Addiction: Pixie Dust


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"Well," Chris said cautiously, "she's probably telling the truth. You've never seen her smoke before, right? Never smelled second-smoke in the house or on her clothes?"

"That's true," JoAnn replied, rapidly tapping her pen on the table. "But I saw her inhaling it without any trouble!"

"Hon, so what?" Chris responded, a little less cautiously now. "Smokers aren't bad people, you know? My Mom smokes; Katie's Mom smokes. They're of a different generation. Give them some slack."

JoAnn looked at him sharply.

"Or not," Chris said with a slight wag of his head. He knew how stubborn his girlfriend was. Indeed, that was the one trait in her which he found the most unattractive. "I've got a lot of homework tonight, so I think I'll head home," he said gathering together his papers and stuffing them into his backpack.

"Don't leave," JoAnn pleaded. "I'm sorry. I know I'm a total bitch about this, but I just can't help it. Please...stay a little longer?"

Chris looked into her eyes and smiled warmly. "Okay," he said, "just a little longer."


Chris finally left JoAnn's house at 9:30, which was 30 minutes later than usual. He only lived ten minutes away, so it was a quick drive back to his home. After parking in his driveway, he grabbed his backpack, exited the Accord, and walked next door to his neighbor's house before knocking on the door.

"Hey," Katie said as she opened the door and welcomed him in, clearly expecting his arrival.

"You're in your school uniform," Chris said in surprise.

Katie gave him a knowing smile as she closed the door behind him.

As usual, the odor of second-hand smoke was present, but he didn't mind the smell of a Capri which had what he thought was a less pungent odor than his mom's Virginia Slims.

"Where's your mother," he asked looking around the living room.

"Working the graveyard shift at the Karaoke bar tonight," she replied.

"That business has been good for your family, hasn't it?" Chris asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah, she and my uncle make loads off of all the wanna-be K-Pop stars." Katie reached into the fridge. "You wanna a beer?" she asked pulling out two bottles of Bud Light.

"Thanks," he said as he picked up a bottle opener on the counter and pulled back the cap. He took a long swig and sat down across from Katie at the kitchen table.

"You're late tonight," Katie said as she picked up the pack of Capri, pulled out a 120, and expertly lit it freehanded.

"She wouldn't let me leave," Chris responded as he reached into an inner pocket in his backpack and pulled out a pack of VS-120's. He, too, lit one freehanded like a pro.

"It's so strange to still see you smoking a woman's cigarette," Katie teased with a wide smile.

"It's all my Mom will buy," he said with the cigarette bobbing up and down between his lips as he placed the lighter on the table. "And I can't afford to buy these fuckers on my own."

"Hmm," Katie hummed in agreement as she took a long puff that made the tip of the slim cigarette glow. She, too, had little choice but to smoke whatever her mother had in the house. She opened her mouth slightly and French inhaled two thin streams. "Your sister smoking yet?"

"She's only 15," he protested.

"Heh, a year later than when I started," Katie laughed as she took a puff on the cigarette at an angle. She puffed out the front of her lips, opened them just a crack to let a creamy wave ooze out, and then sharply inhaled.

"She's a proper Southern girl," Chris replied in an exaggerated drawl. "She won't start until she's 16, at least."

Both sat quietly for half a minute, thoroughly enjoying watching the other puff, inhale, and then blow a cone of smoke towards the other. Chris had always found Katie pretty, in a China doll sort of way. With her thin face and long, silky black hair, watching her smoke was a huge turn-on for this teenager who had long had the fetish. He especially enjoyed watching her smoke in her school uniform.So virginal; so sinful.

Katie also enjoyed these moments together with her neighbor as she and Chris would exchange ideas on new smoke tricks. She often lit up with her mom in the evenings and on the weekends, but sharing the mystery and self-discovery of smoking was much more enjoyable with someone her own age. Both understood that there was a transformational quality about becoming a smoker in your teen years. There are many bridges which will lead one into adulthood, but far fewer young people today choose the path of smoking. Becoming a smoker, therefore, was a conscious decision not just to move on from adolescence, but to be unique amongst most of one's peers. And it was a decision Katie never regretted. It made her feel mature, sexy, confident, and even special; and her near nightly conversations with Chris over the last few months revealed that he had similar feelings about the choice he had also made.

