Adrienne's Duet Pt. 06


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"Nnnnh, Nnnnh, Nnnh..." Juliet's body pushed off the mattress, her muscles straining to gain the prize. Adrienne's face remained pressed to her lover's sex, her open mouth sealed around it, and her tongue fluttering deep inside the warm, wet center.

"Ooooooh..." came her lover's drawn-out moan, rising in pitch and urgency, her torso arching off the bed as her muscles drew taut and started to quiver.

And then she released. "...Oh My!"

The wetness that flowed out of her was, for Adrienne, a gift to be savored. 'That's what it was,' she thought, as she lapped up her goodness. 'A precious gift from my girl.'


'Could life be any better?' the girls wondered. It was a warm fall day, and they were out in the garden, clearing out some weeds and preparing a few beds for some late seasonal plantings. Juliet wiped the sweat off her brow, her pink headband keeping her blonde hair out of the way of her blue eyes. In her gloved hand was a small digging tool for prepping holes for tiny seedlings.

"You look so happy," Adrienne called out, as she admired her girlfriend from the back door.

"I am," Juliet hollered back. "I just love the feel and smell of this dirt. It's so good to get my hands dirty."

"There you go, getting dirty again," Adrienne teased. The smile Juliet returned was radiant. So wide, in fact, it made her eyes seem smaller. And if possible, Adrienne fell just a little more in love with her.

And then Juliet's phone rang. "Hello?" she answered, reaching into her apron pocket.

"Yes, hello Mom." Juliet stuck the spade in the ground, and stood up, rolling her eyes. "I'm doing fine. How are you?"

For the past few weeks, Juliet's mother had been calling Juliet's phone constantly. And each time, she would press Juliet to fly home for a visit. Of course, Juliet did plan to visit at some point, but what Clarissa really wanted was Juliet to come home for good.

She just wouldn't stop pressuring Juliet to bail on her partner, and give up her present life. For a while, Juliet patiently tolerated the prodding and the cajoling, and the guilt tripping. But lately, it was starting to mess with her head.

Then, one morning after Juliet and Adrienne had finished breakfast, Juliet's phone rang, yet again. She stared at the readout and fumed. "I can't believe this!" She looked at Adrienne. "It's my mom calling again."

"Give me the phone, honey," Adrienne beckoned with her fingers from across the table. Juliet handed the phone to Adrienne who punched in the password.

"Hey Clarissa, it's Adrienne."

"Oh. May I speak with Juliet," Clarissa asked, sounding a bit disoriented.

"I'm sorry, she not home right now, and I have her phone with me. She's meeting with an enrollment counselor this morning about going back to school to start on her law degree. We're pretty stoked."

"Well, when she gets home, would you please ask her to call her mother?"

Adrienne took a deep breath. "I don't think I can to do that." She looked over at Juliet who stared back across the table, looking confused.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You can't keep calling here and pestering Juliet to move back home with you. It's not cool. We have a life here, Clarissa. And we like that life. What would really be great is if you took an interest in it, and asked her how she's doing, and what she's up to, instead of pressuring her all the time."

Juliet flashed a flirtatious smile, in reference to the 'what she's up to' comment.

"If she were living at home, I wouldn't have to pressure her," Clarissa replied in a snooty tone.

And that's when the light went on in Adrienne's brain. This had nothing to do with her daughter's lesbianism, or even finding Juliet the right guy. It was all about maintaining control.

Up until recently, Adrienne had bought into Juliet's belief that her mother was homophobic or that she didn't like Adrienne. But it ran deeper than that. After Adrienne arrived on the scene and took pride of place in Juliet's life, Clarissa was no longer top dog.

For twenty years Clarissa had controlled Juliet's life, orchestrating the outcomes, determining exactly what sort of person she was to be. And then along comes Adrienne and steals her away. And she just couldn't accept that, couldn't relinquish the reins.

And even after Juliet moved all the way across the country, Clarissa still retained some influence over her; not physically, but certainly emotionally. The key was, she didn't wield that influence over Adrienne.

