her posts.


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Carcharias, HF stories search says "No results found" for cunwitch or Abigail's Demon.

CarchariasCarcharias5 months ago

The author’s profile on Hentai Foundry has five more chapters of this story posted, as well as more of her works. It is well worth creating an account for. Abigail’s Demon and The Bad Dragon are my favorites.

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