"So why'd she keep you late? She finally share that pussy with you?"

"As if," Chris scoffed. He took a powerful puff, opened his mouth to let out a dense, thick fog, and then spread his lips wide to inhale it all backwards in an exquisite ghost inhale that he knew would have the effect of hardening Katie's nipples - for she, too, had long been blessed with the smoking fetish. He cocked his head upwards and let loose a river of smoke that climbed towards the light over the table. "She said she caught her mom smoking on the patio this afternoon."

"Noshit?!" Katie gasped in total shock.

"Yup. According to her, Mrs. Gong needs to learn to smoke for some undercover assignment she's got, but JoAnn's not buying it. 'Says she saw her mom inhaling without any cough."

"I bet hearing that made you nice and hard," Katie said with the cigarette held at an upwards angle near her cheek.

"Oh, man, I couldn't stop shifting in my chair when she described it to me." He reached down and rhythmically began stroking his crotch as his dick was begging to be set free from the confines of his briefs.

Katie tapped the Capri over the ashtray and immediately brought it to her lips. She snapped back a white ball with a soft click in the back of her throat. Within seconds, two torrents of smoke gushed down through her nostrils.

"Today, JoAnn told me," she said with another tap over the ashtray, "that you and I need to get along better."

Holding the 120 just at the outer edge of his lips, Chris replied with a grin, "We get along fine." He inserted the filter into his mouth and took a long, slow burning puff. Snapping back a sphere as thick as a golf ball, he looked around the kitchen exhaling another long stream. "So you say your mom is working the graveyard shift?"

Katie slowly nodded her head in the affirmative while taking a puff.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Chris asked as he stood up from his chair and unzipped his pants. Within seconds he was naked from the waist down and firmly stroking his long cock.

Katie crushed the 2/3 smoked Capri in the ashtray and lit another, preferring to have a fresh, long 120 in her mouth whenever she and Chris did the nasty. The cigarette dangled between her lips as she pulled off her panties. She then bent her upper-torso over one of the chairs and with both hands held on to the sides of the table as Chris lifted her skirt and maneuvered his cock towards the fleshy pink lips in the briar patch between her legs. "Mmmmmmm," the 18 year old groaned as her companion inserted the thick rod inside of her. "Oh, you're even bigger than usual tonight," she said with a wicked smile as she moved her buttocks back and forth against his pelvis. "I know who you're thinking of right now."

"Same as you," Chris replied with short breaths.God, how I love fucking this pussy.

Katie felt the rapture beginning to overtake her, and when that happened, she loved to just talk shit to Chris. "You know she's never going to let that filthy cock of yours inside her love nest." She began gasping softly with each pump against her buttocks. She took a powerful puff, snap inhaled, and then took a second. She wanted that white cloud in her lungs nice and thick.

Chris kept the half-smoked 120 inserted in his lips, puffing on it non-stop, as he used both hands to grab this girl by the ass. "Oh, I'll fuck that virgin snatch eventually," he said with a painful expression on his face as he felt the tightness of Katie's pussy walls enveloping his dick as he fucked her up the backside.

"Not if I get it first...oh...oh, yes," the teenager moaned in a passion of ecstasy.

Chris smiled wickedly. "She's as straight as an arrow, you big dyke."

"Bisexual, you stupid FUCK!Oh, Gawd!!!!"

"Hell, yeah!!" Chris exclaimed triumphantly as he felt a force surging through the shaft of his dick and spurting uncontrollably deep into Katie's vagina.

"Oh, God," she cried out again, triggered by the fountain of cum coating her vaginal walls. Immediately she felt as if a dam had burst between her legs, sending wave after pleasurable wave through her body. She brought the Capri to her lips and puffed long and hard, inhaling through her nose to bring the smoke deep into her lungs.

"Oh, fuck," Chris said through heavy pants. "Oh...oh, God....I love it when we do it standing up." He slowly raised her off the table and wrapped his arms around her waist in a passionate embrace. "Oh, Katie," he whispered into her ear with his eyes closed, "I'm so in lust with you,"

"Mmmmmmm," Katie murmured as she pumped on the thin cigarette freehanded. "JoAnn doesn't know what she's missing," she whispered with smoke pouring out of her mouth and nose.