"So that's it, isn't it?" Adrienne stated in an accusatory tone.

"What's 'it'?" Clarissa replied with annoyance.

"You can't control me, like you do her. And that's pissing you off. Because you have to go through me to get to her. Not because we live in Portland, but because she trusts me."

"I just want my daughter back. You have no idea what she needs, or how to care for her..."

Clarissa was pleading with Adrienne. Whether it was sincere, or just a ploy, Adrienne remained firm. "Actually, I do know what she needs. And if you cared for her as much as you say, why you do make her feel so small all the time? I have to keep reminding her that she's not, and that she is awesome and special. Something I've never heard you say to her."

Suddenly, on the other end of the phone came a guttural cry of anguish. And the line went dead. It left Adrienne shaking.

During the call, Juliet had remained at the table, confounded by Adrienne's handling of her mother. She could never do that.

After Clarissa hung up, Adrienne handed the phone back to Juliet. "Here." She made to exit the kitchen, when Juliet ran to her and stopped her.

"Sorry. I don't think I helped matters much," Adrienne said, her anger still bubbling.

"Don't say that. You were amazing. And thank you for defending me," she said, giving Adrienne a fierce hug. "I just can't get over the way you put yourself out there. How do you do it?"

Adrienne wasn't sure she knew the answer to that. "I guess when I really care about someone, I want to stand up for them. You're important to me."

Juliet smiled, at a memory.

"What?" Adrienne inquired, sensing a story.

"'You're important to me'. That's what you said after I got angry with you for ditching me at the club. And sneaking out with Lilith," she added, pinching Adrienne's waist.

"Ow! How many times do I have to say it. I didn't sneak off with her! But I'm beginning to think that maybe I should have," she pinched back.

"Oh yeah?" Juliet countered, playfully tickling Adrienne's body. "I wouldn't have been your first, then. Ooooh. That's disgusting."

"Oh yeah!" Adrienne huffed, grabbing Juliet around her waist and dragging her into the living room. "Eeeeh, no...AHHHH! Juliet screamed as Adrienne tossed her onto the sofa, and then pounced on her with a major tickling attack that had Juliet begging for mercy.

"Give up? Had enough?" Adrienne taunted, both girls laughing.

"Ahhhh, no! Stop! Yes! Yes, I've had enough! STOP!"

"Are you sorry?"

"Yes, I'm sorry I wasn't your first—I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I was your first! I was your first!"

"Darn right, you were...and my second...and my third... Want me to keep going?"

" give, I surrender..." Adrienne stopped her tickling and Juliet lay panting on the floor. Both of them were breathing fast and deep. Their faces were flushed and they were giddy with happiness.

Still slightly out of breath, Juliet reached up and pulled Adrienne down by her shirt collar. She began kissing her passionately on the mouth. Adrienne wrapped her arms around her and the kiss deepened.

Eventually, they broke their kiss, and stared into each other's eyes, their faces still flushed and their adrenaline racing through their bodies. "You know, I've heard of angry sex, and make-up sex...So, what's this, then? Tickling sex?"

"I'm not sure tickling qualifies as sex," Adrienne observed

"Well then, we better take this into the bedroom," Juliet giggled.


"Hello, Dad?" Juliet spoke into the phone.

It was Saturday morning, and the girls were sitting at the kitchen table enjoying a late breakfast of oatmeal and coffee, after a night out of dancing at their favorite club.

"Hey, sweetie. I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your mother is in the hospital."

"Oh my god, what happened?"

Adrienne saw the urgency appear on her girlfriend's face. "What's wrong?" she asked, leaning in. Juliet shook her hand, gesturing that she was trying to listen.

"Well, according to the doctors, she's suffering from mental exhaustion. She also has excessively high blood pressure," her dad explained.

"That sounds serious." Juliet, a concerned look on her face, quickly explained to Adrienne. "It's Mom. She's in the hospital." She then turned her attention back to her father. "So, is she going to be all right?"

