Addiction: Pixie Dust


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Victoria smiled as she took a sexy puff. "Why sexual desire?" she asked in a cloud of uninhaled smoke.

"Is there anything more powerful than that?" Kyle replied with a chuckle as he reached for his own cigarette. "It's what we as humans think about constantly, driven both by instinct to procreate and the knowledge that sex is pleasurable. It feels good! Hook in nicotine dependency to the hypothalamus and temporal lobes which regulate that sex drive, and you would have a perfect storm of addiction in an unending loop." Kyle was getting very horny as he spoke about such topics. He took a puff on his Lark and quickly French inhaled two long streams as he tapped his cigarette over the ashtray. "Can you imagine the possibility? Every time you think of sex, you also think of smoking; and since you are always thinking about sex, you're always thinking about smoking." He snapped back another puff and crushed the Lark in the ashtray. "We discovered how to link the two with a product developed several years ago. Around here, we called it Nicotine Nectar."

Though unfamiliar with the name, Victoria assumed this was the nicotine liquid which her editor had written about to great acclaim.

"Just a few ounces was enough to completely addict the user to smoking. The problem was, the nectar itself was also highly addictive, and it turns out, lethal in large doses. Of course, we didn't know about its lethality at the time. The corporate bigwigs decided the product couldn't possibly be distributed after an online news outlet broke a story about the powerful addictive effects of the Nectar, so we destroyed all evidence of the project. Turns out, though, before the scientist who developed it had died in a lab accident, he transferred all of the Nicotine Nectar created to his home. We recently discovered that his widow had not only been ingesting it herself, but also giving it to her son, as well as the teens and adults of two other families."

"What happened to the families?" Victoria asked as she tapped her shrinking cigarette over the ashtray, thinking about the possibility of a follow-up story to Ron's exposé.

"They died," Kyle replied with no emotion.

"Excuse me?" Victoria responded just before she was about to take a puff, hoping that she had misheard.

"They died," Kyle said again in a matter of fact tone, "of nicotine poisoning. They had all become so addicted to the Nectar, that they couldn't stop drinking it. Eventually, it killed them."

Victoria was taken aback at the casualness in which Kyle said this, but the facts also reminded her about the unexplained deaths within the last ten months of three families in her neighborhood, and two of those families were Japanese. She even saw in a makeshift memorial at the high school the four photos of the kids who had died. JoAnn had said she heard from classmates that all four were smokers, and so she immediately decided to use the tragedy to once again argue against teen smoking - though in fact no one knew whether the deaths were smoking related or not.

"We found them all at Richmond General Hospital after a source of ours told us about their medical condition. We were able to gain a lot of information before they passed away. For one thing, they were all sexually active with each other. Can you imagine?" Kyle moved his hand to his crotch to adjust the bulge in his pants. "There was no moral obstacle to incest; all they cared about was the pleasure of sexual smoking, even if it was just with each other."

Victoria tried very hard to hide her shock. She now remembered clearly the name of one of the families which had died: Kemuri. The matron, Kiko, was a single parent like herself.And oh, how she loved to smoke. It was impossible for Victoria to believe that she was also sexually active with her son and daughter.

"This was obviously," Kyle continued, "an unintended byproduct of what the Nicotine Nectar was intended to produce; after all, Phillip Morris is trying to promote smoking, not sexual immorality. But we have managed to refine that stimulation in the brain so that it doesn't completely block moral choices. If you think that, say, incest or pedophilia are inherently wrong, our new product is not going to inhibit that thinking."

"New product?" Victoria said, her ears perking up with the hope that she might able to write that Pulitzer winning story after only one day of working at the lab. She stubbed her cigarette out in the ashtray and, feeling a bit queasy from all the smoke in the room, decided to wait a bit before lighting another.

Kyle gave a knowing smile to her query. He reached into a small cedar box on the coffee table and pulled out two translucent balls, each the size of a large marble. He held one up between his fingers and thumb, and simply said, "Pixie Dust." He then handed the ball to Victoria. "That's what we call it around here." The second ball he playfully tossed into the air and caught with the cups of his hands which he crushed into dust..