Three Months Ago

It was a beautiful day as Katie walked out on to the patio with a pack of Capri, the kind of day where the Virginia sky seemed bluer than normal after an early spring rain shower. Fluffy clouds floated above like cotton balls...or puffs of smoke. Maybe that's why the 18 year old enjoyed spending the mornings out here every weekend - along with, she assumed, Chris' mother next door whose cigarette smoke often wafted into her yard. She heard Buster, Chris' German Shepard, barking at the squirrels running across the top of the tall rickety fence which divided their properties.One day that fence is gonna collapse, Katie said to herself as she pulled a Capri out of her pack.

She placed the 120 between her lips, lit it freehanded, and exhaled the first draw through her nose while taking a second. She took a seat and looked up at the sky, exhaling a thick column of smoke that twisted and turned slowly when caught by a light breeze. She smiled. How she loved to smoke.

Katie thought back to the day she took her first puff when she was 14. She couldn't explain why it happened on that particular day. She had always been attracted to smoking, yet somehow she resisted acting on the urge since there were plenty of reasons not to smoke that she was aware of. Health consequences; yellow teeth and finger nails; wrinkles on the face and hands. Yet none of these reasons were compelling enough to stop the smoking dreams she had throughout her childhood, or the waking fantasies which grew more intense and obsessive with puberty. She wanted to at least try it.

And so one night four years ago while she and her divorced mother were sitting at the kitchen table talking about their day, Katie had mentioned that in her 8th grade Health and Safety class, they would soon be discussing the health effects of smoking. As her mother sipped on a glass of white wine, Katie asked her, "Mom, what's smoking like?" She didn't plan to ask such a question; it just came out spontaneously in the moment.

Her mother, Vivian, looked silently at her with a thin smile. "I always wondered when you would ask me that question." She picked up her wine glass at the same time she brought the freshly lit Capri to her lips and took a five second puff.

Katie's heart began beating faster as she watched her mother bring the rim of the wine glass up to her lips and dribble a mouthful of uninhaled smoke into the shallow bowl. Back and forth the white cloud glided over the golden liquid. Her mother then handed her the glass and said simply, "Try it for yourself."

Katie was trembling as she took the glass, holding the bowl with both hands. She brought it up to her lips, opened her mouth, and took a deep breath. The sensation she felt was extraordinary as her lungs tingled from the cloud which had now engulfed them. Was it because she had been breathing in second hand smoke for so long that she felt no desire to cough? Or maybe it was because the smoke was diluted with air in the glass? Whatever the reason, she had just taken her first "puff" -sort of. She knew that it wasn't the same as taking a drag on a cigarette in her mouth, but it felt damn good all the same. She pursed her lips and exhaled a thin, vaporous stream which was more air than smoke.

"You like it?" her mother asked.

Katie nodded her head excitedly.

"I knew you would," Vivian said with a wicked smile before bringing the Capri up to her lips and taking a puff with the cigarette at an angle. She slowly exhaled a smoky tributary that climbed upwards above her daughter's head, showing how utterly beautiful smoking could look. "Of course, the smoke is a lot thicker when you take a direct puff." She looked at her daughter with a side glance. "You want to try that?"

Katie, of course, did, and she eagerly accepted the Capri her mother handed to her. She took a puff...and coughed slightly as she slowly inhaled. She could immediately tell that her mother was right. The smoke did feel differently, and her lungs felt both heavy and light at the same time as the rich smoke filled her chest. But it was also a thoroughly pleasant experience. The menthol flavor tasted like she was smoking a minty stick of candy. As she exhaled a bubbly, white stream towards her mother, she knew right at that moment that she had reached a watershed moment in her life. It was no longer a question ofwhether she would become a smoker, butwhen; in fact, she wanted to begin right now.

"Can I light my own cigarette?" she asked mischievously.

"Let's take it slow," her mother said, motioning with her hand that she wanted the Capri back. "You're still pretty young to take up the habit."

Katie, still holding the Capri in her fingers, took one more puff, this one a bit deeper, and tried to snap it back, losing about 1/3 of the smoke in the process which seeped out of the edges of her mouth. The force in her chest was like a hand had grabbed her lungs and squeezed; still pleasant, but also a bit frightening. She immediately began to think of the photos of diseased lungs in her science textbook. "Okay," she said pursing her lips and handing back the 120. "Take it slow."