"Well, they have her stabilized. I'm at the hospital with her now, and I'm going to stay here with her until they determine that it's safe enough to take her home. I'll call you as soon as I know more."

"Okay. Bye." Juliet signed off.

"What's wrong?" Adrienne asked, reaching out and squeezing her girlfriend's arm.

"It sounds as if Mom suffered some sort of nervous breakdown. She's in the hospital now."

"Wow. I'm sorry, Juliet." Adrienne did feel badly, despite the bad blood. She also couldn't shake the eerie feeling that she had something to do with that breakdown.

"I think I need to fly out there," Juliet suddenly stated.

"What?" Adrienne was shocked. "For how long?"

"I don't know. Until she's better, I guess. Dad can't stay with her, and Thomas has a new baby to look after. I'm pretty much the only support she has."

Adrienne gritted her teeth. "Juliet, what about school? Winter quarter starts in little over a month."

"I could put off starting until Spring quarter."

"You know some of those classes won't be offered again until next year. Try and be sensible! Look, I love your impulsiveness, and your spontaneity, but this is one time when I really think you need to take a deep breath and think this through."

Frustrated, Adrienne stood up from the table. She grabbed her coffee and got ready to head out back.

"Where you going?" Juliet asked, knowing her partner was angry with her.

"I'm going to sit outside. Damn Juliet, can't you see how that woman keeps manipulating you?"

"That's not fair! She's sick!" Juliet called after Adrienne who was making her way out to the backyard.

It was a sunny day, and Adrienne stretched out in the lounge that was part of some garden furniture they inherited with the purchase of the house. She really liked the privacy of their little backyard lot, and enjoyed relaxing with a beer and a good book out on the small patio.

A few minutes later, Juliet came out to check on Adrienne. Without saying a word, she walked over and placed a kiss on her girlfriend's head. "Hey," she said, sitting in one of the adjacent patio chairs. "I promise not to be so impulsive, okay?"

Adrienne nodded. "Okay."

Suddenly, Juliet's phone buzzed again. "It's Dad. I'm going to take this inside." She got up and went back inside to talk to her father in private.

Adrienne exhaled, wondering if they'd ever mend this tumultuous chink in their otherwise sturdy armor.

"Hey Dad, what's the news with Mom?"

"They're releasing her today. I'll be taking her home and making sure she gets plenty of rest and TLC."

"You're going to look after her? How can you do that? You're traveling all the time for work, and Thomas has a stressful job and a new baby to care for. Why don't I come and stay with her?"

"Juliet. Your mother and I are getting back together."

"What?" Juliet was shocked.

"It's the right move for us," her father added, sounding sure in his assessment.

After a pause, Juliet posed the inevitable, awkward question. "Does Caroline know about this?"

"No, but she'll be fine with it. Actually, it was she who pointed out to me that I was still in love with your mother. At first, I didn't believe her, but she was right.'ve got school starting soon, and a whole new wonderful career for you in law. Your partner is holding down a very important full-time job. The two of you are starting to build your life together. That's where your focus needs to be, honey. There will be plenty of time for you to make a trip out to see us."


"You know, watching you grow up, my biggest worry was that you found someone to really love you, and treat you well. Someone who would look after you and support you. I have to admit, I wasn't thinking that person would turn out to be a woman, but Adrienne is as loving and loyal a partner as you could ever ask for. And you don't want to mess that up. Take it from someone who has spent far too many years away from his family."

Her father's words were like a ray of sunshine pushing through a clouded sky.

Juliet thought back. During a moment of weakness, she had indeed, almost messed things up. And she had vowed then, to Adrienne, and to herself, never again to put her relationship at risk.

"Thank you, Dad, for the sage advice. I'm glad Mom has you to look after her." And they ended the call. Having made herself a cup of tea, she went to join Adrienne out in back. She approached the lounge where Adrienne was lying with eyes closed, a peaceful expression on her face.