"How does it work?" Victoria asked, looking closely at the orb she held in her fingers.

"I'll show you," Kyle said, and immediately he raised the open palms of his hands and blew a cloud of dust into Victoria's face.

With her eyes wide open, Victoria was momentarily stunned as she couldn't help but breathe in the dust through her mouth and nostrils. Within seconds, she felt a cool tingling sensation in her chest that was wonderfully pleasurable, like the first puff she took as a teenager on a Virginia Slims that she could hold in her body without coughing. The tingling began to move up and down her spine, along the back of her head, until her entire scalp felt like it was being gently stroked with the tips of one's fingers.

"I know what you're experiencing," Kyle said as he lit a fresh Lark, "because here at the lab we've all been exposed to the Pixie Dust."

As the tingling grew more intense, Victoria looked over at Jun. "Auntie, you, too?" she asked in a tone of betrayal.

The old woman nodded her head as she took a slow puff on the long 120 at the corner of her mouth. Two streams of smoke curled up into her nostrils. "It feels good, doesn't it?"

"I'm sure you understand now why we call it Pixie Dust," Kyle said as he once again adjusted the dick bulging in his underwear. "Am I correct in assuming that at this moment it feels like you're flying?"

And Victoria concluded that it did. She was as light as a balloon and had the sensation that she was hovering above the couch. If she spread out her arms, she was certain that she could soar around the room.

"That tingling feeling in your head," Kyle said softly, "is your brain being rewired. As someone who has smoked, you know what it is your body is craving; it's already imagining not just the pleasure of smoking for yourself, but of watching others smoke, too. It's like an intense smoking fetish that might take years to develop now being formed in just a few seconds."

Victoria felt more than just a tingling now. She had a craving that was growing more ferocious by the second, and she knew what it was for. She reached into her purse and pulled out the pack of VS-120's.

"Yesssssss," Kyle hissed like a snake, his hand now scratching his crotch, "that hunger you're experiencing can only be fulfilled with smoke. Give-in to it."

Victoria needed no urging. She was now a willing servant to the smoke. She managed to pull out a cigarette but fumbled with the lighter.

Kyle reached over with his own lighter, lit the 120, and watched her suck as hard as she could on the filter in a cheek-hollowing puff which made the tip of the Virginia Slims momentarily flare up with a small flame. "Now inhale," he said softly in a menacing tone, and was filled with excitement as she did so.

"Oh, God," Victoria exclaimed in a cloud of smoke pouring out of her mouth. The sensation was as close to an orgasm as the real thing.

"The Pixie Dust is mutating throughout your body, but focusing particular attention on coating your lungs with a nicotine sheen that makes it easy to inhale even for the virgin smoker. Most importantly, it stimulates the lung tissue with each puff. And after each exhale, your rewired brain is telling you to puff again. It is the purest form of addiction. You couldn't stop even if you tried, which of course you have no desire to do."

It took several more deep puffs before Victoria felt the exhilaration begin to ebb, but not the pleasure. Indeed, what she felt now was a calmness overcoming her, as if she were sitting in a Jacuzzi and experiencing the luxurious contentment of her body submerged in the warm water. This was a sensation she always wanted to feel, and she wanted desperately to share it with others. Just the thought of other people smoking gave her immense joy. She took a final puff all the way down to the filter, snapped it back, and opened her mouth to let a thick cloud slowly float out. But then she snap-inhaled a second time, taking all of the smoke deep into her lungs where she held it. Only wisps of smoke managed to escape down through her nostrils.

"Welcome to the fold," Kyle said as he unzipped his pants. "There is another craving growing stronger in your body now, and I think you know what it is."

Considerably calmer now, Victoria pulled another cigarette out of her pack and lit it freehanded as she continued to look lustfully into Kyle's eyes.

"Auntie," Kyle said as he pulled his dick out and began stroking it, "please close the door on your way out."

Jun got up from the table, looked at Victoria tenderly, and said, "Your Mom would be so proud of you." Then she walked out of the room, leaving the two lovers on the couch to express their nicotine induced carnal desires for one another.


"I've wanted you since you first walked through that door," Kyle said as he leaned his body against her on the small couch.

