Addiction: Pixie Dust


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"A sample size of 500 teenagers in one location would be the perfect controlled study. And your daughter is student body president, I believe? She's in a perfect position to help facilitate that study," he held up another ball of Pixie Dust, "with just the right kind of motivation." Kyle paused, holding the cigarette again just beyond his lips as he waited for a response.

Victoria knew exactly what Kyle was asking. He wanted to use her daughter and her friends - indeed, 500 teenagers! - as guinea pigs to test out a product which in fact he had no idea as to what the consequences would be on teenagers. She felt her motherly instinct swelling inside of her as she prepared to give him an answer after double pumping on her shrinking VS-120 and exhaling with a hiss through pursed lips.

"I think it's a great idea," she replied simply as she stubbed out the cigarette. As a mother and now as a committed smoker, she was thrilled that her daughter would be given such an important role. Of course she wanted her daughter and her friends to become smokers.I want the whole world to smoke!

"I do have a question, though," she said as she reached for another 120 from her pack. "You said that the Pixie Dust coats the lungs with a nicotine sheen. Does it prevent lung cancer?"

Kyle looked at her with a wide smile. "Who the fuck cares?" he said gaily before taking a joyous puff on his Lark.

Victoria recognized that response. It was one often given by her mother, a committed smoker throughout her teenage and adult life. And for the first time Victoria understood its true meaning, because she truly didn't care now whether smoking caused lung cancer. She lit the 120 between her fingers and inhaled sharply.

Kyle picked up his phone and quickly began texting. "I'm glad you're on board, Victoria," he said with his fingers tapping away. "Expect a delivery to your home tomorrow morning. We want to do everything we can to help you and your daughter spread the joy of smoking." He put the phone down and looked at her longingly. He wanted her again. There were no women in the lab who could rival the sheer beauty of this Asian American smoker sitting before him. "Now if we're done talking business," he said seductively as he moved closer, but he was

stopped when Victoria put the palm of her hand on his chest.

"Let's try something different," she said with a wicked grin. She brought the long cigarette horizontally to the corner of her mouth and took a slow-burning puff. She opened her slips to let out a small white ball which she quickly snapped back into her lungs before tendrils of smoke began emanating from her nostrils. "Jack off," she said with the point of her 120 at the man's crotch.

At first surprised by the request, Kyle discovered his dick was even harder than before. "Yes, Ma'am," he said with a hungry look as he slowly began stroking his cock.


JoAnn had her first period free, using the time to take care of obligations she had as president of both the Student Body and Kicking Butts club. This morning she was working with her acolyte, an Asian American sophomore by the name of Amanda Le, sprucing up the memorial in the main hallway to the four students who had died at the beginning of the year from unknown causes. Because all four had been known around campus as smokers, the Kicking Butts club decided to sponsor the display by linking the make-shift shrine to the dangers of smoking.

"I brought fresh flowers," Amanda said behind a face mask.

Like JoAnn, Amanda was an anti-smoking fanatic, but there were personal reasons for her fervor. As an asthmatic, she was terrified of breathing in second hand smoke. Smoking was prohibited on campus, of course, but that didn't convince her to stop wearing a mask even when the rest of the student body had taken theirs off at the end of COVID. She had joined the Kicking Butts club as a freshman and had proven her devotion to the cause time and time again by collecting signatures in front of the Dollar Stores in the neighborhood for every petition. She even took a free first period just so she could assist JoAnn with club matters. As officer positions were only held by seniors in the club, JoAnn was considering changing the bylaws to allow Amanda to take the helm as president in her junior year.

"Oh, these are pretty," JoAnn said as she placed the flowers in individual vases in front of the photos and whispered each name. "Yuki and Hiro Kemuri. Nate Nakano. Brenda Fox." She turned to Amanda and said, "I like to say each name out loud to myself every morning as a way to memorialize them."

"That's a beautiful shrine, girls," a voice behind the teenagers said.

Amanda and JoAnn turned their heads to see Shannon Jackson walking towards them. The thin African American woman in her late twenties, with short, wavy hair, was the school nurse and staff advisor to the Kicking Butts club.