Juliet gently massaged her shoulder, jarring Adrienne out of her nap. "Hey."

"So, when you leaving?" Adrienne asked.

"I'm not. I'm staying here so I can focus on school and put my energies into taking care of you."

Adrienne was pleasantly surprised by her girlfriend's change of heart, but still cautious about the elephant lurking in the room. "What about your mom?"

"Dad is moving back in with her, so he can look after her. Seems your mom and he aren't an item anymore."

Adrienne knew from conversations with her mother that she was ambivalent about Ted, but this was news. Adrienne carefully studied her girlfriend. She seemed happy. Her energy felt clean.

Juliet extended her hand for Adrienne to take. "What do you say we check out the bedroom?" she suggested, with a flirtatious batting of her eyelashes.

'Irresistible as always,' Adrienne sighed, gazing up at the adorable blonde who had won her heart. Not wishing to squander an opportunity, she hopped up and the two raced back into the house.


"What time does our flight leave tomorrow?" Adrienne called out from the bedroom.

"Six-thirty in the morning. The shuttle is picking us up at four-thirty."

"Oh god! This cross-country flight is going to kill me."

Juliet breezed into the bedroom and planted a kiss on Adrienne's lips. "We'll survive it. I am so excited to see your mom. This Calvin fellow sounds pretty promising."

Adrienne, nodded in agreement. "She sure seems to like him. I'm really happy for her. I'm looking forward to seeing your family, too."

This was the girls first trip back to see their families since they settled out west. Not since Juliet's mom suffered what was essentially a nervous breakdown, nearly a year ago.

And yet, despite all that past baggage, Juliet was feeling chipper. "Yeah, Mom seems to be doing much better now that Dad's back with her. And I can't wait to see Thomas and Molly's little boy. Hard to believe that Jason is already turning one."

"Time sure does fly by. Did you pack his gift?"

"Yep. I managed to squeeze it into the green carry-on. Speaking of gifts...I have a little something for you." Juliet went over to her bedside table and took a small gift-wrapped box out of the front drawer. She brought it over and held it out for Adrienne to take.

"This is for you."

Adrienne took the box. "What is it?" she asked, sitting down in a chair and staring at the beautifully wrapped box.

"Open it," Juliet said, sitting down on the edge of the bed to watch. Adrienne began carefully removing the bow and wrapping paper, doing her best not to tear it, which Juliet found quite entertaining. Adrienne eventually gave up.

"Errgh," she said ripping it open. "Sorry," she apologized, making a funny face.

Juliet laughed. "And yet somehow you have the patience to memorize a complete cello concerto."

Adrienne made another face. Inside, was a second plain box. Adrienne took off its lid. There, resting on some batting was a glittering silver band. She picked up the ring and held it up to the light. "It's beautiful, Juliet. I hope that's not a real diamond."

"Don't worry, it's not," Juliet assured her mate. "So... will you?"

Adrienne gave her a quizzical look. "Will I what?"

Juliet got up from the bed and sauntered over to her partner. "You know Sokol, for someone who claims to be the brains of this outfit, you sure are dense sometimes."

She got down on one knee at Adrienne's feet, took hold of Adrienne's hand and looked up at her. "Adrienne Sokol...Love of my life...The greatest thing that's ever happened to me...Someone who never lets me forget that I am loved and cherished...Will you consent to be my wife?"

As Adrienne sat there, looking as bewildered as ever, Juliet stood up and straddled her lap. She draped her arms around her partner's neck and kissed her gently on the lips.

And then Adrienne—level-headed Adrienne, the brains of the outfit—dropped her head onto Juliet's chest, and did something she rarely did in front of others. She burst into tears.


Dear readers: for now, this is as far as I have taken this tale of Adrienne and Juliet. It's possible that I may revisit them in the future, but for now, I'll leave them to work things out on their own. I hope you enjoyed getting to know them, and found their story worth your time.

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okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

On third (or fourth) reading, I realized something about this story. A sudden loss of focus.