"Then shut the fuck up and get inside of me," Victoria replied rapturously, and she wrapped her hand around the bulging dick and guided it towards her crotch. "Oh, yes," she gasped as it began to scrape the wet, fleshy walls of her vagina. "Stick it in deep," she begged, and the Vietnamese American responded with a powerful thrust that plunged into the depths of her vaginal canal. It had been twenty years since she had experienced what she most enjoyed in life: a man blowing smoke into her lungs. "Blow it into my body," she continued to beg, and Kyle responded as requested, filling her lungs with the thick, pungent smoke from his Lark.

"Ohhhh," Victoria groaned as a long wave of smoke slithered out of her mouth when their lips parted. "So fucking good."

Kyle took another hard puff on his Lark and placed his lips on her neck, exhaling while at the same time gently biting her flesh. Smoke billowed out of his mouth and glided up both sides of her face.

"Oh, yes," the woman said with a joyous laugh. "I want to smoke again," and she brought the 120 up to her lips and puffed long and hard. When she inhaled, a powerful force flowed through her body like a wave moving towards the shore. "I want it," she said again with a gust of smoke shooting out of her mouth. She again puffed hard and inhaled, and then puffed again followed by a monstrous snap that brought a huge mushroom cap deep into her lungs.

Such evil thoughts filled her mind. She couldn't wait to get back to the office and transform Ron. She wanted everyone to smoke! But most of all...what was fueling what she knew would be a massive orgasm...was the anticipation of turning JoAnn, her own flesh and blood, and the most fierce anti-smoker she knew, into a slave of the addiction, a servant of the smoke, a fucking smoking goddess who would use her influence to...

"Christ" Victoria yelled at the image of her daughter lighting a cigarette freehanded which sparked the most powerful orgasm in her life. She rocked her head and torso back and forth as her body shook like an earthquake. "I'm cumming," she whined, and within seconds she felt the pulsations of Kyle's dick filling her pussy with his life force. "We're both cumming," she whimpered, putting her hands on his buttocks and pushing it deep into her crotch.

Back and forth...back and forth...She felt as if she were hurtling upwards like a skyrocket."Yesssssss," she whispered as the skyrocket burst in a glorious explosion followed by long streams of golden light. "I'm a smoker again," she chuckled wickedly. "So good. Sofucking good."

And then there was nothing more than the sound of deep breaths emanating from the two bodies still connected to each other at the hips.


Several minutes later, Kyle, with beads of sweat on his forehead, finally spoke up. "Pretty amazing orgasm, isn't it?" He pulled out and zipped up his pants. "The Pixie Dust lights up every neuron of the brain like a Christmas tree." He stubbed his Lark in the ashtray and lit himself a fresh one.

"So what happens now?" Victoria said, following suit with her own freshly lit Virginia Slims.

"Now?" Kyle asked. "Why, world domination, of course!"

Victoria looked at him skeptically.

"Okay, I'm kidding," he said before taking a puff, opening his mouth in a round "O" and snapping back a perfect sphere. "But a smoker can dream." He reached over and tapped his Lark above the ashtray. "I'd settle for 65 to 75% of the population smoking,"

The expression on Victoria's face indicated she wasn't convinced that even that number was realistic.

Kyle leaned against the arm of the couch and held his Lark close to his mouth. "Phillip Morris has R&D labs all over the world trying to develop smokeless tobacco products. Its public relations department is working overtime to win over market share from other tobacco companies. But these efforts, if they work at all, only determine the size of the piece of the shrinking pie of current smokers. In Black Ops, our goal is to enlarge the pie. That is, we seek to create more smokers. Developing flavored products was a big success in winning over kids, but of course state governments have been cracking down on that. Spiking the nicotine in cigarettes was also an effective way to turn casual smokers into committed smokers, but, that, too has fallen under government scrutiny. So how can we create new smokers with such strong headwinds making that difficult to achieve?" He reached into the small cedar box. "Pixie Dust," he said.

"So you're going to blow dust into 330 million faces?"