By taking it slow, Katie came to understand her mother meant an occasional puff now and then. But the desire to go further only grew stronger with each passing week. By the time she was a freshman, her mother was letting her smoke one full cigarette every day after dinner. By the beginning of sophomore year, Katie began to feel the pressure of AP prep classes, and so occasionally smoked an extra cigarette or two in the evenings to help relax. When she turned 17 in her junior year, her mother presented her with a carton of Capri for her birthday. "This is the age when I started," Vivian told her. After that, there really were no further inhibitions. Katie smoked at home whenever she wanted. She even began doing her homework at the kitchen table since she didn't want to smoke in her bedroom where JoAnn might grow suspicious if she came over for a visit.

And keeping this secret from JoAnn was paramount. Katie would have loved to light up in the car with her mother, or at the mall with the cool kids she saw smoking in the parking lot; but she couldn't. She had to play the role of anti-smoking zealot in order to remain close to JoAnn. At times she felt like a hypocrite when she would bust merchants for underage sales to minors. But the love she had for JoAnn had grown as strong as the secret love she had for smoking. She wondered how much longer the two obsessions could co-exist.

Maybe in six months it wouldn't matter. Soon her best friend would be off to Yale, while she herself had decided to attend Cornell. The only time they would see each other would be on semester breaks. Katie's heart sank at the thought. She knew JoAnn was not interested in any romantic relationship, but just being near her was enough for this bisexual teen.

And also fantasizing about her when they were apart - that helped, too.

Since Katie was reluctant to smoke in her bedroom, she had to make do wherever she could. When her mother worked nights managing the Karaoke bar, this horny teen spent her evenings surfing the slit while inhaling deeply on a Capri on the living room couch. Of course, every fantasy involved JoAnn smoking a long cigarette and sucking her snatch. She would give herself willingly to her, if only JoAnn would take her. She wanted to be JoAnn's smoking slave. Even now, sitting in the corner of the patio where no one could see her, she slid her hand down into her shorts and began to lightly stroke her muffin.

"Oh, JoAnn," she whispered softly while circling her index finger around her clit, "I want to be yours. Please, take me. Let's soar into the smoke together." Her pussy was leaking profusely as she took an extended puff. She moved her index and middle finger in between those fleshy lips in search of her G spot. "Mmmph," she groaned, smoke pouring out from her nostrils when she found it.Building now. Building towards something beautiful...something forceful. Almost there. Just a bit more...Oh, JoAnn, are you ready for me? I'm on the precipice! Are you ready to...?!

"Buster!" a man's voice yelled as the dog's barking grew delirious with several squirrels taunting the animal. Suddenly there was a loud crack as the entire fence came crashing down when the dog forcefully leaned against it with its front paws.

Immediately Katie removed her hand from her crotch and stood up from her chair. She ran over to the fence which now lay in pieces over her mother's flower garden.Oh, man, Mom's gonna be pissed, she thought to herself. Then she looked into her neighbor's backyard and was shocked at what she saw: Chris was holding a half-smoked VS-120 between his fingers. She also noticed the look of shock on his own face, and realized that she, too, was still holding a smoldering Capri. "Oh, shit," she whispered.


"I'm so sorry about the dog," Chris said as he climbed over the pieces of wood, pretending that there was nothing out of the ordinary about him holding a cigarette.

"It's okay," Katie said nervously, playing along. "It was bound to fall one day." She brought the Capri up to her lips.

"You know, I always assumed that it was just your mother out here whenever I come outside for a smoke."

"Ditto," Katie said after exhaling a column out of the side of her mouth. "I just never imagined you to be a smoker."

"Well," Chris replied as his hand pointed at the Capri in Katie's fingers, "we all have our dark secrets." He took a puff and snapped back a white ball.

"I won't tell if you don't," she responded, considerably more relaxed now. Pointing to the corner of the patio where she was just masturbating, she asked, "Wanna have a seat?" She was looking forward to hearing more about Chris' secret which he had obviously hidden so well.

In fact, both teenagers found the situation quite liberating. Chris and Katie had never been close friends, despite being lifelong neighbors. But this revelation that they were both closet smokers instantly formed a bond between them. Secrets that Chris would never share with JoAnn he now had no trouble revealing to Katie in the following days and weeks.