One thing a writer has to keep in mind at all times is, "exactly what is the story here."

Up until the middle of the last page of this story, that was (in my mind) perfectly clear. It was about A and J. Period. It was about their adventures and misadventures, and how they dealt with them. They were not particularly hard adventures; I mean, no one died, no one broke up, and there was no grieving. All in all, pretty happy. And I was set for a smooth happy ending. And didn't get it.

Sometimes a single sentence in a story came "break" it. In this case, it was this sentence:

"Your mother and I are getting back together."

Right at the end. Right after, in fact, some very harsh words being laid out on the table for J's mom. And then this irrelevant sentence pops out.

We had just been through a complex and emotional exchange over J's mom continuously trying to trick or guilt her into coming home, about how obnoxious and manipulating she was, and note just with J. Coupled with the brilliant things being said about J's dad, them getting back together was a complete shock. What other interpretation could me make over this than J's mom's manipulation had paid off; manipulation successful!! J's mom had won, at least that part of the battle. And with no first hand information, we couldn't conclude J's mom had changed. And with that, her behind-the-scenes attempts at manipulation of J would continue. Certainly no happy ending hidden in there.

As a writer, this was, in my opinion, a wrong choice made as the wrong point in the story. The ending should have been focused on A and J, but that sequence (and later about A's mom's boyfriend) overshadowed the real story of A and J.

Other than that last half page, it truly was a great story. Including that half page, it's still a good story, but no longer great, I'm sorry to say. The last half of that last page said basically nothing about A and J, their loves, their lives, or their future. The "one year later" didn't even mention J in law school or A in the PCO.

BodysurferyeahBodysurferyeahover 1 year ago

I get that conflict and a villain adds a dramatic aspect to the story. Does it ALWAYS have to be like that? Juliette and Adrienne were good at keeping things going by giving each other pleasant surprises. Sometimes it is enough that two people support each other and make each other stronger. There is enough conflict out there already. Why not a story about people that actually get along and make each other stronger?

okami1061okami1061over 1 year ago

On second thought (and reading), leave this story be. Any more would inevitably be downhill.

Nicole2023Nicole2023almost 2 years ago

Enjoyed it ended to soon, hope you write more of them

okami1061okami1061almost 2 years ago

Yes. The story was definitely worth our time!

And it would be worth yours to write some more (not this story necessarily).

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story, thanks.

Through_Burning_EyesThrough_Burning_Eyesover 2 years ago

A very sweet (and spicy) tale, and well-told. I particularly enjoyed how healthy Adrienne and Juliet's relationships was, with obstacles leading to communication and support rather than cheap melodrama.

That said, I think you may have sold yourself a little short on the ending here. The overall plot was good, but moved a little too fast. This probably should have been two or even three chapters, so you'd have time to lead into Juliet's unhappiness more gracefully and to show more about how her mom and dad get back together and Adrienne deals with the guilt of possibly causing her breakdown.

If you just wanted to tie up the story quickly, I'd suggest dropping... pretty much all the drama elements, honestly. Show us the ladies building a life together, some small troubles and tragedies, and finish off with the concert/proposal. I'm of the opinion that it's better to have a sappy story with no drama than one where the big dramatic events wind up being undersold.

Looking forward to seeing what you write next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Nice work. The only real issue I had with it is the portrayal of Portland as anything other than an ungodly shithole.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You did a fantastic job, but I didn't care for Juliet's cheating at the eleventh hour. It killed a lot of the affection I had for the character. I don't care for it in any story, but here it's particularly egregious because there's no where near enough time to redeem the character. Perhaps if it had happened earlier in the story there would have been more opportunity to build her back up. Her reasoning was also really weak. Not that there is ever a good reason to do what she did. Aside from that, I thought bit was great and I hope that you'll favor us with more of your writing.

Jimbo3948Jimbo3948almost 3 years ago

Very enjoyable story. Thank you for writing it for all of us.

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