"Did you know them?" Amanda asked.

"I knew Brenda," she said with a touch of sadness in her voice as she pointed to one of the photos. "She was president of the Black Student Union which I'm a co-advisor to. The other three I knew of, but not personally. Hiro," she said looking thoughtfully at his picture, "was on track to be Valedictorian two years ago when he was a senior, but his grades dropped in the last few months of the semester. Even though he was accepted into the University of Virginia, he decided to attend junior college so that he could stay home with his Mom. His sister, Yuki, was well on the path to following in his footsteps, but then she somehow lost her way in her junior year and just barely graduated last spring. In fact, all four of them changed during that time."

"What do you mean?" JoAnn asked.

"Well, they were all known as good students, but then they started to slack off, missing classes, not turning in assignments. They'd light up as soon as they stepped off campus, not even trying to hide they're smoking. In her senior year, Yuki was often caught in the bathroom vaping."

"This is what smoking does," JoAnn said sternly.

"Well," Nurse Jackson said, "I don't know if that's the reason," she said, but she had her own internal suspicions that it might be related to that. She had also heard rumors - gossip from students - that the four had formed a daily afternoon sexual session which also included their mothers. Shannon couldn't believe such incest stories were true, but the erratic behavior of these students certainly indicated that all was not right at home.

"I heard they died of nicotine poisoning," Amanda said.

Both Nurse Jackson and JoAnn quickly turned their heads towards the girl and stared in shock. "How do you know that?" the adviser asked.

"My dad's a physician at Richmond General," she replied, wondering now if she should have just kept quiet. "He hears things."

"Well," JoAnn said with more determination than ever, "this memorial is even more important knowing that. I think we should add that as a banner. Amanda, would you go get the poster paper and some markers?"

When Amanda ran off to the supply room, Nurse Jackson put her hand on JoAnn's shoulder. "What you're doing here is really important."

"I hope so," JoAnn said. And then she turned to the adult who was about a foot higher than her and looked up into her face. "My whole life, I've felt like I'm destined to do something big; something that will change the world."

"Maybe this anti-smoking crusade is your calling, then," Shannon said empathetically.

"I don't know," the teen responded staring at the photos. "I mean, I'm really proud of what I'm doing, but I also know my limitations. It's not like I can stop the whole world from smoking." She bit her bottom lip. "I wonder if there is something more I'm destined to do."

"Give it time," Shannon said with a warm smile. "Often we don't know what our destiny is until it's staring us in the face."


Before heading home from the Black Ops lab, Victoria decided to make a quick stop at the newsroom. Why put off to tomorrow what she couldn't wait to do today? Kyle had given her several bags full of Pixie Dust balls. She knew one of those bags would be put to immediate use.

As she walked into Ron's office, he was once again typing away with an unlit cigarette drooping from his lips. "Hey," he said as he continued to focus on his screen, once again trying to beat the 5 pm deadline, "how'd the first day go?"

"Incredible," she replied as she crushed a ball in her hand. She was in a rush to get home, so this was going to be a quick job. She walked up behind the screen, opened her palms up above it, and blew a gust of Pixie Dust into his face.

"What the..." were the only words Ron could mutter as the cloud of dust engulfed his head, leaving a dazed expression on his face.

Victoria walked to the chair in front of his desk and pulled out a 120 as she sat down. She picked up the ornamental lighter on the editor's desk and turned the tip of that Virginia Slims red hot, then exhaled a long, creamy cone towards Ron - who then grinned from ear to ear as he continued to stare blankly at the computer screen. "You gonna light that?" she asked with a smile as she moved her hand holding the lighter across the desk.

Ron slowly turned towards her and stared at the flame for several seconds before moving his head towards it and lighting the tip of his all-white 100. He took a long, five second puff, snapped back the smoke, and felt his body shiver with delight.

"I was thinking that thePeople's Advocate needs a new mission," she said mischievously as she held the cigarette horizontally just beyond her lips. She took a long puff.

When Ron exhaled that first puff, he felt like he had just orgasmed, the only difference being that he could immediately feel that sensation again with another puff, and then another after that. "I'm thinking the same thing," he said calmly in a smoky exhale.