"We don't need to," Kyle said, crushing the ball in the palm of his hands. "We all here at the lab have been exposed to a large dose to ensure that we remain, shall I say, agreeable to the larger goals of our mission; but in fact just a few specs of airborne dust inhaled into the lungs is enough to spark the mutation without the obvious transformation you just experienced. Imagine," he said as he threw the dust into the air above them, "what could be achieved if this were floating through the air vents of an indoor arena, or a convention center, or a cineplex? Thousands of people, even tens of thousands depending on the location size, would become addicts without even realizing it. Of course, those who already smoke would know what their bodies crave; but for those who don't, they would realize it the moment they smelled second hand smoke from a family member, friend, or even stranger on the street passing by with a lit cigarette."

"The government will eventually figure out this is happening."

"Oh? How is that? The dust is imperceptible as it floats in the air and is absorbed into the lung tissue. Of course, there would be some noticeable effects on the appearance of the lungs, but it would look no different in an X-Ray than the lungs of an addicted smoker."

"You don't think the government is going to notice a dramatic spike in the number of smokers?"

"Victoria, I'm disappointed in your lack of creative thought," he said with a wag of the head. "We don't need to expose every American to Pixie Dust to achieve our goal. All we need to do is infect enough people, especially among Gen Z and Gen Alpha, to make smoking socially cool and acceptable again. Peer pressure and the normal course of addiction will do the rest. If voters want their elected leaders to roll back smoking restrictions, those elected leaders will do what they are told by their constituents. And let's not forget," he added with a wicked smile, "that state legislatures, the halls of Congress, and even the White House all have air vents, too." He brought the Lark up to his lips and took a slow puff.

The more Victoria heard from Kyle about the Black Ops plan, the greater the flow of pussy juice from her vagina seeped into her panties.Though it could take years, the plan could work. "So why am I here? Clearly you wanted to expose me, otherwise you and Auntie never would have let me in the door."

"Well, for one thing, I'm sick of your pain in the ass website. It's time for the Advocate to be a defender of smoker's rights. Secondly, your daughter...." And here, Kyle paused.

"What do you know about my daughter?" Victoria asked suspiciously.

"We're Black Ops, Victoria," Kyle replied with a grin. "Only the NSA has better resources than we do. I know that your daughter is a popular influencer on social media. I know that she has hundreds of thousands of followers. And I know that she attends Robert E. Lee Academy, an exclusive prep school with a population of 500 consisting of the children of the rich, famous, and politically connected in Richmond. I believe even the governor's niece and nephew are students there, yes?"

Victoria was a reporter. She could tell when she was only getting part of the story. "There's something you're not telling me," she said calmly as she tapped her VS-120 over the ashtray on the small table.

"Indeed," Kyle said in the tone of a man who was about to reveal a secret. "Our tests of the Pixie Dust have only been on a small sample of adults, both smokers and non-smokers. We're confident enough to start distributing it to our company employees. Even as we speak, preparations are being made to have specks of Pixie Dust float through the air vents of our corporate offices and factories throughout the country. All of the workers in our labs around the world have also received a full dosage by now. But the group we haven't yet tested - and the most important to our business model - is young people." Kyle paused for a puff and a snap deep into lungs before crushing the Lark out in the ashtray.

"You see, the brain continues to mature well into a person's twenties, but its most formative development is in the teenage years. We know that kids who start smoking have different brains than those kids who don't smoke."

Victoria raised her eyebrows in the middle of a puff on that luscious 120. "Different brains?" she asked with smoke gushing out of her mouth.

"Literally," Kyle said with a wide smile. "Nicotine, you see, affects attention span, learning, mood, and impulse control, all of which are noticeably different in young smokers than young non-smokers. This is why tobacco companies work so hard to target teens since they are more likely to become lifelong customers."

Kyle reached for another Lark.God, how I love talking about teen addiction! "Our assumption is that the Pixie Dust will supercharge these developments, bringing about changes in days that would normally take years to occur; but we just don't know for certain what the effect will be on a young population that not only is instinctually ready to take more risks than adults, but are also obsessed at that age with sex." Kyle brought the Lark just to the outside of his lips. "The effects could be fascinating," he said lustfully before taking a slow puff.

"I think I see where this is going," Victoria said with another tap over the ashtray, followed by a powerful double-pump.