Victoria placed a bag with 30 balls on Ron's desk. "For the rest of the newsroom and their families," she said, and then added with a wink, "You might want to give Logan's in the conference room." She got up to leave. "Since it has that comfy couch in there."

Ron smiled wickedly as he nodded his head while making the tip of his 100 turn orange.

"I'm taking the next few days off," she said as she headed out of the room. "My daughter and I have a lot of work to do."


Before heading to the newsroom, Victoria had spent the morning and afternoon familiarizing herself with the lab's operation, as well as its plans to expose the population in phases. Richmond would be ground zero. Kyle estimated that 90% of the metropolitan area would be addicted by the end of the month. At the same time, preparations were being made in other metropolitan areas, as well as small rural enclaves where exposure rates would grow quickly yet under the radar of state and federal health officials. Particular emphasis would be placed on the South where smoking rates were already high, and so an uptick in sales would initially go unnoticed. Once a majority of Americans smoked, policy makers and health officials would be helpless to do anything about it without public support - which would only be a shrinking minority as nicotine addiction spread to more and more Americans.

The coordination, of course, would be massive since billions of additional cigarettes would need to be manufactured to meet the expected spike in public demand for the US market. Cultivation of tobacco would need to be increased tenfold, perhaps a hundred fold! And the other American tobacco companies had already been brought on board through a need to know basis of only the most essential officers in these corporations to bring the plan to fruition. Indeed, Phillip Morris had been planning for this rollout for over a year. The fact that Victoria had only been leaked this information beforehand because the labwanted her to know about it proved how tightly controlled the information was. It also gave her the confidence that it would be successfully executed before anyone could stop it.

She couldn't wait to get started, and as if caught in a feedback loop, Victoria fantasized over and over again on the slow drive home how she would transform her daughter into a smoker.There's one final test, she imagined herself saying before blowing dust into her face. Or maybe,You know you've always wanted this. Stuck in traffic on Highway 95 due to an overturned big rig, she lit a fresh cigarette, not caring a single fuck if her second-hand smoke flowing out through her windows bothered the drivers in the cars surrounding her.In a few weeks, they'll all be smoking, too. Such a delicious thought could not go unaccompanied by some physical stimulation.

She moved her right hand into her skirt and between her legs. Her panties were still wet and sticky from all the cum Kyle's cock discharged into her pussy that had leaked out. She rolled her fingers around her labia majora, getting them nice and moist as the outer lips dripped profusely, and then she brought the fingers up to her mouth after taking a puff on her cigarette.

"Mmmm," she said with her eyes closed and smoke pouring out of her nose, "it's like I can still taste him." She returned her fingers to her crotch and began tracing the outer lips with her fingertips until coming to the little hood where the inner labia meet. "Ohhh," she moaned, a dense cloud of smoke emanating from her mouth, as she began to finger her clit. "I love it," she whispered and took a powerful puff from the cigarette in her other hand. She didn't care that the drivers in the cars to the left and right of her could watch her masturbate.Let them watch, she thought to herself, her excitement rising in the process.I'm coming for you, JoAnn. You're going to be a smoker. You're going to obey... "Oh, yesssss!!!!!" she whispered violently as she felt a thunderclap emanating from between her legs and reverberate throughout her body.

The orgasm was powerful enough to make her see stars and flashes of light as she tightly closed her eyes and puffed non-stop on her Virginia Slims which she inhaled at the same time through her nose. "That's right," she said breathing heavily through gritted teeth. "I obey now. I'll always obey it now."

She opened her eyes and stared at the gridlock ahead of her. She then turned to her right and saw a teenage boy in a passenger seat looking at her with his mouth open in shock. She then gave him a wink and performed a ghost inhale for him.That will give him a week's worth of wet dreams, she thought wickedly to herself as the traffic before her finally began to move.


After Victoria parked in her garage, she walked over to the shelf to grab a stack of her mother's dusty black ashtrays which she took into the kitchen to wash.

Meanwhile, JoAnn sat at her desk in her bedroom watching the Likes on her YouTube web page multiply by the second. Hearing her mother come into the house through the garage door in the kitchen, she was at that time engaged in recording one of her anti-smoking rants online. When the Likes surpassed 40k, she smiled and decided to go greet her mother.Perhaps she's learned something I can use on my next webcast.

As the teenager walked into the kitchen, she noticed her mother standing at the sink washing something. The odor of second-hand smoke on her mother's hair and clothing filled the room. "Pew," JoAnn said holding her nose, "you need a shower. And throw out those clothes, too."

Victoria smiled as she continued to look down at the sink while surreptitiously washing one ashtray after another. And then she began to hum a tune that had been rolling around in her head since her own transformation that morning.

JoAnn took a seat at the kitchen table as she, too, began to hum the same tune. "You've got Peter Pan on the brain."

"Hmmm," Victoria chuckled. "I was just thinking about how 'You Can Fly' used to be your favorite song." And then softly she began singing the words.

"Think of the happiest things

It's the same as having wings

Take the path that moonbeams make

If the moon is still awake

You'll see him wink his eye

You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!"

"Oh, how often we watched that cartoon when you were a kid! You knew that song by heart." With her back still to her daughter, she grabbed a towel and dried one of the small ashtrays, then put it into her pocket next to the VS-120's pack and lighter.

JoAnn then chimed in with her favorite verse.

"When there's a smile in your heart

There's no better time to start

Think of all the joy you'll find

When you leave the world behind

And bid your cares goodbye

You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!"

"That's right," Victoria said. "How meaningful those words seem to me today." She finally turned away from the sink and walked towards the kitchen table with a smile. "You remember, don't you, what you told me when I asked back then who your favorite character was?"

"Tinkerbell," JoAnn said with instant recall. "Because she was the one who had the pixie dust."

"Even as a little girl," Victoria said with admiration as she took a seat, "you understood that it's not just power that's important, but also the source of that power." She stared for a moment at her daughter, gazing at her high Asian cheek bones, soft almond eyes, and brown wavy hair which hung down past her shoulders.What a gorgeous smoker you're going to be.

"So have you learned anything yet after your first day at the lab?"

"Oh, my," Victoria said, brushing back her own wavy hair, "I learned it all."

A wide smile appeared on JoAnn's face. "So you're ready to write your story now?"

"I have more than enough information for that."

"That's wonderful!" JoAnn said excitedly, hoping that this meant her mother would no longer need to continue smoking in her undercover role. "So what is their plan?"

"To create a smoker's paradise," Victoria said breathlessly. She reached into her shirt pocket and pulled out a ball of Pixie Dust.

JoAnn furled her eyebrows. "You sound happy about that," she said bewildered. "What is that in your hands?" she asked as she watched her mother crush the ball between her palms.

"Your salvation," the mother responded. Victoria opened her hands and blew as hard as she could, watching with absolute joy in her heart as a cloud of particles engulfed her daughter's head.

JoAnn felt as if she had been slapped in the face and sat motionless in stunned silence. Immediately a cool tingling began forming in her chest which soon grew in size, as if soft hands were massaging her lungs. She watched an ashtray emerge from her mother's pocket, along with a pack of Virginia Slims 120's and a lighter.

"Right now," her mother said just above a whisper, "your body is craving something, but you don't know what it is." She reached into the pack with her delicate fingers and pulled out a 120 which she held aloft and examined with longing. "That's because you've never experienced it before."

"Mom," JoAnn said, her body quivering with delight, "what's happening?"

"You're being reborn," Victoria said blissfully. "I envy you and what you are about to experience. You never forget the first puff, no matter how many years pass." She put the 120 between her lips in the center of her mouth and lit it freehanded at a downward angle. She opened her lips slightly, snapped back two small balls which had been separated by the base of the cigarette, and then exhaled through her nose while taking a brief second puff. Removing the cigarette from her lips with the tips of her two fingers, she placed the Virginia Slims in the ashtray in the center of the table and slowly exhaled a creamy cone of smoke into her daughter's face. "You want to pick it up, don't you?" she asked wickedly with her eyes glancing from her daughter to the smoldering cigarette.
